Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 38 ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 38
The end draws near. @_@
What's this?! An update finally?! IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!!! Don't even ask why this took so long to be completed. This chapter was a living hell for me, I loath it with a passion! *weeps in frustration* Blame any inconsistencies on the insane length of the chapter.
Also, near the end of this chapter… I cried a little. I'll admit it.
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The World That Never Will Be-
Goodbye Basin
Crouching down low to the ground like a wildcat on the prowl, the Saix Burdened looked over his enemy. Just behind him, Xemnas spoke, “You were fools to challenge us. Our motives our pure, we simply wished to make this land our kingdom and lived in peace as master and servant, but you ruined our plans. Do you see what a hideous form you made me take?” The beast cringed drawing its skull back lifting a clawed and disfigured hand to cover his masked face, “How can I please him now?” Snapping forward the Burdened slammed its palm to the ground in fury, “You ruined everything! My only wish is to deal with you villains and alleviate the pain of my freakishness! I will crush you!”
It happened in a flash, none of them had time to react as Luxord was snatched from their side, “Move and he'll be no more.” Xemnas warned as Saix held the eldest of the group in his claws; Zexion looked about to spring into action to aid the gambler. Bringing Luxord close to his face Saix breathed the haze onto him, “You are bound to no one, no love fills your hollow chest, therefore I have no qualm with you. However, your foolish devotion to your friends forces me to sedate you, we can't have you interfering in what you know nothing of.” Luxord writhed a moment longer kicking and squirming to free himself. There was a soft crack as the hand gripping him tightened. His body went limp and with a short laugh from Xemnas he was tossed aside like a rag doll, “Don't worry, he'll wake when this battle is through.” Xemnas assured, seeing that the others looked to Luxord worriedly when he didn't even let out a groan of pain at being thrown.
“What game are you playing at?” Demanded Demyx stepping forward valiantly, calling his weapons to his hands.
“You'll suffer as I suffered: the pain of hopeless adoration and frailty. At least two of you will. Those who pined as I did.” Xemnas spoke lifelessly, on his face there was no recognition of his surroundings. His eyes were dull and unseeing, but the manipulation behind the Burdened's actions were unmistakably the leader's handy work.
Hesitantly Roxas furrowed his brows and gave his keyblade a light jostle, “Grant me the honor of knowing who my opponent is.”
The beast rose its head and it's throat rumbled in a strange laugh, Xemnas raised his right hand gesturing back to his partner, “We are both your opponent, but,” Lowering his head, the Burdened placed a hand on his own chest, “I will be dealing the damage, if that is your question. This condition won't be the same for either of you.”
A fierce clanking of chains erupted from the earth beneath Roxas' and Demyx's feet. The sound passed quickly like lightning past them, forcing them to turn to follow it. Just as they looked back metal struck out, crashing through the rock, and clamped down around their partners' necks. In surprise Zexion reached up to grab the chain, dropping his weapons, chains quickly fastened them to the ground. Axel, however, grabbed at his neck for another reason: pain. It must have surged through his body, for he fell to the ground like a stone and let out ragged gasps as he shook in agony. Even as he did so, Roxas could not help the feeling of revitalization course through him. All his own grievances disappeared and he began to feel physically revived.
To his side Demyx rushed to aid Zexion, but an invisible barrier shot up and knocked him back; Zexion visibly winced.
“What did you do?!” Snarled Roxas snarled angrily, turning to look back at his opponents.
“Those chains you bare are the same that connect me and My Superior. The pain is one-way: from My Superior to me, from you to your mate, and from the blonde to that other… Those are the rules of my way; you live by them in this battle. Your cohorts are rendered incapacitated; they can only help by support and taking the damage you carelessly receive. You partners will soon learn that love hurts...” Xemnas' gaze broke after the last sentence, his eyes becoming alive with awareness. Clutching the chain tightly, he gave it a good yank for Saix to look towards him. There shared a gaze, the closest thing to true regret Roxas had seen Xemnas express.
The situation left a bad taste in Roxas' mouth. He'd not had time to mentally recover, and the fact that any injury he received would be transferred to Axel, who lay helpless at this monster's hands, made him more hesitant than ever to fight. Not to mention, Demyx was his only assistance in this fight. With all of them together, he was sure they could win, but just the two of them… he wasn't so confident. Roxas didn't have any more time to think on the matter however.
Spinning round, Saix's whip-like tail skipped along the ground, leveling everything in its path. Quick on his feet, Roxas jumped the assault and landed safely away from the attack. From the clean sound, it could be heard that Demyx also escaped the path of destruction. Round again, the fur stood up on Saix's back and his eyes gleamed chaotically before he lurched quickly into motion. The action was not so much as frighteningly quick, but more like watching a truck rolling uncontrollably towards you, building strength and momentum as it barreled on down, and Roxas was frozen in uncertainty.
Something slammed into him from the side and he was tackled to the ground before Saix trampled the ground he'd been standing on. Demyx shoved himself up on his feet before turning to face their bemused opponent. He didn't wait another second before running in for an attack, slicing at Saix's forearms in a desperate measure to do damage.
Tipped off to his location by the hollow sound of something hitting his armor, Saix turned towards them; Roxas still on the ground, stunned. Demyx didn't even have a chance to dodge this time. A hand raised, Demyx was batted away like a cat toy, and though the attack lacked any finesse it seemed to do a great deal of damage as Zexion cried out in pain and fell to the ground beside Axel.
“Watch his tail!” Axel called out.
Roxas looked up, seeing that Saix hadn't finished his beating. His tail came crashing down to the ground, making the earth quake and shard of rock burst forth. The attack had been aimed at Demyx, but he'd managed to slip by unscathed and he darted out of the cloud of powdered shale.
Finally rid of his paralysis, Roxas struggled to his feet and drew both keyblades up in preparation for an attack or defense and Saix turned to fully face him. The Burdened swayed its head back and forth, perhaps as a quizzical expression or a threatening display similar to the dance of a monocle cobra. Then the beast moved forward, tail swaying with its head. Standing firm, Roxas awaited the meeting of him and the tyrant before him. Movement was registered in his mind, and before he could fully confirm what it was he swung his blade. There was a clang and a shock that jointed through his arms, making him nearly fall off balance. He'd countered a swing of those massive claws and Saix seemed just as confused about the ordeal; then he was enraged. Another swing and Roxas countered again.
Fed up with the mess, Saix slammed his fists to the ground and Roxas turned and ran. He could barely keep his footing from the shaking earth and staying near Saix posed the distinct threat of being crushed. He didn't have to look behind himself to tell the beast followed him in close pursuit, stamping the ground and raging like a bled out bull. A single claw clipped his back and Roxas fell to the ground and curled into a defensive posture, hoping to reduce the damage being inflicted upon him further.
The barrage ceased as quickly as it had begun. In utter hysteria and recoiling in pain, Saix left him and rushed back to the Superior. Demyx had taken advantage of the situation and currently he was attacking Xemnas with all he had, some of his attacks were blocked and others even returned… However, it seemed Xemnas was at some disadvantage, trying to protect the heart he held in his hand and was not nearly as strong as he had been.
Saix came down on Demyx in a hellstorm, mauling the musician. With his hands he slashed at the blonde's body and with his masked face he pressed him down and grinded him into the stone. When he drew back, he caught the boy in a hand, slammed him down, and rolled him far across the field. Head lowered in shame, Saix nuzzled Xemnas in apology.
Scrambling to his feet Roxas rushed to Demyx's side. On a knee, he pulled him up, “Are you all right Demyx?”
Shaken and out of breath, Demyx gave a curt nod, “Yeah, but-“ Demyx let out a soft whimper, looking back at Zexion. The illusionist lay face down struggling to right himself again, wincing and trembling in suffering, “Zexion!” For a moment he moved to go to his side, but remembering his earlier experience Demyx swallowed the lump in his throat, “Gotta be more careful…” Placing a solid hand to the ground, Demyx got to his feet and reached down for Roxas.
Gratefully taking the help, there was barely another moment's reprieve before Saix's claws came down beside them, nearly crushing the pair. Demyx cut in front of Roxas, there was determination burning in his eyes. This was a fight to prove himself, a fight he had to win for the one he loved. Roxas wished that he could have felt so strongly, but his will was already weak from the previous struggle. That wouldn't keep him from trying as hard as he could though.
With a forceful grunt, Demyx slashed at Saix, forcing the beast back. Roxas came to his aid, running from the Burdened was only tiring him, it was time to fight back full force.
For a moment, Saix seemed puzzled by the sudden turn of events. With both sets of blades searing against his armor, the mad beast seemed put off to attack. So for a few brief moments all he did was back away, trying to escape the loud crashing and banging of the attacks. The loud noises were pounding through the metal and coursing through his very being and despite the lack of pain to accompany it, he didn't seem to like it one bit.
Roxas landed an oddly hard blow against the mask and suddenly Saix rammed his skull into them. The beast was back on the rampage. As an angry hand came down, Roxas slid out from underfoot and took off to get some distance. His escape was short-lived; a tail swept round and knocked him back. Within range, Saix gave him a good slash before catching him under a foot and kicked him away.
As he stood, a cry from Demyx caught his attention. The musician was fighting back valiantly against Saix's brutal mauling. Angrily, Roxas charged back to the scene. Leaping up onto Saix's back, he droved his blade into the back of Saix's neck. The attack instantly halted the Burdened's attack and Saix reared up angrily. Snapping his head back, he knocked Roxas loose and took after him.
Roxas recoiled as fists came down and beat him into the ground. Rolling onto his stomach he darted out from under the onslaught before turning back to Saix for another attack; Demyx was already beating at Saix's front leg.
Casting a glance at Axel, Roxas offered a pitiful smile. Still wincing from the last attack, the pyro returned the smile and gave a supportive nod. With that Roxas stepped back into the rhythm of things.
Another swing, another counter, another block. Roxas lost count of many times he'd done this since the fight began. It had become routine somehow. He'd memorized the preparation of attacks and had learned nearly how to defend or avoid most of them. Demyx followed right on beside him, like a shadow. And despite the fact that neither of them could feel the pain of the blows they did receive, the weight of causing their partners harm was a heavy burden to carry. Roxas was slowly wearing down again. Right now, he was wishing he was the one taking the damage. It would have been easier that way.
Demyx leapt in front of him, taking a direct blow to protect Roxas, who had been too lost in thought to notice the change in his opponent. When they recovered from the blow, Roxas was surprised to see that Saix had backed down. At the far end of the arena, he cupped his hands over his ears and shook his head. The metal on his body was glowing softly and quaking.
Cautiously, Roxas approached. When Saix did not respond to him, Roxas attacked. Apparently, it was a mistake too. A sudden blast threw Roxas back and he nearly hit Demyx on his way down.
Metal sheered off Saix's body, falling heavily onto the ground. As the sheets were shed, it revealed the ugly form beneath. The skin was black and leathery, covered with patches of fur and sores from the metal rubbing against him. It was a strange body, sure it had been before, but now Roxas could see the full extent of his disfigurement. Saix's body was an awkward combination of human and animal, and severely thin and decrepit. The chains that were attached to him disappeared into dark holes in his skin.
With the lowering of his head, the final piece fell; the mask slid slowly from his face. Drawing his ears forward, Saix's wide eyes raised back to them. Half his face was hidden by a cloth muzzle of some kind, but what he could see was wrinkled and scarred. Roxas actually recoiled slightly with disgust.
On his feet again, Roxas glanced at Demyx. The water boy was just as confused as he was. So standing back, they waited a moment. When Saix suddenly burst into motion, Roxas decided that it was a good thing to have done.
An transparent orb encircled the Burdened, lifting him up from the ground. Saix's face contorted into a half-hidden rage, his talons spreading ominously before the force sent him tearing forward like a bat out of hell. Before Roxas could even register, Demyx was gone from his side, and Saix's claws swiped him clean off the ground. Still flung in the air Saix flew up to meet him and, in a flurry of claws, blindsided Roxas.
In the background, Roxas could hear Axel cry out in pain. The sound instantly brought him out of the shock induced daze. Using Saix's arm, he thrust himself back and out of the way. As he did so he drew both Keyblades forward and knocked back the lightning swipes Saix dealt.
Once on the ground again, Roxas took to the sky again. This time, he was the attacker. Up until now, Saix had been covered in armor and protected. This was his chance to do some serious damage. Demyx must have realized this as well, for he was on the attack as well. Their time as the aggressors was short though. Rid of his armor, Saix easily slipped away from them. Using his freed position to his advantage, he came after them again, even more crazed than before.
The beast's sight was blinded by pain and fueled by his building frustration. Around the arena, the ground began to pick up. The broken stones from before rose up far into the sky, beyond their sight. Following it, there was a pause of eerie stillness. Then the sky light up. Cutting through the atmosphere, the rock lit up in flames as they sped back down to the planet.
Demyx let out a frightened cry, jumping back as a stone crashed into the earth before him and shot hot shrapnel to the surrounding area. Just as startled and eager to avoid the painful sting of nearly molten rock, Roxas ran, feeling much like the whole world was coming down over his head. A sharp scream of terror, a good-sized meteor struck him in the back and he fell to the ground. It didn't hurt, but from the agony in Axel's voice which filled the air it must have been a tremendously powerful blow.
“Axel!” Cried Demyx in panic, above the roar of noise. They had gotten so close while Roxas had been away. This battle must have been harder on him than anyone else. For even though Roxas put faith in Zexion, he still hadn't quite warmed up to the illusionist; so when the normally quiet bookworm voiced his pain Roxas wasn't fazed much. However, Demyx cared for both Zexion and Axel. He loved them both so dearly.
Roxas flinched at a large movement above him. When nothing hit him, he looked up in surprise.
Eyes screwed shut, Demyx gritted his teeth and knelt protectively over Roxas. Tears fell freely from his lashes and onto Roxas' cheeks. A rock struck his back, only making him crouch down closer to Roxas' body. The musician brought his arms around Roxas' head to further shield him from the debris. Another stone scraped against his chest and his eyes shot open to look Zexion's way. His lover was reeling in misery on the ground, though he hadn't cried out since the first blow. There were conflictions rising up within Demyx. He was protecting one person he loved while sacrificing the other.
Biting his lip, Demyx ducked his head down, holding onto Roxas tighter because now Roxas was struggling to get free. However, his release only came when finally something inside Demyx snapped. Leaping up, Demyx sliced through an oncoming boulder.
“STOP!!!” Screaming at the top of his lungs, water curled up from the ground and shot up into the sky, forming a veil of the liquid above them. What rocks remained in the air were caught in the flowing shield and when they'd all been absorbed into the structure, Demyx brought it raining down over Saix.
The Burdened recoiled, bringing both arms up as he tried to protect himself from the fall of water and stone. The attack, though brief, ended the tyrant's parade and Saix retreated to the pile of armor he'd left behind. Within minutes, the gear had strewn itself back onto his body.
Luckily, as Demyx collapsed from exhaustion and mental anguish, Saix did not attack. Instead, bowing his head down, the beast curled up into an erect fetal position. As he did so, the gaps in his armor closed up with metal and formed a rusty cocoon around him. A strange barrier also enveloped Xemnas at the same time.
Once again, something in the air shifted and made the atmosphere heavy. However, nothing adverse seemed to be happening to them, not that Roxas could tell anyway. Confused, the Keyblade wielder looked around in confusion. In the darkness, he could see tiny specks of light begin to gather and slowly drift forward. The lights were purples and blues, not bright colors that were associated with good omens.
As the pockets of light drew nearer, Roxas instantly identified them as Burdened hearts. At this fact, he cocked his head to the side in bemusement. Hearts were harmless, so what were they gathering here for?
His question was soon partially answered. Following a strict path in the sky, the tiny things lined up in rows that lead directly towards Saix. When the hearts touched his armor, they instantly dissolved into it, lighting up the armor for a brief moment. Unsure of what to do, or what was happening, Roxas simply stood and watched a moment.
“D-Dem…” Both Roxas and Demyx turned to look at Zexion who was struggling to stay upright again.
“Don't speak- You're hurt.” Demyx voiced sorrowfully, “Axel can't you help him?” He added hopefully. The defeated posture Axel took on was answer enough.
“I'm sorry Demyx… I can't use anything. I already tried; I can't even use them on myself.” Explained Axel unhappily.
“Attack him.” Panted Zexion feverously, “He's… gaining strength.”
Demyx and Roxas looked back to Saix. Other than the light and hearts, neither of them could tell what was happening. However, Zexion wouldn't be lying at a time like this and Demyx instantly rushed in to attack. Roxas stood back a moment longer, glancing back anxiously at their chained companions before following.
Ignoring the feeling that the attack would be futile, Roxas met Saix's barrier with all he had. The sound of his blades running against the metal was hollow, and the object of his attacks never gave an inch. Roxas wonder if Demyx could feel the ineffectiveness as well. However, the sad reality didn't stop them from trying.
To his side, Demyx wedged his blade in the narrow opening between two of the plates before shoving his hand within the slot. Shortly following it was the sound of running water. The sound sparked an idea, perhaps he was going about it all wrong. If brute force wouldn't crack the shell, maybe magic could.
Jumping back, he threw a hand forward summoning flames to the Bond of Flames, sending a stream of fire at the metal before him. Then he retracted that hand and put forth The Way, shooting an icy wind to the molten spot. The armor cracked and something writhed within. Fired up by the sudden progress, he quickly shifted his fighting style to a complementing alteration of magic attacks while Demyx drowned out the enemy with his water.
When the barrier had nearly completely come undone, the stream of hearts fled to the sky and Saix unfurled himself. The moment he was out, his hand swept forward, knocking both Demyx and Roxas back. Then he gave a long stretch and shook his armor to the state it had been at the beginning of the battle.
The fight commenced.
It seemed that the rejuvenation had changed Saix's attack style because Roxas had to learn the subtle signs all over again. He was using more attacks that seemed to be magic based. They were attacks that suddenly threw Roxas to the ground with a pulse of energy or pulled him in close to be crushed by those ominous claws.
Currently, he was feeling the magnetic force fluctuate around him so that he couldn't move properly; it was similar to the shifting balance when you were lightheaded. Unable to keep moving forward in fear of falling, Roxas stood still, his stance wide to keep on his feet. Demyx seemed to be having trouble as well but it didn't stop him from trying. Every time he fell he just scrambled back up and slashed at Saix, who seemed to be having fun just toying with them.
The strange dizzying feeling faded away, and Roxas sighed in relief. Of course, the liberation was short-lived when Roxas encountered a familiar attack. Saix slammed a palm to the earth and the suddenly heavy air shot out; Roxas found himself face down in the dirt. He couldn't feel the pain, but the weight on top of him had him pinned. For a few panicking moments, Roxas tried to get up. Finding his resistance useless, Roxas simply gave up.
Turning his head to the side, he let out a short breath and closed his eyes. He'd forgotten what they were fighting for; all he wanted now was for this wretched battle to be over with. It didn't matter to him if he lost or not; all this fighting just seemed to be prolonging their suffering.
“Roxas… Get up… Fight.” Came Axel weakening voice. Roxas opened his eyes, but he felt so tired. Couldn't he just rest a moment?
“Roxas! You've gotta try!” Yelled Demyx from somewhere Roxas couldn't see, “Axel! Roxas, get up!” Turning his head, Roxas groaned. His eyes searched for the musician. He found him trying desperately to break Saix's concentration.
Once again he tried to pull himself up, “I can't…” He breathed letting his head fall back down and he stared blankly ahead. Zexion was on his knees now and was sadly looking on at the fight. His steel gaze then drifted to his side, where Axel lay on his back shaking from the abuse he could do nothing to prevent.
Painfully, Roxas closed his eyes. Grinding his teeth, he tried again to get free, `Someone… Help me.' He thought pitifully.
A blaring light near his hand caught his attention. Looking down, he found his Kayblade, The Way, was emitting a bright golden light. Faintly, there was a sound; thundering hooves against solid earth followed by a shrill cry.
Roxas let out a strangled cry as something grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him up into the air. He landed with a `thump' onto the warm back of something furry. Still a little stunned, Roxas ran his hands over the black fur and looked around. Two large wings spread out to his side and before him a black mane and neck.
The animal turned its head and let out a soft snort. Silvery eyes gazed back at him. Instantly a smile lit up on Roxas' face.
“Aether!” He exclaimed happily, wrapping his arms around the stallion's neck.
The Pegasus gave a soft neigh, `There's no time for happy reunions. You're in the heat of battle and I can't stay long. Now let's go!' Rearing up, Aether let out a shrill war cry and took to the sky.
All around, the world was a blur except a singular spot; below where Saix stood glowering up at them was crystal clear. The Burdened clawed at the air, but seemed to be able to do nothing more than futilely attempt to knock them from the sky. Smiling, Roxas gave Aether swift kick to the side and the steed took a sharp turn and barreled down to meet the beast.
Stopping short, Aether flapped his great wings so that Saix had to cover his face to protect himself from the wind. Then the stallion covered the rest of the ground and stampeded onto the metal. Beneath his great hooves, the armor popped and creaked in weakness. As Saix dared to reach up, Roxas quickly batted away the hands with his blades before Aether slipped into retreat.
Seconds later they swooped down for another attack and then another. On the fourth assault Saix finally nabbed them, swatting them away like flies and sending them to the ground. Aether stomped his hooves in agitation, and lowered a wing for Roxas to slide down. Reluctantly, Roxas dismounted. The steed had not been lying when he'd said they had little time together.
Giving Roxas a quick nuzzle, Aether quickly turned to Saix and charged him. Just before his shadowy form reached the Burdened, he disappeared into a burst of light that knocked Saix back and off his feet.
At least the brief appearance of Aether had given them a little bit of headway.
“Ha! You're little rescuer was little more than a horsefly with a nasty bite.” Xemnas laughed, though the strange look in his eyes said it was Saix saying it. The beast got back to his feet and brushed his chest in mild irritation, “You'll have to do a lot better than-“ Demyx cut off his words cutting against Xemnas' arm.
Instantly alerted, Saix turned to fend off the attacker. Unwilling to give up his attack, Demyx didn't even flinch when he spotted Saix coming towards him. There was no way he would back down from the weak point in Saix's system. It might have been a good idea though because Saix was trembling with anger as he approached.
Roxas chased after him. Jumping atop the Burdened's back, he tried to distract Saix long enough for Demyx to fall back, but Saix wouldn't have any of that. With a quick shake, Saix was rid of him and snatched Demyx up in his claws. Demyx had gotten after Xemnas one too many times in the battle and he seemed to have had enough of his pestering. The fist holding the blue-eyed Nobody slowly began to tighten and crush him. Roxas quickly rushed back to Demyx's aid, but it was too late.
Looking back, Roxas just barely caught the sight of Zexion hitting the ground. His eyes slid closed and his body went limp. Thoroughly terrified now, Axel got to his knees and crawled closer to the younger Nobody. Placing a cautious and on his shoulder, the pyro gave him a bit of a shake before rolling him over onto his back. Roxas could only imagine what was going through his mind at that moment. Was he thinking about the time he'd been the one to cause Zexion's downfall? Or perhaps, pondering his own uncertain future?
Eyes back on Saix, the Keyblade wielder bared his teeth in anger. Saix seemed to smile as he looked down at him.
“Don't worry, Roxas... He's not dead… Yet. Should Demyx fail to save his own skin, however…” Xemnas' voice didn't need to finish the sentence. Roxas knew what words would have come next.
Releasing Demyx, Saix raised his head in a silent roar of triumph.
With a wince, Demyx pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He was obviously hurt now and not just physically. Tears streamed down his face as he looked back at Zexion. Though Roxas knew that he could not understand the full extent of his pain, he understood that failing to protect the one you loved was devastating. So quickly, Roxas rushed to his side and slid a hand under his arm to help him up to his feet. Bitterly Demyx shoved Roxas aside and wiped away the tears before he summoned his weapons once more.
“It's like he thinks its some sort of game… I'll show him.” Stable on his feet, his fingers danced along the strings of his instrument. Roxas could see Demyx was going to give this last attack everything he had. There was nothing left for Demyx anymore, if this final onslaught failed that would be the end, “No one will take from me the things I cherish most, not ever again.” His hand flew away from the cords to his side. A spiral of water snaked from the clouds above and formed at his side with a great resonating boom.
“We have hearts too, ya know? He can't be so mean.” Complained the water clone, a smile on its face as it brought its sitar to playing position.
Demyx through his other hand out to his side and another replica appeared at his other side.
“That's right, we never did anything to deserve this; `cept that whole Organization thing,” The clone shook his hands and shrugged, “But that was orders.” Then a copy of the harp sword and strumming blade appeared on him and it too readied itself.
“Roxas, we're going to give this monster a lesson in white water… Are you coming?” Demyx voiced not looking back as he made his way forward to their opponent. His water copies followed, grinning and swirling with raging energy, “After all, we're in this together right? Let's give this thing one last shot.”
Roxas smiled weakly. If Demyx could give it a try, well then, Roxas could too. He wasn't sure what he was going to do yet, but whatever it was he'd use every ounce of energy he had to make it work.
Music sounded and filled the air, a smooth and eccentric combination between the tune of a harp and sitar. Saix looked at the group in inquiry, settling down to sit on his haunches as he did so. The melody seemed to be soothing Saix's foul mood. He was still animal enough to be calmed by the monster seducing song. To the beat, the water began to gather around them in small droplets shimmering and dancing about. Roxas could see the faint glow of his Keyblade reflecting off of them making small rings of light skip along the dark rocks.
There was a low guttural groan from the ground as water began to rush up from the depths. Once reaching the surface, the cool liquid sputtered out onto the ground creating further reflective surfaces for Roxas' light to play off of. All too soon, the area was lit up with blue and sparkling white.
Still under the vague spell, Saix did nothing to retaliate against the rising water.
“Well Roxas, you ready? Know what you're going to do?” Asked Demyx, somehow sounding more cheery than he had the last few hours.
“Yeah, I'm ready.” Replied Roxas confidently.
“All right, fair warning. Things are about to get real loud.”
There was a sharp note and suddenly the sound of the music grew in volume and picked up pace. The water around them began to shift and tumble over itself in waves, causing a roar of sound to accompany the music. At their feet, the ground dried, but around them the raging water swirled up and drowned out the rest of the world. Roxas could hear other funnels rise up and more waves crashing, but could no longer see the structures causing the sound.
Raising The Way and pointing it to the sky, he closed his eyes. He rarely ever summoned light, but had mastered the technique back in training. From the depths of his being, he could feel the energy well up within him before snaking up the blade in his hand. Warm light showered over his face and he opened his eyes to the sparkling swirls of water that engulfed them. The light was intense and glimmering like stars in the ocean waves, piercing deep into the waves before being bounced in ever direction to feed energy to the rest of the rapids.
The deafening sound faded and the gentle sounds of the harp and sitar chimed within the cyclone. Then all of the water drained away from around them and formed large airborne currents that stormed around them in search for their target. Deep within the serpents the light that Roxas had bestowed resided, making them gleam brightly.
Deciding to give the attack a bit more bite, Roxas lit up the Bond of Flames and fired up the currents, bringing them to near boiling point. Now bubbling and searing with light the tendrils all shifted direction and stormed towards Saix's lazy form, where the two water clones played to control the water's path.
“Saix, now!” Xemnas' voice cut through the quiet undertone of water and Saix's head snapped up.
Instantly, the streams of water veered off course, curving up over his head. Beside the Burdened the clones disintegrated into small drops of water. Roxas felt dread creep into him as the water formed one great current and slowly began to turn back and fall over them. As quick as he could, Roxas crouched down in defense. Then the boiling water overtook them and Roxas lost track of everything that was happening. All he could feel was the water sweeping him away.
The water drained away and Roxas coughed and wheezed. Curling up into a little ball, he only slightly raised his head to see what had happened. Beside him Demyx lay in a similar position, though in more pain than Roxas was in. That thought sparked his memory and he quickly sat up to look back at Axel. The pyro, though injured, was still all right; he'd not passed out quite yet.
Xemnas' laugh cut through the air, sharp and almost tangible and bother Roxas and Demyx looked toward him, “Fools! Don't you know why we chose you? Both water and light are affected by the moon. The water it pulls and the light it reflects... Unless you have any other tricks up your sleeves, you're out of luck.” Roxas bowed his head in defeat. There was barely anything left in him to begin with. How could they keep going on like this?
A happy gleam lit up in Saix's round eyes. Slowly coming forward, Roxas cowered a bit getting to his hands and feet to scoot closer to Demyx. Demyx placed an arm around him and pulled himself to his feet, though he stayed crouched down to stay near to Roxas. At least they wouldn't be going alone.
Silence fell upon the solemn ground for a mere second. Then the air was shattered by a million shots, all directed toward the tormenting Burdened. Saix shook his head fiercely, mutely crying out in distress, as he backed away trying to avoid the blows. Looking all around, Roxas spotted the sharp shooting Burdened among the plateaus and rocks. A single fire, louder than the rest, ended the bombardment. There was a sharp cracking sound as the projectile struck its target and the shooter appeared in a flash.
Landing just behind Saix, the man held his hand back just as the cage withholding the heart came down. He hooked it with a finger and stood straight, swinging the impoundment. The man, or Burdened as he had a tainted heart painted on his chest, was thin and tall. He had a long raven ponytail held high on his head and donned sniper apparel that kept him well concealed in dark places. At his hip, strange looking pistols lay dormant, though one still smoked from the earlier fire. His skin bore the distinct scars of someone they all knew, and the unseeing eye that used to be covered with a patch was further proof of that.
In an instant he was on his feet in shock. “Xigbar?!” Roxas gaped almost feeling as if his legs would turn to noodles and he'd collapse where he stood. The man tipped his head and grinned, showing off his fangs.
“Is that my name?” He voiced charmingly. Surely it was him, but far younger. Not just a few years either, no he seemed just over twenty now, “I felt like some old dude, I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was!”
Saix turned on a heel slamming a palm to the ground. A path of heavy force shot towards Xigbar and, with a grin, he put out his free hand. The rock ceased to crumble and the attack died in its tracks.
“Gravity manipulation, huh? Now you're going and making me angry. Gravity's my thing!” Scolded Xigbar scowling at the beast, “And I'm not into that whole `let's share' deal, I've just got to put a stop to all your thieving.” Jumping up, Xigbar landed firmly in the air, at an angle, before he made his way around the Burdened. Saix snarled in silence as he passed by, but cowered as he went. A wild grin lit up on the shooter's face as he stopped swinging the captured heart and caught it in his fist, “Hey now, doggy… Is this yours?”
“It's mine!” Snapped Xemnas, “Hand it over now.” He growled threateningly, holding out his infected hand.
Xigbar let out a soft hum, falling to the ground to stand before the pair, just in front of Demyx and Roxas, “As if! It's mine now. Besides you stole it and so did I from you, so I'm not obligated to give it back to you,” Waving a hand out he smiled, “Anyway, you're not Lost, you're exactly where you should be-“
“And where is that?!”
Still grinning, Xigbar turned holding his occupied arm with his free hand, “Like I'd tell you,” He laughed heartily giving the cage a light rattle as he looked over his shoulder, “You're nothing but a Nobody… This is boring.” He frowned suddenly and turned back to face them, “Entertain me and maybe I'll consider giving this thing back. After all, I've got my own heart; this thing is as useless to me as you are to this world.”
“How dare you call my heart useless!” Xemnas snapped in fury, shaking the chains binding Saix to him.
“Again with that? It's not yours. Get it through your head, you stole it-“
“He gave it to me.”
“Gave it? Willingly? Oh how I doubt that, you clever little sneak.” Holding out the caged heart, he gave it a shake, “You want it?” He was speaking to Saix now and the Burdened responded by stepping forward, “Take it from my hand, I won't stop you. You would choose this over that Nobody, wouldn't you?” Saix lowered his head, extending his arm.
There was desperation behind the wild yellow eyes as he reached for the cage. His claws touched the iron bottom, clicking lightly against it. He flinched. Snatching back his hand, he closed his fist over the air and brought to his chest. Ears back, he slowly looked back at Xemnas in shame and earnest. The cold look on his master's face remained, and he withdrew. Wilting in despair, Saix dragged his body back beside Xemnas.
“There's proof enough. I was given that heart, and it's mine.” Xemnas confirmed.
“Says the creature holding his chains. Aw, well if the heart is going to waste then,” Drawing his weapon, he pointed the pistol at the cage, “Might as well get rid of it quickly than let it suffer, right?”
Saix flinched, reaching out for the heart again.
This was wrong.
Demyx rushed past him, and ramming his body against Xigbar, locked his arms around the encasing. There was barely a struggle, Xigbar too surprised to hold on tightly enough, and Demyx tore the heart from his hands. Protectively shielding the heart from Xigbar, Demyx backed away slowly.
“That's not very polite you know, shutting me down like that.”
“I've come all this way to earn a heart, and I'm not going to stand by and watch you destroy a perfectly good one just because someone stole your material.” Voiced the young Nobody, as he panted for breath. Even the small exertion left him breathless; Roxas couldn't blame him, he was tired too. Worse yet, was the fact he could see the pain in Demyx's eyes from having failed to keep Zexion safe. Perhaps, protecting the heart was a futile attempt at redemption for his failure.
“Better tell that to the guy behind you.” Was all Xigbar responded with and it was Roxas' turn to push past him.
Quick to have followed Xigbar's hint, Demyx managed to block Xemnas from obtaining the heart. Roxas, there in a flash, finished off the block by warding him away with a powerful double slash, “You'll have to go through me if you want to get to Demyx or the heart!” He defended before whispering back to Demyx, “You all right?”
“Yeah. Thanks Roxas.” He breathed getting to his feet.
“Just hand over the heart, and I'll cut short your misery.” Xemnas towered over them a dark silhouette against the black clouds.
“We'll never give in to the likes of you! We'll fight till everyone of us fades away if need be, but you'll never break us enough that we'll bend to your will, not ever again!” Roxas cut at him threateningly and Xemnas withdrew, falling back behind Saix who was worrying himself with pacing.
“Do you see what they've done? They've stolen what's rightfully ours… I think they deserve punishment, some righteous discipline.” A low rattle came from behind the mask and Saix leapt to the chance to fight again, but before he did he swept his hand out and a shield covered his Superior.
Roxas looked to his right, hearing a light crunch of grime against stone. Pistols drawn Xigbar tipped his head slightly and grinned, “Well, I can't just let you boys be reduced to nothing by their hands, now can I?” He inquired playing off of Roxas' puzzled look, “Besides, it's been a good while since I've gotten to use these things babies for more than target practice.”
Rattling his armor, the metal rang out in a summoning and from the darkness the Shifters came to the call. Their numbers were dwindling now, but still many. Xigbar didn't seem worried about them at all, his only focus being Saix, who stood before them. Then with a quick movement, the battle was quick to start.
Xigbar, darting forward, began to empty his rounds into the beast. Each bullet that hit created a small dome of color before fading away to reveal large divots eaten in the armor. Spirits lifted by the obvious advantage of having Xigbar on their side, Roxas rushed in to join the attack, targeting the weakened plates of armor.
“All right, Roxas! Fight, fight, fight!” Axel called from his bindings. Even if they were only words, Roxas felt his spirits lift at the encouragement.
With a duck and roll, Roxas easily slipped by the swiping claws and struck against a hole blown away in Saix's chest. The cut went deep and Saix recoiled in pain, dropping to the ground slamming his side against the earth. Seeing an optimum opening to avoid danger, Roxas climbed atop Saix's back as he moved to get up. Through the armor, Saix didn't seem to realize that his enemy was riding on him, out of sight.
Quick to act before he was noticed, Roxas found another gap in the Burdened's defenses and lunged for it. His blades ran clean into the metal, tearing the hole wider as well as inflicting damage on the weak body within it.
Whirling around, Saix clawed at his back, hooking the armor with his claws. Roxas' stomach leapt into his throat as the beast suddenly tore off the plate, Roxas still on it, and threw it to the ground. The metal sheet landed with a clack on the rock, pinning Roxas between it and the stone. Incapacitated, it gave Roxas a moment to look around him. The Shifter's Saix had summoned were being shot down by Xigbar's Burdened companions, keeping them from doing any interfering.
Rage filled eyes, peered down at him. Saix towered over him and raised a hand threateningly. However, a sudden geyser of water shot from the earth and sent the shield flying off Roxas, striking Saix in the face and knocking him back. On his feet again Roxas cast a smile in Demyx's direction before quickly turning his attention back to Saix, attacking the freshly exposed skin.
The battle seemed quick and short-lived with Xigbar's aid. Every blow was stronger than the last, and Saix was slowly being brought down to his knees. Each of Xigbar's shots now hit unprotected flesh, Saix having no stamina to dodge the bullets anymore, and Roxas could now easily avoid Saix's sluggish movements; despite the loss of armor the damage he'd taken seemed to have weighed him down anyway. He began to wonder why Saix hadn't just dropped the rest of his armor and changed his attack style like before, but he wasn't complaining in the least. The faster this battle was done, the sooner Axel would be out of harms way.
A lazy swipe of his tail and Saix slowly folded his legs underneath himself. His eyes wide but set on nothing as he let his head droop down. Roxas drew his blade against the mask, the metal giving a satisfyingly hollow sound as it gave with each blow.
“This is no longer a battle, it's a public execution! Get up and fight!” Xigbar growled in frustration from somewhere above. Roxas didn't care to look; the adrenaline rushing through him told him to keep swinging his keyblades.
“Roxas stop!” This time Roxas did look. Demyx grabbed his arm forcefully and pulled it back to prevent Roxas from striking again; he still held the heart in his other hand, “You've won… Leave him alone.” Roxas let out a growl, trying to force his arm free and continue but Demyx wouldn't allow it, “I said stop!”
“Saix! Get up!” Ordered Xemnas. Roxas leapt back, breaking free from Demyx, and raised his blades again. Slowly, Saix got to his feet but did no more than that, barely even lifted his head.
“Saix…” The beast's eyes shifted, gazing down at the small Nobody in front of him. Demyx held up the caged heart, creating a platform with both of his hands. The two were still, gazing at one another. Then, hesitantly, Saix raised a weak hand and carefully lifted the cage by the ring found at its top. The cage was tiny compared to him, and the Burdened seemed baffled as he raised the cage high and looked up at the heart through the bars.
“Saix! Don't be fooled, they just want to hurt us! Destroy them!” Saix looked over his shoulder at Xemnas and perked an ear, “Do as I say, Saix! I'm only doing this to protect you! Destroy them now before they come for me!”
There wasn't a second's hesitation. The plated tail struck them away and Saix was on the offense again. Hooking the heart onto his chest, Saix got to all fours clawing at the ground with renewed fervor before leaping like a wild cat at them. Roxas beat back the attack with a mighty two blade attack and ducked in quickly to slice his blades into dark skin and silvery alloy. It wasn't long before Xigbar was back into the fight, and like a cornered hyena Saix began to spin about flailing his mace tail and slashing at anything that came even relatively close. This tactic, though very ineffective as causing any direct damage, prevented Roxas from closing in and doing any further harm to the beast.
Unable to attack physically, Roxas summoned the strength he'd saved up for his magic attacks, though he would have liked to have waited a little longer.
“Wait!” A hand came down on his shoulder. Demyx shifted to stand beside him, “I'll get him to stop; you just worry about getting in and out before he breaks free.”
“You're hurt, I can handle this. I'll be all right.” Roxas tried to persuade.
“No, you've got to save your strength for Xemnas. Besides, I won't be getting close enough to get hurt anymore.” Defended Demyx before summoning his instruments once more, “Watch for your opening; I can only do this so long.” His fingers dancing over the strings, the water from the ground began to gather. It took only seconds for pillars to form; first one struck Saix's face stopping the beast in his tracks. Then the others closed in around him, like a prison, it held him in tight in place and Roxas was allowed to go in and attack from the front with only Saix's thrashing head to worry about.
Xigbar came in behind him; firing rapidly at Saix's masked face. It didn't seem too fair to attack something that could barely fight back, but Roxas smothered his morality with the reasoning that it was either Saix or himself and Axel.
Recoiling from the attacks, Saix tried to break free but as his sides were struck by the fierce water in the struggle he was subdued. Roxas gave his neck a slash and his head swung down, knocking him back. It was a weak hit, and in no time Roxas was back in action, slicing at Saix's face.
As the onslaught continued, Saix drew back exposing his chest as he did so. The heart there burned brightly against his dark frame and Roxas could feel as strange inkling run up from his keyblades and into his core. For a moment he was confused at what it meant, but his mind kicked in quickly. The heart was not just trapped in the cage, but locked. There was a bolt that needed to be broken, and if he did that the heart could go free.
“Xigbar, stop, get back!” He called before jumping back. The Bond of the Flame disappeared and Roxas drew The Way before him, holding it with both hands. Raising it high, he aimed for the pen on Saix's chest and a beam of light shot from the blade's tip.
The ray struck the lock hard, instantly opening the cage.
There was a flash of light, washing the area with pure light so that all who could see were blinded for a split second. When the brightness cleared away, water was showering down looking as if they were precious gems and in place of the hideous Burdened from before was a teenager suspended in a column of light. Then with a flicker, the boy was dropped to the ground and he fell limp to the ground. His hair was short, a light blue color very similar to how Saix's hair looked before. Around his neck was a silver and steel blue collar, his t-shirt and cargo pants matched it in color and style. They were simple garments, but there seemed to be a moon-like glow coming from him. It was an alluring illusion.
Everyone was still as they watched, and when the boy, who could be no older than fifteen, brought his arm around to push his body up they all stepped back a little in surprise. His body shook with effort and he let out tiny growls and whimpers of agony as he slid his legs under himself. For a moment he stayed on his knees, arms wrapped around his stomach as he slouched forward heavily. Then after a moment of rest he climbed to his feet. Bright yellow eyes flashed up to meet Roxas and the blonde's blood ran cold.
“E… En…” The youth tried to speak but it seemed too much for his head dropped and he staggered forward and fell. Choking back the tears of pain, he coughed lightly before tipping his head back to look in front of himself. His one of his arms was pinned underneath his own body and he let out tired grunts as he desperately tried to tug it free. Finally, he wretched his arm free threw his hand forward and proceeded to get up again. As he did, his eyes lingered on the puddle of water he'd splashed with his hand. However, on his feet again his bright eyes turned back to Roxas and his scowled. Forcing his body onward, he drug if feet on the ground and swung his body heavily to move.
Feet away now, he raised his hands reaching out for Roxas' neck. Roxas stood still as the hands finally came around his throat. This being before him was too weak to fight, too weak to even apply pressure to his throat, “De… Destroy… Ene…. my…” Gritting his teeth the blue-haired being tried to grip at Roxas' clothes, tears slipped down his cheeks… The hands slid from his throat, and the teenager fell back to the ground.
Lying on his side, he let out a quiet cry glaring pitifully at the pool of water before his eyes. Hand balled into a fist, his arm shook with exertion. He had to try several times before successfully rolling onto his back, his arm falling limp to his side. His chest heaved as he caught his breath before his intake of air evened out and his body relaxed. The painful expression on his face remained a moment longer as his frightened gaze searched the sky; tears ran from the corner of his eyes and disappeared into his hair that was now matted with water. Above the clouds let out a quiet rumble, the first drop of rain splashing onto his face. The single droplet washed away the pain from his face. A smile touched his lips as he gazed at the heavens, “Ha… Hearts… Reign of hearts…” He breathed closing his eyes as another drop fell onto his face.
“Rain?” Demyx questioned weakly, raising a palm before himself. A drop fell into his palm.
“No… A reign.” Xigbar corrected tipping his head back to look at the sky. Roxas looked up as well, smiling too as a raindrop touched his cheek. Palms to the sky he welcomed the droplets from the heavens, while on the ground a Shifter rushed in to stand beside the boy at their feet.
“Doggy…” Roxas looked down in curiosity, watching as the Shifter lowered its head and nudged the boy's arm. It clicked its teeth sorrowfully, though the insane look on its maw remained. When the boy did raise his hand to pet it, the Shifter turned tail and ran, “Bye… Bye…” Came the boy's whisper of a voice lightly curling his fingers in a meager wave; his smile faded. Then he closed his eyes again and let out a soft sigh, his form beginning to glow emitting a golden light.
“Saix!” Roxas let out a yelp as Xemnas' hand came swiftly across his gut and shoved him back and onto the ground. Dropping to a knee, the silver-haired Nobody scooped up the young man into his arms. What had been tainted from the darkness remained disfigured and sheltered in the armor, giving the impression that he would accidentally crush whatever he happened to grasp. However, with tender care he managed not to cause this new Saix any harm, “Saix… I'm here.” He murmured fondly. Sliding one hand out from under him he stroked the boy's hair, “Saix…” When the said did not respond he lifted the limp body to his chest and hugged him tightly. His hurt gaze flashed up and Roxas stared back apprehensively. The meeting of eyes barely lasted a second as Xemnas looked away and drew back from the embrace to look back at this Saix's face. It was lax in sleep, hanging back lifelessly. The X that had dawned his face before were now two crescents mirroring one another, which Xemnas now traced with a claw, “Not yet… Not without me…”
Roxas quietly got to his feet, backing away until he bumped into someone. Looking up he was glad to see it was Axel. The redhead gazed solemnly at the scene before them; Roxas could see the pain in Axel's eyes. He must have been remembering the day Roxas left him in the city with the promise he would never return to the Organization again. This goodbye was similar, except Saix would never return; Roxas could see that Saix was dying. The fading of his skin into light, though beautiful, was a sure omen of death. Reaching over his shoulder he took Axel arm and placed it around himself.
Slowly his eyes came to look at Demyx, who'd now returned to Zexion's side. The musician was not looking toward Xemnas, but it was obvious he'd seen for he was hugging Zexion tightly. He looked scared now, having to stand alone while Zexion lay deep within his own mind; scared of having to say goodbye as Xemnas had to do now.
A movement drew Roxas' attention away from them and further from the group. The spell Saix had cast had worn off now. Luxord was waking from his slumber, sitting up and trying to piece together what he'd missed. When he'd sat a moment, he got up and crept over beside Demyx, who jumped when Luxord placed a hand on his shoulder. They spoke quietly, perhaps about what had happened or about how Zexion was.
“Wait- Saix!” Roxas turned his head quickly. The human form in Xemnas' arms was melting away, tiny particles of light wafting up from the body; smoldering ash in the wind. Eyes wide in panic tears broke the barrier and poured down his cheeks, Xemnas looked Saix up and down helplessly watching as his companion faded into nothingness once more, “Saix!” It was the only word Xemnas knew to speak at that moment. There was nothing he could say or do to stop it, and he knew it.
The photons drifted up happily, dancing over Xemnas' arms and brushing his cheek as they fluttered by. Others weaved about him, swirling on the wind or hiding amongst the dark clothing Xemnas bore. Through the rain that slowly washed over him, lightning blue streaked down Xemnas' face, tainted tears, dripping through Saix's disintegrating cadaver. Within the core of the light, the pure heart nestled itself trying to hide from the cold air.
Hands passing through the specks of energy, Xemnas curled his hands into regretful fists. His teeth gritting together, he came onto his feet and the light suddenly plumed outward. The burst of light whirled about his dark figure, running close along his body to escape the pool of darkness forming at Xemnas' feet.
Tipping his head back, the silver-haired Nobody looked up into the sky, watching as the light fled from him. Tenderly, he undid a fist and reached up, touching a few of the tiny flecks as they flitted away; some of the sands of light used his extended arms to climb further to the sky, “So warm…” He breathed the last of the photons stroking his cheek before disappearing into the dark clouds above. Then the heart floated up before him, making its presence known, and just before it was beyond his reach he plucked it out of the sky and pulled it back down close to his body. One hand cradled the heart from below; the other hovered above to keep it from flying away. Like prison bars, his claws curled around it protectively in a haunting manner. Despite the frightening appearance of talons shadowing splendor, his grasp proved to be more of a shelter than a cage as it had previously been confined in shielding it from the growing darkness and cold rain.
Entranced, Xemnas stood gazing wistfully at the heart Saix's form had abandoned, “What a beautiful heart,” He breathed solemnly. Then a deranged look appeared on his face, made up of a wicked grin and a piercing gaze. It reminded Roxas of a twisted child that had gotten his hands on a fallen bird, who grinned just before he crushed it. Hopefully, Xemnas would not follow Roxas' imaginative presumptions.
“Roxas. You drove me from my castle, destroyed my kingdom, wiped me from existence, and now this… Last time we fought, I said I needed more rage… I think that now, I have a sufficient amount to rid myself of your presence once and for all.” At the words of violence, the symbol of the Burdened suddenly broke out on his chest and spilt its contents down Xemnas' coat and boots to merrily join the flood already at his feet.
“Quick, get back!” Yelled Xigbar leaping in front of them and shoving both Roxas and Axel further from the changing being before them, “This darkness is only for Burdened to know.”
Angrily, Roxas pushed back around him, to Xigbar's side, “I'm not afraid of the darkness, if my Somebody can conquer it, so can I.”
“Well you're not going to do it without me.” Axel joined in, twirling his chakrams in his hands, “Anyway, that's what fire was made for, isn't it? To extinguish the darkness and protect us from what lies within it… And with your help Roxas, I'm sure we can keep the fire burning even in the darkest of nights.”
“Ha! You're just not right in the head, but you're brave little buggers, I'll give you that!” Xigbar laughed with something of a deranged smile upon his face, “Looks like I've no choice but to help you again… You're likely to get yourselves pounded without me.”
Roxas smiled and nodded curtly in approval, “Luxord, stay and watch over Demyx and Zexion; they've had it rough. We can take care of this ourselves.” He assured Luxord, calling over his shoulder before drawing his weapons defensively. Then he added with a tentative smile, “But don't hesitate to jump in things turn in Xemnas' favor.”
The darkness at Xemnas' feet was twisting up, engulfing him like a serpent consuming its prey. Unlike the others, who'd been taken so unwillingly, Xemnas seemed to thoroughly enjoy the feeling of its tendrils climbing over him, clutching at his clothes and searing into his flesh. Now, as a veil swept up from behind him to envelope him in a cocoon of iniquity, he stepped back within its depths shielding only the heart he held so dear; the rest of himself he offered freely for one last chance at revenge.
So was the pain of his broken heart that he desired this wickedness to befall all who did not know it.
NEW Journal-
Character Links-
Saix: The consumption of tainted hearts loosed a fierce beast within him. Subtle signs in personality and physical appearance gave insight to the change within him and the increasing lapses in his memory are a harbinger of the fate awaiting him.
His time as a Nobody running out, Xemnas plunged deep into Saix's chest to save his heart from collapsing under the pressure. No longer able to restrain against the potency of only the tainted hearts, Saix was overcome by the taint and took the shape of a Burdened half man from his loyalty and half beast from his untamable feral nature. From his devotion, Saix communicated with Xemnas' tongue and not through his own, but all his memories and thoughts were fed by Xemnas in exchange.
Unlike other Burdened, Saix had the choice to become a Lost, but chose not to so as he could aid his beloved. All motive behind his actions were created by Xemnas, who manipulated his feelings to create an all powerful beast that wished only to obey and cause pain. His form was as wretched as his intentions, given a hideous form underneath all the armor that is weak and emaciated. To make up for his weak body however, his attacks were heavy and, in the case of Berserk mode, very quick. Also to aid him, he was given another mode, in which he could drain the life from his following Burdened and re-energize himself.
Normal Mode: An offensive mode, the armor on his body is opened partially allowing him to attack moderately but still have protection.
Drain Mode: His only defensive mode, all armor closes up like a cocoon and a barrier surrounds Xemnas. In this mode he has a single attack involving gravity fluctuation, which he uses to squeeze out the hearts of Shifters and drain them of their power. This mode is highly linked to his gravity manipulation and could not be used when fighting Xigbar.
Berserk Mode: An offensive mode where all his armor drops off allowing him to attack fully and swiftly. Though most vulnerable in this mode, he is also most powerful. This mode appears to be linked to his gravity manipulation for he could not use this when fighting Xigbar.
His attacks ranged from mimicked meteor showers and alternate gravitational pulls to simply clawing and stomping. Many of his more damaging attacks were rendered useless with the introduction of Xigbar into the battle.
Just before complete defeat, Roxas unlocked his caged heart and unleashed its purity and Saix became what he was intended to be: a Lost. However, due to the substantial damage dealt in his Burdened form, his body could not cope and his body disintegrated into particles of light. His heart, however, still exists beside his Superior's.
Xemnas: Halving delved into the contaminated pit of Saix's being; he was stained with the mark of the pollutant and Saix's essence coursed within his body reaching through the chain connecting him and his follower. He held Saix's heart to keep the balance of their bond in his favor.
After the loss of Saix, once again Xemnas was thrown back into his own world of hate and misery. These emotions fueled by rain that filled the empty void within him combine to inflict further injury to his being to form a Burdened. LOG INCOMPLETE
Xigbar: Since last he was seen, Xigbar has been shrouded in darkness and become one of the Burdened; whether he did so willingly is unknown. With his new youthful look and increased strength, Xigbar is the epitome of Burdened and a formidable opponent to others of his kind. His power seems to far outweigh any Nobody's.
His motives behind aiding Roxas, Axel, and the others are a mystery as well, for such generosity towards Nobodies has not been seen among any other Burdened aside from the savage pack led by Saix. LOG INCOMPLETE
Save Game: to be continued…