Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars ❯ A New Opponent, a New Enemy ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade Wars
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 6: A New Opponent, a New Enemy
Category: Kingdom Hearts
Riku's Keyblade clashed with the Keyblader's. It was like striking a steel wall full force he later told me. “Damn!” He shouted, pushing off of its Keyblade and landing a few feet away. His hands were shaking furiously.
“Let me take over, Riku!” I shouted.
“No!” He replied. “The bastard's mine!” Riku charged again and struck its back.
The Keyblader was about to land a heavy blow to Riku's head, when it suddenly froze. It then turned around, sheathed its Keyblade in what appeared to be a hollow spike on its back, and saluted. “Good work, Berserker, but that's enough for now,” said a deep, raspy voice behind the Keyblader. A man then made his way out from behind it.
The man had long, spiky, blue gray hair and deep maroon eyes. His face had several scars upon it, one particularly noticeable one being one that diagonally crossed down from the right side of his face to the left; his hands were also heavily scarred. He wore a long, red trench coat with the neck slightly extended above his mouth. On his feet, he wore heavy, black boots with several straps securing them on his feet.
“How do you like my Berserkers?” He asked. “They are experimental Keybladers, they are,” He paused, glanced at the Berserker, then said, “How rude of me!? My name is Levilus, Number Seven in the Keyblade Clan!”
“Goddamn Keyblade Clan sack of shit!” I muttered angrily, giving Levilus a foul look. I materialized my Keyblade and stepped forward. “Riku, you deal with the Keyblader! This one's mine!!” I shouted.
“Right! You go get `em, Sora!” Riku replied, grinning and turning towards the Berserker.
“You haven't a chance against me, Keyblade Master,” said Levilus calmly, “but if you wish, I shall do battle with you!” Levilus materialized a long, rapier-like Keyblade that was entirely crimson in color. He charged at me, leaping at me as he neared.
“Oh shit, this bastard's fast!” I muttered as I raised my Keyblade to block. He grinned and disappeared. Reappearing behind me, he swung. However, I leapt over his Keyblade. Back flipping over him, I landed behind him and swung at his head. He raised his Keyblade behind his shoulder and blocked. I ducked as he spun around and swung at me again and swept my leg under his feet, attempting to knock him over. He, however, jumped and attempted to stab me. I rolled to the side. I then leapt up and back a few feet, readying my Keyblade.
“You are better than I thought, Keyblade Master,” said Levilus. “This might actually prove to be a fight worth my time!” He materialized a Keyblade identical to his other one, except it was blue instead of red in color. “Now, let's go!” He shouted. He stretched them out to his sides and charged me.
“Bring it!” I shouted. He swung his red Keyblade to my right. I blocked it. However, he then swung his other Keyblade to my left. I managed to duck and high kick him under his chin, sending him flying into the air. I leapt up at him, my Keyblade at the ready. When I reached him, I started landing blow after blow to Levilus. I finished my attack by thrusting my Keyblade forward and pushing off him, landing gracefully. He landed a few feet away. “How's that, Levilus!?”
“Not…not bad!” Levilus replied. As he got to his feet, his Keyblades suddenly dematerialized. He reached up and started unbuttoning his trench coat. “It has been a long time since I have had to use this,” Underneath his trench coat, he wore a long-sleeved shirt with six pockets lining each side and a pair of grey slacks with dark red flame designs on the pant legs. He reached up and unzipped the top pocket on both sides. He reached in and pulled out a small, silver ring from each.
“Huh?! What in the hell are you gonna do with those?” I asked, confused.
“Hehe, you will see soon enough, Sora!” Levilus chuckled almost maliciously. He then held them out in his open palms with his arms spread open as if they were wings. As he grinned, the rings increased in size immensely until they were almost as tall as Levilus was. It became apparent to me that the rings were ring blades.
`Damn, this just got more complicated! I'll have to watch myself!' I thought, gripping my Keyblade tighter. I charged him. I swung, and swung, and swung, but he constantly blocked with his ring blades. “Damnit!” I shouted as he once again blocked. Muttering a spell, I, without Levilus knowing, made a copy of myself. The copy was left in place of me, while I had moved behind Levilus.
Taking the opportunity to strike, Levilus swung forward with both of his ring blades, sending my clone flying back. Suddenly he disintegrated. I grinned and struck Levilus in the back, sending him sprawling on the ground. He slowly rose to his feet. “Damn, how did I not see that coming?!” He scowled. He then struck his ring blades in the ground. He unzipped the next pare of pockets and pulled out two more miniature ring blades. He tossed them into the air and took hold of his other two ring blades once more. As he did, the two ring blades in the air enlarged to full size. However, they didn't come down; they were floating.
I gasped. “How the hell?!” I yelled. Levilus simply grinned wickedly and pointed at me with his ring blades. The floating ones suddenly flew at me. Taking a defensive stance, I started to fend them off as they relentlessly and repeatedly attempted to strike me, then doubling back and trying again. “If this keeps up, I'll lose! I'm gonna have to transform!” I muttered. I jumped back and rose my arms in front of my face in an “X” formation. I started to glow a bright yellow.
“What is this?!?!” shouted Levilus.
“Hehe…MASTER FORM!!!” I cried, bringing my arms down instantly to my sides. However, instead of transforming, the yellow aura changed to black. My heart suddenly started to burn. I gasped, my Keyblade dematerializing. I put my hands to my head and screamed as my entire body started to turn pitch black.
After the transformation was complete, I looked completely unlike myself. I was entirely black, and my eyes were a golden yellow. I cackled wickedly, but it was not my voice that laughed. My Anti Form had been released once again. This was only the second time I had gone into my Anti Form.
“Who…who are you, Demon?! You are Sora, but somehow, you're different!” shouted Levilus.
“Heh, Sora? Hah! I am not Sora…” I charged. “I am nobody!!!”
A/N: Well, what'd ya think? ^^ I sorta took the thing with the Anti Form from Bleach, but whatever. I think it works! I will try to get the next chapter up soon! I promise!! Bye ^^ Please R&R!!