Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10 (sorry it's a really short chapter, but I got done what needed to be done so this is it)
Ugh… Chapters with tons of Roxas in it are hard… But it needed to be done.
This chapter… Well it might make you think this fic will turn into an AkuDemy but, I swear, it is AkuRoku! … Axel and Demyx sure are cute together though. =3 What a lovely heart-to-heart conversation.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
“Demyx!” Axel shouted. His voice surprised him, it was tight and hoarse; he could barely recognize it. In all honesty, he shouldn't have been able to speak at all. He'd been running non-stop as fast as his legs would carry him. Inside, the lungs supporting him burned; the pulse feeding him was going too fast to count the beat. Skin and muscles ached and burned, some going completely numb from the exertion. His mind had been numbed to the needs of his body.
“Axel?! Leave me the fuck alone!” Snarled Number 9 turning away, running from Axel. Still, this would not prevent the Flurry of Dancing Flames from catching him. Axel had momentum, no thought, and only strived to catch the younger boy.
Arm caught, the world was lost in an instant. It couldn't register that Demyx was trapped inside Axel's arms, that they had fallen and were nodding skidding and rolling to a very ungraceful stop. With a little effort Axel threw himself on top of Demyx at the final roll and pinned him to the wet earth. His body felt as if it were still going, running on the wind so it shook and beat trying to get him up again, get him moving. Ignoring the urges within Axel forced himself still, looking into Demyx's eyes. Chest heaving, he found his voice could no longer come. His lips moved silently.
“Axel…” Demyx voiced quietly looking up at his partner. There was look there that Demyx had never seen on anyone before. Even though he'd never seen it, he could read it well. Pain, concern, need, and fear… These emotions had turned Axel's eyes soft, gently arched his eyebrows, and curved his lips. He looked so lost it almost frightened Demyx.
Wriggling an arm free he brought it to Axel's face, gently brushing his thumb over the small reverse teardrop marking on the pyro's cheek. Water was running down Axel's face, his wet hair clinging to his jaw and framing his face. To this Axel closed his eyes and bowed his head down to rest it on Demyx's shoulder. The Flurry of Dancing Flames brought an arm up and clasped Demyx's wrist in his hand. He gave Demyx a light shake, a silent plea for him to never run away like that again.
“We'll talk…” Demyx murmured wrapping his arms around Axel, “Let's get you out of the rain.” He offered, Axel shook his head against him, “You're soaked, you'll get sick. I won't go anywhere.” Lifting his head Axel gave Demyx a questioning look, “I promise, I won't go anywhere.” Finally Axel nodded with his breathing still rapid.
Pushing himself off Demyx, the younger of the two was allowed to his feet. Then Axel himself was helped up and led to the shelter of a nearby tree. Demyx took a seat on a stone; Axel took one at the tree trunk. After using up so much energy, Axel needed something to hold him up. His head was tilted back, resting on the rough bark. Both arms were wrapped around himself, his legs brought up close to his body. Though he felt like he was on fire, he still felt the urge to curl up and warm himself. The false heat was welcomed.
When Axel regained his breath, he spoke, “Why did you run away?”
“Sora… He and his friends are the reason I'm here… They killed me.” Demyx murmured sadly summoning his sitar. Number 9 often played when he felt overcome with emotion, though technically he wasn't supposed to feel, “I was… Upset with you. I mean, you helped save the ones who sent me to this lonely place… You're a traitor.”
“Hey, look kid. I'm sorry about what happened to you, but think about it. Xemnas ordered you to get rid of Sora… Sora needed to defend himself and he needed to get past you so that he could find his friends.” At the mention of Sora's friends, Axel felt a little guilty. “And I had to help him, to make it up to a dear friend. You'd have done the same. Commit it to memory, don't jump to conclusions.”
“But he said such awful things to me… He said that I couldn't feel because I was a Nobody! How should he know? He's not one of us… I can feel just fine.” Demyx said sorely, trying to concentrate on the song he was playing. Then he paused and looked up at Axel, “I can feel… Right, Axel?”
“Of course you can. You shouldn't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Not Sora and especially not Xemnas. Got it memorized? You've got your own mind, use it.” Axel told him.
“Are you angry with me?”
“No… I was before but I'm not anymore… I'm really happy I came back and found you.” Axel admitted.
“Do you like me, Axel?” Demyx inquired beginning to play again.
“Like you? I suppose I do… But only a little, I mean like a really tiny bit.” Said Axel with a wry smile, “Why you got a confession to make or something?” At his own comment Axel laughed.
“No. I was just trying to figure out why you came back. You could have just left me here. I'm not strong or smart or anything so there really wasn't any reason for you to come get me. None of the others would have come back, that's for sure. So what was the reason you didn't just walk away?”
“Technically, I did start to walk away.” Axel confessed with a shrug, “But then I got to thinking about you… And I kind of realized that I'd miss you and that you could get hurt and all that kind of crap. I felt really bad… It reminded me of Roxas… I let him go… And look what happened. I'm never going to see him again.” Axel shifted slumping forward hiding his face from Demyx.
“So… I just reminded you of Roxas, huh? I guess I can deal with that. Um, about Roxas… I'm sorry. I know that you two really hit it off… You helped Sora because he reminded you of him too, right?”
“That's right… I thought… I thought, maybe I could bring Roxas back if I helped Sora. I thought somehow it would all just work out… I'm such a fool.”
“Don't say that… Everyone hopes for the best sometimes. It just doesn't always turn out as planned… I was curious… Why do you like Roxas so much? When I first saw him, well I thought pretty plain. He was just some kid who couldn't remember who he was before. He wasn't important or anything, he was just kind of there. He did his own thing and kept to himself, like the others. I can't imagine what could possibly be so special about someone so… Normal.” Demyx said this last part sort of condescendingly, perhaps thinking himself being better than Roxas could have ever been.
“I don't know why. I just knew that he was someone I wanted. I can't really explain it. It was like, I know it's going to sound dumb us not being able to feel and all but, it was love at first sight. That emptiness, that hole that you feel deep inside, it suddenly didn't matter anymore. Roxas… He made me feel like someone, like I had a heart… And I just let it all slip away.” The heavy sigh building inside finally fell from his mouth. “I can't believe I'm even telling you this.”
After a long moment Demyx stated fairly flatly, “I'm happy.”
“Because you're telling me these things… I always felt left out of things because I was the `weak link'… I'm happy I'm finally being included in something.” Demyx said with a light laugh before there came another long pause, “What does it feel like? You know, to have a heart?”
“Why are you asking me? I told you… I let Roxas go, I feel empty again.” Axel stated quietly leaning back and resting his head against the tree again.
“I think you're lying to me.” Demyx scolded lightly, “If you were empty you wouldn't look so helpless.” At this Axel's eyes flashed open and he sat straight up, there was a look of surprise on his face, “Yeah, you look helpless.” Laughed Demyx confirming the statement, “So tell me… What is it like?”
Shaking his head Axel smiled, “I don't know how to explain it… It's like being whole again… You remember what it was like to be whole, when you were actually someone?” Demyx nodded, “That's what it's like… Remember before Roxas came? I can't… I bet I was pretty nasty.”
“Yeah. You were a bastard.” Demyx chuckled, “I hated your guts; you were an awful person.”
“So… You've always been pretty emotional… Did someone in the Organization make you feel like Roxas did for me?” Asked Axel with genuine curiosity. While they'd all lived at the castle, Demyx had always acted like the moody teenager, all cooped up in his room like that. No one asked about it of course, a lot of the members stayed in their own world, but they were unemotional and flat. Demyx was always angry about something or another and moping about the halls.
“I don't know… I guess maybe I just always clung to what I used to be, or rather who I came from used to be. At first I guess I must have been like the others, but I think it might have just been shock.” Demyx said lightly, “Anyways, I'm really glad you came back.”
“You would be. You can't climb worth shit; you'd have starved to death.” Joked Axel with a playful grin, “You should get some rest. As soon as this rain lets up we're working double time. We've wasted a lot of time.”
“Sorry. Um… Here.” Standing Demyx set his sitar down and took off his long coat. Once he'd rid himself of it he draped it over Axel, “You're soaked, I don't want you getting sick. Don't worry about me. The water won't do a thing to me; after all, it's my element.” He stated before sitting down to catch some rest.
Axel offered him a soft smile, “Thanks.”
Save Game: To be continued…