Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9
Thanks for the reviews! They help keep me going! I really appreciate it.
SO! I'm pretty fond of the Xemnas and Saix pairing, would any of you be angry if I hinted at that? I can totally refrain if you object. (They're cute together- SQUEE!)
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
Sorcerer's Loft
Panting Roxas threw open the last door. It hadn't been really all that hard to get rid of the Nobodies and Heartless, but he'd tried to rush to the top and it hadn't gone well. Whenever he took a few steps he'd have to take a few back to guard against the sudden appearance of enemies. The last stretch had been the most tiring, the Berserker's had gotten a good whack at him a few times. Figment had gone ahead and was waiting for him in the room.
“Figment, where is he?” Roxas instantly asked seeing that the room was empty. There was a table with a book, ink bottle, quill, and a few other things on it in the center of the room. A vacant chair was pulled up behind it, and all along the walls were scattered patches of book shelves. Along the wall opposite him large cut out windows looked over the vast clouds and mountain tops that made up this strange place.
Figment bowed his head, landing on the table. He looked a little ashamed and sad, “He's not here,” squeaked the dragon.
“Not here…” Roxas repeated in a forlorn tone. Walking to the desk he sat down on it, looking at the chakrams in his lap. He'd been told to go to Disney Castle but he didn't want to have wasted all this time getting here. There had to be something he could use to make up for the lost time.
Suddenly on his feet and throwing books from the shelves, he ransacked the room for anything to help him- to save him from this anxiety. Over his shoulder he called to Figment, “Start reading! Look for anything- everything that I might need!” He told the dragon, his gaze stripping each book of any mystery.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
Stopping in his tracks Axel abruptly screamed a string of obscenities; he screamed them until his breath ran out. Then he screamed some more about how stupid Demyx was and how he, Axel, wanted very much not to care that the Melodious Nocturne was gone. When his voice went hoarse, he slumped forward, defeated. While he'd gone onwards dark clouds had gathered above him for real. Now they had just begun to spill their contents over the ground. It was pouring, wet and cold. The two things Axel despised most aside from Marluxia and the other Organization scum.
“All right! I give… I got the message; I'll find him.” Axel sighed sadly, drawing up his hood to block out the rain. If Demyx had been there he was sure the punk would have been dancing like a fool singing. At this his chest ached. How could he not have gone after Demyx in the first place? “Ugh! I'm so stupid! I can't believe I let another one slip through my fingers! Just like Roxas! Damn it! I'm not letting him get away; I'm not going to be responsible for that again!” He yelled at himself before breaking in a dead run. `I've got to find him, if I don't… I'll never be able to forgive myself.' His thoughts ran in a panic, and, despite not being able to do so, he felt fear and dread clutching the heart that wasn't there.
Every step of the way he was screaming at himself that he should've stopped him. He should have been strong for Roxas and kept him.
Sorcerer's Loft
Roxas collapsed into a heap before the piles of books; he and Figment had searched almost all of them. There had been nothing of great importance in any of them, and it renewed the despair that he may never be able to get back to Axel. Listlessly, he picked up another book, flipping through the pages. It was again about nothing he didn't already know about, it was on the Organization. Though, as he flipped through it he stopped at the pages about Axel. He didn't read them, he didn't need to. While together they had been close friends, telling each other anything and everything. Roxas was more likely to know more than the book did. The last member of the Organization stopped there because it had a picture of his dearly missed companion. It was just a profile picture, but Roxas cherished it; it had been a long time since he'd seen Axel's face.
“I'll find you soon.” Roxas whispered before he jumped at Figment's touch. The dragon leaned over his shoulder, both hands on it.
“Is this who we're looking for?” Asked the lizard happily.
“No.” Roxas answered hastily closing the book, “I just… Was thinking, I guess I forgot to turn the pages. Have you found anything?” Roxas asked quickly changing the subject. When Figment fluttered up, Roxas stood and turned. Landing on a book carefully placed on the desk Figment smiled proudly.
“You can do anything if you put your mind to it!” He cheered before lifting the side of the heavy book, revealing its title to Roxas. It was an old purple and slate-blue book, in gold old-type cursive the words `Nobody's Heart'. Instantly, Roxas had it in his hands and a smile jumped onto his face. The excitement within couldn't be hidden. Grabbing the dragon, he hugged Figment tightly grateful for the help and company. When he'd praised the purple reptile, he sat in the chair and opened the book.
“This is exactly what I was looking for.” Roxas murmured.
“Shouldn't we get to Disney Castle to find Yen Sid?” Asked Figment curiously landing on Roxas's shoulder again.
Figment was right. He really needed to get going, but he didn't want to leave the book. Maybe, he could take it and give it back when he actually found this `Yen Sid'. That seemed fair enough, he would give it back so it wasn't stealing. Roxas looked up from the book and felt a pang of guilt. In his desperate search, he'd left the room in shambles.
“Crap…” He grumbled, “I can't leave with it looking like this…” As he stood in dismay, Figment jumped up cheerfully.
“I'll do that! We'll be done in a jippy!” Cheered the flying creation.
“What? There's no way, we have to put them back in order and everything. I don't even know if all the books are near the shelves they were on.” Roxas fretted, he really wasn't much of a worrier but lately he'd been upset about everything. Seriously, he was beginning to wonder if he'd lost something back when he was with Sora. Maybe the other boy took part of his old personality, or, worse yet, maybe some of Sora's personality stuck to him.
“No worries!” Rooted Figment as he close his eyes. Letting out a childish laugh, the books began to fly; their covers flapped like wings and they whooshed around the room before securely finding their places on the bookshelves. The only ones that stayed put were on the table, those needed to stay.
For a moment, Roxas watched in horror but it quickly turned to amazement. When the final book plopped onto the shelf, Roxas closed his mouth, which had been hanging open, “How'd you do that?”
“Anything's possible with your imagination!”
“Imagination? Only thing that ever did for me was turn my room into a melting pot of stars, oceans, forests, and chains.” Roxas muttered unbelievably. He paused a second to think about his old room. Now that he looked back on it, that room might have been a little `off'.
At his comment, Figment laughed, “Maybe you haven't tried hard enough. Are we going to the castle now? I adore castles.” Exclaimed his scaled companion.
“You would, you're a dragon.” Roxas scoffed before collecting the book that he would be taking with them. It was surprisingly heavy, and hard to juggle with the chakrams in hand as well. He flashed the dragon a small smirk, “All right, do you know the way?”
“I might be able to lead us in the right direction.”
Disney Castle-
Gummi Hanger
“You sure this is the right place?” Asked Roxas worriedly looking about the large room. There were machines pumping all around in something of a musical orchestra. They were all rounded, cartoon-like, and actually didn't appear to be doing anything in particular. It was dark in the hanger but everything was colorful.
“Sure, I'm sure!” Figment squealed, “Come on!” He called zooming off through the machinery and disappearing.
“Figment! Hey wait up!” Called Roxas chasing after the dragon. As soon as he was up the first flight of stairs he ran across two rodents. He'd almost actually stepped on them and he let out a cry of surprise.
“Whoa, there buster!” Called one of the tiny animals, “What's that hurry?”
“Ya shouldn't run round like that! It's dangerous! Say what's your name?” Asked the second chipmunk.
“You look awfully familiar.” Stated the other giving Roxas a suspicious look.
“I'm sorry! I really don't have time, I have to catch that dragon.” Roxas said hurriedly.
“Hey! Hey! You can't go up there! Do you have an invite?”
“Invite? What are you talking about? I have to find some sort of King Mackey or something…” Roxas muttered this last part, not quite remembering this King's name. Still the two chipmunks jumped in front of him in a huff.
“No one's allowed to see the kind without an appointment!” Declared one.
“That's right, you go back home and come back until you get one. Then you can see the King. Also, you can't bring those into the castle! It's forbidden!” Said the other pointing to the chakrams in Roxas's hand.
“He's a very busy mouse, you know? It's a very important job to be King.”
“Agh! I don't have time for this. I'm going up there!” Roxas barked jumping over the pair. As he rushed up the stairs and to the only opening the room had, he could hear the two rodents calling to him. He didn't care what they had to say anymore. This was more important than getting an appointment, Axel needed his help.
Disney Castle-
He skidded to a stop, temporarily blinded by the sudden light. When his eyes adjusted he took a quick glance around. There was greenery everywhere. Large bush sculptures decorated the area. The center one was of a castle, the others were cubes and animals playing instruments. Never in his life had he seen so many strange creatures. Further more, they all talked if they were living. Suddenly his gaze caught a flash of purple. Figment was up in a hallway flying to a pink door.
Another look around and Roxas took off to find a door leading to that hallway. As he rushed past a cow playing the flute, the sound of clinking metal reached his ears. Soldiers rushed into the courtyard, flooding in past the pig playing a large tuba-like instrument. All of the soldiers were animals, all sorts of animals you could find in a farm. Most wielded a sword and shield, but some only had one or the other.
`The chipmunks!' He thought disdainfully, `They must have called them.'
“You there! Drop your weapons!” Howled a black dog.
Roxas scowled stepping back. There was still no way anyone was getting their hands on Axel's chakrams. Not wanting to fight the small army his eyes searched for a way out, but he couldn't seem to find one. There was the hall window openings and the door he just came out of, and he wasn't about to retreat.
Tossing a chakram to his other hand, he held them as if he were to attack. Instantly, the soldiers rushed forwards to attack. Roxas let out a soft growl before rushing back, around the castle sculpture. There were more soldiers coming around to cut him off. Hitting one of them, he knocked it back, sending the others to the ground as well. To his right he spotted the door they had flooded out of. It would be easier to get out over there, than jump to the ledge.
Changing his plan last minute, he jumped onto the pile of groaning soldiers and the over them. Running on top of and behind most of the brush, he easily slipped past the animals and slipped inside the door.
Disney Castle-
Rushing up the stairs and following the red carpet, Roxas barely took notice of the white halls and golden mouse statues. There was a wooden door at the end of the hall and the large pink one to his right a few yards off. The walkway was lit by the light outside, which showered in through the opening in the wall to his left.
Behind him he could hear some of the soldiers filtering through the door and coming up close. With a glance over his shoulder, he checked to see how far they were. To his surprise, he wasn't up long enough to exactly tell where the soldiers were. Just as he'd started to look back two animals had exited the pink door and had started his way. Roxas had run full force into them, sending all three to the ground. One of the animals let out a deep yelp; the second let out something of a squawk or quack.
In the collision one of the chakrams fell from his hand. Panicked, he'd jumped to his feet in an instant and rushed forward to snatch it up. As his hand came down on it, the soldiers caught up. He had to spring back in order to avoid a blade falling down on him. Turning he spotted the two he'd run into, they were familiar faces.
“Donald! Goofy!” He cried out rushing to hide behind them in a flash.
“Gwarsh! Is that you Sora? You're lookin' purtty different.” Goofy laughed turning to look at who he thought to be Sora.
“That's not, Sora!” Cried Donald angrily, ruffling his feathers and hitting Roxas multiple times with his staff.
“It ain't?” Questioned Goofy, “Then how does he know our names?”
“He's part of the Organization!” Donald shouted continuing to hit Roxas.
Roxas hadn't noticed he was back in his Organization clothes. Covering his head he cried out, trying to escape the enraged duck.
“Hey! Ow, god! Stop it! Hey! Cut it out!” Roxas called before turning and dashing away, out of Donald's reach. Chakrams in the same hand, he pulled on the pink doors. They were sealed shut, locked, “Why does this keep happening to me?” He whined to himself stepping back and summoning his keyblade. All time stopped it seemed, as a beam of fiery light came from Bond of Flames and opened the door. As soon as the door swung open, time resumed and chaos reigned.
A black stallion reared up in Roxas's face and the boy fell back onto the ground, in fear of being trampled. When the hooves landed with a clap next to his face he got to his feet and took off down the hall towards the wooden door.
“Gwarsh, Donald! He has a keyblade! You sure he ain't Sora?”
“'Course, I'm sure!”
Then Roxas was out of ear shot and through the doors.
Disney Castle-
Roxas leaned heavily on the doors, panting for breath. His body was shaking and his pulse beating 90 miles per hour. He was glad to be out of that place. This place was loony: animal soldiers, a mouse king- What in the world had he gotten himself into?
After a moment he let his eyes survey the area. He appeared to be in a library, for the wall opposite him was covered in books. There was a table in the center of the room, a dog bed on the right, and some walking brooms to his left. For some reason, he didn't feel at all safe in the room anymore. When a bang came on the door behind him he ran to the book shelves and turned to face whoever was coming in.
Goofy's head popped in, looking around, “Hello?” He questioned slowly creeping in.
“Hey.” Roxas replied nervously waiting for Donald to enter, but the duck never did.
“Ah hyuk! My name's Goofy!” Greeted the dog.
“Yeah. I know.” Roxas replied edging along beside the books as Goofy began to make his way over to him.
“Don't worry! I'm not goin' ta hurt ya!” Goofy said his strange laugh accompanying his words. In response to the comment, Roxas paused allowing Goofy to approach. When the dog got to him, he laughed and clapped a hand on Roxas's back. The dog obviously didn't realize his strength, because the pat had nearly landed Roxas on his face, “What's your name?”
“Oh… I'm Roxas.” He replied regaining his composure again.
“Roxas, huh? That's funny name!”
`Look who's talking.' Roxas thoughts added in.
“Say! Ain't that the name all them Organization guys kept callin' Sora?” Goofy questioned himself.
“Wouldn't surprise me, I'm Sora's Nobody.” Stated Roxas.
“You're Sora's WHAT?!” Exclaimed Goofy, the dog's jaw dropping, “Ain't that bad?”
“I had to come. Sora will be fine, once I've found what I'm looking for. Until then, I don't know how he is fairing. I know it's selfish of me, putting Sora at risk, but someone needs me and I have to find him.” Roxas told the friendly hound.
“Lookin' for someone? Gwarsh! I wish I could help ya there, but I got work around here with the king!” Goofy said, “Say, why're ya wearing that black cloak? Ya had us worried. Donald thought ya might be part of the Organization or something!” Goofy laughed again.
“I am.”
“What?! Oh, no! What're we gonna do!” Goofy yelped and cried.
“Don't worry! I'm not here to hurt anyone! Remember, you were the ones chasing me!” Roxas reminded.
“Gee, I guess you're right… So what're ya doin' here Roxas?”
“I need the King's help.” Roxas stated curtly.
“The King? Why, the King can help ya! I'm sure of it! Come on, I was comin' here to bring ya to him anyway! Come on! Let's go!” Goofy said excitedly heading off towards the door.
“Wait! No one's going to club me out there are they?” Roxas asked timidly, his head and back throbbed from when Donald had gotten to him. He really didn't want to get hurt again.
“Gwarsh no!” Goofy reassured, “Even if someone was gonna hit ya, I'd protect ya!”
“Good.” Roxas offered him a small smile before following suit.
Disney Castle-
Audience Chamber
The pair walked into the large white marble room, pillars were to each side of them, and down the center was the red carpet. At the end of the red carpet was a throne. Roxas couldn't see who was at the throne, for there were many animals cluttered around it chatting wildly.
“I brought him!” Goofy bellowed from their end of the chamber, his voice echoing off the walls and dark ceiling.
Roxas's head bowed down when he heard the uproar about his intrusion. It appeared that those who were most closely involved with his pursuit were there complaining and explaining the incident. There were a few of the soldiers, the chipmunks, Donald, and a large black winged horse. He'd not realized that the horse had wings when it reared up; he was a little pre-occupied with its hooves at the time.
As they got closer those around the thrown parted for them, allowing Roxas his first glance at the king. Indeed the king was a mouse. He wore a crown on top of his head and red royal garments. For a king, he was fairly small and un-intimidating.
Goofy got down on a knee, giving a great bow. When Roxas just looked at him, Goofy reached up and pulled him down too. Then they were back up again, “Your majesty! This here is Roxas. Says he needs ta speak with ya.” Goofy informed.
“Roxas, hm?” The king pondered, “Before that happens, I believe he has some apologizing to do.”
“What?! No way! They came after m-mh frft!” Goofy clapped a hand over Roxas's mouth muffling his words.
“Roxas, this is the king!” Goofy said, “Ya can't talk back to that king like that! It's disrespectful!”
When Goofy removed his hand, Roxas took in a deep breath. It came back out in an irritable huff. Folding his arms over the chakrams, he turned slightly away from the king, “Hmph!” He snorted angrily closing his eyes and turning his head further from the king. When he opened his eyes he looked down. Holding out Axel's weapons he gave them a long stare.
Looking up he finally spoke, “I apologize for trespassing, and maybe hitting a few of you.” He muttered unhappily.
“Good! So what is it you needed to speak with me about, Roxas?” Asked the king, satisfied with the reluctant apology.
“I don't think he meant it!” Donald accused.
“Maybe I didn't!” Roxas snapped angrily.
“Hey!” Donald objected.
“You're the one who hit me on the head fifty times!” Snarled Roxas, “You want to fight or something?!”
“Yeah!” Donald moved to attack but Goofy grabbed the duck's collar, “Let me at him! I'll show him a thing or two!”
“Shucks Donald! Roxas is our guest!” Goofy defended Roxas.
The king suddenly burst into laughter, catching the entire audience's attention.
“What's so funny?!” Complained Roxas but before the king could answer Roxas's stomach twisted in agony. It let out a soft growl of hunger, making Roxas feel a little sick. He hadn't eaten since the night before at Merlin's house. Collapsing into a sitting position, legs lightly tucked beneath him, Roxas planted his hands on the ground before him, “Oh man, I wish I had somethin' to eat.” He grumbled not noticing the abrupt silence. Smelling a delicious scent Roxas suddenly looked up. Only two inches in front of his face was Figment.
The purple dragon held in his hand a hotdog in a bun, mustard and ketchup bleeding from the food.
To tell the truth, Roxas wasn't sure if he was happier to see the fatty game food or the happy little lizard. Either way a smile spread across his face. Snatching the hotdog he took a grateful bite, with having had nothing to eat in a long while the hotdog tasted like the greatest thing he'd ever eaten. He let out a pleased moan and the dragon hummed happily. When he'd downed the hotdog he quickly grabbed Figment and hugged him tight, “I'm glad you're all right.”
“Ahem!” Roxas jumped and looked towards the king, “Now if we're all finished here, why don't we go see about this problem you have?”
“Right.” Roxas nodded getting to his feet once again.
NEW Journal-
Character Links: Twilight Town
Figment: (Epcot's Journey Into Imagination) Met in Twilight Town's Central Station, this small dragon has made it his personal duty to help Roxas find Axel. Figment's petite size has made him an easy traveling companion requiring only a shoulder to rest on when his wings grow tired. He appears to have the ability to shift from his normal 2.5 ft form to smaller more easily carried sizes. Figment possesses an incredible ability to make happen what he pictures in his mind; these abilities seem limitless. The dragon's powerful imagination and cheery disposition prove helpful in the once lonely journey Roxas is on.
Save Game: to be continued…