Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Castle of Darkness, Heart of Light ❯ A New Threat ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A dark cloaked man stood at the balcony of the old castle. The place was falling apart and covered in layers of dust, but for now, it suited him. He looked out across the vast sea that seemed to stretch out for eternity. The man smiled as he lifted his face to the sky. All those stars, those worlds, up there would soon be his. As soon as he rid himself of that pesky kid who wielded the Keyblade, and his friends.
The man held out a hand and an orb appeared above it. He could see Sora, the Keyblade wielder, laughing and enjoying his time with his friends. “Enjoy it while you can,” the man snarled softly, “because soon you will be dead, as well as your friends.”
“Why do you bear such a grudge against a single kid?” someone said from behind the man. The newcomer took a place beside the cloaked man, arms folded across his chest. The man had long silver hair and carried a long, thin blade at his side. A large, feathered black wing that came from his right shoulder was folded against his back.
“I have my reasons, Sephiroth,” the cloaked man said, “Same as you have your reasons for despising the ex-Soldier Cloud.” As the man spoke, the image in the orb shifted to that of a tall, black clad, blond haired man. Beside him, Sephiroth let out a hissing sound through his teeth.
“I will kill him this time,” Sephiroth said coldly.
“What of his pact-sister?” the man asked, closing his hand and allowing the orb to disappear.
“I can deal with her.”
“Can you?” the man asked, turning slightly to look at the silvered haired man with one eye. “You do know what she is, and the powers she possesses?”
Sephiroth nodded and said, “I do, but despite her power, she is still only a child. Hurt the right spot and she will fall.”
“And the boy, Sora?”
“He's just the same. Young and still oblivious to true darkness. They all have their weaknesses.”
The cloaked man nodded and said, “Do your best to bring them to this world. Here, we can be rid of them much quicker.”
Sephiroth nodded. “I will,” he said.
Underneath the hood of his cloak, the man smiled.
Sora woke up and shot up from bed. He looked around and saw that he was in his room on the Destiny Islands. He gave a sigh and got out of bed. He walked to his window and looked out. The dream he had had felt so weird. He had seen darkness all around him. Then he saw a dark castle on an island. He saw all of his friends; Riku, Kairi, Leon, Donald, Goofy, Yuffie, Cid, Aerith, Tifa, Cloud and even King Mickey. They were all fighting dark creatures and they were all falling, one by one, until it was only Sora left. Then Sora saw a cloaked man that had glowing yellow eyes. The man laughed wickedly and that was when Sora woke up.
Sora sighed and ran a hand down his face. He had had this dream for several nights now and he had a feeling that it wasn't a coincidence. “It's a sign,” he said to himself, “Something's up.” Which meant one thing; he had to go to Radiant Garden and tell Leon and the others. Nodding to himself, Sora got dressed into the clothing that the three fairies had made for him three years ago and gathered the different key chains for his Keyblade. Writing a note for his mom, Sora left. He first went to Riku's house and threw a few rocks at his friend's window until the silver haired teenager poked his head out. Quickly telling Riku what was going on, Sora got Riku to agree that they had to go. Telling Riku to meet him at the Gummi Ship, Sora went and got Kairi. After about a half hour since Sora woke up, the three friends were at the Gummi Ship, which sat among the cliffs near the beach. They got in and Sora fired up the engine. The ship sprang to life and with Sora and Riku at the controls, they left the Destiny Islands and headed towards Radiant Garden.
A soft wind made the fur on the wolf ripple. She stood on a ledge of the cliffs outside of Radiant Garden, close to the castle. She could see the tall spires of the castle, newly built since the battle against the heartless that had occurred here three years ago. Although she wasn't here at the time, she had heard much about it and just the thought of all those heartless caused the hair on her back to stand on end. She had been in her own world, with no knowledge of the other worlds or even of heartless. She had been young then, and was told nothing of what was beyond her own world. During those days, all she had worried about was when she would come of age and be allowed to train to become a warrior among her people. But now, she was more than that and apart of something much greater.
The wolf had silver fur that was streaked with light blue, which seemed to glow like crystal. Around her neck was a silver chain where a wolf's head, carved from white stone and streaked with black, hung. The wolf was large; three times the size of a normal wolf. Her eyes were not gold like a normal wolf's either, but a deep violet. She was a Wolfkin, a human who had the ability to transform into a wolf. Her people lived in their own world and hardly went to other worlds. She was the first to do so in over a thousand years. She knew that her father, the leader of her pack, disapproved of her passing into other worlds, but he never said anything. And only her family knew, and that was good enough. But she never told him of the pact she made, because it went against the ways of her own people.
The wolf pointed her nose to the air and sniffed the breeze. “Where are you?” she said softly. She turned and started towards the town. She knew that she would find him there. Her walk went to a run and she seemed to fly across the ground. Her paws hardly made a sound as they touched the hard stone of the gorge. She made it to the edge of town and stopped. Sniffing the air, she could smell the scent of her pact-brother among the other scents that drifted through town. “Leon will know where you are,” the wolf said. Then she headed into town, her shape changing as she did.