Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 17
Woohoo! We're totally getting somewhere now! This one's a long chapter, 9 pages! It's got comedy, it's got drama, and it's actually gotten somewhere! It's all you could ask for in an update! (Except for one of those scenes, that's not in here yet.)
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
Stalking back to where Xemnas and Xaldin made camp, Saix let out a soft disgruntled growl. He was on his hands and feet, leading seven of the Shifters to where he would sleep. They'd spent hours hunting and destroying everything they could get their claws on and Xaldin, by this time, had long since been asleep. Xemnas on the other hand opened his eyes at the growl and watched. Eyes still glowing from rage and insanity Saix flashed his teeth at the Nobody who'd drove him over the edge one too many times since they'd gotten there. Settling in a small opening in the trees where the moonlight showered in, Saix unzipped his coat and carefully pulled it off. Once he'd set it to the side he even more cautiously peeled off his shirt to let the cold night air touch his tender and burnt skin. He let out a soft hiss and cast Xemnas a malicious snarl.
The pack of creatures rushed in next to him, piling up like a litter of puppies to keep warm. Once most had laid down Saix too rest his head, laying his torso on one of the larger Shifters. Draping his arm over it he scratched its side at let out a soft hum; in return the beast emitted a happy growl tucking its head around against Saix's body. After giving one of the restless Shifter's a hard nudge they all fell still, and their breathing evened out and their hearts beat in unison against Saix's skin.
“You're weak.” Xemnas stated distastefully at the scene before him.
Saix lifted his head slightly, “You're ignorant.”
“I taught you better.” Reminded Xemnas venomously.
Your attention trained me to be the way I am.” Snorted Saix lightly his eyes slowly becoming steady as they fixed on Xemnas. The Superior furrowed his brows in confusion. Pushing himself up slightly, all Saix did in response was tap his chest, over where his heart should be. Then he settled back down, turned his head, and closed his eyes. The conversation was officially over.
Twilight Town-
The Old Mansion
Roxas hopped off of Aether's back his memory flashing back to earlier that morning. Before the sun had even risen but the glow was touching the horizon, he'd woken up to the nursing care of Bucephalus. The centaur informed him that Aether had flown him to the city and he'd passed out on his back. While Roxas had been unconscious, Bucephalus, who'd followed Aether, had gone off in search of Yen Sid. Finding the old man, he'd explained the situation and Yen Sid had given the half horse a message which was relayed when Roxas woke. They'd been told to go to the place Roxas had been hidden from his memories and find the link which had connected him from oblivion to reality. The link would return Roxas to his true home and there, within the bowels of a great building, he would find the door that led to his dearly departed.
This had led Roxas to Twilight Town and the old rusty gates he stood before now. Placing his hands on the metal he looked over his shoulder, recalling his friends Hayner, Pence, and Ollette. They'd come here to see if this place really was haunted, taken a picture almost in this very spot he stood. The memories were bittersweet and he felt a deep pain inside. He didn't want to leave it all behind, he wanted to go back there and start it all over again.
Aether nuzzled him with his snout and Roxas turned to the Pegasus, “Don't worry… I was just… Remembering something very happy and it makes me sad that it's gone now.” He said stroking Aether's face, “We'd better go or I'll change my mind.” With that he turned back to the gate and opened it. The rust resisted making it screech in objection but Roxas didn't really hear it, his mind was far to filled with the memories of his old beloved town. Once they'd entered, Roxas slammed the gate shut again, forcing his memories to stay on the other side. They threatened to follow but as he locked the gates, they slowly dissipated.
With a heavy sigh and sorrow burdened mind he turned and slowly made his way to the front door. He could recall when he came here to forget all that came before, and again he was showered with the anguish of a second lost past. By the time he reached the door he was shaking. This was what he swore to leave behind and returning was excruciatingly painful. It reminded him of leaving Axel, living with the organization, and worst of all forgetting.
His hand on the doorknob, he choked back the cry that was trying to force its way out, accompanied by tears. He cast one last glance to the gates; one last look to what he'd once had, and turned the knob.
Roxas covered his mouth with his free hand, his other clutching the Chakrams so tightly his knuckles were turning white and his arm was shaking with strain. Everything was crumbling, old, and covered with dust. This was not the place he'd left before, the clean and kept mansion that had taken his old self away nor the slightly degraded building that time had been so cruel too. It was liable to fall apart at any second. Aether let out a soft neigh lowering his head and cautiously stepping forward. The Pegasus went on without him securing the premises as Roxas stood horrorstruck.
When feeling came back to his legs, Roxas began to make his way up the left staircase. He knew very well it was not the right way, but his heart, if he had one, longed to see the room again. The musty smell wafted up from his feet filling his nose with the scent of old wood and mold; it was unsettling. Beneath his feet he could hear the soft crunch of the fallen ceiling grinding against the floor as he stepped on it. He could feel the rubble give way a little accompanying the sound. When he reached the staircase, he glanced at Aether who stood looking at the Pegasus sculptures that guarded the back doors. Placing his hand on the railing, he let his fingers brush up the dust as he made his way up. Each stair creaked a little, a unique sound to every step as the wood groaned in anguish and pressed against another plank. The sound and feel of the old steps made his spirits sink. Was her room like this too?
Hand on the door he pushed it open revealing the room beyond it.
The White Room
Roxas felt weak as he approached the center table. Unable to stand long he collapsed in a chair. This room had changed too. The crisp and clear white was faded and turning grey and brown in the corners. Radiant light had turned to dismal despair, a pale yellow not lighting the room. The papers, scattered on the walls and floor, were turning brown from age as well, tearing at the edges. This had been Namine's room. These had been her drawings of the Organization and Sora. Now that she had gone, nothing was keeping it as pure as it was before. It was now that he realized how much he missed her and Sora. Their happiness and warmth had kept him content, and now that blanket of protection was gone. Neither of them would ever come back into his life again.
“Roxas?” Figment questioned, poking his head out of the Nobody's shirt, “Are you all right?”
“I'm fine.” Muttered Roxas patting the dragon's head, “I was just feeling a bit dizzy from the dust.” He said half lying.
Pushing himself out of the chair, Roxas gathered the papers that wouldn't disintegrate between his fingers and tucked them all away. They wouldn't be left in this awful place any longer. All would be reminders of what had once happened, memories on dull paper colored in various mediums. Then he left the sorry room.
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
“Hey, Demyx! Over here!” Axel called as he pushed his way through some bushes, “I found it!” He added as he rushed to the edge of the water. They'd been looking for the source of the sound of running water for an hour or so and Axel was glad he'd finally found it. It was a river with a low current; it was fairly deep, maybe three or four feet. The water in it was clear and he could almost see the bottom as easily as the ground he was standing on. Looking to his right, where the water was headed, he saw that there was a ledge. With the thought that there could be a nice still lake beyond it he headed over to the edge. Looking over it cautiously, he smiled. He'd been right. There was a small lake that formed at the bottom of the small waterfall.
“Woo hoo!” Cheered Demyx bounding out of the bushes and leaping into the water next to Axel. He'd done it for the sole purpose of getting Axel wet. The pyro cried out in surprise, leaping away from the water like a frightened cat.
“Ah! Now our clothes are wet!” Axel griped trying to shake off some of the water.
“Mine aren't!” Informed Demyx with glee a grin spreading across his face as he ducked down in the water, deciding to go for a little swim in the river.
“What do you mean yours a-“ Cutting himself short Axel saw Demyx's clothes hanging in a nearby tree. Realizing he actually didn't see Demyx jump into the water he instantly turned to the musician to find that, indeed, Demyx had jumped into the water buck naked, “You're a strange one that's for sure.” Axel said with a smile before he snuck over to the boy's clothes and threw them into the river.
“Hey!” Demyx objected from up the river, unable to swim down fast enough to save his clothes from being tossed in.
“They were going to get wet anyway!” Defended Axel and he began to get undressed, throwing his own clothes into the water, “They have to be washed off too. I'm not going to have either of us wearing dirty clothes once our bodies are clean, got it memorized?” He said before he was down to just his pants. Then he got up and placed his boots next to Demyx's. Once back at the water's edge Demyx came to greet him, still in the cool water.
“What's up? Not going to take off your pants?” Asked the teen as Axel motioned to wade into the water, “I didn't know you were shy like that.”
“Well I am.” Axel huffed, unfazed by Demyx's accusation, “Besides, it's cold.” Grumbled the heat lover as he cringed at the water's touch. The water was really cold, cooled by the night air and lack of sun. Demyx was used to water being cold so he didn't mind, but for someone who never took a shower in which only hot water was used it was freezing!
“Ha! That's funny, Axel!” Laughed Demyx draping an arm over Axel's shoulder, “I dare you to jump off the ledge into the lake.”
“I don't think so.” Replied Axel with a slight frown.
“All right. I double dog dare you! Or are you chicken?”
“I am not chicken, commit it to memory punk.” Axel glowered, as testosterone began to rush through his veins urging him to take on the challenge. When Demyx started clucking like a chicken, Axel could no longer refuse, “All right. I'll jump, and if I do you have to wash the clothes when you get down there.”
“Deal.” Demyx grinned but the smile was soon wiped off his face when Axel shoved him over the water's edge into the water below. Surfacing with a gasp, the Melodious Nocturne glared up at him, “Hey! No fai- Ah!” He yelped in surprise diving off to the side to avoid Axel who jumped over the edge and landed almost exactly in the spot where Demyx had.
“That's what you get for daring me!” Axel accused once he'd surfaced. The water here was too deep to stand in and they were both forced to swim, “Want to try it again?”
“NO!” Snapped Demyx before smiling and submerging himself in the water.
“Hey! You little punk! You've gotta go wash the clothes! You better do it damn it!” Axel yelled, fully aware Demyx wasn't listening. Sighing he shook his head, now that he was used to the water he might as well enjoy it and get cleaned up. Slowly swimming to the edge, he settled in a sandy spot where he could rest on the bottom and get washed off more easily. As he scrubbed at the stink that clung desperately to his skin, Demyx snuck up on him and jumped him.
“Want to play a game?” Asked Demyx excitedly attaching himself to Axel's arm.
“No! Go do your chore!” Barked Axel angrily, the smile on his face making the ferocity of his voice lose all effect, “And get off of me!”
“Come on! The clothes can be washed anytime, let's play.” Demyx whined.
“No! Go away!” Axel fought trying to pry off the younger member, “What are you, a leech?!”
“Please! Just one game!” Pleaded Demyx holding on tighter.
“Geez! You've got some powerful grip!” Axel growled still trying to slip out of Demyx's death grip, “Come on! You're naked, get off!”
“So? It's not like I'm interested in you. Come on, stop being difficult!” Demyx complained giving Axel a good shake. Suddenly the blonde let out a sharp cry, jumped up, and clung to Axel, wrapping his arms and legs around the pyro. His body was stiff and his pulse was going ninety miles an hour.
Axel let out a groan, a look of irritation and defeat coming upon his face. Hunching over slightly he looked up at Demyx, who'd attached himself to him, “What the hell are you doing?”
“Something touched my leg!” Exclaimed Demyx emphasizing each word as he said it. Then he added, “It was all gross and slimy!”
“Get real. There's nothing in the water, got it memorized? Now off.” Axel snarled once again trying to peel off the annoying little Nobody clinging to his body. This only made Demyx hold on tighter, and Axel gave up after about three seconds. Of course, he didn't give up because Demyx was refusing to let go, he stopped trying to get rid of him because whatever brushed up against Demyx brushed up against his stomach too. Instantly, his eyes flashed down to see a tail flicker out of sight making him jump. Then his mind caught up to him, “There's fish!”
“Wha?” Demyx looked down into the water curiously, adjusting himself to lean over Axel's head. The shifted weight appeared to be a little too much for Axel to handle as they both tumbled forward into the water. When they came up, Axel was finally free from Demyx's grasp and he quickly put distance between them just in case Demyx decided to try that again.
Their eyes fell on the water between them as a large fish swam through the passage. They were silent as they watched it disappear into the water. Then their gazes ran back to the space as a second smaller fish made its way by. Suddenly they both lurched forward to snatch the fish, which sped away fast as lightning, resulting in the two crashing head first into each other.
“I bet I can catch fish faster than you!” Demyx challenged rubbing his forehead.
“Anything you can do, I can do better!” Axel snarled a hand on his own forehead.
“Oh, we'll see about that!” Said Demyx jumping up and swimming off on a personal mission to get a fish before Axel did. Little did he know, Axel had no intention in wasting his energy to go catching fish. He'd leave all the catching to Demyx without even raising a finger and he'd get a good meal out of it. Young boys were always so eager and energetic anyways.
“Moron.” Axel chuckled to himself as he gathered up their clothes and began to wash them. After they were all washed and clean he draped them over the branches of the surrounding trees. Then he returned to the lakeside and lay down to bask in the sun. He'd spent quite enough time in the water for his taste and it was time for some good hot sunshine to heat up his cold body.
“You're sick. Who'd have guessed you were a peeping Tom.” Luxord growled to Zexion softly as they his side by side in a nearby bush.
“Shut up, old man. You do it too.” Zexion muttered back casting a cold glare to Luxord before his eyes went back to watching Demyx in the water. It really was a horrible thing to be doing. The thing was; he really could not leave the boy alone any longer than need be. The more time passed the more Zexion had to stalk after Demyx, it was like an addiction that he could not get over.
“They're so young,” Complained Luxord still watching the two.
“Sorry they don't meet your taste.” Zexion snarled back before elbowing Luxord in the side, “Now shut up, I'm trying to enjoy this moment.”
“Ouch, all right. God, what a pisser you are.” Griped Luxord before placing his chin in his hand and watching them quietly. Zexion passed Luxord a scowl but after that he completely ignored the older man next to him. The gambler knew to be quiet, since Zexion had been the one who saved him and he could just as easily return him. Aside from their contrasting personalities and their opposing views, they got along well. Really the pair was like a cat and a dog, Zexion being the moody and aloof cat and Luxord the playful and adventure seeking puppy. The two get along until the dog starts pestering the cat and ends up with a scratch on the nose. Right now, Luxord was still under the influence of his last `scratch' and was being a `good dog'.
Computer Room
He was back where his new life ended once again. Having gone through the real Twilight Town, he was back in his virtual world. The computers were smashed into bits from when he first began to totally recall what had happened. Up the stairs would be where he'd really lived for the summer and from the pit of his stomach he wanted nothing more than just go to the pod rooms and freeze himself forever. Never waking up from an eternal slumber didn't sound too bad right now. Summoning the Bond of Flame, he held the keyblade and Chakrams close. They weren't enough to comfort him so he held out a free hand and summoned a second keyblade, Sleeping Lion. That was the keyblade Sora had gotten after meeting Leon in the Radiant Garden. The warmth it brought settled his nerves and he hugged that keyblade as well. These were his most cherished possessions beside the pictures he'd taken from Namine's room.
A little closterphobic, Aether nudged Roxas slightly, urging him to go on. Responding to the encouragement Roxas bravely went on, ignoring the part of him that screamed for him to go up the stairs, to go `home'. He refused to listen and boldly veered to the right, the door where a new voice was calling him.
Basement Hall
Inside the square room leading from the Computer Room to the pods Roxas found was he was looking for. A dark portal laid waiting for him in the corner. Roxas was more afraid of it than anything he'd ever faced before. He knew all too well what had happened in there, but there was no way around it. The gummi ship he had used was left at Disney Castle so they could take it back to Sid and he was no longer able to create portals of his own. He shifted and stood very close to Aether's side. The stallion bowed his head over Roxas's shoulder as if to hug him.
When Roxas refused to move from his spot and began to shake Aether walked up behind him, slipped his head between the Nobody's legs and lifted him up and rolled him onto his back. Roxas let out a cry of surprise.
“Hey wait! I-I don't want to go in there!” Exclaimed Roxas as Aether trotted up to the portal opening, “Please stop!”
Once again he heard the voice, `Close your eyes.' And he did, he squeezed them shut tight and hid his face against Aether's mane. He could hear the dead silence of Betwixt and Between flooding in all around him. In his mind's eye, because he dare no open his own, he could see the event playing over and over. That final battle where Sora and Axel had fought and the Flurry of Dancing Flames, his very own, had sacrificed himself to save Sora. He could even hear Axel's last words in the conversation with Sora; he could hear them from Sora's memories. Axel said that he, Roxas, made him feel like he had a heart. It made him wish he had come to his senses sooner; Axel made him feel like he had a heart too. Together, they had a heart, and now apart it seemed to be broken in two.
The World That Never Was-
Fragment Crossing
When he opened his eyes he was in The World That Never Was, his old home where beings of darkness lived. Hopping down off Aether's back he held a Chakram and Keyblade in each hand; he knew that there would be Heartless there that would attack Aether and Figment, if not himself. The sky was racing with gray and black clouds, a hidden bleeding Kingdom Hearts up there somewhere beyond the towering gloomy buildings. Everything here was dark, which was the way it was supposed to be. The neon signs and the yellow glow from the windows was really all that ever lit the streets, giving the place something of an ominous feel to it. At least everything was just the way he'd left it here.
After a few more steps, the Heartless came. Five or six at a time, Shadows formed from the darkness and came at them. For the second time, Roxas was consumed by the darkness within the memories of his fight with Riku. The adrenaline got his blood flowing and before he knew it he was rushing into battle after battle, seeking the thrill of an opponent that could beat him. Each slash of the blade disintegrated the Shadows before him clearing the path for only a few more steps. Despite the constant interference, all too soon he found himself with no one to fight in the lonely streets. He came to a stop, his hands falling to his sides as he looked about. Aether came up beside him and they moved on.
The World That Never Was-
Memory's Skyscraper
The sound of his own footfall stopped beside the staircase that led up to the neon laced skyscraper. They had been heading to the castle but as he stepped near this building his chest suddenly ached with a crippling force that caused his legs to freeze up. Lightning lit up the sky and he turned on a heel heading back to stand in front of the tower.
“What were you doing up there…?” He wondered aloud following his invisible double rushing up the side of the building, slashing away the enemy towards the blind folded silver-haired boy at the top. Then he watched as he fell, Riku jumped, he fell. Why would he do that? “Axel… Did he jump for Sora?” Roxas looked to his side at Aether then he looked back up at the television monitors, `Do I jump for you?' Stepping back Roxas saw a flicker of Axel's face upon the screens and before he could question it, his legs moved and he lurched and leapt up onto the frame of the doorway. Thrusting himself into a dead run, he began to scale the building, each footstep landing solidly on the building's concrete windowsills. The wind whirling against his back, he could feel without looking that Aether was shadowing him close against the building.
When his foot landed on the edge of the rooftop, he pushed off of it onto the first large screen then to the very top where he turned instantly to overlook the city. The deep breath he took in stung his lungs, the air ice cold so close to the cloudy sky. Below, a light cut through the darkness. The shape of a heart seared through the earth and Roxas held out Bond of Flame. Instantly, the light reacted, bursting open to reveal a blinding aura just beyond the ground of The World That Never Was.
“I'm coming Axel.” Closing his eyes he flung himself over the edge. Cold rushed in all around him caressing his body like water. The light grew brighter, piercing through the darkness of closed eyes. Then his body hit something with a liquid consistency and his body began to slow and drift. Opening his eyes he found the light falling away as he drifted down into the depths where warmth began to envelope his body. Just like he was falling in the ocean, sinking to the bottom of the abyss, and then everything was gone.
The World That Never Will Be-
Awakening Plains
Light vanquished the darkness and his eyes fluttered open. Sitting up slowly, Roxas found himself lying in a vast grassy plain, dotted with trees and stones. Beside him lie Aether and Figment, both still deep in sleep. A soft smile touched his lips and he placed a hand over his chest, inside he could feel the empty hole beginning to fill up. He was where he belonged now and nothing else mattered, Axel was there and that was all he needed to know.
Standing up, he stretched out the kinks in his body, inhaled the fresh air and took in the warm rays of the afternoon sun. Never had he felt so happy to be in a foreign land. With a yawn he began to brush the grass off of his clothes and out of his hair. As he did this, his mind jogged and his body stiffened.
“Axel's Chakrams!” He exclaimed in dread instantly as he whirled around to look for them. The worry, thankfully, was short lived. All four of the weapon's he'd jumped with as well as the pile of pictures were lying in a neat pile. Quickly he knelt next to it, hid the papers, and picked up his and Axel's weapons. Underneath the items, a book had been hidden away, a book Roxas had almost forgotten all about. As he picked it up, he thoughtfully ran his fingers over the cover, “I never got to give this to him.” He murmured, remembering that he was supposed to return the piece of literature to Yen Sid when he met him. Then again he never did physically meet the wizard, so it wasn't entirely his fault. Passing a glance to his sleeping friends, he found he had some time to spare for the book. On the ground again, sitting comfortably in a patch of long grass he flipped through the pages and began to read, skimming the less important details.
“In order to regain what is missing from a Nobody, it must undertake a journey of the heart. This task not one for the weak of mind or spirit for only those who present the correct qualities will become whole again. Dismissed from the world of those that truly exist, Nobody's will be banished to the outskirts of all worlds. The World That Never Will Be serves as a purgatory, an exile in which a second chance may be earned.
“At mountain's peak, far from the place of origin in which a Nobody will wake, awaits a rain that upon touching the skill will reward those of pure intent. Those who feel the touch with darkness in their minds or those who steal the chance will immediately be thrust into being where only the highest negative trait will be present and test others seeking a heart of his/her own…” Roxas paused in his readings. There was an illustration in the book of the mountains. Holding up the book towards the range far in the distance, he compared the two. The mountain peaks painted in the old book were identical to those he now faced. It was proof that he really was where he'd been intended to go, The World That Never Will Be; a fitting name for something that should never exist. In pages he'd skipped earlier, it would note this place he now dwelled in was no better than a figment of imagination. Then again, Figment, the dragon who was created from imagination and could create things from his own mind, existed well enough as well. It seemed that there was little that wasn't real in the wide universe.
To his side he could hear Aether get up and shake off, but he didn't look to him. Roxas was thinking about Axel. Deep inside he could feel Axel's presence growing stronger. Somehow, he knew exactly where Axel was. At the base of those far off mountains somewhere, that's where the redhead had settled. For now he felt at peace, for now Axel was all right. He could wait just a little longer. Figment hopped onto his shoulder.
“Where are we?” Asked the dragon happily.
“The World That Never Will Be… My new home.” Roxas replied quietly before looking over at Aether and the purple reptile, “Let's find, Axel.” He voiced smiling as he stood, drawing his hood over his face.
Save Game: to be continued…