Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 34 ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 34
Could I resist? No, I could not. Luxord is getting his ass whooped in a card game. It makes me smile.
Also, I dedicate the Xemnas/Saix part of the chapter to Depeche Mode and their songs `Shake the Disease' and `Damaged People' which I think put into beautiful words the bond Xemnas and Saix share with each other.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Valley of the Fallen
“Ha! Full house! Tens over aces!” Luxord exclaimed in triumph from the happy circle of poker players. Instantly Demyx groaned and dropped his hand in defeat. He'd not won a game the entire time he'd been watching, and that had been about five hands ago. Demyx was horrible at the game; if he had any luck it was bad. However, his own lover was fairing better, Roxas had won once, the first hand he'd witnessed. Every time after that, Zexion had ruled the game as he would this round too.
Closing his eyes and letting out a hum, Zexion raised his hand, card backs to the group. For a moment he sat silently before turning the cards in his fingers all at once, “Royal Flush.” He spoke victoriously before gracefully lying his hand down in front of himself.
Luxord's jaw dropped and he leaned forward, “No way!” He gaped.
“Fact, my dear Luxord.” With a chuckle Zexion folded his arms decidedly. However, beside him Demyx grinned and gave him a good shove.
“You're such a cheater!” He exclaimed laughing all the while. Then he picked up his hand and fingered out a single card. “I've got the real Queen of Hearts right here! You can't have a Royal Flush with hearts!” Zexion let out a sigh and gave an over-exaggerated shrug.
“Guilty, but I didn't cheat.” Confessed Zexion in a matter-of-fact kind of tone, “It was more like bending the rules of reality; no one ever said I couldn't.” He added throwing his arms behind his head and falling onto his back, “Anyway, I got sick of losing. Why don't you three play with Axel or something? I'm sure he'll play fair.” He yawned, stretched, and rolled lazily onto his stomach. However, he wasn't allowed to rest easily as Demyx threw himself onto Zexion's back, capturing him in his arms.
“I wanna play with you!” Whined Demyx.
“You're going to get Axel mad at me again.”
“Yeah, Demyx. You better be careful, he's pretty hot-tempered. You'd think with both Roxas and Demyx to keep him company, he'd have cooled off some.” Luxord commented. It was obvious Luxord hadn't noticed Axel was watching them, just out of their sight and was listening to their every word.
“Well, actually, he was really nice until you and Zexion came along.” Demyx voiced thoughtfully.
“Oh, great, so it's just us? You know what? I don't even get his problem! I never did anything to him, sure I tried to get rid of Sora but it was orders! He knows that! He did the exact same thing with Vexen… He needs to lighten up; we've all got a common enemy and goal. Hell, we could be a new Organization.”
“No. I don't take orders anymore.” Zexion denied flat out.
“Except me right?” Demyx leaned closer to his face in inquiry. With a smile Zexion gave a nod.
“Yeah, except you.”
“You're such a romanticist…” Luxord rolled his eyes.
“Guess you wouldn't expect it from how he acts, huh?” Roxas voiced with a grin, “What ever happened to our cold-blooded scientist that never had a heart there, Zexy?” He mocked playfully. Zexion made a face pushing both himself and Demyx up.
“Call me that again and I'll make your life a living nightmare.”
“Oh, vicious.” Roxas laughed again, “Relax, we're all friends here...” He looked around at the others and gave a little shrug, “Sort of.”
They all seemed to be having such a great time without him. Folding his arms he leaned against the tree he hid behind. He wanted to go and join them, but his pride wasn't letting him. After watching them, he was beginning to think he'd overreacted to the entire situation. Roxas seemed all right with Luxord and Zexion being there, so it could actually be all right. They weren't acting… Well they were acting strange, but it was more in an out-of-character way than a conniving one. The problem certainly wasn't just going to go away itself; he'd have to face them sometime.
With a heavy sigh, he rounded the tree, his hands falling to his sides as he cautiously slunk back to his comrades. Zexion was the first to notice and he stood almost immediately and put the others between them. Then Demyx and Roxas saw him in response to Zexion's behavior. Luxord was the last to spot him. They were all fairly quiet and tense, trying not to let him know they'd been talking about him or that they were staring.
Slowly he took a seat next to Roxas with a heavy heart. He lowered his head shamefully and offered only a tiny smile when Roxas placed a tender hand on his thigh. He appreciated the reassurance; it just wasn't enough to drown out his unease.
Then Demyx smiled at him, and scooted close, both his hands placed bashfully on his lap. Leaning over Demyx gave him a gentle nudge with his shoulder, “Welcome back, Axel.” He voiced shyly.
“We were about to deal another hand, want to play?” Luxord gathered the cards and held them out in a friendly gesture, “We could use someone to replace the cheat.” He added in a hushed voice.
“I heard that.” Zexion muttered making Luxord laugh nervously.
Axel gave a nod, “Sure, deal me in.”
The World That Never Will Be-
Forest of Antiquity
Through his veins, the beat of his fresh heart burned his insides, spreading the disease. His skin was ice cold to the touch, but inside the fire raged with no sign of fading. It was the result of the conflict being fought between his unstable mind and sound will. His mind was on the brink of tipping his memories from his skull, while his will alone, his devotion to his Superior, struggled to keep him sane enough to be of use for the one thing that really mattered to him. Forgetting was not something he feared, no, it was the fact that when he did, he would never again be able to stand by his Superior's side. To serve his Superior is what he existed for.
Another jolt of pain shot through his chest and he crumpled to a heap on the ground. He needed a new broken heart to sate the turmoil inside. If he didn't get another soon, his own heart would shatter and his mind would be consumed by the growing madness; he'd become a Burdened like the companions that he surrounded himself with. Rolling over onto his knees, he held his chest in agony. One of the Shifters sprung forward to his aid. The beast lay down and relinquished its heart.
Saix consumed it like the ravaged beast he'd become inside. The burning lessened, the pain eased off, and he stood up once again. His mind was hazy and he stood confused for a moment. Something had been lost in the attack on his memories… But he couldn't remember what it was. Well, of course he didn't, he'd forgotten it and he couldn't remember what was no longer there.
With a heavy sigh, he leaned against a nearby tree, closing his tired eyes. The need for tainted hearts was becoming more frequent. He was fighting a battle he'd already lost; he just didn't want to admit it; he didn't want to leave his Superior's side.
In his dissociated state it took him a long time to realize the Shifters had been speaking to him. They'd been doing so since the attack began but he'd been too distracted to notice. He wished he'd been listening.
“S-“ he took a breath trying to shake away his agitation, “Superior…” Turning he smiled vaguely at his guest, composing himself immediately, “I apologize. It seems I've lost track of time, it won't happen again. You came to retrieve me?” A Shifter snapped angrily, stepping in front of Xemnas. His fur was on end and he clacked his jaws, voicing a conversation that the Superior had with Xaldin earlier. The situation wasn't all that unlikely, but it didn't matter what he'd come for, to kill or save him, his heart still filled with glee at his sight, “I suppose it's very obvious… That I'm loosing my mind.” He admitted with a bitter smile.
Xemnas was quiet for a long time, his eyes just probing through Saix's being. Those eyes were cold now, completely filled with distrust and hate. Then he spoke, “Xaldin is worried you may be betraying us.” His words were hesitant and careful, betraying what his eyes told Saix. In that voice laid some hope of winning his Superior back, gaining the trust he'd so abruptly lost.
“It's a valid thought, I admit. But I assure, as I am now, I would never dream of turning against you… After all, you are my Superior. To attend to your beck and call is what I live for.” Saix voiced, trying to reassure him. Placing a hand over his heart in genuine concern, slowly he took a step forward. Alert and cautious, Xemnas stepped two steps back. It seemed that his Superior's trust was wavering towards his former colleague; Xaldin's words were meaning more to him than his own, Saix his right hand man, his slave and servant. At this thought, pain crept into his chest; the sudden need for another heart came to him. “Please, my Superior… Trust me.” He whispered, furrowing his brows and slouching his posture in submission as he tried to creep closer.
This time he was more successful. Xemnas stepped back only once, before standing apprehensively and awaiting Saix to come to him. The pain ebbed away with each step, but when Xemnas shied from his touch the pain lurched back with a vengeance, knocking him off his feet and sending him to the ground.
An arm came around his waist and caught him, “Saix! What's wrong with you? Saix!” Xemnas voiced in urgency his other arm coming around to help support Saix.
Closing his eyes, his lips refused to part, his throat refused to bring forth voice. The feeling of his Superior's arms around him was too good to relinquish so quickly. Inside, his spirits calmed, the war came to a stand still and the pain subsided once again. Right here in Xemnas' arms was a sanctuary, “My Superior…” He murmured quietly turning his head to brush his face against his Superior's chest. Then he fell silent again, no longer wishing to answer in hopes it would grant him eternity where he was at that moment.
When Xemnas shifted, Saix could not suppress the whimper of want. His quiet pleas did not go unheard. Sitting down, Xemnas crossed his legs and pulled Saix gently onto his lap. Arms wrapped lightly around again, the silver haired Nobody began to stroke his fingers through the silky blue hair. Saix was calmed, and curled up lovingly in that comforting embrace. His eyes drifted shut and he gently clutched his Superior's coat in his fingers as he drifted into a state of well-being and peace.
“My poor unfortunate disciple… How did I ever let you get so sick?” Whispered his savior's deep voice. Saix tilted his head back, gazing up at his Superior solemnly. Xemnas averted his gaze, silently shaming himself.
“Superior,” Placing a gentle hand on Xemnas' cheek Saix turned his face to him and offered a small smile. Then unable to find words, he simply put his arm around Xemnas' neck, pulling his head down, and held him in a weak hug, his own forehead resting against his leader's. One more day like this, then his heart would finally collapse. These precious moments needn't be wasted on pity or conversation, just these silent embraces of comforting to lighten the burden weighing down in his dying heart.
Save Game: to be continued…