Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Submission ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Steel clashed, the sound of metal singing throughout the testing facility. Namine stumbled around, trying to keep up with Yvette, even as her body trembled with a desire for pleasure. The chemicals in her body were working through her and she had to fight the urge to stop and play with herself in the middle of the fight. Her nipples were painfully erect and she was more than distracted by them. Between that and the pain when they bounced as she fought, it was almost enough to put her in tears.

Yvette was not letting her gain any advantage, using her distraction to push her around the room. Namine wasn’t sure why Yvette was toying with her, but it was exactly that. Yvette could have disarmed her from the beginning. The blue-haired fighter was holding back. Namine hoped she could use that to her advantage. If so, it would have to happen all at once.

Namine dodged right, the sword cutting a small patch of her hair as she avoided it. She slashed back, causing Yvette to leap back and giving Namine a chance to get back to her feet. She trembled, a want running through her so needy she nearly dropped the Keyblade.

“You are weakening, friend. You cannot stay on your feet much longer. Just give in. I do not wish to hurt you.” Yvette was calm and collected, and she’d just told Namine why she was holding back. She still cared for her friend.

Namine held the Keyblade as best she could. “I will not give up. Kairi needs me.” Her voice quavered and she wasn’t sure she would be able to back it up.

“She has found her place. She has accepted it. You will too, friend.”

“No! I won’t accept that!” She charged this time, rage and adrenaline fueling her and, for a minute, the feelings fled. Yvette seemed surprised and was forced into a defensive stance as she parried each thrust and slash. She backed up, trying to regain any advantage she could get. Namine knew she had little time with this, and she was trying to either disarm Yvette or corner her. Any opening, and this would be for nothing.

Yvette started to sweat, her calm shaken a little and strain actually showed on her face. Namine laughed, driving her back again. Yvette snarled, rage springing onto her face, and she planted her feet. Her sword met Namine’s Keyblade, the two weapons sparking as they caught together. Namine couldn’t back off, knowing she had no choice. Yvette wasn’t giving any leverage however and the two stared each other down between the blades.

Yvette’s scowl quickly changed to a smile and she backed off one step, the clash stopped as she pulled the blade back. Namine was caught off guard for one second, but it was enough for the seasoned fighter. She brought her blade up, knocking the Keyblade up. Then she focused for a few seconds. Namine tried to stop her, but not in time. The pause was enough. A glow surrounded Yvette and she darted across the room, arriving at a safe distance in only a moment.

Namine cursed, feeling the adrenaline fade. “Damn your speed powers.” She dropped to one knee, the urge to pleasure herself coming back in waves. Before studying under Loshul, that wouldn’t have happened. Yvette had believed in fairness of a fight more than anything. If powers were not being used, she’d have locked hers away. It was obvious she had taken Loshul’s view of win at all costs, even if she still was going easy on Namine. She had only needed a few seconds to activate the short burst of power she was able to generate, and had done enough to gain it. Namine cursed, pushing her weary body up again. She was not going to give up. There had to be a way.

Yvette brushed the clump of blue hair that had fallen over her right eye out of the way. “Very good. I knew you would not disappoint me.”

Namine wanted to knock that smug look off Yvette’s face. “Well, you have disappointed me. Coward.”

The scowl returned to her face. “You will not call me such.”

“But it’s true.” Namine stood firm, ignoring the quivering of her body. She needed a moment for the pain to go down. “You used to be so strong. Now all you are is another coward, needing cheap techniques to beat someone like me.”

Yvette stormed toward Namine, anger radiating in every movement. Namine had hit a sore point, and maybe she could use it. “You think Loshul is teaching you to be better? He’s making you worse. He’s taking away what made you what you are. He’s...”

Yvette stopped her speech, grabbing her by the throat. “I am no coward.” Namine choked, trying to breathe as Yvette squeezed tighter. “I never back down from a challenger. I never found a fight I didn’t like. How dare you say otherwise?”

Yvette threw Namine down and pain laced along her body. “Just because you don’t...” Namine coughed, interrupting her statement, “back down, doesn’t mean you aren’t a coward.” She stared up at Yvette. “A true warrior would not need to cheat to win.”

Yvette looked stunned, and a little confused. Her blade lowered and Namine saw an opening. Despite what she said, if she didn’t act now, she’d never win if Yvette chose Loshul’s path. She stood up slowly, ignoring Yvette as she mumbled to herself, looking lost. I’m sorry, friend.

She slashed at the bastard sword, knocking it out of Yvette’s hand. She then kicked out, knocking Yvette to the ground. Yvette landed with a thump, and Namine brought the Keyblade up to her eye level. “Sorry friend, but I can’t lose now. One hint of glow and our friendship will permanently end right here.”

Yvette pushed up on her arm, staring down Namine. “So, all your talk of cowardly attacks was all a lie.”

Namine winced inside, but her face remained stone. “I figured the only way to beat trickery was to use some myself. I had to end the fight fast, and I did.”

“And now you will end me?”

Namine shook her head. “Not if you don’t make me. I don’t want to have to hurt someone I cared about.” Yvette stared her down, but she said nothing. “I’ll give you three minutes to think…it through…” Namine’s eyes widened as an intense wave ran through her.

Yvette reached up, a smile on her face and she easily pulled the Keyblade from Namine’s hands as Namine dropped to her knees, her fingers starting to work on her pussy. “You should have dealt with me when you had the chance,” Yvette said, triumph in her tone as she tossed the blade to the side, “I knew it was almost time for the last wave.”

Namine tried to fight the pleasure, but it was too strong this time to swim against. She needed to cum, and that need overrode any other, even Kairi. Yvette wasn’t helping as she reached down, stroking Namine’s breasts. Her back arched and she shot Yvette a quick and dirty look before she went back to stroking herself as quickly as possible.

Yvette snickered, standing up and picking up the Keyblade. Namine tried to get up, to stop her from touching it, but her body wouldn’t respond to anything that stopped her finding pleasure. She watched the Keyblade shine, then vanish. Yvette turned back, reaching down and pulling off her boots.

Namine couldn’t take her eyes off the taller vixen, watching as she pulled the white shirt up and over her head, revealing a black bra. It was so hot to her as she watched the brown pants slither down her legs, showing black panties. The bra was unhooked, and the woman’s breasts fell out, sagging some from the size. Namine’s eyes focused on them as they bounced out, two melons calling to her. She then slipped off her panties, and walked over to her fallen foe.

“I know the feeling that burns within you, friend.” She leaned down, licking at Namine’s nipples. Namine didn’t even resist now, mewling as the little pleasure shocks flooded her. Yvette pushed up, saliva traveling down from her mouth to the nipple. “I can help you relieve it. Let me have you.”

Namine wanted to say no, but her own fingers weren’t doing things fast enough. The blonde looked up at Yvette and nodded. “Please...”

Yvette smiled, cupping a breast and squeezing gently. “I was so glad I was given the chance to face you.” She leaned down, nibbling at the breast and licking inward before going to the nipple. She nipped at it gently, snickering as Namine’s back arched. “I’ve wanted this for so long...”

Namine was shocked through the haze of lust at that statement. Yvette had never tried for anything beyond friendship before. She had never said. Then, any thoughts went out the window as Yvette kept working on her breasts, one with her hand, and one with her mouth. Namine’s hands left her pussy, gripping Yvette tight.

Yvette’s mouth left her nipple and she kissed Namine deep. Namine returned the kiss, her tongue fencing with Yvette’s. This felt so right. She remembered her time within the Company. Yvette had spent more time with her than any of the other Company members. Before Marluxia had come for her, Yvette had taken her in, protecting her from Norian’s bullying. She had never asked why, and maybe now she knew.

Namine’s hands tangled in the short blue hair, moaning into Yvette’s mouth as the taller woman’s body ground against hers, their breasts pressed against each other. It was such a wonderful feeling, and she pushed her body into Yvette’s.

Yvette seemed just fine with that, her hand trailing down Namine’s side and cupping her hip. She rolled the blonde on her side and began gripping her ass as their legs intertwined. Namine’s senses were on overload and the feel of Yvette’s fingers on her ass and the meshing of their bodies was too much. “Oh god, Yvette. Take me!”

“Gladly,” she responded, her fingers dancing off her ass, up her hip, and just above her pussy. She ran her fingers delicately over the spot, then brought a finger down and began rubbing the outer lips.

Namine moaned, her back arching. Yvette pushed her finger in, starting to thrust in and out as she began to rain kisses down on Namine’s skin. Each touch of the lips was electricity to her body, energizing the arousal to her and bringing her higher and higher. Each thrust of her fingers was a piston in motion, running the mechanism that closed the door on her freedom. And it was exhilarating. Was this what she had been missing?

This was so much different than the strange Heartless. It didn’t hurt this time. It was like she was floating in a sea of pleasure and Yvette was guiding the boat. She had such skilled hands. “Mmmm...Oh!” Yvette had started rubbing her clit and she suddenly felt something coming on.

Yvette seemed to sense this and began to move faster, trying her hardest to make this as pleasurable as possible. There was a feeling like an explosion and Namine cried out as her body shuddered over and over again as she felt the waves of pleasure. She lay, panting and sweaty on the floor as Yvette smiled down on her.

“,” she said between gasps.

“Oh, it’s not over yet. It’s just abated, friend.” She lifted Namine up into her arms, leaving the rest behind as she carried the tired blonde. “But I will help you ride this out. I have some interesting gifts from Veruca to try.” Namine cuddled into Yvette’s chest, sighing as the pleasure built again. She got the feeling she’d be doing this again for a while.


Kair i bucked in the air, looking up at Veruca and running her hand up along her cheek. Veruca smiled down on her Pet, her smaller body pressed up against Kairi’s. The vibrator was hooked in and turned on high, causing pleasure in droves. Kairi wasn’t able to think clearly with that thing on and Veruca knew it. Kairi gripped the sheets, trying to hold on as Veruca attacked her breasts with her mouth, the tongue keeping her nipples hard.

Veruca wanted to keep her senses on overload. The girl had gotten too independent for her own good. She wanted her little princess to understand that she didn’t leave on her own again. It was Veruca’s job to protect her, not the other way around.

The orgasms kept coming and Veruca’s saliva coated both nipples. Kairi’s eyes rolled up and her breath came in short gasps, but a smile seemed plastered on her face.

Veruca finally pulled back, turning off the vibrator and giving Kairi a chance to come down. She looked down at the collar she’d fixed, the gold ‘Princess’ lettering gleaming in the light. Kairi now wore it with no trepidation. “Stand up, Pet. It’s time to atone for your actions.”

Kairi looked at her Mistress, confusion on her face. “Veruca?”

Veruca turned, placing a finger on Kairi’s lips. “No, no, Pet. Don’t talk. It’s time for you to listen...and learn.” She gently helped Kairi over to the table, bending Kairi over it.

“What are...Ack!” Kairi cried out as Veruca spanked her ass.

“I said shush!” Her voice calmed down and she smiled again as she came around in front. “You need to learn when to listen to me. Otherwise, I’ll have to punish you. And I don’t want to.” She kneeled down, fiddling with something and straps came out. She took them, restraining Kairi’s wrists to the table. “This will help keep you still.” She then bound Kairi’s ankles to the table legs.

Kairi tested the bonds, a little afraid. Good, Veruca thought, Maybe this will teach you that you need to obey me. She walked behind Kairi, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a stiff wooden paddle with silver lining the edge. It had flowers and bunnies painted all over it. Considering what it was meant to do, others in the Company scoffed at it, stating she was nuts. Veruca disagreed. Kairi’s Keyblade was all flowery, but it was just as deadly. The beauty had an irregularity to it that Veruca enjoyed, and the idea of punishing someone with bunnies was just too hilarious to resist.

She watched Kairi squirm for a minute, mesmerized as her ass moved in front of her. She then reached out and turned on the vibrator again. “Oh!” Kairi cried out, and she began shuddering almost immediately. That’s what Veruca wanted. She detested punishment by itself, but if she could equate pleasure with it, Kairi might not resist as much to it.

Veruca reached back and swatted Kairi’s ass, hearing Kairi cry out. The paddle rained down again, and again, and again. Kairi’s cries were music to Veruca’s ears, as she knew Kairi would get the message. She also loved the cherry red that her ass was becoming.

“Stop! Mistress, please!”

Veruca’s face darkened. “You do not tell your mistress what to do.” She smacked Kairi’s ass again. “You only do what you are told.” Another smack. “You need to learn.” Smack. “To.” Smack. “Obey!”

Kairi whined, her ass redder by the minute. Veruca didn’t care, her mind focused on taming Kairi. The unbridled pleasure would come later, once Kairi knew whom she had to follow. “Please. I beg of you. Stop!”

Veruca held up, coming to face Kairi. “Only if you truly understand now. You answer to us. Me first, and the Company second. You are ours, forever.” She lifted Kairi’s chin. “And I will drum it into you. You will be our slave, and there will be no outbursts like with James.”

“But I saved you.”

Veruca walked to the side, smacking her ass again. “That does not explain your behavior after. And we do not kill our own. You will become more docile if it kills you.” Kairi whined as the blows continued.

Veruca truly detested harming her Pet, but she knew it was necessary with one this dangerous. She wanted her Pet to follow orders, but put her above the others. Screw Loshul. Kairi was hers. Xenia would tell him so. She knew it.

“Mistress...” Kairi said after a little while longer. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have attacked him.”

“And why is that?”

“ role is only to serve.”

Veruca pat her on the head. “We’re getting there, Pet. Soon, you won’t worry about anything but our pleasures.” She set down the paddle and went back to her closet, opening it up. Behind the small amount of clothing were more of her devices, and she knew which one she wanted. She pulled down a favorite of hers. It was a dual-ended dildo in a strap-on setup. The two ends both were warm and throbbed as though it was a real cock. It even was designed to respond to a woman’s orgasm and cum into her at that point.

Veruca caressed it, treating it like a person more than an object. She wanted to talk to it, just a little, but she knew Kairi was waiting. She looked at the Princess, bound and helpless. It was a thrill Xenia had showed her. She had felt so weak back then, and Xenia had shown her how to feel powerful. She had power now, power she didn’t intend to give back to that jackass Loshul.

She pulled on the device, nestling her end between her pussy lips. It was a great feeling, anticipating the joining with her Pet. It made her wet just thinking of it. She wondered if Kairi was feeling the same anticipation. It was intoxicating, better than any drug.

She walked over, pulling out the vibrator. Kairi whimpered a little, and Veruca knew she was ready. She put the tip at Kairi’s pussy and felt Kairi wiggle her ass, trying to get at the pleasure. “Are you ready now, Princess? It’s time for my pleasure.”

Kairi nodded, still unable to move into it or away. Veruca kept the tip rubbing the lips, almost being cruel in waiting, and then she pushed in, letting Kairi get used to the size. The resistance was enough to push part of it into Veruca and she gasped in delight. She gripped and molded Kairi’s ass as they both were filled with the dildo. Kairi was moaning in pleasure, trying to grip the table as Veruca began thrusting in and out, the feeling of the dildo incredible to her.

She recalled the last time she’d used this. It had been just her and a Bouncywild using it for a new test for the device. She’d ignored the female Heartless, and imagined that instead of a dildo, Syrus was making love to her. She had always wanted him but, though he was a close friend, he never wanted to move beyond it. They’d kissed, but that was it.

Now, she didn’t have to imagine Syrus. She’d found someone besides Syrus and Xenia that she wanted. Kairi would be a perfect addition to the Company. Veruca would make sure she made Kairi exactly as Xenia wanted. And she would have a new friend to play with any time she wanted.

Kairi’s whorish moans brought her back, and she began thrusting faster and faster, the pleasure making her body warm and she moaned herself. Kairi was begging for more, her moans and cries driving Veruca harder. “Fuck yeah!” Veruca said, panting. “Cry for me, Pet. Beg me. You belong to me.”

“Yes!” Kairi cried, her ass working as much as she could with the way she was bound, which wasn’t much. “Give it to me!”

Veruca smiled. At this point, even if Kairi had been screaming at Veruca to stop, she couldn’t have. She was too close. Kairi moaned and a small shudder told her that the cum had shot into Kairi. Veruca would have to teach her later. The Pet should not cum before her Mistress.

It didn’t take much more for her and she screamed as she came. The cum from the dildo filled her quickly and Veruca backed up, collapsing to the ground as her legs would no longer support her.

For a few minutes, the only sound in the room was the heavy panting from both women, and Veruca removed the strap-on, pulling out the dildo and letting the device slide to rest on the floor. Veruca felt unreasonably warm, and she had a small but growing desire to keep going. She was craving to be filled and she was very tempted to call on the Heartless to do so. They would be so accommodating and she could feel so full.

It was a dangerous line of thought. Too much Darkness and one would never escape. Her body started screaming at her that it didn’t care. It wanted as many cocks as she could find. And somewhere deep inside Veruca, she knew something was very wrong.

A knock at her door couldn’t have been more opportunistic. She forced herself to her feet, legs quivering. She avoided looking at Kairi as her Pet bucked and writhed on the table. Drool fell from her mouth. She forced herself to take one step after another. Her body was yelling at her just to give in, but her mind still had control.

She opened her door, panting a little as she looked into Maya’s eyes. “I just came to tell you we...won...” Maya said, her expression going from elated to concerned. “Are you alright?”

Maya looked closer at Veruca, and Veruca wanted to tell her to get help. She couldn’t speak though, her throat too dry for speech. She kept opening her mouth, but nothing would come out. “Ha...Hu...He...” She couldn’t even say the word help.

Maya stared at Veruca for a moment, then beyond her, presumably at Kairi. Veruca saw Maya’s eyes widen and it was then that Veruca collapsed. The desire for pleasure had become so intense that it was changing into pain. Veruca’s whole body was engulfed in a raging fire. Maya grabbed her as she fell, and Veruca’s body shuddered. She vaguely heard Maya yelling for help as her vision blurred. Veruca was on the verge of blacking out, but something came to her crystal clear. I’ve been poisoned... she thought just before darkness claimed her.