Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Captured ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any characters therein. They are the property of Square Enix and Disney. All Company members are my own property. Do not steal them. Warning! This story contains graphic scenes of an adult nature, including scenes of rape. If you are under the age of consent, or such content disturbs you, please do not read any further.**

Drip. Drip. Drip. The sound welcomed Kairi back to consciousness. Pain greeted her at its door, and came along for the ride as she stepped through. It was her head that hurt. She searched her memory, trying to remember why it hurt so much. It didn’t take long for her to recall. Someone had hit her from behind as she was walking along the beach, waiting for the boys. That brought a wave of fear as her eyes shot open. The sight of a dark, musty cell greeted her. She couldn’t see more than a few inches in front of her, and she was pretty sure she didn’t want to. There was a foul stench in the air, making her wrinkle her nose in disgust, and movement in the darkness made her think of rats...or worse.

She tried to raise her hand to her head, but her hands wouldn't move the way she wanted them to. Something held them down and behind her. She tried to look back and see it, but the darkness kept her from getting a good look at her bindings. She leaned back, feeling the chill of the bars behind her. And it wasn't the only thing she was feeling. Quite a bit of her clothing was missing, and what was left on was soaked. All she felt she had on were her panties and her vest. She could feel her skirt, which was at her knees, and they'd even removed her shoes, her bare feet touching the cold poles. She had no idea who would do something like this, but she wasn’t naive enough not to know what it might mean. It sent her into a near panic as she struggled with her bond. All she knew was that she wanted to be gone before whoever had brought her here got back.

A door to her right opened, shining light on her and ending her hopes of escape as a figure stood in the doorway. She tried to move her legs to cover her shame as best she could in a kneeling position. With the light coming in, her body under the wet clothes would be visible to anyone. "Well, isn't this a pretty sight? A lovely princess all tied up and ready for me." She couldn't see who had her in their clutches. The light behind him made it impossible to see his features. From his outline, he was tall with long hair and he was wearing some sort of cape or cloak that hung behind him.

Kairi ignored the jibe, trying desperately to escape her bonds. She looked behind her as she struggled. It was almost a slap in the face. He had bound her hands with her OWN tie! "Let me go!" she cried, rage filling her at her predicament.

"I think not. After all, I only just got my prize.” He did not move from the doorway, but Kairi somehow felt his eyes roam over her body. She shuddered, sickened, and the fact that she could not put a face to her attacker made her feel even more frightened. The man gave a sigh, some small amount of frustration in his tone. “You are not ready for me yet. Perhaps my friends can help you with that. They have wanted to be closer to you for some time, princess." Something ran down along her thigh. Kairi felt the blood drain from her face and she renewed her struggling.

“Fight all you like, but you may as well get used to your new home and your new role. The more you struggle, the worse it will be in the end. My friends will see to that.” As he spoke, Heartless rose up from the floor, surrounding the helpless girl. Kairi couldn’t help herself. She screamed in fear. The man just chuckled. "The Heartless have been waiting for you Kairi. Waiting for such a long time. They’ve missed you. I hope you show them a fun time." He shut the door, ignoring her pleas for him not to leave her like this, with only the glowing eyes in the darkness as they approached. Kairi futilely tried to stand or escape her bonds.

As they got close, she could make them out better. There were so many. She knew she would not be able to stop them now. They would steal her heart, and she’d be reduced to one of them. She cried out for Sora and Riku to help her, knowing it was worthless to try, but she had to do something. A Soldier came up to her and she closed her eyes as it reached for her, but what she felt was something she was not expecting. The Heartless was softly caressing her cheek, something she might describe as almost loving in its slow movement. Kairi didn’t pull away, mainly because this behavior was strange for Heartless. Did it have anything to do with that man that had brought her? Did he have some form of control on them? Kairi had no answers.

Her apparent lack of resistance seemed to encourage more of them to approach. Shadows and Soldiers approached from in front, touching her up and down. Large hands came from behind the bars, running along her sides. Kairi vaguely wondered how they fit through, but was too distracted to follow that thought up. They were examining her, it seemed, almost curious. Kairi wasn’t sure what to make of it. One Shadow came up, looking like it was standing on the bar sideways as it looked at her vest, touching it and pulling on it. “S...stop. Don’t do that.” It ignored her, pulling forward on the vest, then letting go, then repeating it. The wet fabric clutched at her breast each time it came down and it was doing something to Kairi that she wasn’t sure she should be feeling. “Please. Stop.” The Shadow stopped, only to pull the vest backwards, exposing her breasts to the damp air as her vest fell down to her bound hands. This brought the Heartless down on the exposed globes.

Kairi shuddered as they began to touch her exposed skin, caressing things she had never had touched by one that was not her. Her nipples seemed to receive the most attention, as they were touched and rubbed by the creatures. Kairi’s eyes widened and she tried to pull back, but it just pressed the bars deeper into the exposed skin of her back and allowed the Heartless behind them better access. One of the Shadows licked at her nipple and Kairi’s eyes widened. That had never happened before. She was both intrigued by the feeling and disturbed by the fact that it was a Heartless doing so. The Heartless ran their tongues along her skin as though lapping up food. Under other circumstances, Kairi might have allowed the pleasure of what they were doing wash over her. Instead, she tried to fight them off. She eventually kicked at them, trying to shoo them off the only way she felt she could. This helped them back off a little, but it also caused her to lose her balance and fall on her ass, her arms wrenched painfully in this position. Not only that, but now the Heartless descended on her and she was trapped under them.

As she moaned and struggled, dark hands ran up and down her sides, along her stomach and breasts and some along the soft fabric of her panties. She felt their hands touching her sensitive area through the flimsy barrier. Finally they pulled, ripping her panties off her body and exposing her lower half to their touch. Her pussy was bared and suddenly all she wore was a small pendant around her neck. The Heartless probed her mound, running along all parts of it. Kairi whimpered as they did, though out of fear or want she couldn't say. Her body was feeling something entirely new and she wanted to explore it, but not with these creatures and most certainly not against her will.
Her body was lifted up, the tie now raising along the bar with her and the Heartless began to rub her thighs and up close to her pussy, causing Kairi to twitch. It felt so strange to her. They finally spread her legs. She felt a Shadow move up between her legs. She was not sure what it wanted until it began to lick her pussy. Juices began to flow as it delved deeper and deeper into her. Kairi felt her world rise and explode around her, her breathing becoming labored as it worked on her like this. Her struggles became less and less as her energy was being soaked up like a sponge. Finally, she experienced her first orgasm, her body shuddering as it ran through her.

Kairi panted, sweat running all over her body, only to be licked up by the Heartless. She went from being horizontal to almost vertical as the Heartless moved her back against the bars. She felt something hard rub against her pussy lips and looked down, watching a Soldier move up against her between her legs. She barely made out something hard and dark down there. *What is that?* she thought. Suddenly, the creature shoved it forward and it parted her pussy lips quickly as it slammed home. Kairi let out a screech as her hymen tore, tears running down her face. The pain was sharp and like nothing she’d felt before. Blood leaked out of her pussy, but the Soldier simply waited, letting her adjust to it being inside her before beginning with slow, soft thrusts. Despite the fact that it was raping her, it was trying to make sure it didn’t cause much pain. Kairi was thankful for that at least.

While the Soldier was thrusting in her pussy, she felt something press against her ass. Another member was seeking entrance inside. “No...don’t put that th..!” Her eyes widened and she was unable to finish her sentence. It had ignored her and pressed into her ass, moving inch by painstaking inch inside. It was big enough that there was a lot of pain into the unlubricated area. It was burying itself to the hilt and then it paused there as did the Soldier. After a minute, they both began their thrusts. They moved as though used to this, getting into a rhythm that Kairi was amazed at. It brought her pleasure to new heights, even with the pain mixed in. Her binding was removed, the tie hanging on one wrist as she gripped the Soldier, trying to hold on as they used her.

She closed her eyes, trying to pretend it was Riku and Sora that was doing this to her. Despite the pleasure she was feeling from this, she hadn’t wanted this. It wasn’t right, was it? Yet as the creatures thrust, she found herself trying to move along with them. Shame filled her. She shouldn’t be doing this. She should be fighting. But the fight was inexplicably slipping away from her. Shadows began licking at her breasts again, their tongue trailing pleasurably along the supple skin and her erect nipples. She tried to focus beyond the pleasure to Sora and Riku, but even that was fading to the pleasure. A second orgasm went through her body, even though the Heartless themselves had not yet cum. Kairi thrust even harder against them, trying to tell herself that it was so they’d cum and stop taking her.

Light came back into the room, bathing the macabre situation in its luminescence. The figure in the doorway was back, though he looked...different. “Enjoying yourself, princess?” Kairi shook her head, trying not to give him the satisfaction of knowing her shame. “I could have them stop then.” The Heartless moved to pull out and Kairi whimpered, knowing her body craved more and not understanding why.

“Please...” she whispered, almost desperate, her body addicted to the feeling she’d been having.

“Please what?” he said, taking a step into the room. She tried hard to see him, but it was still too bright behind him.

“Please. Make them...continue.” Her mind screamed at her that she was sounding like a whore, but she couldn’t stop herself.

“I’ll make them continue, if you repeat what I tell you.” He stepped from the light and kneeled down next to her, his grey coat hiding his body.

Kairi couldn’t believe it. Sora had destroyed the Organization. They were all dead. But here one was, whispering in her ear. She flushed when she heard what he wanted her to say, but her need was so great, she couldn’t stop herself. She blushed, looking down. “Please let them fuck me. Let them make me their...their bitch. Let them cum all over me...”

The Organization member stood and suddenly the Heartless began again. The one in her ass pulled out long enough for the bars behind her to lift, and then it was behind her again, its warm body along her back as it thrust back in. A Shadow climbed up her, mounting her face and pushing a cock into her mouth that she accepted almost hungrily. Other Heartless began working on any exposed skin they could, tongues and hands roaming all over her. She felt a third orgasm hit just as the man left the room, closing the door and shutting out the light. It didn’t matter any more to Kairi. She simply kept going, even after they came on and inside her. All that mattered was the pleasure she was feeling.


“That was quick,” a blue-haired man said as he watched Kairi over the monitor. “I’d have never thought she’d enjoy something like that.”

“She doesn’t.”

The blue haired man turned, toying with the braid that ran down one side of his face. “What do you mean? And take off that outfit.”

The man in the gray coat pulled it off, revealing a raven haired man with dark green eyes. “Don’t ruin my game, Syrus. It worked on our little princess. Couldn’t you see it on her face? She’d looked like the dead had risen on her.” He draped the cloak over the chair and then collapsed into it. “Besides, it’s my homage to the fallen.”

“What’s dead is dead and will never live again, no matter how much we wish it, Loshul. Now would you like to answer my question?” Syrus adjusted his glasses and stared at his partner.
“Our little princess was not as immune to the darkness as we first thought. It just took a special breed of it.” Syrus showed his annoyance at this prattle, so Loshul shrugged and went on. “When the Heartless moved to pleasuring Kairi, a darkness entered her soul. It pushed her lust to the forefront, making her crave the pleasure and feel only that instead of the ugliness of her rape.”

“She was mind-controlled then?”

“To an extent. When they stop using her, she’ll come back down to normal. Mostly.”

“Mostly? What do you mean mostly?”

“That’s where our revenge will come in. She’ll remember what happened, but she’ll also feel a little less hesitant about sex each time it happens to her. Over time, she’ll come to enjoy it. She’ll want it, and might even beg for it.” He smirked and leaned back. “Imagine that. One of the instruments of our brothers’ downfall, reduced to nothing more than a sex-slave at our bidding.”

“Her friends will come for her. You do realize that.”

“You leave those meddlers to our companions. We’ll focus on the women.”

“And Namine? Are you sure she’ll reappear?” Syrus could taste the anticipation he had for that traitor to fall.

Loshul grabbed a red ball from his pocket and began to toss it into the air. “Most definitely. She will want to protect Kairi, and that will be her undoing.” He smacked the ball at the wall and caught it with one hand when it rebounded. “Relax, Syrus. I’ve left nothing to chance. I promised we’d have revenge for the death of our brethren.” He crushed the ball in his hand, shards of it flying everywhere. “And I always keep my promises.”