Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III Ties of the Heart ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi, it's Uzumaki-Uchiha-Konoichi-Sama, but you can call me Kunoichi-chan! Welcome to my very first mediaminer fic, though I have written others. I'm no newbie!
Anyway, this prologue was originally a lot longer, but I lost the first four pages, and couldn't remember everything I wrote, so the re-written stuff was rushed and only took up two pages.
As to how I lost 4 pages? My notebook fell apart. After I started losing pages, I ended up moving everything to a folder. Hopefully I won't lose anymore.
Disclaimer: I do not own!
Note: There are no OC pairings, though an OC of mine will get really close to Roxas. It's purely platonic. I'm an AkuRoku fan all the way!
'You think you know. What's to come, what you are. You really have no idea.'
-Tara Maclay, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 4, 'Restless'-
Sleepovers were common for Riku and Sora after they returned to the islands. Neither wanted to be far from the other. Sora was afraid to go without his friend again if something happened, and Riku was afraid of drifting back into the darkness, so they spent a lot of time together.
That particular Saturday, they were at Riku's house. To them, it was just another weekend. They were wrong.
It was nearly 2 AM when Riku heard it. Soft whimpering noises coming from Sora's spot on the floor.
“Ngh... No... No!”
“Wazzgoinon?” Riku sat up sleepily, rubbing his eyes. “Sora?”
“Close it!”
“Sora?!” He leaned over the side of the bed, peering down at the brunet thrashing around in his sleep.
“Stop it!”
He was there, in that strange place with glass floors. The portraits on the floor were all too familiar. Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, Axel, himself, and... That boy. The one that everyone said was him. But that wasn't possible, was it? They were two separate people, weren't they? No. Only one was real, they had told him, but which one was it? Was it him or the other?
Maybe it's both.”
He recognized the voice. He had heard it often in his dreams, though he had never been able to understand what it was saying. The voice was decidedly female, and as he turned he saw a figure, slightly smaller than him, dressed in an over-sized Organization cloak that hid her features.
Where did you come from?” She stepped a little closer, and he pulled back. There was something... dark about her.
Here and there. A little bit of everywhere.”
That doesn't make any sen-”
It's coming open.” She continued to move forward, and he kept backing away.
What is?”
The door.”
What door?”
The one behind you.” And sure enough, his back hit something hard.
It's coming open. You can't stop them.”
The darkness.” Nothing she was saying made any sense to him.
How is that a 'who?'”
Are you afraid of the dark?” He wondered, briefly, why she was trying to change the subject, before answering.
No, are you?”
Of course not. There's no reason to fear the darkness.”
But isn't that what you were saying earlier?”
I do not fear the darkness. Why would I fear myself? I only fear what it hides.
He cocked his head to the side, wishing now more than ever that he could see her face. “Yourself?”
It's coming open.”
Wait, what?”
The door. You can't stop it.”
And it was. The doorknob jiggled as something slammed against the door, and he jumped away, surprised. He didn't know what was behind the door, but he knew he didn't want to find out. A sharp pain spread through his body, and someone screamed, though he couldn't tell if it was him or the girl. Then everything went black, but he could still hear her voice.
Do you remember who you are? Do you remember how to fight it... Roxas?”
Sora! Sora!”
“Sora!” The brunet shot straight up, slamming his forehead into Riku's. With a cry of pain, both boy's tumbled backward.
“Ow... Riku? Why'd you wake me up?” The taller boy stared at him like he'd just grown another head.
“You were having a nightmare.” Sora frowned.
“No I wasn't.”
“Sora, you were screaming in your sleep.”
“I wasn't having a nightmare Riku, but maybe...” He broke off, staring at the ground, an odd look on his face.
“Maybe what?” Silence. “Sora, c'mon, you can tell me.”
“Maybe he was.”
It's way too short, but I swear the next chapter will be much longer. Like I said, it's only a prologue, and I lost four pages. Anyway, I'm currently writing page 35, so expect an update soon, but not too soon because I'm a lazy Kunoichi.