Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 27
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
“Saix, I want you to scout on ahead to the peak. Find out where they'll end up.”
“Of course, my Superior. Your wish is my command.” Saix hummed lightly giving a great bow. A final cast to Xaldin, warning him silently to stay far away from his Superior. Just one more moment together before his nonexistence came crashing down. His last mission before end, and he was to go alone.
“Be careful. We don't know what is waiting there for you.” Xemnas said coldly looking through the trees to the unseen peak.
“Are you worried about me?” Saix hoped.
“Of course not, you're most capable of securing the ground by yourself. Now go.” And that was it, no fancy goodbyes, nothing.
Roxas looked up at the sound of a snapping branch and was pleased to find Axel had returned with both Demyx and Zexion. They had not been gone long but when Axel had started to panic Roxas couldn't help but feel a little worried. It was a good thing they were back anyway, they were just about ready to eat and Luxord had built up a good pile of wood and tinder. Axel hadn't helped him at all so Roxas pitched in; he had a strange feeling Axel still wasn't very pleased with Luxord so he was pushing him pretty hard. That led Roxas to believe it was probably a good thing to keep Zexion under cover for a while, until Axel cooled down with their newest guest.
“Demyx, we were getting worried.” Roxas voiced patting the ground beside him. In response, Demyx offered him a short-lived smile and a curious look that Roxas wasn't sure what to make of. Then the musician came to his side and got down to the ground, sitting on his knees. Luxord was sitting to the left of Demyx and Roxas to his right and to the other side of Roxas Aether and Figment made themselves comfortable; sadly, this left Axel to sit next to Luxord. Luckily, Axel was pretending not to be annoyed with the situation for the sake of Demyx not finding out that he and Roxas were close, not that he didn't already know, “What took you?”
“Ah… Yeah well. I got lost looking for him.” Demyx said again offering a small smile a blush visibly creeping onto his face.
“Lost? How cou-“ Zexion shoved his face between the two cutting off Roxas's question. Then the wolf Nobody stepped through the tiny gap and wriggled in between them, laying on his side to push Roxas over as far as he could go, “Hey, cut that out.” Roxas hissed giving Zexion a good shove back. The Nobody let out a growl moving to snap at him but Demyx's arms caught him around the chest and pulled him back.
“Stop that.” He heard Demyx whisper and Zexion looked down at the ground a let out a heavy breath. Then his eyes drifted shut and almost instantly his body went slack as sleep took him. “Hey!” Demyx barked angrily, “Get up you loser, you're heavy! I'm not holding you!” He exclaimed giving Zexion a good shake. The stubborn schemer opened an eye but did nothing more. “I'll drop you!” Zexion didn't look like he was taking him seriously but when he was dropped he didn't look all too surprised. He only let out a grunt, got up, and climbed up onto Demyx's lap as much as he could, “You're not a lap dog. Get off, you're too big.” Roxas laughed, Zexion was being ridiculously obnoxious, especially for not actually being an animal; that fact probably made it all the more amusing.
“Well, lover's quarrels aside,” Roxas began turning his attention back to the others, “This will be our first night together as friends and allies, of course we have a long way to go with trust but I don't think we'll have any problems with mutiny or anything… Unless Luxord wants to beat Axel's ass in, which is completely understandable.”
“Hey!” Axel objected, but he wasn't allowed to get in anything more than that because Roxas threw him a glare to keep quiet while he was talking.
“I'm thinking we'll need to figure out some sort of system here or someone might get a little power hungry.” This time Axel only huffed and folded his arms angrily, “So as Luxord doesn't get stuck doing all the brute work I think Axel and Luxord should take turns with that. Demyx and I are far too fragile for heavy physical labor,” Oh, yeah; that was definitely a lie, “And the Aether, Zenith, and Figment shouldn't be utilized for that just because they're animals.”
“Then what are you two pipsqueaks going to do?” Luxord asked still very un-amused, “Sit and watch.”
“No.” Roxas replied bluntly to the fairly rude suggestion, “There are plenty of other duties we can do. Figment is going to be in charge of food from now on. Aether and Zenith will keep watch at night because they can hear and smell better than us, they can also help with finding bedding. Demyx can clean our clothes because of his element. Then I can do what I did tonight, and Demyx can also help with that. If there's other stuff we'll work it out later.”
“Sounds fair enough.” Axel murmured.
“Also, Axel, you're not allowed to order anyone around anymore. You're already on bad terms with two of us, so I'm putting Demyx in charge of that.”
“What? Me? Why?” Demyx questioned shifting in his spot, trying to adjust the large canine Zexion on his lap.
“Everyone like you. Even Luxord, right?” Roxas looked to Luxord and the gambler gave a nod of approval, “See, and with more responsibility Axel might find you're capable of taking care of yourself as well as others. So everything's settled?” There was a unanimous hum of agreement, “Good, then let's eat. How about it Figment, think you can whip us up a feast?”
“One feast coming up!” Cried Figment excitedly jumping up onto Roxas's head and before they could blink an eye the food magically appeared before them. Silver and gold platters and silverware, crystal and jeweled goblets, and stained glass bottles pulled together from the air. On some plates hot roasted meat lay sliced and seasoned; on others were arrangements of fruits and vegetables; the final plates held delicious looking cakes, pies, and various deserts. In one third of the bowls were steamy soups and stews filled to the brim with rice, meat, and boiled herbs and plants. The frosted bowls contained sorbets and ice cream.
There was so much of nearly every fancy food Roxas could imagine, he couldn't even begin to wrap his head around where to start. Oddly enough he was the only one. Axel immediately letting out a holler of delight dug right in with Luxord right there with him. They had their mits on some rolls, roast beef, and wild rice. Aether was happily munching on a fruit tray and Figment was now busying himself with a cup of flavored ice. Beside him, however, Demyx and Zexion just stared uninterested in the food. Roxas leaned forward picking up a bowl of soup with both hands. Still watching out of the corner of his eye he sipped the blistering liquid.
“Not hungry Zexion?” He could hear Demyx whisper, it would have been impossible for Axel to register it so he was safe. Zexion raised his maw and shook his head, “Neither am I… That's normal though, right? I mean after…” Demyx gave a little shrug to gesture in the woods. The wolf Nobody nodded and rested his head down, “S'pose I'd better at least have a drink. Maybe it'll spark something, like an appetite maybe.” Reaching for a crystal glass, Demyx peered in at the liquid, probably unsure of what it was. He sniffed it and gave it a little taste before deciding he liked the taste enough and readily began to drink it. Roxas leaned over, placing the bowl on his lap.
“So Demyx,” He began slowly and quietly, “You and Zexion did it in the forest-“ Demyx choked, coughing up some of the drink he'd just been downing.
“Wha-?” He squeaked turning to look at Roxas questioningly, as he did so he wiped at the red liquid that ran down his chin.
“Well you're acting all strange, you're sitting on your knees, and you're not hungry. I figure something must have happened while you were gone and with how much time you had alone, and that little conversation I'm pretty sure you two did it.” Roxas stated.
“D-Don't tell Axel, he'll be furious!” Demyx hissed quietly.
“Ha ha ha! Don't worry I'm not going to tell.” Replied Roxas with a laugh, “Anyway, you should really try to eat something I mean, if you're going to do it again tonight you might want to have something in your stomachs.”
“Don't say stuff like that!” Demyx blushed gripping Zexion's fur tightly, “Besides we can't-“
“Sure you can. Axel and I are going to be off in a little while, Aether and Figment will be asleep. I mean, all you have to do is get Luxord out of your hair which will be pretty easy since he already knows about you.” Commented Roxas quietly raising his bowl to drink some more of the delicious soup, “Come on, we're teenagers you can't say that you won't want to.” Demyx bowed his head sheepishly at being caught so easily. He and Zexion shared a look, decidedly wondering if they should try to get something into their pallets. Lazily, Zexion slipped off Demyx's lap and sniffed around a second before picking up something he liked the smell of. Turning back to Demyx the disguised Nobody raised his head up and tossed his muzzle a bit.
“Hm?” Demyx held out his hand and took the food that Zexion offered. It looked like a roll of some sort but it had some rich brown sauce on it. Biting into the bread, it was revealed that it was stuffed with herbs and shredded meat. It looked pretty good; Roxas made a mental note to try it. A smile lit up on Demyx's face, “This is really good, what do you like?” Asked Demyx and the wolf turned his head and to gesture towards a broiled fish. Reaching over Demyx picked up the platter and tore a piece of the meat off and held it out to Zexion. The Cloaked Schemer tenderly took it from his finger, eating as refined as a canine could possibly eat before slowly licking Demyx's finger.
“Oh, boy is that wrong.” Roxas laughed. It wasn't unusual to hand feed dogs but because Roxas knew that the lick was meant in a sexual way it just kind of grossed him out. As Demyx and Zexion began to actually delve into eating, Roxas again leaned over to whisper quietly, “So… Did Zexion look like that when it happened?”
Demyx choked again, “For god's sake!” He yelled catching Axel's attention.
“Hey, kids! What's going on over there? Not talking dirty over there are you?” Axel instantly accused playfully only making Demyx's face burn a bright red.
“Oh yes! We were just talking about Demyx's first time, it is so hot.” Roxas replied sarcastically with a Cheshire grin. Bowing his head even more, Demyx covered his face from view with a hand.
“Oh wow, that's some conversation you've got going. Well don't get too worked up over it Roxas, I don't need you falling for little water boy over there.” Laughed Axel before turning back to his food. It was that simple, Axel didn't believe that was what they were really talking about and they were off the hook. Once he was sure everyone was over Demyx's outburst Roxas leaned over again.
“Well?” He prodded.
“No!” Demyx exclaimed in a hushed voice. From his lap Zexion gave Roxas a nasty glare. It was just too amusing to let Demyx be.
“Oh go fill up on wine, grouchy little wolfboy.” Roxas teased sticking his tongue out at Zexion before snagging a strip of steak to eat, “You too, Demyx. I was being serious about needing to eat something before you, you know what, again.” Demyx pouted but started eating again and as he took in a large gulp of his drink Roxas leaned over again, “Who was on top?”
Demyx spit out his drink and shoved Roxas hard, “Would you shut up!”
“I'm sorry I just couldn't resist!” Roxas laughed holding his side, it hurt to laugh so hard but it was just so funny.
“I think you two are having too much fun over there. Seriously! What are you two talking about?” Axel asked now interested.
“They're talking about sex.” Luxord told him bluntly, “Lean back, I can't get the sausage with you hunched forward like that.” (I could not resist putting some sexual suggestion in here)
“Oh, sorry.” Axle apologized leaning back so as Luxord could reach over and snag one of the large sausages, they looked like they were large beef ones. Not that it mattered at all, “You're listening in on them?”
“Why not? Teenagers have active imaginations; I can get a lot of good ideas from the more practical ones. I don't like sticking to one technique you know; I want to experience it all. Now all I need is a guy with some hair on him. You're all too fucking young, grow up damn it!” He barked shaking his newly found sausage at Roxas and Demyx. His cheeks were bright and his gaze was a little off.
“Are you drunk?” Raising a brow Roxas pushed himself back up and cocked a brow at Luxord.
“No… Could be. Let me check.” Setting down all his food, Luxord pushed himself up and started to stand. About halfway up however he seemed to loose his balance and he came crashing back down to the ground, falling flat on his back in fit of laughter, “Oh god, yeah lads, I'm plastered.” He said as he caught his breath, then he began to laugh again. Axel laughed heartily at him and kicked him in the side to make the Gambler of Fate laugh even harder.
“How the hell'd you get drunk?” Asked the pyro obviously not expecting an answer because he picked up his own drink and took a large gulp. That was a good question though, how did Luxord get drunk? Roxas stared down at his drink, what was he drinking exactly. He'd never had alcohol before, Roxas wasn't sure what it was supposed to taste like, and maybe he was too.
He might have pondered on that a little too long though, because when he finally tore his thoughts from the drink Demyx was on his third glass of whatever he was drinking and was now pouring some of it into Zexion's mouth as well. For a moment Zexion paused, he seemed to know what it was because he cast a look around himself to check and see if the others were drinking it too. Since they were he went right on back to lapping up the liquid off his lips and out of Demyx's cup.
Oh well, at least everyone was going to be loopy so he wouldn't have to explain himself to anyone. With that reasoning behind him Roxas tipped his glass up and downed the rest of the wine he'd been served. A banquet was no feast without wine and rum, he supposed. Next time he'd specify non-alcoholic drinks to the small dragon. It was an honest mistake.
Save Game: to be continued…