Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts MST/Parody ❯ Awakening (Just Add Parody Patio and Mix) ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kingdom Hearts The Beginning

Note that I do not own Kingdom Hearts in anyways, unless you count owning a copy of the videogame... But anyways! I only own my characters, and my own sanity!

Before the whole story, we meet the gang who shall defile the popular story/game,

In the secret downstairs pool room

Rave: "does anyone have any idea what our case is?!"
Rave was the leader of the whole group, and pretty much was bored when she made this whole association, because she felt like making parodies of stories

Michael: "wasn't it you who said that we were going to make an MST of Kingdom Hearts?"
Michael, second in command, guy with glasses.

Rave: "oh yeah, well where's everyone then?"

The door was knocked down,

Kent: "sorry I'm late, got side-tracked by some chocolate cookies"
Rave: "okaaay... Where's Donny?"

Donny: "sorry I'm late, got side-tracked by whores selling cookies"

Rave: "ANYways, did you bring the case?"Donny: "Yeah yeah, don't get your panties in a bunch... *pulls out file*"
Michael: "so what is it today?"
Kent & Donny: "everything tossed into the salad"
Rave: "I like salad!"
Michael: "ANYways, shall we get going..?"

Note that we don't own the story

Kingdom Hearts (in a nutshell)

"I've been having these weird thoughts lately.. Are they for real, or not?"

>Kent: "what weird thoughts? Having wet dreams again sora?!"


Sora: *what the hell?*

>Kent: "that's what you get for having those wet dreams...">Donny: *coughhypocritecough*
>Kent: *deathglare*

Mysterious voice:

"so much to do,
so little time....

>Michael: "hey, if it's a mysterious voice, then how can we not hear it...?"
>Rave: "because it's supposed to be mysterious, stupid!"

Take your time,
don't be afraid...

>Kent (as Sora): "yeah, like that's going to help, a tiny voice apparently only I could hear is telling me to be calm..."

The door is still shut,
Now, step forward,
Can you do it?"

>Kent (as Sora): No prob! *trips* ARGH!
>Rave & Michael *Sings*: "Cause you had a bad day..."

Power sleeps within you,
if you give it form..,
It will give you strength

Sora: ...
>Kent (still as Sora): "I knew I shouldn't have delayed my medications..."

Say Sora chose the sword...

The power of the warrior.
Invincible courage.
Is this the power you seek?

Sora: "yes"
>Kent: "FUCK YES!!!" *goes on killing rampage*

Your path is now sent.
Now, what will you give up?

>Rave (as Sora): "I'D GIVE UP MY VIRGINITY!!!"
>Michael: nah, she'd give that up to Chris..."
>Rave: *doubledeathglare*

>Michael: "mommy..."


You've gained the power to fight

Sora: *swings at nothing* "..."

All right! You've got it!
Use this power to protect yourself and others
There will be times when you have to fight

>Donny: "yeah, he just swings at air, and then all of the sudden, he's the chosen one!"
>Kent: *chants* "chosen one, chosen one, chosen...."
>Michael: "you could just shut up now..."

Keep your light burning strong
Behind you!

>Rave: "watch out, or that heartless will butt-rape you!"

After graphic killings of cute little monsters...

Sora: "I can't open it!"
>Rave: *spits out vault she stole from Michael* "What the...?!!? He better not be talking about..."
>Kent: "no, he's talking about that one door... You know..."
>Rave: "Oh..."

>Donny: "and now we have been transported into Destiny Islands for a breif moment and..."

Selphi: "what's most important to you?"

>Michael (as Sora): "uh.... Which to choose"

>Kent: *coughcrackcough*

Sora: *assume friendship* "Friendship"
Selphi: "is friendship that important to you?"
>Michael (as Sora): "maybeh"

Wakka: "What do you want outta life?"

>Rave: "now, now..."Sora: *assume to broaden my horizons"

Wakka: "to broaden your horizons huh?"

>Donny: "I'm hungry..."

Tidus: "what are you afraid of?"
>Rave: "the monster who pokes me in my sleep"
>Michael: "heh..."

Sora: *assume getting old*
>Donny: "I would too if I was getting old, then I'd have a wrinkly-"

>Rave: "pickle? Ew, I hate pickles in my cheeseburgers!"

>Michael: "path set, and we're ready to go!"

The closer you get to light,
the greater your shadow becomes...

*a huge shadow thingy appears out of nowhere*

but don't be afraid...

*shows more shadowy vengence*

>Kent (as Sora): "not gonna help me here..."

And don't forget...

*begins to be engulfed the shadows*

Donny: "this can be traumatizing..."

--But don't be afraid...

>Rave: "already went through this..."


--You hold the mightiest weapon of all...
--So don't forget...

>Michael: "how could anyone friggin' forget?"

--You are the one... Who will open the door