Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 20
Yeah you guys are going to hate me for uploading such an insanely short chapter. In my defense I've been sick and I have had a good night's rest in three days. Next chapter we should be getting somewhere again and hopefully it will be longer (since I have Thursday and Friday off)
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
This was a terrible play of events. Beside him Demyx sat listening sorrowfully and watching as Axel and Roxas talked enthusiastically of their adventures. He didn't think it was fair how those two could be so oblivious to Demyx's pain but that was how it was.
After the two lovebirds had finally pried themselves apart in an astonishingly awkward scene Axel had retrieved a despair stricken Demyx and pulled him over to reintroduce him to Roxas. After a full round of introductions including himself, who had been hastily named Zenith by a flustered Demyx, Axel said they should return to the lake to rest and discuss what obstacles they'd faced getting to this point. It had been hours since they'd returned here, a fire was lit, Axel and Roxas were happily munching on the foul smelling fruit being over all gay and uplifting, and Demyx was wallowing in misery. He could smell the emotion flowing from Demyx, it sickened him beyond comprehension. The only thing he wanted to do was erase those feelings permanently from the boy, a variety of unmentionable and uncharacteristic thoughts running through his head. Luckily, the fact he was thinking such things was hidden from sight, lying on his stomach had its perks.
“So it sounds like you two have become quite the pair.” Roxas said with a light smile, obviously unsettled by the idea.
“I guess, I mean we're close but not that close so you don't have to worry about me or anything.” Mumbled Demyx mustering a light smile in return. He faked yawn, trying to hid the fact he wasn't tired just very depressed.
“Demyx!” Axel barked suddenly rigid, “Er, Roxas I need to speak with him for a moment, excuse me!” He uttered hastily jumping to his feet and dragging Demyx away. A very disgruntled `Zenith' growled and cautious stalked after them. Once a clear distance away Axel lowered his head to Demyx's ear, “Don't say things like that!” Axel scolded angrily in a quiet voice.
“Why not?”
“He doesn't know I like him, not yet anyway. So keep it on the low down, got it memorized? What if he doesn't like me like that? Can you imagine how horrible a position I'd be in? He'd probably never speak to me.” Axel warned in hushed tone.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Shaking his head Demyx looked back at Roxas, who now looked a little lonely waiting for Axel to return. The wolf snorted and saw it fit, brat didn't understand the true meaning of rejection and loneliness that Demyx was feeling. Roxas really did deserve to feel left out.
The pleasure at seeing Roxas a little down was short-lived however because Figment began speaking with him and the Pegasus too. Now those three looked to be having their own conversation about how things were turning out. How un-cool.
“What kind of tone is that?” Axel hissed defensively.
“Do you have any idea how he looks at you? How happy he is when you're looking and talking to him? Trust me; you've got nothing to worry about. He really likes you and by `really likes' I mean `like likes' you.” Said Demyx in a matter-of-fact kind of voice.
“What are you in, third grade? `Like likes'? Whatever is that supposed to mean?”
“God, it means if you went over there and ripped off his clothes he wouldn't be screaming for you to stop.”
“You sure?” Axel asked a little unsure casting a sort of desperate glance towards Roxas.
“Yeah, I'm sure.” Demyx sighed.
How stupid were people when they're in love? Honestly, it can be blatantly obvious to the entire world and the two expressing the love can be blind to the others advances. The fact was just beyond amazement. Actually, `Zenith' was worried because he thought he might have suddenly dropped 100 points in IQ due to this stupid notion. For all he knew, he could be mentally retarded by now and Demyx actually did like him. Surely that wasn't that case. Surely…?
“When do you plan on telling him because if you don't tell him, I sure as hell'll do it for ya.” Demyx warned with a light grin.
“No, no! I'll do it… Soon. Just give me this one night without worry.”
“All right.”
“What'd you have to talk about?” Asked Roxas as Axel settled back down next to him and Demyx on the opposite side of the fire.
“It was nothing in particular, just reminding him that he sure as hell better be nice to you and not wake you during the middle of the night. He wakes up sometimes and plays his sitar, not that it ever wakes me.” Axel shrugged, “I just thought it might stir you so I'd warn him before I forgot.”
“That was what the private conversation was for?”
“Among other things,” Axel replied charmingly, “Perhaps it's time to get settled down for the night. It's late and I think we've all had long day.” He offered, behind him Aether let out a neigh swinging his head in a nod to agree, “Demyx will take first watch.”
“Sure thing… Uh, Axel?”
“Would you… If it gets cold… What I mean is if it gets a little too cold out, and you'd like to, you can come sleep next to me… And Aether. He's pretty big so the heat pretty much radiates off of him.” The Pegasus snorted in disdain but did nothing more.
“Yeah, sure. I'll do that.” Replied Axel after a momentary pause for his mind to jog, those words had probably just made him the happiest he'd ever been in his entire non-existence.
“Good night, Axel.” Roxas smiled leaning over and giving the pyro a friendly hug before curling up beside the black stallion; Figment was already asleep on the steed's back. For a long moment Axel and Demyx were silent, just watching as Roxas slowly started to drift to sleep. Then Demyx crawled over to Axel's side and leaned to his ear.
“You should kiss him.” He whispered; his eyes locked intently on the resting figure.
“What?! He's fucking sleeping!” Axel snapped back half heartedly in a very quiet voice.
“So what? God, just kiss him already, he practically just told you `take me, I'm yours'. Just give him, like, a goodnight kiss. I'm not asking you to shove your tongue down his throat or anything.”
“You're a horrible influence on me, first fish heads and now kissing unsuspecting teenage boys.” His last three words were a little drawn out as leaned forward on his hand.
“Hey, I'm just sayin' if you want to get somewhere you've got to make a sacrifice somewhere and make a move.” Demyx shrugged, “Anyway, I won't be looking your way so you can do whatever you want with him. I'm on watch to look out for danger, not homosexuals.” Pushing himself to his feet he let out a soft grunt, “Come on, Zenith; let's go stake out over there in the sand.” He beckoned as he made his way closer to the water.
The silver and blue canine was pleased with Demyx. Telling Axel to do those things was a positive sign; Demyx didn't need that horrible red head at all. If anything that wretched pair was harming Demyx. It hadn't been fully clear for the past couple of minutes but now, left alone, it could be seen Demyx was still heavily distraught about Roxas's arrival. He sat slumped over, arms around his knees, and his head ducked down. It was a miserable sight. Demyx deserved so much more.
Standing the canine looked about for a second, making sure no one was watching. Then, once he was sure the coast was clear, he stepped close, cocked his head a little, and licked the musician's cheek.
Feeling much like a criminal, Axel slunk over to Roxas's side. Sure enough, he was still sound asleep and oh so very tempting. He wasn't quite sure Demyx was right about this. It made him feel a little guilty that he didn't have the nerve to do this when Roxas was actually awake. Carefully tucking his hand to Roxas's side to hold him up he gazed down at Roxas's sleeping face for a long moment. Then swallowing his fears he leaned down with ease placing his lips over Roxas's very soft and warm ones. He'd not expected them to be so supple and luscious, and as he pulled away slightly he could not repress the urge to give them a light, tender lick.
The heat in his cheek and the pit of his stomach burned with all the ferocity of his fire now as he held his face just above Roxas's. Their breath intermingled in the lonely space between, his mouth parted he could taste that sweet breath and feel it dance across his lips in the most dazzling sensation. Letting out a content sigh he shifted and kissed Roxas on the forehead before mouthing the words he dared not speak aloud. Then he stole away to the fireside.
Save Game: to be continued…