Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Soul Crossed ❯ Prologue: Plots and Plans ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the characters from that video game series. They are the property of Square Enix and Disney. I do not claim to have created any characters from Disney worlds I visit in this fanfic. All original characters added to this story are properties of me or of friends and are used with permission.

Kingdom Hearts: Soul Crossed

Prologue: Plots and Plans

The Edge of Existence

Teren trudged through the stone halls of the castle, his eyes focused straight ahead as he forced himself forward with each step. It was missions like this last one that made him need more than one strong drink. However, his Master would not allow for delays in delivering his report. He’d found the Stone, and that would please his Master to no end. A few wounds was nothing compared to that.

The echo of his boots rang all around, the only sound in this long-dead castle. The only inhabitant was Teren himself, ever since his Master had been sealed away by the self-proclaimed Ansem the Wise some time ago. If it hadn’t been for Teren and his loyalty to Master Shade and his cause, Ansem would have succeeded in his exiling. But Teren had followed, searching for his Master until he’d actually found him again. After months and months of work, he’d found this realm. More time was required for him to find a way to communicate with Shade’s trapped soul. Ever since he’d discovered how, Teren had been working for Master Shade, enabling his plans to return to the physical plane.

Pain and aches filled his mind, giving him no choice. He had to stop, catch his breath and allow his vision to realign. He stopped, leaning on the ledge of the window, staring out along the horizon. Compared to the stale, unchanging blue during the day that most worlds had, the vibrant pinks, reds and yellows of the sky here in this realm were very entrancing. He especially loved how they flowed along the sky. Once Master Shade’s plan was completed, he hoped people would return and make this plane a thriving place again. Despite what he might claim, he was lonely here.

Teren ground his nails along the ledge, angry with himself. Master Shade’s plan had nearly failed because of him. He had been careless and nearly been killed as he searched for the Stone. But he had been successful, and that would be all that would matter now. He looked down at his hand, seeing the fresh blood from the damage he had done to himself. It was a start, but he could punish himself for his carelessness later. Master Shade was waiting for him. He sucked in his breath and endured the pain as he hobbled to the throne room.

He entered the vast room, ignoring the missing ceiling as it always made him feel queasy. He saw the ‘form’ of his master on the throne, the outline of the shadow shifting, flowing, and fading in and out. “You are late. It should not have taken you that long from when you arrived. Did you get it?” Shade said, his voice reverberating around the room.
“Yes, Master. My apologies Master. The Nemeta Stone is yours.” He kneeled, sweeping his cloak away from his body, and held out the object. It was a six-sided artifact with obscure markings along the outside and face of the stone. The language it was marked with was one Teren was not familiar with, but Shade seemed to think this piece was very important.

“Excellent, child. Your service has been noted and will be rewarded when my time has come.” The Stone floated up out of Teren’s hands and shot over in front of Shade. If Teren could have seen Shade’s face, he’d have sworn he was smiling. The form’s piercing green eyes glittered as though they hid some joke. “I have been watching our unwitting helpers again. They have done quite well. They have destroyed Xehanort and his mad plan to collect the hearts. I even got to watch Ansem destroy himself. It was delicious. Your misdirection has done quite well.”

Teren nodded, feeling some measure of pride. “Yes, Master. Thank you Master.” When he looked up, however, he was unsure.

“Do you doubt my plan, young servant?” The shadows around Shade rippled.

“I just...I do not understand why you have not had me collect the Keyblade Master for you yet.”

“It is simple.” Shade’s form leaned forward, the representation of his body nearly fading out completely, “He is not ready.” Teren was confused and Shade shook his head. “I don’t expect you to understand yet. Just trust me when I say that I need him to grow before I can use him. And he is doing my work for me, so it is all for the best.”

“I guess Master, I just wonder if he will not become too strong for you. I could not bear losing you again.”

“Do not worry Teren. I have planned for that. When the time comes, I will deal with Sora and his friends myself. And his defeat will be courtesy of Ansem the Wise.” Shade leaned back, his ‘body’ shuddering with laughter. Teren looked up, his dark brown eyes curious. He’d never seen Master Shade so happy. Not since his imprisonment.

He waited to see if Master Shade would reveal more of his plan, but he never did to Teren. Not until it was time for his next task. “I will leave then, Master, so you can study the artifact.” He stood, grimacing in pain, bowing as he backed away.

“Teren, wait. I have another task for you.”

Teren stopped, wincing as he did. He had hoped for a day of rest. “Yes Master?”

“It would seem that the King is moving before I am ready for him. He is heading for the Keyblade Master as we speak, and our newest plan will be too late if he arrives.”

Teren blinked, feeling a bit of fury rise in him. The King was always interfering with Master Shade. Like Ansem the Wise, King Mickey was a major threat to the plans, and dangerous. They would need to be cautious with how they moved against him when the time was right. “What would you have me do, Master?” Rest would have to wait. His life was Shade’s to use and if his sacrifice would fit his Master’s plan, he would gladly give it.

Shade leaned back, grinning. “Delay them.”

Teren nodded, not asking how Shade wanted him to do so. That was his job to figure out. He bowed again. “It will be done, Master. If I may?” Shade waved him away, gripping the Nemeta Stone and drawing it into his plane of exile. Teren turned and left, hurrying to the ship. He had Heartless to find. After all, what was a trip on a gummi ship without a little Heartless interference? If he timed it right, the Keyblade Master would be too entrenched in their plot for even the King to pull him out.