Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts:Behind the Scenes ❯ And it rolls on ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sora is flipping threw the channels when he sees that one commercial about that amazing alysen thingy.

Alysen: Your like a hairstylest!

Girl:She really knows your brushing her hair!

Sora's eyes go wide.

Girl: Do you know what today is?

Alysen: It's your birthday!

Girl2: How does she know!?

Sora: -gasp- A smart cookie....I GOTTA GET ONE!!!

So Sora runs out his door screaming "AMAZING ALYSEN I'M GONNA GET YOU!!!"

Sora walks till he finds a fork in the road.

Creepy Voice: Sora.... You have 2 options. You have dangerous paths which ever one you choose.


Creepy Voice: Choose the road to the road to the left and it'll take you to KMart,Every thing, Every day (I think that's the slogan -_-*). Or Walmart, All ways low prices. You will face peril no mat-

Sora: -runs down the Walmart path screaming- Keyblader of the World!!!!

Creepy Voice:Nobody chooses the Kmart path...-sigh-

Sora:Ok now there's going to be alot of trouble getting my Amazing Alysen,but I'll do it!

There was no 4real danger,that is untill he reached WalMart....

Sora:Holly gosheries in a sack of beans birdman!How will I ever get past....All these cars!?

Cars,vans,and trucks surrounded everywhere.

Sora:Well I'll just have to try.-begins running in front of all the vehicles-KEYBLADERS OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!

He manages to get past them all untill he reached the front of it.

Sora: There it is!Came out unscathed.*BAM*!!!

But here comes a crazy taxi,and...BAM

-1 month later-

Sora: I'm back after having a busted rib,broken leg and neck!I'm recovered!!!Now to buy me a amazing Alysen!-runs in Walmart-Sora:Hmm every things qui-

Greeting Dude:Hell-o....welcometowalmartwhereeverythingisallwayslowprices ifyouneedhelpmynameisBob,andhowcanIbeofservicetoday?

(Those guys can talk fast,translation:Welcome to Walmart where every thing is allways low prices,if you need help my name is Bob, and how can I be of service today?)

Sora:Hello...Umm I don't need help....

Bob:Okhaveaniceday! (Ok have a nice day.)

Sora:Yeah you too, bukaroo.

Sora walked to the toy part to find his doll,but he sees Riku in a corner.

Riku: Yeah I got the last one!!!Amazing Alysen your mine!!!

Sora: No!!!!!!!

Riku: Oh hey Sora waz up?

Sora: No!Amazing Alysen rightfully belongs to me!

Riku: Say's who?

Sora: -dramatic pose/voice- Destiny!

Riku: Well fate brought me here to get this doll.

Sora: Well I geuse will just have to fight to the death.

Riku: Bring it!

Sora: Can you handle the power of the Keyblade?

Riku: Idiot I have one to!

Sora: Woops ^-^*

Riku: Let's get started!

Sora: -runs to him- KEYBLADER OF THE WORLD!!!!!

Riku:Hahahaha can you keep up?

So they fight clashing keyblades and junk like that,untill...

Little girl lets call her hmmmm Sue, that works.

Sue: Yay the last Amazing Alysen!!!I love you Alysen!

They stop fighting.

Riku: We can't kill the little girl can we?

Sora: I really don't think so.

Riku: Oh well.

2 little boys lets call them....Sam and Tod.

Tod: look Sam real looking Sora and Riku action figures!!!

Sam: Let's buy them.

Riku: T-T!!!nooooo...

Sora: Woah, woah,woah were 4 real.

Tod: Look they even talk, there life size, they even feel real!

Sam: They must cost a fortune.

Riku:-mutters to Sora- Make Tod stop touching me....


Sam: OMG the boy melesters comming!!!!


Sora: Hey, hey Riku, Tod had a little girl scream!

Riku: Hehe.

Sora: Sooo...What do we buy know?

Riku: There's nothing!!!

Sora: I suppose we could come back here in a couple of weeks.

Ranma-Chan93: Will Sora and Riku ever get there Amazing Alysen?Find out in part 2!!!