Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 23
Um… If things are a little kooky somewhere in here, I apologize. I can't think straight when I don't feel well. Enjoy.
Note: The toilet and shower/bath are kept in separate rooms in the abandoned house. This is why Zexion states both the restroom and bathroom. The restroom is for the toilet and sink and the bathroom is used for bathing.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
“You know. Some plants are known to have toxic spores that burn the throat and lungs.” Marluxia grinned; there was an insane look about him now. For some reason, Axel didn't think that the flower boy was commenting on that for no reason, but there were no indications of an attack. Shaking the sinking feeling from him, he smiled with poise.
“All bark and no bite. You honestly think you can beat us? If your memory's failed you, last time I checked you were the one losing, got it memorized?”
“Cocky as always,” hummed Marluxia in amusement. “Perhaps you won't be so inclined to speak poorly of me when I inform you that the fumes from burning special types of leaves can cause a hallucinogenic effect. Can you really be sure that it was me you were attacking? Hm? Or, perhaps, the fact that I have not in turn dealt more serious damage to you?”
Those threatening words didn't sound empty. The sinking feeling returned. Everything felt and looked the same, but had he dug himself in too deep to tell now? He did feel tired, unusually so for just waking up. Looking for some sort of confirmation of Marluxia's words he looked over at Roxas. His breath caught in his throat, Marluxia wasn't bluffing. Roxas was blindly swinging his keyblades at some unseen foe and just beyond him Larxene was tearing up the ground with her lightning. Both of them had inhaled the toxic fumes, but why wasn't it affecting him?
“They're smaller than you.” Came Marluxia's voice.
“What?” Axel turned his attention back at the pink haired Nobody, baring his most malicious scowl.
“They're smaller; it will take more toxins to effect you. That's what you were wondering right? Why you weren't attacking a hallucination? But maybe their hallucinations too, you can't really tell.” Marluxia laughed.
“You- She's on your side and you let it happen anyway?”
“There never were any sides. She just happened to come along for the ride… I wonder why you're stalling so long. Are you afraid I'm not real? Or are you worried the spores and burning more of my precious plants?”
“Get out of here!” Axel snarled throwing his chakrams at the offending Nobody. When Marluxia easily evaded the attack Axel felt a tad intimidated. He'd not expected to strike him but it would have been reassuring. The weapons returning to his hands, he cursed under his breath. His vision was slowly becoming blurred; both his eyes and his lungs started to sting. Marluxia disappeared into the growing haze.
“Aether!” Roxas yelled to Axel's side catching his attention again. In Axel's mind sparked a glimmer of hope. Rushing past Roxas he intercepted the flying steed, who snorted angrily in his doing so. Quickly pulling the beast aside, so as not to be struck by one of Roxas's attacks, he pulled Aether's head down to speak with him.
“Aether, you need to get Roxas out of here. Put him some place safe where he can't hurt himself. Then I need you to come right back here, got it memorized?” Axel whispered urgently. Disgruntled, Aether let out a neigh of confirmation before shoving Axel out of the way and rushing to the aid of Roxas. That at least solved one of Axel's problems, now he had to get rid of the sources to all the other ones. First he had to find out where those spores were coming from and get rid of them, he couldn't fight blind and gasping for breath.
Rubbing his eyes, Axel tried to clear his vision but it only became foggier. There was a grainy texture to the air now and everything was tinged an ugly shade of yellow. Axel could only guess that it was the pollen of the plants Marluxia had spoken of. Both chakrams in one hand, he covered his mouth and nose in an attempt to slow the intake while he found the source.
Before he could go too far, a sudden flood of movement burst forth before him. The pink and black insects fluttered forward in a panic and Axel brought his arms up to block them. He wasn't afraid of the butterflies but flying at him like that had startled him. Once the initial surprise had let he brought his hands down and allowed them to freely brush up against him. Thinking nothing of the event, he moved onward.
It didn't take long for the spores to start attacking his system, his mouth, nose, eyes, throat, and lungs burned in a very unpleasant way. Coughing and rubbing his eyes, his progress was almost slowed to a complete stand still. There was another flurry of motion as hundreds more of the butterflies wafted past him. He vaguely wondered what had frightened them, but his mind left the subject quickly when he spotted a strange looking plant nestled between two trees.
Rushing over to it he got to a knee. The blossom was large, about a foot in radius. Its petals were a hot pink and darkened to a soft grey towards the throat. Stem and leaves, lay in a tangled mess around the trunks of the trees, wrapped around the host plants. Axel wasn't sure what to think of the plant, unsure if it was the one he shouldn't burn or the one he shouldn't touch (should he disturb the spores). A powerful urge suddenly overtook him and he leaned forward. With his free hand he cupped the bloom and with the other he cut it from the plant with the chakrams. Bringing the flower to his face he deeply inhaled through his nose, taking in the scent of it. It brought a dizzy feeling to him, but the smell was far too intoxicating to resist a second smell and a third. Again, the butterflies whirled about him, but this time his mind was high on the scent and their movements were rigid and chopped up into simple pictures.
A gust of wind kicked up with powerful force, clearing the haze away. Lightheaded, Axel plopped down onto the ground, unable to keep his balance. His energy was sapped but he was feeling so good now. Then a black and white face appeared in front of him and the flower was torn out of his hands. The mass of black reared up, trampling the plant. This sudden turn of negative events quickly jogged his brain back into action and he was on his feet in no time.
“Aether?” He questioned. The stallion let out a bellow, rearing up again. For the fourth time, Axel saw the swarm of butterflies burst forth. This time however, he recognized them for the threat they really were as Aether flapped his great wings and sent them to the ground. Once they lay motionless, Axel found them to be the razor sharp petals Marluxia used to attack him with and he became alarmed at how easily he fell for the hallucinations.
Suddenly yanked from the scruff he was thrown onto Aether's back. The steed let out an unhappy neigh and stomped a hoof before kicking up into flight. As the Pegasus flew up to escape the fumes, a vine caught him around the hind leg and drug them back to the earth. Grounded, the stallion let out a terrible sound stomping his feet in fury. Spreading his large wings again he flapped them hard, creating a whirlwind of pollen and dust. The small tornado sucked the air clean, gaining strength as it grew.
“Quick! Light it on fire!” Came a squeak from his shoulder. Axel scarcely questioned the voice and hopped off Aether's back. His chakrams in both hands again he summoned a flash of fire, catching the tunnel of air making it burst into flames. Still moving in a circular motion, however, the tornado did not die because of the fire. A little nervous about being so close to the cyclone, Axel rushed back to Aether and cut the Pegasus loose before hopping onto its back. Before he had a great hold on the stallion, it was in the air and quickly putting distance between the twister and themselves. Once again, a vine caught the steed and they were grounded a few yards off.
Obviously not able to run, Axel accepted the task of finding Marluxia and ridding himself of the nuisance one and for all, “Aether, you back me up when I call.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
Zexion frowned gazing at the book in his hands. Just a minute before, he'd returned from his progress check. Axel and Roxas seemed to be having a little trouble and Vexen and Lexaeus were closing in on Xemnas and the others. None of this was troubling to him directly but he was a little worried about Demyx. If Axel somehow failed, Demyx would never forgive him and he couldn't have that. What was he supposed to do? Why was love so complicated?
A rustle from the bed caught his attention. Demyx had finally noticed that he'd arrived. The Nobody cast him a confused look, glancing suspiciously at the book. No, he wasn't reading the book and Demyx perhaps caught onto that. It wasn't even in a language that Zexion knew how to speak let alone read. Actually, the book was just to cover up the fact that he'd come in just to be with Demyx.
“Creepy…” Mumbled Demyx as he sat up. Obviously, Zexion wasn't supposed to hear it so the Cloaked Schemer ignored the insulting comment. Moving his gaze back to the book, he idly turned the page, “When'd you get back? I didn't hear you come in.”
“The door to this room has been unlocked. You may come and go as you please.” Zexion stated monotonously not looking up from the book, “There's a restroom across the hall, the bathroom is at the end of the hall.”
“Oh… Thank you.” Came Demyx's voice. He sounded a little helpless and needy at that moment, perhaps disappointed in the lack of response he was getting from Zexion. It almost made Zexion smile, almost, “Um… I ate the food. It was pretty good.” This time a small smirk did touch his lips.
“I'm glad you enjoyed it.” Zexion replied looking up from the book. Not that he would admit it but he'd actually prepared the meal with tender loving care especially for his little captive in hopes of gaining Demyx's affections. If the Melodious Nocturne had been displeased, Zexion would have felt a more than a little disappointed, “Is there something else you want to tell me?”
“No.” Denied Demyx blatantly. Damn, Zexion had hoped with how awkward Demyx was acting he would flat out confess whatever was making him so uneasy. Fiddling with the zipper on his lap, the musician was quiet for a little while before glancing up nervously at Zexion. His expression changed from nervous to concerned in an instant, “Hey, your eyes are red.”
“Hm…” Lying the book down on the bed Zexion stood and went to the dusty mirror. Wiping the glass clean he examined his eyes. Indeed they were red; it looked like he had been crying. That was a displeasing fact. He hoped that he'd gotten out of the noxious atmosphere fast enough to avoid the attack. It probably wouldn't have been so bad had he not rubbed his stinging eyes afterwards, but what was done was done.
“Are you upset, is something wrong?” Asked Demyx earnestly leaning forward over the bed a little. For a moment Zexion pondered faking a long sob story to earn some pity comfort, which would be nice right about now. However, he decided against it, not caring to lie to the boy. As he returned to his seat and picked up again he could almost hear Luxord snickering at him about how `soft' he was becoming.
“No, Demyx. I am not troubled.” Zexion replied quietly looking at the page he opened to. They were still chicken scratches, which was disappointing. Somehow he was hoping he could magically read the words, it would have made ignoring Demyx's adorable expression a lot easier. He was sure the musician did not realize how utterly irresistible he was when he looked at him like that. There was tenderness in those eyes, the kind that he as a strict scientist had never seen directed towards him.
“Then what happened?” Demyx inquired hopefully swinging his legs off the bed to get a little closer to Zexion.
“If I told you, you'd get upset.” Came his response as he turned his head away, “You just don't understand my situation, Demyx.” He added smugly and a little sourly. Crossing a leg over the other, he let out a heavy sigh and folded his arms. It was something he seemed to be doing more of, those long sighs of a loaded thoughts and a stressful situation.
He let out yelp of surprise when suddenly Demyx plopped down onto his lap. Throwing an arm around Zexion's neck the Melodious Nocturne hung lightly onto the startled Nobody, “I'm not stupid, if you'd just explain it to me.” Muttered the blonde flicking Zexion on the nose with a finger.
“You seem to forget, I'm a listener.” Zexion snorted unfolding his arms to allow for a more comfortable position. Unintentionally, or perhaps just subconsciously, his hands snaked around Demyx's waist and settled lightly laced on his hip.
“Fine, you sit there and I'll talk to you. I'll tell you what my situation is and then maybe you can get it through you thick skull why I'm not very happy with you. Fair enough?” Demyx suggest with the raise of a brow. Slowly Zexion nodded and leaned back for the story. Of course, he knew most of it already but Demyx's voice was always a welcome sound so he allowed the repeat of information. It was also fairly insightful to hear it from Demyx's point of view he supposed, as most of his version was assumption. The water oriented boy began with how he was treated back at the Organization; then he moved onto how Axel and he had become close friends in the time they'd gotten there. After that he explained how Axel had helped him through a lot of the issues he was dealing with, feelings and all that. Zexion had a feeling Demyx didn't realize how touchy this subject actually was. Of course, it must have seemed like a much longer time to Demyx than for him. The fact was, Demyx had barely had a chance to get to know Zexion or what truly happened that day before he was gone and it was all over so it really couldn't be helped.
“So, you see… I mean, I really appreciate your help but I can't just give up on Axel. Even though I was running away, I was actually going to go back eventually. I really want to find my heart, and I really want to do it with Axel and Roxas. This is my first chance to actually get some new friends; I don't want to let it pass by.” Demyx said exasperated after having ranted for so long at Zexion. For how much Demyx had bad-mouthed Zexion and the others, the Cloaked Schemer seemed to be taking it well… Not great but not too bad. His expression had hardened a bit and he looked a slightly annoyed, but he'd kept quiet and listened dutifully. “So?”
“Give me until dusk tonight.” Zexion stated blankly.
“Tonight, give me until tonight. If I can't make you mine by then I'll take you back to that Nobody and leave you be.”
“You really don't get it, you idiot.” Chuckled Demyx shaking his head, leaning over and resting his head against Zexion's, “I didn't say I wanted you to leave. Figure it out.” Pushing himself up he let his hand linger on Zexion's shoulder for a moment, “I'm gonna take a shower now, don't get too lonely while I'm away.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Dawning Hills
Axel was finishing up showing Larxene the reason why he was called the Flurry of Dancing Flames, when Marluxia turned up. Because he'd run into Larxene first and she was pretty pissed off as it was, Axel had to terminate his mission of finding the flower boy. He considered himself lucky to have the boy fall right back onto his lap. Jumping back away from the lightning girl he grinned, “Good news, Larxene, looks like you won't be going all alone this time around. Goes double for you, pansy boy.”
“You're causing more trouble than I expect, but now that I know. You can be sure I won't make the mistake of underestimating you again. Not twice in the same day.” Marluxia growled between clenched teeth as Larxene limped to his side. Just a few more strikes to her and she'd be gone into the darkness.
“Actually this would be the third time today.” Axel replied, “I can't help it if you're stupid with a capital `S'. Now it's about damn time you two crash and burn.”
“Just try.” Came Marluxia's only response before besieging Axel with a series of desperate attacks. While vines tried to bind Axel from all directions Marluxia maneuvered up wind of Axel and unleashed his razor sharp petals on him. The attack itself was fairly weak but with the added strength of the wind the blossoms dealt a hard and swift blow. Too carried away with escaping restraints, Axel took the attack's full damage. Even when the attack was played again and Axel did try to defend, he found that there was no way to block. His fire that was to burn the assault was blown right back at his face. Despite being badly injured by it, the concept gave him a good idea that would defeat Marluxia with ease.
Turning to face Marluxia head on, he fell into a dead run as fast as his legs would carry him. As he charged, he used his chakrams to cut Marluxia's attacks in half to reduce damage. To avoid getting tangle in the vine attacks, he let loose blazes of flame to catch the offense before it caught him. Much to Marluxia's surprise, Axel rushed right past him without even trying to attack him. This temporary confusion gave Axel all the time he needed to turn and set up the attack. He let out a call to the Pegasus and everything was over.
“Burn, baby.” He breathed maliciously before a sudden flash of fire ignited before him. The fire caught the grass aflame and in seconds the high winds had fanned the flames into a wildfire. Behind him, Aether gave the fire one last beat with his wings creating a fatal attack. Axel couldn't see what exactly happened to Marluxia, but when the fire danced over the ground to the tornado nothing was left in its path, no plants and no Marluxia of Larxene.
Aether threw his head in excitement, bounding over Axel towards the cyclone. Stopping just short of being sucked in, the great steed reared up and, with one sweep of his wings, created a counter current that completely wiped out the raging whirlwind. Charred wood fell into a dead still pile near where the eye had been and everything was still and calm.
“Come on! Let's get Roxas! We've got to keep working.” Axel yelled impatiently, as he headed off once again in search of Demyx. He had no time to celebrate the meaningless victory.
The World That Never Will Be-
Abandoned House
Angrily throwing the door open to the room, Demyx pointed accusingly at Zexion, “What did you do with my clothes?!” He shouted, holding a clean towel around his waist. Zexion was sitting on the bed, the book he'd been reading earlier in his hand. For a moment Zexion didn't respond, as if he'd not heard him, “Hello! I said `what did you do with my clothes'!” The musician repeated furiously. He knew Zexion had taken them; there was no one else around with any motive. If this was Zexion's idea of a joke, Demyx swore he'd wring his neck for it.
“Clothes? I haven't seen them since you left with them on.” Replied Zexion smugly turning the page of his book. He didn't even look up. Oh yeah, Zexion had definitely taken them, there was no doubt in Demyx's mind. Now where did he put them, that was the real question. It wasn't likely the Cloaked Schemer was just going to hand them over.
“I'm not that dumb, don't be mean!” Demyx pouted stopping a foot, “I want to get dressed.” Slowly, Zexion raised his eyes from the page. Those stern eyes made Demyx shiver and as they bore down on him Demyx found himself getting a little self conscious. Retreating a bit, he looked around for some way to escape Zexion's piercing eyes. Empty handed, Demyx settled on backing up and hiding behind the wall. His hand on the door sill, he peeked in shyly, “Come on, Zex. I'm wet and cold.” He whined.
A blush spread across Zexion's face, but conscious of it the master of illusion hid it away quickly, “If you're cold, I'll warm you up.”
“I don't think so. Come on, cough `em up!” Persisted Demyx. Then to his surprise, Zexion set the book aside and reached behind him. Slowly the Nobody brought a handful of clothes in front of him; they were Demyx's, “Hey!” Demyx exclaimed stepping out a hiding a little, “I knew you took them!”
“Come on closer, and they're yours.” Zexion said a devilish grin touching his lips as he shook the clothes tauntingly.
“Man, oh, man.” Voiced Demyx anxiously. He was shivering cold and he was practically naked in the hall, but he wasn't sure if that justified going over there. After all, he had to wonder what Zexion was going to do when he got within reach of the Cloaked Schemer. Maybe if he looked around he could find something else to wear; that was not very likely. “What do I do…” He voiced looking around nervously. There was just no way Zexion wasn't going to try something, “Crap.” Deciding he'd just better get it over with he cautiously slunk over to the bed, “Now don't you do an- ACK!!!”
With a yelp he was pulled onto the bed. As he landed he found himself seated quite neatly on Zexion's lap. Arms wrapped around his waist, holding him firmly to the body behind him. Confused at exactly what had happened Demyx looked around wildly, trying to locate the clothes he'd approached to get. Unfortunately, they seemed to have disappeared because they were no where in sight anymore.
“I missed you.” Zexion whispered his breath tickling the back of Demyx's neck. The cold that replaced the warm breath caused Demyx to instantly tense, goosepumps prickling on his arms. Shivering Demyx looked over his shoulder with a sort of sad puppy dog look, “You're cute.” Came Zexion's response before a kiss was gently placed on his cheek.
“I am not.” Whined Demyx helplessly. Bringing his legs up to get leverage, he tried to pull himself away from Zexion. However, this only made the other Nobody hold tighter.
“I want you to stay.”
“I want to get dressed!”
“Well now, you can't get dressed yet. You're still wet. Let me help dry you off.” Offered Zexion, though it was more of a statement than an actual suggestion, “Of course, the towel around your waist is the only thing we can use.” He added with a hum.
“Ack! N-No way! Come on! Cut it out!” Demyx cried out this time struggling a lot harder than before to get free. After a moment he'd wriggled out of the tight grasp onto the bed, but as he began to crawl away the hands caught him again. One had come around his hips to stop him from gaining ground while the other had yanked the towel from his body, “Ah! Cold! Give it bac-mph!”
His sentence was muffled when Zexion dropped the towel on Demyx's head. Leaning over Demyx his holding arm, slid up to grasp his chest, while the other ruffled Demyx's hair, drying it. With a light laugh, Zexion pulled Demyx back onto his lap. His other hand now free from its task, Zexion brought it up to Demyx's head continuing his loving task. Sadly for the Cloaked Schemer, Demyx tore the towel away from him hiding his privates with it instead.
“I can dry myself just fine!” Demyx claimed with a disgruntled expression. The slight anger in his expression, though, disappeared almost instantly when he heard the charming ring of Zexion's laughter. Sitting still for a moment, a little surprised with the sudden hilarity in Zexion, Demyx puzzled over the reason, “What's so funny?”
Still in a fit of laughter, Zexion leaned heavily on his back, enveloping Demyx in his arms again. His head hung slightly over the musician's shoulders. When his breath was finally caught, the Cloaked Schemer let out a happy sigh and closed his eyes, “You are, Demyx. That was a good laugh, I needed that.” He murmured quite pleasantly, Demyx wasn't sure if he'd ever heard such emotion in the other's voice before. It was nice to hear such an amusing tone in Zexion's voice.
Unable to resist the obvious lighthearted moment, a grin surfaced on Demyx's face as well, “You're such a weirdo.” He chuckled as he reached over his shoulder and pushed Zexion back. Unprepared for the assault, the Schemer fell back, tumbling onto the bed only to be crippled by laughter again. The contagious humor caught Demyx as well and he fell over onto the other boy, he too laughing just for the sake of laughing.
“Y-you're hair's-“ Zexion couldn't even finish his sentence from the lack of breath. Instead he settled on just running his hand over Demyx's head, half-heartedly fixing the boy's mussed up hair.
“You're the one who did it!” Demyx accused good-humoredly before reaching over with both hands to ruffle up Zexion's hair, “There! Now yours is messed up too!” Sticking out his tongue at his opponent, he poked Zexion's forehead playfully, “What'cha gonna do now, hot shot?”
“This!” Letting out a little growl Zexion suddenly threw Demyx off him and tackled the Melodious Nocturne to the bed, switching their positions. Breathless from laughing, the two were still for a moment gazing at one another with unimpeded grins on their faces. Zexion's hair fell down around his face, slowly detangling itself with the motion. Reaching up, Demyx ran his hands back into the mesh of tresses freeing Zexion's face of the soft frame.
“That's how you're supposed to win a guy's heart.” Demyx hummed peacefully. A flash of surprise swept across Zexion's face, followed secondly by humiliation. Deep red colored his normally pale cheeks. His lips parted as if he were going to speak but instead of words came an uncertain hum.
“Sorry.” He murmured quickly as he got up off of the sitar player. Bringing a hand to his face he tried to hide the blush, “Um, y-your clothes.” He added timidly reaching down and picking up the wad of cloth from the foot of the bed. His head was turned away shyly as he held out the garments. Sitting up, Demyx tilted his head a little just smiling at the other Nobody for a moment. This was Zexion being embarrassed; it wasn't likely to happen again soon. Despite the situation that had brought him here, Demyx was feeling just a tad attracted to the normally composed Zexion.
“You're not bad, I like you.” Demyx stated reaching up and taking his clothes back. His words caused Zexion to look at him once again with an expression of astonishment and, ever so little, hesitant delight, “Now get out. I need to get dressed.” Added the Melodious Nocturne, hiding lackadaisically behind his black clothes.
“Sure thing.” Murmured Zexion allowing the calm to gradually overtake him again as he stepped out into the hall.
Save Game: to be continued…