Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Castle of Darkness, Heart of Light ❯ Seaching ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Leon sat in the sitting parlor with everyone else. He sat on the floor with his back against the wall, one knee draw up with his arm resting on it, a book lying on his other leg that was stretched out in front of him. They were all searching through books and scrolls, looking for anything that would lead them to Dark Castle, or to Sather. There was only the sound of pages turning and, paper rattling and the crackle of the fire in the fireplace. Everyone was searching except for Keirii and Cloud. Keirii because she was still a wolf for the next few hours and Cloud because he was still recovering from the shock knowing that Sephiroth was still alive. Which has to suck, Leon thought, seeing how he nearly died again trying to defeat him.
Cloud now sat in an overstuffed chair close to the fireplace, lips pressed to the side of his laced fingers, elbows propped on the arms of the chair and Leon could tell that he was deep in thought. Keirii was lying on the floor on her stomach next to him, her head resting on her paws. Her eyes were open and staring into nothing and Leon would have thought she was dead if he couldn't see her sides moving with every breath she took. Cloud sighed softly and Keirii lifted her head, ears pricked. She looked up at Cloud and whined deep in her throat. Cloud reached over and rubbed her between the ears. Neither were speaking, but Leon knew that they were communicating to each other through mind-speak.
One good thing about having a pact; you can have a private conversation with each other, even when there are people around. With a soft sigh, Leon turned back to the text he was reading.
“Hey, I found something,” Yuffie exclaimed, and everyone looked up quickly at her. “Wait… no, this is someone named Suther and… eww! That's just gross!”
“What?” Sora asked, looking up from where he was lying on the floor next to Kairi.
“This guy was this vampire thingy that would return the body of his victim to the family after he drained them of blood and had eaten the flesh…”
“Okay!” Sora yelped, “Never mind! Please tell me that that guy's not around anymore?”
Yuffie shook her head. “Nope, not anymore. Good thing too; I wouldn't wanna go against that thing.”
Leon moaned and looked back at the book he was reading. This was getting them no where. While they toiled away at books, trying to find what they were looking for, Sather was slowly sending more heartless back to the worlds. He looked up briefly as Aerith took a seat next to him on the floor, her feet drawn up under her, holding her own book. “Any luck?” she asked softly.
Leon looked up at Aerith and shook his head. “Nothing,” he said, “There is nothing about either the Dark Castle or Sather. And all we've found in the past two hours is something about a freaky vampire.”
Aerith sighed and leaned back. “There has to be something,” she said. She reached for the book Leon was looking through. “May I?”
Leon nodded and handed the book to her. Their hands touched and Leon felt heat rush through him. He looked up at Aerith and knew that she felt the same thing. Their eyes locked for a moment before Leon broke eye contact. He heard Aerith clear her throat softly and open the book. Leon got angry at himself for acting so quiet about his feelings for Aerith. You know that she likes you as well, so say something, he told himself. But a little voice in the back of his head kept saying, Are you sure about that? You know that she had had feelings for Cloud in the past and those two been through a lot more together than you know of. Leon shook his head slightly and looked at Aerith. He knew that he had to tell her. Just get it out in the open and see what came next. But something inside of him was preventing him to, and that's what was pissing him off.
Eureka!” Cid exclaimed, slapping a hand down onto the table. Everyone looked up again as Cid got to his feet, holding the book in his hands. “It says that Sather is a dark mage and all that stuff Keirii already told us, yada-yada. But it also says that this dude's been alive for over a thousand years.”
“Does it say about how to defeat him?” Tifa asked.
“Hang on, I'm working on it,” Cid said, waving his hand. “They say that he has been after Keyblade wielders his entire life, and anyone connected to them. But he's been unsuccessful because he's always been beaten back. They say that it's because he cannot get control over them because there is little to none darkness in their hearts. It is said that the only true way to defeat him is to break his control over you, creating a back-lash of his own power, including the power of light, right back at him.”
“And how did they figure all of that out?” Riku asked.
Cid shrugged and said, “Guy's been living a thousand years, so it must have leaked out somehow.”
“Is there anything about Dark Castle?” Leon asked.
Cid flipped through the pages and then shook his head. “Not really, only that it was where Sather reined before he disappeared a hundred years ago, after the war against the Wolfkin.”
“My people,” Keirii said, sitting up. “My grandfather was in that battle.”
Cid nodded and looked back at Leon. “But that's all it says.”
Keirii looked at Leon and said, “Sephiroth said that the Dark Castle was in the Dark Lands. We could look that up.”
“It could be on Ansem's computer,” Mickey said.
Leon nodded and he stood up. Looking at Cid, he said, “You go check, and we'll meet you there in a bit.”
Cid place the book down and gave his usual salute; flicking his thumb quickly on his chin. “Alright, I'll get onto it.” Then he walked out.
“So once we find this creep, then what?” Yuffie asked.
“We go after him,” Sora said, jumping to his feet. “He wants to have a fight, we'll give him one.”
“We'll show him that's he's messing with the wrong people, right Sora?” Riku said, looking at Sora with a smile. Sora grinned and gave him a thumbs up.
“But, uh… what about Cloud?” Goofy asked. Donald stomped on his foot and Goofy yelped. But Goofy had brought up a good question, one no one really wanted to think of what the answer may be. Leon knew that if Cloud went with them, he would be in danger of falling under Sather's control more than the rest of them. But Cloud was also one of their best fighters and Leon knew that they were going to need him in this battle.
“I'm going,” Cloud said, standing up. Leon stared at Cloud and he wasn't the only one. Everyone looked at Cloud with amazement and a bit of horror.
“But, if Sather gets control of you,” Tifa exclaimed, “we might not be able to get you back.”
Cloud shrugged and said, “Then I just won't get caught… ow!” Cloud looked down and everyone jumped at his exclamation.
Keirii removed her jaws from Cloud's wrist. She had bitten him hard enough to cause pain, but not to cut into the skin and draw blood. She glared at Cloud and snapped, “Don't take this so lightly, idiot.” Then she turned and left, but despite her tone of voice, she walked out with her head and tail low.
Leon sighed as he watched the wolf walk out. He turned to look back at Cloud and said, “She's worried about you, and she's not the only one.”
“Yeah,” Tifa said, walking over to Cloud and taking his hand. “We can all protect you, but to a certain extent. It must mostly come from you. You can't let this guy get a hold of your heart.”
“I know,” Cloud said. He looked at Tifa and squeezed her hand. “I won't let him get to me. I will let what light I have protect me.”
Tifa nodded and smiled. Riku stood up and said, “I'll go look for Keirii. We'll meet in the Research Lab?”
Leon nodded and Cloud looked up at Riku. Grimacing slightly, the blonde warrior said, “I would go, but she might knock my head off right now. The moon should be set by now, so Keirii would have turned back, meaning that you should be safe.”
Riku laughed and said, “Naw, she wouldn't hurt me. Sora, maybe, but probably not me.”
“Whadda mean?” Sora exclaimed. Riku just smiled at Sora and then he left.
Leon chuckled and looked through the section that Cid had found. There was a lot of text and even a picture, more of a drawing, of Sather. It was of a hooded man with eyes glowing in the darkness of the hood. Leon felt himself shiver and Aerith came up behind him and rested a hand on his arm. Leon looked down at her and gave her a slight nod, letting her know that he was fine. He looked around the room and saw King Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Yuffie talking amongst themselves. Tifa still stood with Cloud, talking to him, a worried expression on her face. Cloud said something and Tifa pressed her face against his chest. Sora and Kairi stood together, holding hands. Sora said something that made Kairi giggle and Sora brushed a strand of her auburn hair away from her face.
Leon sighed and Aerith looked at him. “What is it?” she asked.
Leon looked at her and said, “Just wondering how much longer we all have to go against the heartless. Will it ever end?”
Aerith looked at him, her face sad. “I don't know, Leon. I really don't.”
Riku walked through the garden, looking for Keirii. The moon, like Cloud said, had set, meaning that Keirii was no longer a wolf. But even though the moon was gone, the night was clear and the many stars in the sky lit his way. Tiny green fireflies danced among the sleeping flowers and flew around him. Riku smiled at the peacefulness this place gave. Aerith had done a good job in creating this place. Here, he was able to forget everything that had happened to him in the past; that although it had been three years, there was still a darkness inside of him, though not as great as what Cloud had, that would never leave. The fact that his Keyblade was the same as it was when he and Sora faced Xemnas and Organization XIII was the proof. It was a powerful blade and he used it for good now, it was still a symbol of his past, of when he allowed the darkness to take over. Riku shook his head and continued down the path, letting his mind go of everything and take this moment to be at peace with himself.
A while later, Riku came to the point where the paths branched off in different directions. And standing there was the Life Tree. He remembered Aerith telling them that this tree was what gave the garden life and that it was connected to all worlds. Riku looked up at the large tree, feeling an immense power coming from it. Stepping up close to it, he placed his hand onto the smooth, white bark. He could feel a warmth to the tree and he swore that he could feel a pulse under his hand, like a heartbeat. Looking up at its high branches, he saw that fireflies were flying among the leaves, giving the tree a mystical look. The white flowers growing among the leaves seemed to glow with their own light. Riku sighed and looked at his hand resting on the tree. He had threatened the lives of his friends with that hand. Riku wondered if he could ever forgive himself for what he had done. He knew that Sora and Kairi and everyone else had, but could he?
Riku heard a soft music in the distance and it jarred him from his thoughts. He walked around the tree and headed down the path towards a small grove of trees. As he got closer, the music got louder and Riku realized that it was a woman singing. He could also hear the sound of running water. He started to walk through the grove and when he got to the other side, he stopped so he was still hidden in the shadows. Riku's eyes widened slightly at the sight he had come across.
Kneeling on the bank of a small stream was Keirii, but she wasn't alone. Sitting in front of her was a wolf that seemed to be made of glowing white light. It looked solid, but at the same time, it seemed transparent. Keirii was the one singing, her hand held out to the wolf. Her hair hung down her back, the blue streaks in her hair glowing in the faint light. Although she was dressed in her usual combat clothing, except the long jacket, she looked beautiful. The light of the stars made her skin glow, and when the wind shifted, it caused bits of her hair to brush against her bare arms, looking like small rivulets were curving down the length of her arm. Keirii was singing in a language that Riku figured was the language of her people, but although he didn't understand what she was saying, the sound of her voice made Riku want to laugh and cry at the same time. It also lulled him into a sense of peace that he never felt before. Even as he watched, another wolf appeared out of thin air to join the first. The first stretched out its head to touch the tip of its nose to Keirii's out-stretched hand while the second went over to Keirii's side and laid down, nuzzling her arm. Riku didn't move from where he stood, not wanting to disturb anything that was happening.
After a while, Keirii stopped singing and lowered her hand. The first wolf turned his head and looked at Riku. Riku felt his breath catch in his chest as the wolf stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. He heard a deep but gentle voice in his head, which he figured to be the wolf's, that said, Protect her, Keyblade Wielder. Take care of her. Riku was confused, wondering what whoever it was meant.
Keirii turned her head as well and saw Riku standing there. The second wolf stood and walked over to stand at the side of the first. Together, both wolves lifted their heads and let out a long, eerily beautiful howl before disappearing into mist. Keirii stood and Riku walked down to meet her. Keirii smiled as Riku approached. “Hey, Riku,” she said softly.
“Hey,” Riku said. He stopped beside Keirii and Keirii nodded towards a small arch bridge that went over the stream. Getting the message, Riku nodded and the two of them headed towards the bridge. Walking up the bridge, they got up to the point where the arch was the highest and Keirii stopped. She boosted herself up onto the railing and Riku leaned against it beside her. They sat like that for a while before Riku finally said, “That was- really beautiful, you singing.”
Keirii looked down at the bridge flooring. “You heard all of that?”
“Yeah, and who were those wolves? They weren't alive, were they?”
Keirii looked up at the sky, her long hair tumbling over her shoulders. “In a way, yes. They are two of the guardians of my people. They were among the first Wolfkin of the Mountain tribe.”
“Mountain tribe?”
Keirii looked at Riku and smiled. “The Wolfkin are divided into four tribes, or packs; the Mountain tribe, the Artic tribe, the Plains tribe and the Desert tribe. Then there are the others who left their tribe and live on their own; the Loners. My father is the leader of the mountain tribe. Anyone who has a problem goes to him. Each tribe consists of over a thousand Wolfkin. Then there is the leader of all the Wolfkin, Zion.”
Riku shook his head in amazement. “There's that many of you? I'm surprised that I never heard of your kind until now.”
“Like I had said before, my world separates itself from all other worlds. They feel that they have no need of others. We are a proud people.”
“But you're different,” Riku said, “You are mingling with us and we aren't from your world.”
Keirii nodded and said, “I have accepted my destiny, even though my people think I am a traitor for doing so.”
Riku frowned, wondering how Keirii could return to her home, knowing that her kind looked down upon her because she was destined to do things that were against the ways of her kind. She was tough and had such a strong will and spirit, maybe even more so than Sora. Deciding to change the subject, Riku looked back at Keirii and asked, “So why were you singing to them.”
“I was actually singing to myself and they came to me, knowing that I was upset about everything that's going on, to comfort me. They had accepted me when my people didn't and they were there for me before I met Cloud and when I was always alone, after my mother died. They were the ones who had taught me the ancient songs of my tribe. When I made a pact with Cloud, they accepted it happily, knowing that it made me happy. And they are proud of the power that I have gained and learned to use so quickly and well. I tend to see them now as my own guardians.”
Riku nodded and said, “They do have a right to be proud. You have such amazing powers.”
Keirii smiled sadly and Riku swore he saw a glimmer of tears in her eyes. “But, I'm not strong enough to remove the darkness from Cloud's heart. Even though he tries to find his light and remove the darkness, a little more of him is consumed in darkness. The most happened today, when he saw that Sephiroth was still alive.”
“He'll find it,” Riku told her, “I'm sure he will.”
Keirii smiled at him and Riku felt something flutter inside of him. When Keirii smiled, the light in her eyes glowed brighter. Her face was heart shaped and with her hair surrounding her face, she looked stunning. Keirii nodded and said, “I know he will, but will he find it soon enough?”
Riku shook his head and said, “I can't answer that. It took me a while to pull away from the darkness and even now, there is a little bit still in my heart.”
Keirii looked at him and said, “You're human, and all humans have some darkness in their hearts. It's what makes you human.”
Riku nodded and then he smiled slightly at Keirii. “Don't worry about Cloud. We are all there for him.” He didn't like seeing Keirii worried like this. Riku then realized what he was thinking and began to wonder where these feelings he had for Keirii were coming from. He had only known her for a few days, but yet it seemed like he had known her forever. He then thought again about what that wolf had said… Take care of her. Did it mean that Riku was falling in love with Keirii and those wolves knew it? Riku pushed the thought out of his mind. He couldn't be falling in love with Keirii; it was too soon.
Keirii spoke again, bringing Riku from his thoughts. “You're right… I don't know what's gotten into me.”
“Maybe the fact that we're gonna go against someone who has the ability to control people?”
“Yeah,” Keirii said. She hung her head and whispered, so softly that Riku could hardly hear her, “I just don't want to lose him.”
Riku nodded in understanding and, slowly, put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. “You won't. Cloud's tough and, from what Sora has told me about him, he won't allow himself to be taken over.”
Keirii looked up at Riku and she reached up and rested a hand on top of his on her shoulder. Her hand felt warm against his and Riku felt that stirring sensation in his stomach again. Keirii looked at Riku and gave him a soft smile that Riku had seen Cloud give him only moments before; it was a smile of thanks. “You're a good friend, Riku,” she said.
Riku smiled and said, “Yeah, well, I try to be. And you are a good friend too, Keirii, and a good person. Cloud is lucky to have you as a sister.”
Keirii blushed slightly and looked away shyly. Riku swallowed and for a moment, neither said anything, but they didn't move their hands from each other either. Finally, Riku said, “Come on, let's get back. We're supposed to meet the others in the Research Lab.”
Keirii nodded and Riku took her hand to help her down. Keirii stumbled slightly, Riku guessed that the deck must be a little slippery and her having no shoes on didn't help. He caught her and held on to her lightly for a while. Keirii looked up at him, her violet eyes wide slightly and her cheeks tinged with pink. Riku looked down at her, his hands resting on her slender hips, her hands resting on his arms. The feeling returned and Riku found himself again wondering where these feelings, for a girl he hardly knew, were coming from. Keirii was beautiful; he would admit that, but still…
“We should get going,” Keirii said, pulling away from Riku. She turned and headed back towards the castle.
Riku sighed and followed her. He had a feeling that Keirii shared the same feelings and probably didn't understand them as much as he did. It's probably just an infatuation or something, he told himself. He had been watching Sora and Kairi for a long time and how they were with each other and maybe that was what triggered these feelings. I'm sure they'll go away after a while. But, in the back of his mind, something told him that he didn't want them to.
“Alright then,” Cid said, flexing his hands over the keyboard. “Let's see what we can find.”
Tifa stood beside Cloud as everyone waited for Cid to find something about the Dark Castle and its whereabouts. Even though she was trying her best to concentrate on the matter at hand, she couldn't help but be aware of how close to Cloud she was. She could feel the heat of his body and smell the natural scent of him and just that alone threw off her concentration. Tifa loved him with a passion and, although he hardly showed it, Cloud had the same feelings for her. The way he had held her hand tightly and held her to him for that brief moment proved that, but now he acted like none of that ever happened. It irritated her that he would seem so open one moment and then push her away the next. At least he's being more open now than he was before. Before he defeated Sephiroth, or at least thought he did, and before Keirii, he was so shut up inside himself. But, some of her talks with Keirii let Tifa know that Cloud still had a long way to go. And now that Sephiroth was still alive proved that it'll be a while yet until Cloud began to open up more and be like a normal person. Keirii had told Tifa that Cloud would get so wrapped up inside himself sometimes that he would even shut Keirii out. Tifa had no idea what the fact that Sephiroth actually being alive when Cloud thought he had killed him three years ago was going to make Cloud do. Tifa was afraid that he would disappear from time to time and Tifa would hardly ever see him, like the time when she had first met Sora.
Or maybe he won't, Tifa thought as she heard footsteps and turned to see Keirii and Riku walk into the lab. If Cloud tried to pull that, Keirii would kick his ass for sure. Tifa smiled slightly. Cloud's pact-sister had spunk, which made Tifa like her, but she did have a kind heart. She cared for Cloud almost as much as Tifa did, if not more. When Tifa had first met Keirii, she thought she had a competition against the younger woman. But when it became clear that Keirii didn't see Cloud that way, Tifa relaxed. She remembered what Keirii had said to Tifa when she had gone to the girl about her thoughts. “Cloud's not my type. I love him dearly, but he's just too broody for me.” Both of them had laughed at that and they had been better friends ever since. Tifa had been happy when Keirii had made the offer to Cloud to make a pact and that Cloud agreed to it. She was glad that Cloud now had someone who he could lean onto when she wasn't around. Tifa hoped that someday, she would be linked to Cloud in a similar manner; Keirii had told Tifa about lifebonds and that was what Tifa wished that she and Cloud would have someday.
Keirii walked in and stood beside Tifa while Riku went over to where Sora and Kairi were. Keirii glanced at Riku once and then looked away quickly, but not before she turned a faint shade of pink. Tifa hid a smile. Something had happened, or almost happened, between Riku and Keirii. Tifa had been noticing Riku looking at Keirii ever since he arrived and Keirii had been giving him similar glances. Suddenly, Keirii jolted and turned a bright red. She glared at Cloud around Tifa and, glancing at Cloud, Tifa noticed a hint of a smile to Cloud's lips although he still looked ahead at what Cid was doing. On Tifa's other side, Keirii grumbled something under her breath and Tifa had to hold in a laugh. She had no idea what Cloud said to Keirii through mind-speak, but from Keirii's reaction, it must have not been good.
Shaking her head, she turned back and concentrated on what was going on. Cid was still searching through files and King Mickey stood beside him, helping him out. Finally, Cid hit a key and a file popped up. “Ha!” Cid exclaimed. Yuffie went behind him and looked at the page that popped up.
“Yay, you found it…oh pooh…”
“What?” Leon asked walking over.
Cid looked around and gestured to the screen. “It's all in jibberish… well, in another language. I could translate it, but it may take some time…”
“And time is one thing we don't have a lot of,” Cloud said, walking away from Tifa and to the computer. He leaned over slightly and looked closely at the page on the screen, a frown on his face. After a bit, he straightened and he turned to Keirii. “The writing looks familiar to what I saw in that cave in your world,” he said to her. “Do you think you can read it?”
Keirii walked over and Tifa followed. Everyone huddled around the computer now as Cid stood and allowed Keirii to sit. The young woman pulled the chair close and peered at the page. She nodded and looked at Cloud. “You're right; it is the same text that was on the cave wall. It's the ancient language and writing of the Wolfkin, lost thousand of years ago.”
“But can you read it?” Leon asked.
Keirii nodded again and looked back at the screen. “The guardians taught me the language and writing, as well as the priestess in our pack once she realized that I possessed the powers that I do. A lot of the ancient spells for someone gifted with sacred powers is in this writing. My father doesn't know that I understand this language and that is best.” No one questioned why it was and Keirii didn't say. Instead she traced a finger under the line of symbols and translated. “The Dark Lands had once been the old world of the Wolfkin. But darkness fell when the different tribes of the Wolfkin went into war for reasons that were lost with time. Those who died plagued the land and poisoned the water with darkness. Once the Wolfkin realized what was happening, they fled the world and found another. The Dark Lands continued to grow darker and finally a dark being manifested itself from the dead, becoming Sather, the Dark Mage. That is the legend of the Dark Lands.” Keirii continued to scan through the writing, muttering softly in what Tifa supposed was the language that the text was written in. “Here,” she finally said, “The Dark Lands reside in the far nether regions of the universe. It's located near the World that Never Was…”
“We know where that is,” Sora said and King Mickey nodded.
“That's where Organization XIII tried to open Kingdom Hearts. Of course that world would be there,” Riku said, “By the sounds of it, the Dark Lands is an alternate world of the World that Never Was.”
“Except the World that Never Was is no longer there, ever since the Organization was destroyed,” Mickey said, “So the Dark Lands would probably disappear as well when we defeat Sather.”
“That's what it says here,” Keirii said, turning back to the computer screen. “The Dark Lands will remain as long as the heart of darkness is still beating. That heart of darkness being Sather.”
“Alright,” Leon said. He stepped back and everyone turned to face him. “We now know where this place is and now we have to go, and defeat this guy before he can do anymore harm.” He looked at each and every one of them before continuing. “We are probably going against something that we've never faced before. I will understand if some of you don't want to do this, but we need all the help we can get; the fate of all the worlds does. So, who's in?”
Cloud straightened and walked over to Leon. “I already said that I'm going and I'm not changing my mind.” Cloud stood beside the other warrior and nodded. “I'm in.”
Keirii stood and walked over as well. “I'm in as well. I would be ashamed if I back down from going against the creature my grandfather died fighting against.”
Sora looked over at Riku and Kairi, who both nodded to him. Sora looked back at Leon and said, “We're in as well. You guys wouldn't know about this if it wasn't for us. Besides, Sather's gunning for me and I'm not going to let that stop me.”
“We're in too,” Mickey, Donald and Goofy said at once.
“Well, someone's gonna have to pilot the ship,” Cid said, “I'm in.”
“Me too!” Yuffie exclaimed, punching the air.
Tifa nodded to Leon and said, “I'm in.” She saw Cloud look over at her and something flickered in his eyes, something Tifa thought looked to be sadness and fear.
“I'm going too,” Aerith said. Tifa looked over at the young woman as she walked over to Leon. Tifa wasn't surprised that Aerith was going. Despite how she looked, the woman was tough and strong willed.
Leon nodded and said, “I figured that all of you were coming. I just wanted to give you the chance to decide.”
“Come on,” Yuffie said, placing her hands on her hips. “Do you honestly think that we are going to back down from another adventure?”
“You're always the one to look on the bright side Yuffie,” Tifa said to the ninja with a laugh.
“One more for all of us,” Sora said, “Just like old times, only with a few new members of the gang.”
Tifa nodded to Sora, remembering the last battle she had fought alongside him with. She looked around at the people she was surrounded with; some old friends, some new, but she prayed that each and every one of them would return from this, safe and alive.