Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Requiem ❯ Darkness or Light ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kingdom Hearts Requiem
Chapter 1

“This is where they lie my fallen comrades… may you all rest in peace.” I gently place the flowers on the ground in front of the keyblades of the fallen warriors.

“So this is where you are.” The voice startled me.

“Luna…” I turned around. “Don’t startle me like that.”

Luna approaches me, “Men are cute when they tear.”

“Men only cry for their comrades.” I said as she wiped my tear.

“You remember what day it is today right?” Luna said bringing her hands behind her.

I paused for a moment, “You’re birthday?”

“No silly… today you promised me that you were going to teach me how to summon my keyblade.”

“Oh right…”

“Did you forget…?”

“No, you’re crazy. Come on let’s go back to The Land of Departure.”

“You forgot!” she raised her voice.

“I’m sorry… I’ll make it up to you.”


“A gift.”

“What kind of gift?”

“I don’t know yet, but it’ll be a good one.” I summoned my keyblade.

“Henshin… come on I’ll take you back.” The keyblade morphed into my ship.

The both of us hoped on, and left the Keyblade graveyard.

As we landed back to the Land of Departure Master Eraqus was waiting for our arrival. “Skyn, off to the graveyard again?”

“Yes Master.” I replied back as Luna got off.

“Skyn what happened there was not your fault.” Eraqus said comforting

“But I could have done something… all of them would be alive right now.”

“Do not blame yourself.” He said as my ship turned back to its original form.

I walked past the master. “I’m not; I am just frustrated with my strength.”

I met back up with Luna to teach her about her Keyblade. Luna and I have been friends ever since her arrival to the Land of Departure. She’s the slender type with a cute attitude; she isn’t that tall with short dark hair and a smile to die for.

“Are you ready?” I said to her before we start.

“I’m ready!” she replied with joy

“To summon a keyblade is simple, you must channel your energy to your hand or were you want it summoned. Image your keyblade, you’re keyblade is a part of you, kind of like a persona.”

“A Persona… okay I think I can do it!” Luna brought her hand out and concentrated her energy.

“Don’t lose focus.” I said as her Keyblade appeared before us.

“Skyn I did it!” Luna shouted with joy.

“See, I knew you could do it.” I said as Eraqus entered the training hall.

“So you are able to wield the keyblade now Luna.” He said walking up to us.

“Yeah Skyn taught me how to!”

“Skyn, let us have a match.” He said with his keyblade in hand

“Why now of all times?” I questioned him.

“You’re test is coming up you must be ready.”

“I guess you’re right, let us have a match.”

Luna got out of the way while Master and I distant our self from each other.

“I will not go easy on you Skyn.” Eraqus got into stance.

“Nor will I.” I summoned my keyblade and positioned myself as well.

For a while it was a standoff until Master decided to make the first move with Air slide. I parried the incoming attack but the impact was so hard I lost my center of balance and was open for another attack. I saw the blade coming, and with my left arm guard I intercepted the blow, then with my right arm I launched an attack on my own. Before I was able to make contact he caught my keyblade and we were at a stand off again. I kicked him in the chest sending him through the air. It was my turn to go on the offense I wasted no time and followed up with a strike raid. As my Keyblade came back into my hands I charged in with sonic blade. Eraqus regained balance and also charged in with sonic blade. As we collided our keyblades lit up.

“This is it!” I shouted, “Ars Solum!”

“Show me what you’ve learned!” Master yelled back, “Ars Solum!”

The most intense showdown I’ve ever had with master, neither of us backed down for this match it was, do or die. As our keyblades collide it made roars trough the training hall. Sparks flew as we continuously swung at each other. Without making any mistakes the both of us canceled each other’s attack. With the final blow our keyblades locked.

“You’ve grown strong Skyn.” Master complimented me.

“But I’m not good enough yet!” I pushed him away with my strength. I positioned myself for the final attack. My keyblade started to glow with tremendous amounts of light.

“Oh so I see you have mastered it.” Master positioned himself in the same stance and a tremendous amount of light emits from his keyblade as well.

“Zentetsuken!” the both of us rushed in. With a blink of an eye and one strike I feel to my knees.

“You’ve grown so much Skyn.” Master said helping me up to my feet.

“But I still can’t match your strength.” I said in disappointment.

“In due time my boy.” He said as I walked away. Luna came up to me but I pushed her aside as I went to my room

“What do I have to do… if I stay like this I won’t be able to stop the chaos that happened two years ago.” I said as I looked out my window.

“You must let the darkness consume you in order to gain strength.” A voice said behind me hiding in the shadows

“Identify yourself.” I said with my keyblade in hand.

“I am Xehanort.”

To be continued