Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 29
I've been feeling a little battle deprived lately, so I threw in some senseless fighting in here because we needed it. And we've gotten back to the actual story again (sort of); soon you should be feeling the oncoming of the imminent end (as soon as I stop getting sidetracked). Yup, yup. There may be a quite a few chapters left but all of them are going to be building blocks for the final battle!
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
“Roxas… Ro~xa~s… Come on, wake up.” Roxas groaned angrily at the persistent voice turning his head down to hide from the insistent requests. However, that seemed to make it come all the more, “Roxas, I know you can hear me. Up!” Why did he have to get up? It wasn't like they were in any type of hurry. It was an endless summer vacation, an unending break in work. Sleeping in and slacking off wasn't going to kill anyone. If anything it was saving time… Oh god, time.
Sitting up in a flash, his nerves pulsed with sudden fear and anxiety. He'd forgotten completely about the book, about everything they were headed towards. Not only that, he hadn't even spoken a word of the circumstances to the others. Telling them was something that he dreaded with all his being. They were going to forget it all, everything. Last night, his journey, all the things that made him more than just a Nobody, all of it would just disappear like it had never happened at all. Reality was so harsh and cruel. With everything he knew at stake, he was unsure if he really wanted to get the heart that was supposed to be waiting for him. Was it enough to just have Axel, to have such great friends? Was a heart worth all of that?
“Roxas? Hey, what's wrong? You all right?” An arm came around his shoulders comfortingly. With his sudden outburst, of course Axel would be worried. Roxas really shouldn't have reacted like that. No, he really should have told them the truth of what they were actually doing before allowing things to get so far. He felt absolutely terrible.
“It… It's nothing. I just, though of something really scary.” Murmured the blonde quietly. Right now there wasn't enough courage in him to tell Axel the truth, “I'm fine.” With those words spoken Roxas forced the painful information back into his mind, choosing not to recognize and face the problem just yet. This moment, it shouldn't be spoiled on such sour actualities.
“You sure?” Axel questioned in confirmation, his head coming down to rest on Roxas's shoulder.
“Yeah,” Putting on a bright smile, Roxas turned in Axel's embrace and put his arms around his neck, “Now what I'm wondering is, why you woke me up.” Roxas continued giving Axel a look that informed him he wasn't too happy with him at the moment, of course it was all just a ruse, he wasn't really all that angry. Still, it was black as night out and very cold, so it didn't seem likely morning had come yet.
“Well…”Axel began turning his eyes away as he looked to be scrambling for an excuse. It was dark but Roxas could still make out the light blush spreading across his cheeks, “The thing is…” His eyes flashed back to Roxas and the blonde gave an even harder glare, “I… Couldn't…. Sleep?”
“You couldn't sleep? O~kay. How long have you been up?” Roxas inquired his façade slipping.
There was a pause, “Does it matter?” He asked giving Roxas a charming smile as he leaned forward and rested his forehead on Roxas's, “I love you.” Oh, yeah. Roxas knew why he was up; he even doubted if Axel had gone to sleep in the first place. Watching him while he was asleep was pretty creepy prospect, but Roxas didn't mind. However, Roxas was still very tired and if Axel wanted anything, he would have to work damn hard for it for waking him.
“Well I love you too.” Roxas planted a kiss on the tip of Axel's nose, “I'm going back to sleep; it's cold.” He stated stubbornly turning and lying back down, a smile spreading across his face.
“Hey! Come on, Roxas!” Whined Axel flopping down to lie over Roxas's side and toy with the blonde's hair, “You can't go back to sleep, stay up with me.” He begged, “I'll make it worth your while.”
“I think I'll pass.” Roxas played, faking a yawn.
“You can't pass!” Exclaimed Axel, wriggling anxiously.
“Who says? You?”
“Yeah, me. Got it memorized? Now get up…. Please?”
“Hmmm… Nah, I don't think so.” There was a long pause. Axel was probably thinking of some way to coax him out, but Roxas had a feeling his attempts would be in vain. The weight from his side lifted temporarily, before Axel laid down completely on top of him, shifting his weight just enough not to crush Roxas. Cracking an eye open, Roxas glanced over at his shoulder where Axel's head, cushioned by both hands, rested.
“Just one kiss?”
Exhaling deeply, Roxas smiled, “All right, one kiss… But only one.” He agreed raising one had to place it on the back of Axel's neck to encourage him, not that he needed. As quickly as he'd been given the go ahead, Axel was on his hands and knees, crouched down and kissing Roxas deeply. At the passion and the feeling of Axel's body heat warming his now chilled skin Roxas let out a soft moan. As expected, of course, when the kiss was broken for a slight adjustment Axel came right back for another one.
Giving Axel a push, Roxas chuckled breaking off the second kiss, “Hey, what did I tell you?”
“Don't know, I wasn't listening.” Hummed Axel before dragging his tongue along Roxas's jaw, “You know, you want to.” His hand slid down Roxas's body to more emphasize his point. It was obvious Roxas did, he was just playing a little `hard to get' for some fun.
“But it's late.” Roxas persisted unable to hide his smile. He was such a sucker for the red head it was too funny not to smile.
“Oh ho! Well if it's time you're worried about, I'd say it's early. Let's get a head start on the new day.” Replied Axel enthusiastically. He was definitely fully awake now; there wasn't anything that would get him to sleep other than the one thing he was looking for.
“Well if it's early morning that changes everything.” Axel didn't even wait this time for Roxas to say more. However, as Axel ravished his body with kisses, a smell began to sweep through the forest trees. It was a normal scent, but what it belonged to was what disturbed him. The smell of fresh rain and dew flooded his nose, “W-wait, Axel…” Roxas murmured grasping Axel's red hair in his fist.
“You're not going to try to get me to stop again, are you?” Axel grumbled resting his chin on Roxas's lower stomach.
“Ah… No, I just… Never mind, go on.” It wasn't raining there; it was somewhere else, close but still not there. He really didn't want to punish Axel for his mistake. So again he pushed the thoughts away and forced a small smile before allowing Axel to continue.
A low rumble in the distance spoke it's defiance of being so flatly ignored. Brief and dim, lightning smoldered angrily. If the forest had not been so unbearably brutal to them, had not wracked Demyx's body with exhaustion they might have been in the rain right now. That thought sent an involuntary shudder run through him.
A second more distinct sound careened through the cold air, and this time it made both of them freeze. A blood curdling scream, an absolutely dreadful cry of anguish cut through the silence completely slaughtering any trace of calm. Both of them sat up this time, instantly on alert. The sound had filled the air in such a way neither knew how close the source was, or even what direction it came from.
“Get dressed; we've got to see to the others.” Axel voiced before Roxas could speak the exact same thing. The two were on their feet in seconds, and in their rush the only found pants to be the only essential piece of clothing they needed right then.
Dashing into the clearing they had left the others in they found all of them to be awake. In the dim light, however, all of them seemed all right. Aether, ears perked and head high in alarm, waited anxiously for another call with Figment shivering on his back. Zenith, rather Zexion looking like a wolf, was next to a half-dressed Demyx who was groaning a little with a hand to his head. The illusionist looked concerned, but the scream had not come from the ailing musician.
“Are you all, okay?” Axel asked, even though there was no need.
“Fine.” Mumbled Demyx before bringing his knees up to his chest and covering his head with his hands, “My head hurts though…” Roxas sighed with relief, and almost smiled at Demyx. The fact he was more worried about his aching head than the bone-chilling scream was a little bit comforting.
“Your head hurts?! Ugh, you should feel the hell going through my skull.” Complained Luxord from his spot.
“God, you're awake?” Snarled Axel, “Why couldn't you just stay in your alcohol induced coma?” Roxas gave a soft groan, Axel was just upset because they'd been interrupted and he'd been worried. Couldn't he just be fine with knowing everyone was all right and not bite off someone's head to hide his worry?
“Well, excu~se me for living.” Luxord replied, probably purposefully trying to upset Axel. It didn't work though, because Axel's reaction was interrupted by a light chattering, a sound that, by Axel's response, he'd heard. Roxas couldn't say the same though. He'd not met all the kinds of danger that dwelled here.
Yellow eyes opened wide, glaring through the darkness of the trees as the chattering and clacking grew in volume. Dark figures molded from the shadows, stepping out into the open. Roxas stepped closer to Axel as Luxord and Demyx jumped to their feet in unease. The fur on Zexion's back stood on end as he pulled back his lips in a vicious, but silent, snarl.
“Roxas, get ready to fight.” Axel hissed quietly, summoning his chakrams to his bear hands. Following the command Roxas called his two keyblades to his hands, holding them up defensively. The intruders snapped their jaws, not yielding to the threat. Something else was stopping them from attacking, but what?
“Don't worry, I'll stop `em.” Demyx offered his sitar appearing in his hands.
“High above the beautiful sky
Listen to the whispering words of the wind, blessing on you
Gentle wind blows up on a hill
Sing a song of lightly birds of the charm, touching on you

It's calling your name, warming your heart
Darling, if you could be pleased to be here
It's calling my name, warming my heart
Praying for you to be happy and joy
Merciful days”
His melodic voice rang out, the ethereal tone of the song calming the chattering. The closest Burdened fell to the ground, eyes fluttering shut. Those further back hung their heads low, eyes drooping in fatigue.
Finally the second scream came, this time it sounded desperate and plea for help before all havoc broke loose. The Shifters shot up in an instant and several locked their jaws on the Melodious Nocturne, silencing him.
“Demyx!” Roxas exclaimed moving to aid Demyx, but five Shifters leapt into the path. The battle was on and they would need to fend for themselves now. It seemed that they had formed a plan, and before any of them could figure it out they were all separated, each surrounded by five to ten of the rapid tainted beings. This didn't matter though; Roxas would take care of them easily. If he could take down a giant metal soldier, a few `dogs' wouldn't stop him.
“Watch your backs, I'm about to show these night crawlers the power of light.” Roxas warned them. Things were going to get dangerous, not for him of course, but for everyone else. The blades lit up with a white radiance, the dark night lighting up from the element which Roxas controlled allowing for pinpoint accuracy.
Then he swung into action. His keyblades ran through the air, leaving streaks of smoldering white energy. They cut through the Shifters like they were made of the cloth. His movements began to accelerate, picking up momentum from the various combinations of swirls and strikes leaving destruction in his path. Rock, trees, Burdened, anything that lay before him was reduced to nothing more than debris or weakened Nobodies. What attacks that did reach him, he countered with double the damage taken, the pain not disrupting the rhythm of this deadly dance.
In the sky, the color of the sunrise began to paint an elaborate display. The forest was waking up from its slumber, and as it did, things began to calm on the Shifters side of the battle. Roxas didn't take note of any of this. His sight was blinded by the need to protect and whenever he glanced back at Demyx or Axel or even Luxord, the desire was renewed. The other's though holding up, were suffering from the fight, Demyx and Zexion most of all. Demyx's fighting had been severely hindered by the hangover and Zexion had jumped in to help him. However, it doubled the amount of Shifter's he had to fight, and in such a weak form he was taking a good beating. Axel and Luxord were doing well enough at least.
His keyblades seared through two nearby trees, cutting them completely through and causing a chain reaction of destruction. The large plants fell forward into the battle field, crushing several Burdened, but also catching Aether beneath it. Trapped among the branches, the stampeding stallion was defenseless to the oncoming attacks. Luxord was able to freeze some of the attackers, but not enough to prevent a significant amount of damage; he had his own problems to deal with closer to his own body.
Cursing under his breath, Roxas silently pleaded for the battle to end quickly. They were outnumbered and trapped. If something didn't happen soon, he feared someone wasn't going to make it out alive. Then as suddenly as the chaos began things stopped.
The sun glared down, and everything ceased to move. Shifters, clacking quietly, lowered their heads and stepped away all at once, while the resulting Creepers slipped away into cover. Their wild yellow eyes rose to the sky and Roxas looked up as well. It was so bright out here on the mountain now, out of the shade of the trees. Soft chirps, morning birds, sang out happily. They had never heard the beautiful sound of birds in a long while.
On their hind legs, the ugly form of the Shifters molded into that of Xemnas. They retained the color of their normal fur and skin making Xemnas's coat and clothes a dark patchy purple and black, while his hair remained silver. Eyes still wild and yellow, the attackers turned and retreated routinely back into the cover of the woods.
“What… Was that about?” Luxord voiced curiously, his voice hoarse and hampered by his heaving chest.
“Don't know.” Replied Axel, just as baffled by the phenomena. Then he whipped around to face Roxas, his face contorted with worry, “Roxas! Are you all right?!” He exclaimed quickly running up to him.
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Roxas confirmed giving a nod before remembering Aether, trapped beneath the tree, “Help me!” He exclaimed leaping down and stooping to the ground to try and lift the heavy wood from his friend's body. Without hesitation, Axel was beside him, pushing his weight into the lumber trying to push it off. Then with Luxord giving a hand, they rolled the tree off Aether's back.
Climbing to his feet the black Pegasus let out a pained grunt.
“Are you all right, Aether?” Roxas questioned, gently running a hand over his back. Giving something of a nod, the war horse limped away from the scene and collapsed into a heap of flesh and sweat. Figment, emerging from his hiding spot, fluttered to Roxas's shoulder.
“Are you okay, Roxas?” Piped the dragon.
“Yeah, but I think we'll need some potions.” Roxas informed the reptile.
“Right away!”
A low rumble caught their attention. Demyx, letting out a soft whimper of pain, pushed away some of the rubble that had been thrown onto him near the end of the battle. Beneath him, Zexion, tail between his legs and ears back, scrambled out of the mess. Limping heavily and letting out soft whines, Zexion shakily turned around and went to Demyx's side again.
“Demyx!” Axel was at their side in a flash, on his knees and fervently tending to them. They needed it though; Roxas wasn't going to be jealous. When Figment produced the potions, Roxas went to the trio.
“Hey, take this and get back on your feet.” He said quietly handing down the vials. Axel took them, Demyx too shaky to hold anything yet, and healed the pair of injured Nobodies. Demyx looked like he couldn't be anymore grateful. Then he took one for himself.
“What about me?” Pouted Luxord walking over to them.
“What about you?” Axel glowered.
“I'm hurt too!” Luxord informed angrily.
“You look fine to me.” Replied Axel, “And you, Roxas, don't you ever do anything like that again, got it memorized? I was worried! You think you're some sort of hero, but you're not. I'm here for you now, don't go taking on everything like you're alone in the world! We're a team, you idiot!”
“Sorry, I don't know what got into me.” Chuckled Roxas, “Next time I'll definitely ask for your help.”
“You got that straight, and you two! You two are just pissing me off now!” Axel ranted to Demyx and Zexion, “God, can't you do anything on your own? I swear, each time we fight you take five years off my life, Demyx. Didn't I teach you anything? Were all my efforts to make you a better fighter in vain?” That may have been going just a little bit too far. Roxas wrapped his arms around Axel's and pulled him back a little. It was obvious that Axel hadn't intended the words to be so hurtful but they had struck a cord inside Demyx and the Nobody looked like he was about to cry.
“I-I'm s-sorry.” Demyx choked bowing his head, but that did nothing to hide the tears. In retaliation Zexion bared his teeth at Axel, snarling angrily and snapped at him before turning lick the tears away from Demyx's cheeks, “I-I rea-really tried! I'm sorry, A-Axel.” Bawled Demyx, covering his face and trying to choke back the sobs.
“What's your fucking problem?!” Luxord growled, “He's just a kid, you don't have the right to slap him around like you do me.” Defended the Gambler of Fate, joining Zexion in comforting the sobbing Demyx.
“I- I didn't mean…” Axel fell silent, his shoulder slumping forward. His brilliant green eyes averted their gaze and focused on the ground.
“I know you didn't mean it.” Comforted Roxas stroking Axel's arm. It was just Axel's way of dealing with his emotions, “Maybe you should spend some time with him today. Get things cleared up. You're not fun when you're upset.”
“Yeah.” Sighed Axel, turning away from the others and retreating to Aether's side to give the stallion one of the remaining potions. Roxas continued to cling to his side, “I guess I'm no good as a friend.” He grumbled as he moped, “I always end up upsetting him, Roxas, I just don't know how to deal with him.” Explained Axel as he cured Aether of his ailments.
“Don't say that, you're just awkward!” Laughed Roxas, “Don't worry he'll forgive you, and everything will turn out just fine. Besides, even if he doesn't you can always come and cry on my shoulder if you like.”
“You're too good to me… Why couldn't I say it sooner?”
“Say what sooner?”
“When you left the organization, when you told me no one would care or miss you… I could only say that I would only after you were gone. If I'd said when you were listening, when you needed me, we could have been together all this time.”
Roxas was silent for a moment, “Wasn't the journey worth it?” He voiced compassionately.
“The journey, the long wait, the troubles that made us stronger so that we could be together… Was it not worth it? All the time you spent getting to know Demyx, developing feelings for someone other than me… Aren't those good things enough to outweigh the wait?” Clarified Roxas. Of course, it had been painful and heart wrenchingly long, but Roxas truly cherished the time he spent getting to where he was. He'd met so many wonderful people, had some good times, though they hadn't been very funny when they were occurring. Still, everything that he went through had made him stronger, and he liked to think that things just wouldn't have been better the other way around.
“I guess… You're right… I did enjoy having Demyx there for me, even if he was just a pain in the ass.” Axel agreed quietly, raising a hand and placing it over Roxas's, “I just missed you so much, I couldn't see the good things that came out of it.”
“Sometimes all you need is for someone to point out what you couldn't.” Grinned Roxas. Just like Demyx, pointing out the obvious connection between them when neither Roxas nor Axel had been brave enough to test it. Boy, he sure owed a lot to that Nobody, “I think today is going to be an interesting day for you Axel.”
“You're really weird.” Axel muttered, shaking his head, “Come on. Let's get ready to head out again.”
“I don't think so.” Roxas objected grabbing Axel's arm, “You have to go fetch our clothes, and then you can go ask Demyx if we're leaving yet. Don't you remember? Demyx is giving all the orders from now on.”
“You've got to be joking.”
“Dead serious, now move along. I'm getting cold.”
Save Game: to be continued…