Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Acceptance ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Namine woke in the darkness and, for a few moments, she had no idea where she was. She shouldn’t even be anywhere. She had rejoined with Kairi. She was supposed to be part of her again. It felt wrong to be back and tangible again.

Ok Namine, think. She was in a bed, warm and cozy, but it was impossible to make out much of the room around her. Someone stirred next to her and Namine jumped. A female mumbled in her sleep and turned, the sheet coming with her. Namine finally registered she was naked and, as she covered up, what happened came rushing back. Yvette snored once beside her and Namine tried to calm down.

She stood, grabbing a nightgown that hung from one of the chairs in the room and hastily slipped it on. She tried to call the Keyblade and it wouldn’t come. She should have ran as fast as she could, but where could she go? She couldn’t fight her way out, not on her own. She also could not feel Kairi anymore, and that disturbed her far worse.

She made her way to a nightstand and stared in the mirror, taking her rumpled appearance in. Her hair was a complete mess and she looked exhausted. The nightgown was for someone bustier than her, and hung loosely on her. She felt inadequate again, always jealous of Yvette’s much larger chest. She wasn’t flat, but her breasts were smaller than average. It was a sore point for her.

The effects of the dust she’d been hit with still lingered and she had to keep from gripping her breast right away. She wanted to go back to that pleasure. It took a lot of effort to keep from masturbating just to see it from her reflection. How is this even possible? Nobodies weren’t supposed to have feelings, even if some could mask it. It was one of the reasons they wanted hearts so badly. Yet, the Company seemed to be acting like regular people. What has Xenia done? And why am I acting the same way? Is it because of my tie to Kairi? She didn’t have an answer.

It’s what you wanted, a voice deep in her soul whispered to her. A life. A chance to have your own happy ending and not be part of someone else’s. She moaned, wanting to stifle that, to argue that Kairi’s life would be less without her, but the voice argued back, telling her that Kairi had done just fine without her and had gone on living. If Xenia could give her life, give her a chance at finding her knight in shining armor, shouldn’t she take it?

Even at the expense of Kairi’s chance? That was the kicker in her conflict. She could tell what they wanted to do to Kairi and she’d felt some of what she’d been through. She couldn’t let her other half down, right?

She tried to keep her mind off the growing need to pleasure herself, sitting down in a small chair and picking up a brush to use on her matted blonde hair. A candle holder was nearby and she held out a finger, a small flame appearing at the end. She lit each one of the candles, then blew out the fire. My powers are returning. They didn’t call her a witch for nothing after all. While her main abilities were in her drawings, she had enough magic to be useful otherwise.

As she looked in the mirror, her eyes drifted to the sleeping form behind her. Yvette would wake soon. Namine was certain of that. Seeing her took her back to a time before the craziness of Castle Oblivion, back to a time where, if she’d had any emotion, she might have said she was happy. Back with the Company. Namine mused for a moment as she brushed her hair.

The Company had been another of Xemnas’s many back-up plans. He’d always been obsessed with collecting the hearts needed to live fully, and when he found they could not be collected by any but a Keyblade wielder, he set out to find a way to get one to work for him. The Replica project had failed, as both the fake Riku and...

And? Namine shook her head, wondering if the dust was getting to her. For a moment, a figure with black hair had drifted into her mind when she’d thought of the project, but it must have been her tired mind playing tricks on her. There had only been the false Riku.

While others were out dealing with the Heartless, Vexen and Zexion had been obsessed with making a replica of a Keyblade wielder. Xemnas gave them both another experiment to work with while he was breaking in a new Nobody named Roxas: The Company. Xemnas had hoped that a group that was diverse and powerful could either destroy the Heartless themselves, or defeat the Keyblade master and take his weapon from him. Namine had spent some time with them, her own powers forming and Xemnas put Xenia, his first Company member, in charge of her.

Unlike the Organization, who all had an X added to the name from their former selves, the Company was twenty-six members, each name starting with a different letter of the alphabet. Vexen simply pulled names out of a book, but they seemed intrigued by the dynamics that unfolded between the members. Namine had allowed herself to get close to a few of them, including Yvette, who treated her well. When she’d been taken to Castle Oblivion to prepare for Sora, she’d been torn between leaving her friends and having her prince.

She wondered what happened in this group since then. A part of her had done her part to keep them hidden and off DiZ’s radar. She had no doubt he might try and eliminate this fledgling group that he would find dangerous to his cause, but her friendship with them had been enough for her to want them to live. It might have been a mistake. Yvette seemed changed since the Organization’s destruction, and Namine had feared Loshul and Xenia before. She could only imagine the chaos they were planning.

She bit her lip, rubbing her thighs together. It was getting harder to concentrate. Sexual pleasure as a weapon was an even more twisted battle strategy than she could have imagined. It stole her focus and slowly incapacitated her until she stopped brushing. She yanked the sheer fabric aside, exposing her small breast, and took a nipple between her fingers, rolling it back and forth as she stifled her moans.

It made her feel base and vulgar, but her need was so great she forged ahead, working the nub feverishly as she closed her eyes. Her mind pictured Sora in front of her, taking her in his hands, his fingers moving with practice over her body. The image switched to Yvette and back, ending with both of them working on her body until her moaning escaped her lips. Would it really be so bad to submit? Sora. Riku. They might even enjoy it. She was trying to talk, herself into giving in, and she was surprised how enticing it was. This feeling was one she didn’t want to give up.

“Starting without me?” Yvette purred in her ear, pulling Namine’s hand off her breast. “That’s a naughty little girl. You aren’t allowed to work on your own.” She looked in the mirror, seeing Yvette’s blue eyes staring back. “But friend, you look so alluring in some of my nightgown. Does the fabric cling to your pussy as it does to mine?” With her free hand, Yvette ran it down her belly, pulling the nightgown to her skin, her sweat holding to her body, and brought it over her womanhood, rubbing her folds through the silk.

Namine gave a gasp, the feeling exhilarating, and seeing the clothing cling to her slight frame and accentuating her curves in the mirror was only helping her natural high. She was gulping in small breaths as Yvette ground in the fabric to her pussy, soaking it in her juices. Yvette’s tongue engulfed her earlobe, and she nibbled on the soft skin before moving her lips down to Namine’s neck, giving soft quick kisses up and down.

Namine dropped the brush and it landed with a soft thump on the bearskin rug underneath them. “Should I use that on the naughty Nobody who thought she was better than she was?” Yvette’s hot breath felt good along with the sweat. “Should I punish her for abandoning her friend?” She picked up the brush and ran the cold, hard, wooden part along Namine’s legs.

Namine shook her head slightly. “I didn’t abandon you. They took me away.”

“And after? You never tried to find me?” she asked, running her nails along the back of Namine’s leg, which was awkward with the brush still in that hand.

“I kept danger away...” she said, as though that explained everything, but she felt guilt anyway. “I’m sorry.”

Yvette smiled, rubbing Namine’s folds through the dress with renewed vigor. Namine arched her back, her eyes trying to pop out of her head as the pleasure intensified. “You want me to believe you?” Yvette whispered, her lips grazing Namine’s ear. “Prove it.”

Yvette withdrew her pleasures, but the damage had been done between the dust and her own work. Namine knew what she wanted, and she stood, pulling the gown up to her stomach and bending toward the wall. Yvette smacked her ass with the back of the brush, once on each cheek. It stung, but Yvette was doing it as part of her foreplay more than to hurt her. The smacks echoed around the darkened room, each one sending a pleasurable sting through Namine’s body. It felt good despite the pain. Namine saw Yvette’s smile broaden with each cute yelp coming from her blonde Nobody captive.

Soon her ass was a cherry red and Namine worried about sitting down again despite the intense ecstasy that had come from being spanked. She lowered the nightgown, but Yvette spun her around and tore the front of it, letting it hang in two pieces from each shoulder. She attacked Namine’s chest with fervor, her tongue and teeth taking on each nipple in turn. Namine stumbled back as Yvette crashed on top of her onto the bed. “Tell me you are mine,” she said, her cropped blue hair falling just in front of her right eye as she leaned down over Namine. When Namine did not answer right away, Yvette gripped her breast hard. “Say it,” she said, a bit of force behind her play.

“I’m yours, Yvette,” Namine said, reaching up and caressing Yvette’s face. As much as Yvette was pushing things, probably at Loshul’s request, if Namine was going to go through with her want, it was going to be on her terms, not that psycho’s. Namine wanted to give herself to her old friend of her own free will. There had been so many good things between them, and this felt right. “And I always will be.”

It was such a complete break of the tone that Yvette was stunned, and Namine took advantage, leaning up and pulling Yvette down into a deep kiss. Their tongues dueled for a moment before Yvette pulled back. She brushed a hand through Namine’s golden locks, trying to adjust to this about face. “Are you sure, my friend?”

Namine giggled and pecked her on the cheek. “I thought it was what you wanted.”

“Well, yes...” Yvette was searching for the trick. Namine knew that expression as if she’d painted it a hundred times. She couldn’t believe Namine was doing this herself. It felt good to get the drop on ice-blue haired woman.

Namine kissed her again, a soft but sensual touch to Yvette’s lips before pulling just a smidgen back. “Then don’t fight it,” she breathed, “and just let it happen, like you wanted.” She began nipping at Yvette’s neck. She chuckled. “So much for never letting your guard down.”

Yvette playfully shoved Namine back down. “Quiet, friend. I’ll show you who will forgo their defense.” She began raining kisses on her neck and chest, still somewhat forceful, but not to the level Loshul thought was needed. Yvette was still the stronger, and it showed in her foreplay. Twice, she forced Namine back down so she could keep control, moving down to the breasts and kissing around the slight mounds. Namine’s body stiffened for a moment, feeling the shocks racing through her again.

Yvette pulled at the shredded fabric, playing it along Namine’s skin as she went between her breasts. The soft but ticklish feel mixed with the pleasure in a whole new way. When Yvette took a nipple in her mouth, Namine’s world exploded. It wasn’t just the dust. She wanted this so bad and Yvette was being forceful yet gentle, making it even better. Her breath came in quick gasps and she whined a little, her pitch going higher as Yvette used her free hand to tease the other nipple.

“Oh God, Yvette...that’s incredible.”

“Just wait,” she said, trailing down from her chest, brushing kisses along her stomach, her larger breasts rubbing so sweetly against Namine’s skin. She paused at Namine’s belly-button, taking time to lick around it and kiss it, before going lower. Namine’s breath caught as Yvette started onto her mound, pleasure melting her to where she leaned back and let Yvette do what she wanted. Yvette’s hands left her chest and she spread Namine’s pussy. “So wet already, my dear?” She laughed at Namine’s blush and licked at the juices.

It was a shot of pleasure that slammed her around. Yvette went in deeper, licking softly, then came out and found Namine’s clit, licking at just that. Namine felt hot as she cried out, the waves of pleasure radiating through her. It felt soft, like silk or velvet. A pool of heat radiated from the center, and she bucked with the jolts.

Yvette suckled the nib of her clit, and Namine’s cries became louder. “Oh...too much!” she cried, but Yvette kept going, and Namine had to grip the sheets tightly, her body rising and falling with the waves that became higher and higher. “Oh, oh! Yvette...It’s so good...too good!” Her orgasm hit and she shuddered, her body trying to ride it out. Yvette didn’t stop, bringing back the rising waves and Namine was adrift in them, trying to hold on and not pass out from the pleasure.

When the fourth of her orgasms hit and her vision was swimming, Yvette pulled off, trailing a finger up along Namine’s cooling flesh. The dark faded away, replaced by the ecstasy and love she felt as she pulled Yvette close. “You’re...a machine...”

“I do what is necessary, both in the arena...and in bed.” Yvette gave her a knowing grin and kissed her new lover, but her grin didn’t last. “I worry now. Loshul will want to prove you are really with us.”

Namine grimaced. “I can handle him.” But could she? Namine wasn’t sure, especially with Kairi still here.

Yvette shook her head. “It will not be easy. He has become more paranoid and he considers you worse than any of the others for being a traitor. You may not like what he asks you to do.”

Namine frowned and rolled on her back, eyes glued to the ceiling. Loshul had scared her in her short time with the Company. He’d always been a little off, a little too obsessed with Organization XIII and devoutly certain that Nobodies were more than human and would always be more. Seeing Sora destroy those he believed superior could have been devastating. He’d be dangerous and unbalanced, and with her being a betrayer, she shuddered to think what he’d do. More than he’s done to Kairi, that’s for sure. She was afraid. Again.

Yvette said nothing, giving her time to make her own decision. She sat up and stared at the scared little girl in the mirror. It was Castle Oblivion all over again. And this time, there was no Axel to save her from herself.

No, there isn’t. This time, she had to make a decision on her own. She gripped the sheet. What was it Axel told you? Not to give up just yet and to “do it right”. Before, she’d hung in the shadows, doing what others wanted her to. Marluxia, DiZ, even Axel pushed her to move in the way he wanted. And she’d let them. Only when escaping the castle in The World that Never Was with Kairi had she done something that was her choice, and even that had been more for Kairi than herself.

Maybe it was time to think on what she wanted and go for it. She wouldn’t abandon Kairi here, unless that was what she wanted, but she wasn’t going to go back to her. She wanted her own life for once, not one dictated to her. She turned to Yvette, seeing the person she wanted to be with. “Things are never easy, Yvette. But if I can stay with you, have your love with me, then tell him to bring it on. I’ll take whatever he wants to give.”

“Oh, I love you, Namine!” Yvette grinned, hugging Namine tight before slipping off the bed. “Well, let’s see if we can find something sexy for you to wear. As much as Loshul would like you in the buff for the rest of eternity, we don’t need you catching cold.”


The soft recurring beeps did nothing to soothe Celine’s troubled soul. The machines were keeping tabs on her twin’s vital signs, yet he refused to wake. When he does, I’m going to kill him. Ameys too. Damian had been recovering, and Praxis and Ameys had forced her to go to her room and get some rest, saying he’d be good as new by the morning. That turned out to be a mistake. Damian had done something when Praxis left that evening, exerting himself and undoing the good his recovery had done. Now he was unconscious, back to the way he had been when he’d first arrived. She was not going to let it happen again, going so far as to refuse to follow Loshul’s order to process the new guest. Let him rant and rave. Some things are more important.

Maya had stayed with her through the night, falling asleep as the morning neared. She was snoring on one of the chairs, a small smile on her face, her head laid back. She saved the day again, bringing Damian’s limp form back and waking Praxis to get his help. Praxis had stayed in the infirmary afterward, busying himself with some task or another ever since. She couldn’t be bothered to ask. She had been trying to get through to Damian through their connection, but it was like hitting a wall. For the first time she could recall, she was all alone with her thoughts. There wasn’t even a feeling of Damian’s presence in the back of her mind. She felt empty inside.

Oh Damian, what have you been doing? She folded her arms, resting them on the bed and then laying her head on them. Everything was going wrong. Xenia had made it sound like a simple plan. Now it seemed so idealistic. The losses were piling up, whether she was counting the dead Company members in the fight against the Keyblade wielder, or Veruca and Damian lying here. That’s not even counting the fighting between each other. She hadn’t liked Norian before, but now they were attacking each other. Argument or not, Norian was still her sister. And then there was Damian.

“Brother mine, something is going on with you. Why are you shutting me out?” He couldn’t answer, but she finally gave voice to her fears. Sometime after this all started, Damian had begun pulling away, but she didn’t know when. They’d been happy before. Now, after the fall of the Organization and Xenia’s plan for revenge, he’d been keeping himself in the back of her mind, instead of out front.

Was it Namine’s betrayal? The witch had been the target of her brother’s affections, even if he’d never let her know. He might have taken it as a personal attack when she’d sided with the enemy. “Was that why you were out of bed? Were you going to her to punish her?” It made some sense to her. If she was injured and knew Sora was here, she might have braved injury to get to him as well.

She sat up, stretching. If it was Namine, why wouldn’t he tell her? She’d done so when Axel was murdered. Did he think she wouldn’t understand? Her twin was private to most, but he confided in her. Maybe I’m off-base...

Damian never complained about the mission itself. That had been her. He’d fallen in line behind Loshul and Xenia without hesitation. He might challenge flaws in the plan, but it was just because he wanted to make it work. If he had a real issue, why make it better? Besides, Damian was loyal. Of that she was certain. “You’re an enigma, brother.”

“Talk to yourself often?” Praxis asked, startling her out of her thoughts. He gave her a wry smile.

She shot him a dirty look that didn’t last long. “I’ve never felt so isolated.”

“Well, you aren’t. We’re all here. We’re your family and we’ll help you cope,” he said, “and he will recover.”

Celine shook her head. As Damian kept telling her, no one else would understand. They might be her siblings and be in the same room but, no matter what, Damian was always in her mind. They shared something none of her other siblings could imagine. It was because of that connection that she’d been so hurt when he’d shut her out. However, that feeling of him had still been there. Until now.

Praxis misunderstood why she shook her head, clapping a hand on her shoulder. “Relax Celine. I know you’ve had run-ins with some of the others, but they forgive your bursts of temper. They will support you in this rough time.”

Celine smirked. “Some will. Others won’t.” She brushed him off, walking away, a clear indication she wanted him to drop it. Thankfully, he obliged her. She stretched again, arching her hands up and behind her back to work out the kinks. She needed a break from worrying at her twin’s side. Staring at him as he breathed was getting her nowhere. She wandered over by Veruca, looking down at the youngest member of the Company. “Any luck finding what poison was used?”

Praxis shook his head, the big man’s shoulders slumping. “I managed to stop its progression, but I can’t seem to purge it from her body. I had hoped if I isolated what afflicted the princess, I would find the malady in lesser form. Alas, two different compounds were used. While the princess will recover shortly due to the antidote I created, our sister’s recovery is still very much in doubt. It could adapt to my measures and overrun her.”

Celine stomped her anger back down before she did something Xenia or Loshul might destroy her for. It was obscene that the red-haired bitch would be up and about while the spunky maelstrom named Veruca might never tackle her again. It was almost too much to stomach.

Veruca let out a whimper and Celine grasped her hand, running her other one along Veruca’s sweat-covered forehead. The purple-haired girl’s face was contorted in pain. Celine’s hand ran down Veruca’s cheek, her fingers brushing the skin. Veruca curled into it, rubbing against her. “Uhm...Praxis? Should she be in pain right now?”

Concern raced across his face and he dashed over. “No. She’s on enough medication that she shouldn’t feel a thing.” She moved out of his way as he began checking Veruca over, running a few tests and many more things Celine could not identify. He poked and prodded her, but did not look satisfied with anything he learned. Celine rubbed her right arm, getting squeamish. She could fight with the best of them, and had her share of wounds, but needles always gave her chills.

All she could do was wait and worry until Praxis straightened up. “There’s nothing physically wrong with her. Whatever is causing this isn’t really there.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose, only moving his dark glasses slightly. “What’s worse is she’s slipping again. We may lose her.”

Celine bit her lip, her brown eyes traveling to the girl. No. Not if I have anything to say about it. “Her pain isn’t really there? Could it be from whatever poisoned her to start? Like a side effect of some drug that is causing nightmares or something?”

Praxis paused, going back and forth between Celine and Veruca, then he tapped his nose with a smile. “Good idea, sister. If that is the case, it narrows my choices of what to search for.” He rushed past her, attacking the problem with renewed vigor. Celine grinned, taking a seat before the two unconscious girls. She’d helped, and if it saved Veruca, she’d be high as a kite. She rested her hands on the two beds, staring up at the ceiling. God, let me be right.

She was too busy congratulating herself on a job well done to pay attention to her surroundings. So when someone touched her hand, she shrieked and fell out of her chair, careening off the edge of the bed. Stars danced in front of her face, laughing at her the whole time, and were replaced by a concerned face hugged by fiery hair. “Are you okay?” the princess asked.

Celine grimaced, shoving her back as she stood up. “I’m fine,” she snarled, touching the bump on her head. That’s going to leave a mark. At least she wasn’t bleeding.

“I’m sorry I startled you,” Kairi said, bowing her head. “I didn’t mean to.”
Praxis hurried over to check on Celine, but she brushed him off. “Yeah, well, think next time.” She shooed Praxis back to work on a cure for Veruca, then dusted herself off, taking stock of their captive. She appeared to be well and her attitude suggested that the control Xenia wanted over the Princess of Heart was not affected by what happened in Veruca’s quarters. Her demure countenance contrasted the fiery beauty’s normal personality and made Celine sick. She had wanted revenge, but this destruction of who someone was ran counter to everything Celine believed in. They had stolen the girl’s soul and left her nothing more than a sex doll, a marionette whose strings they could pull. Death would have been a much kinder option.

Kairi shrunk back from Celine’s harsh words. Oh for fuck’s sake... The cowardice revolted Celine even more. This girl had been a Keyblade wielder. Now, what was she? A receptacle for sperm? A pawn for whatever scheme Xenia was truly running? Celine believed now that something more was going on besides what they’d all been told.

Celine wanted to shake Kairi, to bring back the person she was supposed to be. Instead, all she did was fold her arms. “Stop cringing, princess. It doesn’t suit you.” Kairi nodded, smiling eagerly. Celine couldn’t see how Loshul could take any pleasure in what he’d let the Heartless do to her. Tormenting this Kairi would be like kicking a puppy.

It didn’t help that seeing Kairi in this vulnerable, unclothed state was pulling up other thoughts, many inappropriate for the current location and most she’d done with just Veruca. She couldn’t help it, and she shivered, reining in her lust by turning away. Thinking of Veruca brought her back to the current problem. She looked over at the sleeping girl and ran a hand through her purple hair. Come back to me, Ruka. Don’t let this shit beat you. She made a silent vow to find whoever did this to Veruca and shove a fatal dose of that poison down their throat.

Kairi gripped her shoulder, rubbing it as she stood by her. “She’s a fighter. She’ll be okay.” Her voice was low and determined. Celine raised an eyebrow, wondering if Kairi was mirroring her concern or not. She couldn’t think of another reason for the puppet to care.

Praxis said her name and she jumped, realizing he was back on the far side of the room again. No one that big should move so quietly. “What?” She couldn’t keep the frustration out of her voice and regretted it when she saw Praxis’s face.

“Syrus says ‘If the princess is awake, then bring her to section C.’”

Celine grunted, wondering what Kairi did in Loshul’s book to deserve that. “Why does he want her in Interrogation?” It was the official title for that sector, but any information was usually taken after several hours of torture.

“I don’t know. Something about making sure Loshul’s influence has stuck.”

Celine rolled her eyes. “Sure he did. Was he talking around our fearless leader’s dick at the time?”

“Celine!” Praxis was abhorred.
“Oh come on. Don’t tell me you didn’t know.” She looked for the princess, seeing that she’d edged closer to Celine than before, cowering behind her. Celine grabbed her by the arm. “Best get this over with.” She shot Praxis a look. “You notify me if you find something.” Then she hurried Kairi out the door, his reply cut off by the door whishing shut. “C’mon, let’s go.”

“No,” Kairi said, pulling out of Celine’s grasp. Defiance etched across her face and she braced herself.

Celine’s face darkened and she slammed Kairi against the wall. Her confusion blossomed into anger and she was determined to find out what was going on with the girl. If she was truly broken, why fight anything? And if she wasn’t...? “Ooh, I’m gonna enjoy this...” Secretly, she was glad for the fight in the girl. It would mean more training by Loshul, but Celine would enjoy roughing her up beforehand while it still meant something. All her pent-up emotions, such as rage, frustration, and fear, were spilling over and she was ready to take it out on their captive.

That plan was derailed when Kairi burst into tears. “P...please. Don’t take me back to him...Anyone but him...”

“Loshul.” She should have known. He’d scare even the Heartless if they had any sense.

Kairi nodded, wiping tears away even as more came. “He just hurts me.”

Celine blinked, at a loss for words. Just like Damian, she was having trouble figuring this girl out. Every time she thought she knew the score, the princess kept changing the board. She wanted to meet the girl she’d heard about, but each time she kept finding this weepy, spineless worm. It was frustrating and a little suspicious. But until she knew something, she wasn’t going to assume a problem and take out her anger on someone this meek.

First Sora, now this. It was as if Loshul was determined to keep her from exacting her vengeance. It all came back to their appointed leader. She watched Kairi cry, steeling her heart despite knowing why she should be afraid. “Orders are orders.” She tried to drag Kairi along, but she sank to her knees. So Celine leaned down and hoisted Kairi up, draping the girl over her shoulder as she hurried through the halls. Kairi kept begging and pleading with her the whole way. They were a pathetic sight.

By the time they reached Section B, Celine had enough. She dumped the princess on her bare ass, ignoring her whine. She smacked the girl with the back of her hand. “Stop blubbering. You’re driving me insane and it does no one any good. You’re a princess and a grown woman. Act with dignity for God’s sake.” She tapped her foot as Kairi continued to whimper, not happy with the girl or herself, but someone needed to snap her out of it. She bent down, this time just brushing the girl’s hair out of her face. “I don’t like what Loshul does any more than you do, but I can try to make it up to you afterward. If you’ll let me.” Anything to stop you crying. Besides, I might find out what made you special enough for Veruca to be intimate with you too.

Kairi sniffled and gave a weak smile, but it was better than nothing. Celine grimaced. “Look, I can also check to make sure he isn’t gonna mark you up. I don’t want him damaging that pretty skin.” She blushed a little, wondering why she’d added that.

Kairi’s smile broadened, the brightest and most honest smile she’d gotten yet. She sprang from her crouch, embracing Celine and bowling her over. “Thank you,” she whispered in Celine’s ear, holding her tight. Embarrassment flooded her and she was unsure of how to take this. Having Kairi’s bare body pressed against her own wasn’t helping matters. The princess’s nude breasts were mashed against her own and her body was reacting.

Kairi released the hug, staring down at Celine from above. She rubbed one of Celine’s erect nipples through her shirt, and Celine gave a soft gasp from the touch. Kairi smiled. “Don’t take me to Loshul. I can make it worth your while.” She gave a sensual purr, leaned down, and kissed Celine on the lips.

Celine bit her tongue, trying to stay focused on her task as she pulled back. “You’re...a little...shit...” She gasped again as Kairi rubbed her breast, her body craving the feel. She needed to stop this before it got out of hand, but she lay there instead, letting Kairi work.

“Do you want this out here...or should we find someplace private?” Kairi asked, pulling Celine to a sitting position.

“We should really get going...”

“Oh, I’m sure you can think of more fun things to do,” she said, running her fingers along Celine’s chest. She stood up, bringing Celine up as well and kissed her again, her tongue slipping along Celine’s lips. Her kisses were soft, like Veruca’s, and with a commanding presence. She pushed the green-haired vixen against a door, her hands pulling up her shirt to rub against her stomach.

Celine moaned just a little. She was fumbling behind her for the doorknob, not wanting someone to chance upon them. She should have been stopping this all together, but something in the back of her mind didn’t want to. She opened the door into the storage closet as she and Kairi tumbled inside and Kairi kicked the door shut behind them.

What are you doing? she asked herself. This is the enemy. Yet she knew that statement was a lie, even before today. Kairi may be tied to the Keyblade wielder, but she had been the one kidnapped. Just like now. Loshul’s goal of having Kairi was, as he said, for someone to be used against Sora. So why shouldn’t she enjoy some of the fruit now being offered?

The storage closet was a jumble of junk that the company had just thrown inside. There were brooms, mops, tool chests, and painting supplies scattered all around the small room. Somehow, they’d managed to fit a large oil drum in the mess as well as an old trunk. Shelves were filled with random items, some of which Celine never remembered seeing before.

Kairi pushed her back onto the trunk, pulling up Celine’s shirt and exposing the black bra underneath. Her nipples were straining to get out and Kairi rubbed her thumb along one, the smooth fabric sending electric vibes through her. She threw her head back and panted as Kairi worked her swollen nubs over. It must have been all her training, because she acted as professional as Veruca did. She hated to compare the two, but Veruca was her only point of reference.

She reached back and unhooked her bra, which Kairi then lifted so she could gain better access to her chest. Her hands worked both breasts at once, massaging them and playing with her new toys as much as she liked. Celine was in heaven, but any time she tried to repay the favor, Kairi would touch her or push her back so that she was the one being pleasured.

She took one nipple in her mouth, running the now-free hand down Celine’s side and reached the button of her trousers. She struggled to undo it one-handed, but wouldn’t let Celine help. She finally took her hand off Celine’s left breast to undo and unzip her pants. Celine lifted her ass off the trunk and let Kairi slip off the trousers and the lacy black panties, dropping them to her ankles.

Kairi ran a finger along her sex, the juices running along the digit as she bit on the nipple. Celine whimpered a bit, her hips arching with each pass. She longed to have one of Veruca’s toys to play with, to fill her up until she begged for more. Kairi was content with teasing her, arousing and playing with her until it was driving her mad.

“Give me more,” she moaned, trying to grind into that finger, but Kairi pulled back, a telling smile on her face. It was her show, it said. Celine bit her lip, but she tried to relax and let Kairi do her thing.

Kairi continued to run her finger along Celine’s lower lips, tracing around the outside so enticingly. Celine drew her legs up, unable to spread her legs as wide as she wanted due to her pants and panties. She tried to kick them off, but Kairi shook her head and Celine obeyed, mystified that she was following Kairi’s lead. She wasn’t sure how the dynamic had changed, but she was going with it for now as it felt so good.

Kairi stopped, looking around and Celine wondered what for. She was alarmed when Kairi pulled a screwdriver out of a nearby toolbox. It had a rubber handle that had ridges along the grip in a black and yellow design. She ran her finger along the shaft of the screwdriver, a mischievous look on her face, and Celine trembled a little. She lifted Celine’s legs so that they were resting on Kairi’s shoulders. Kairi then turned it around and pushed the handle up against her vagina and slid it inside.

Celine’s eyes bulged, the handle wider than she was used to taking and she dug her fingers into the wall as best she could. Kairi was going slowly, but she wasn’t stopping either. As it went in deeper, the ridges began to rub against her inner walls and it felt like the bumps on one of the dildos she played with in her room, except this felt much better.

Her pussy engulfed the handle and then Kairi started thrusting in and out. Celine cried out and was panting harder as the makeshift dildo was bringing pleasures beyond anything she’d ever felt. She’d never tried to do anything larger than she was used to and Veruca had never pushed. She was surprised she could take this size and not tear anything.

“Oh, oh, yes! Keep going! That’s incredible!” She longed to be able to help Kairi, or to work on her, or something, but Kairi kept complete control the whole time and soon all thoughts were lost in the throes of passion as the screwdriver plunged in and out of her pussy. Kairi was moving it faster and faster, and Celine’s voice climbed higher and higher until one would have thought she was a soprano.

She came in short order, gasping for air as she slumped against the wall. Sweat clung to her and she wanted to reach and cuddle up against Kairi, thankful for what she’d done. Kairi looked up as she pulled the screwdriver out, dumping the soaked tool on the floor and licking a little bit of the sweat off Cline’s chest. “Did you like that, mistress?”

“Uh...huh,” Celine said, smiling, “and don’t call me that. Celine will do.”

“Alright...Celine. Shall we go to your room and try out some other fun things?”

Celine shook her head. “No you don’t, you minx.” She reached down, pulling up her panties, then her trousers, buttoning them up. “I appreciate what you did, but you’re still going to Loshul. And don’t you give me that pout. It won’t work.” She reclasped her bra, pulled her shirt down and led Kairi back into the hall. “However...once he’s done with you, I can do for you what you just did for me to repay you for it.”

That didn’t cheer Kairi up, but she didn’t fight Celine either as they walked side by side. At least she isn’t crying any more. She couldn’t figure out how it had happened. Not minutes before, she’d been ready to filet the girl alive, and now she was aglow from their sexual encounter. She didn’t know and, right now, she didn’t want to either. She was in a good mood for the first time in a long time.

Turning her over to Loshul turned out to be easy once she found out Loshul had no desire to beat her in any way. Why he needed her in Interrogation was still a mystery, but even Kairi relaxed once she learned the same and she promised Celine an encore later on for her help. That brightened Celine’s demeanor even more. Now if only I found out that Damian and Veruca were waking up. That would bring perfection to today.

She was in such a good mood that she wasn’t prepared when someone reached out and pulled her into a room. The lights were off, which should have worked to Celine’s advantage, but something snapped around her neck and her control of the shadows went haywire. It was like someone was screaming in her ear, yet no sound was being made and she crashed to the ground, holding her ears.

She didn’t stay down for long as someone hefted her up, only to slam her face into the wall. “So, you think you can play with the Princess and no one will care? You’re in a lot of trouble, little girl.” The howling muffled the voice, though it sounded male. She tried to fight back, but she couldn’t see and someone punched her in the face. Pain seared through her and she was certain her nose had been busted.
“I think you need to be taught your place, child.” Two punches slammed into her stomach. Her breath fled and she was gasping as another smacked across her face. She tried to get back up and stumbled. That earned another gut shot.

Celine’s world became a series of agonies. She couldn’t tell which way was up, much less how to stop the severe beating being given her. The world just wouldn’t move right and soon she couldn’t stand and one eye wouldn’t open. When the pain became too much, she slipped into unconsciousness.


Umbri patrolled the halls, moving stealthily from one to another as the others went about their work. She was small and quick enough that she made good time, able to slip past the other Company members without breaking stride. While most couldn’t be bothered with Syrus’s worry, Umbri knew something was going wrong. Whether it was another Company member, or someone far worse, she intended to catch them and put the plan back on track.

She ran past Will on her way, not bothering to return his greeting, her dark grey eyes searching every detail even as she hurried along. She paused before every turn or off-shoot, reached out her hand to the wall, and sent a sonic echo down that way, waiting for it to come back and tell her what it found. If nothing, she moved on. Otherwise, she’d go see who it found and what they were up to.

She’d been on heavy alert ever since Veruca had been hospitalized. She didn’t buy that Veruca had done this to herself. She was certain whoever was damaging the cameras had a hand in it. No one listened to her thoughts on it, besides maybe Syrus, and even he didn’t take her patrol seriously. Maybe it was because she was only a little older than the twins, or maybe they thought this was another one of her games she’d concocted. Whatever the case, her search was her own.

Each night, she started in section A, checked the halls all the way to section F before returning to her quarters. Twice, she’d thought she’d found someone somewhere they didn’t belong, but both times she came up empty. Once it was Norian, who told her to go bug someone else. The second time she’d lost the trail in the living quarters, and she brushed it off as someone going to their room. Now, she was obsessed with stalking who it was and tracking them down.

The problem was that she had little practice with her abilities other than for fun. Xenia wanted them all to be ready, but Loshul had kept Umbri on the sidelines. Despite being older than someone like Bastian, she didn’t act like it. She liked to play and have fun and had never tried to be a fighter of any kind. Now that she was trying to take responsibility, no one would take her at her word.

I’ll show them, she’d thought at the time. But her lack of training was catching up to her. She also didn’t feel like herself. Will was worried about her, and she’d been ignoring him more than usual. She wanted to focus, to prove herself useful to the Company, but it also meant throwing aside her carefree attitude.

It doesn’t matter. Find the problem and eliminate it. Then worry about the rest. If only it were that easy. She paused at an intersection, sending sonic waves down each corridor. The first two images sent back were empty and the third came back as Kerowyn did. She looked annoyed at the girl, chiding her for her childish pranks, and Umbri stared at the floor until she passed.

Umbri sighed, leaning against the wall and stared up at the cold lights in the hall, running a hand through her black hair. She wasn’t being childish. She was frustrated, tired of feeling left out. I just want to help. I want to show them I’m not...useless.

And that was the crux of her dilemma. Rose was even helping out for this mission and she was about as lazy as someone could get. Umbri sometimes swore she’d modeled her behavior after Demyx. Yet she couldn’t even get menial tasks from any of the stronger members. They don’t trust me to do it right. That has to be it. They think I’ll screw it up.

She wanted to prove them wrong. She wanted to show she could be used. And she wasn’t going to get anything done sitting here. Checking to make sure her blade was secured for the fourth time since she started her rounds, she rushed down the way Kerowyn had come.

Section A, B, and C were clear of anything suspicious. Something felt out of place in D, where the hangars were, but she wandered there for a while and couldn’t find what was throwing her echoes off. Unable to track the problem, she moved on, making a mental note to let Syrus know of the problem with her powers near the third hangar.

She entered into the training facility, where the majority of the camera malfunctions were, and slowed down. The last echo brought back an image, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Strange. It’s almost like two people superimposed on each other. This was definitely worth checking and she hurried along, stopping as she neared. She sent another echo, and got back someone on a ladder, messing with one of the cameras. Gotcha.

She bounded around the corner, blade drawn and ready to fight the Keyblade Master, or the King, or whomever else she found. So when it was Garrin, fiddling with the wires and deep in thought, it gave her pause. He turned around, stared down at her, and smiled. “How’s it going, Umbri? Playing another game?”

She knew he wasn’t patronizing her. Garrin was likable enough, and he’d always been fair with her. His hair was a striking silver and she’d asked once if he’d dyed it to keep it so shiny. He’d just laughed. He was the only one besides Syrus who wore glasses, not counting Praxis’s sorry excuse for sunglasses, but he didn’t have Syrus’s gorgeous braid, his own hair cut short. “I’m not playing any games. I’m hunting.”

“Really?” he said, his voice soft and light. His amber eyes twinkled momentarily. “And what prey would you be hunting?”

Umbri pursed her lips, then sighed and flopped down on the ground. “I dunno...yet. Whoever’s damaging the cameras.”

“Are you sure it’s a someone?”

“Yeah. Why else would they have poisoned Veruca?”

“Ah, jumping to conclusions again. Come here. I want you to see this.” Umbri got up, walking over as she sheathed her blade again. “See the way this wire looks? Frayed with these dents and punctures? And how the plastic coating is gone?” Umbri nodded. “Looks like this wire’s been chewed through, though I’m at a loss to say what did it.”

Umbri sighed again. “So what’s doing this is an animal?”

“Looks that way.” He hopped down off the ladder and ruffled her hair. “Why so glum?”

“Because...I thought I was helping finally. And it turns out I’ve been wasting my time.”

Garrin looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well, you did take the initiative. That counts for something. I didn’t think you wanted to help though.”

“Garrin, nobody asked me! They just all assumed I wasn’t ready or something...” She stamped her foot. “Why doesn’t any one take me seriously?”

“Because you don’t act your age.” The bluntness of the statement brought fury to her cheeks but he went on. “Umbri, you aren’t the youngest, and yet you act like you are. Even Isma acted older than her age, but you don’t want to. This is a step. Build off it.”

Umbri sighed, something that was becoming a habit for her. “But, I like to have fun Garrin. Can’t they see that?”

“They do, Umbri,” he said as he packed up the ladder. “But this isn’t a time for games. What we’re doing is important and dangerous, and unless you can reconcile that, you won’t be taken serious by the others.” With that, he headed off around the corner and vanished from sight.

Umbri frowned, sticking her tongue out at him, but she couldn’t deny his words. Maybe it is time for me to grow up after all. The thought bothered her, but sometimes things had to come to an end. She patted her short sword and stuck her hands in her pockets, walking the opposite direction. She needed time to think.

As she turned the corner, however, she caught a glimpse of someone all in black coming from one of the off-shoots. She was too far away for details, but whoever it was stopped when they saw her, staring her down. Odd. The figure turned and bolted, and Umbri gave chase. She was going to find out who she just saw.

Her speed allowed her to gain some ground, despite her prey ducking down a few corridors. She turned one corner, and her quarry had vanished. You aren’t getting away that easily. She sent an echo through each door and one came back with the person she’d seen. They’d ducked into one of the training halls.

She flung open the door, locking it behind her since it was the only way in or out. She scanned the room, searching back and forth as she walked toward the center. The figure dashed from behind some dummies, racing for the door. Whoever this was hid behind one of the Organization’s cloaks and was a bit taller than she was. While they struggled with the locked door, she unsheathed her sword. “Alright, I want to know who you are and why you’re running.”

The cloaked person didn’t respond, searching for another exit. “Don’t bother. The only way out now is to do as I say,” she said, trying to sound authoritative. The person wasn’t armed, and Umbri had both her weapon and magic. She figured this to be easy. And all that confidence faded as there was a flash of light. “A Keyblade!” She dodged away as the figure charged in, her short sword meeting the other. They traded blows and Umbri could tell her opponent was trying to disarm, not hurt. But who was it?

She parried and dodged, glad for Yvette’s lessons. Her opponent was practiced, but the pacifistic tactics were hampering the effectiveness of the blows. She wasn’t about to let this person disarm her. She reveled in the singing of the steel, finally realizing why Yvette loved it so much. Her opponent’s moves were going faster as well, and the person seemed to realize they were being backed into a corner with this fight. The blows were more aggressive, and someone was going to be hurt before this was over.

She sent two sonic blasts when things got dicey, and forced her opponent back each time. The training facility walls absorbed them without damage as they were designed to do. Umbri cried out in triumph when her third hit and the intruder dropped to a knee. She could do this. She could win. She stopped using magic, wanting to save it for the end and meet her foe blade for blade.

And then she made a mistake, parrying when she should have dodged. The first blow was met, but the second was quick and knocked her off-balance. She tried something reckless to regain her footing, but she moved right in the path of the blade and it pierced straight through her. Her opponent was shocked, and through the haze of pain, Umbri realized they hadn’t meant to do that. Not that it helped much in her state. The figure in the Organization cloak came over to her and she got a glimpse under the hood. “You! You aren’t supposed to exist!”

“I’m sorry,” was the only response given, and then the traitor fled from her vision with the key.

Umbri fell, her strength fading, and she knew she would vanish too after she expired. Blood pooled on the floor. Strange to have blood without a heart. And I proved them right, after all. Useless til the end. She hadn’t been able to stop the intruder and the rest of her family was in danger.

A part of her refused to accept that, and as she watched the blood, an idea came through the fog in her mind. Maybe she would be useful just once. She dragged her hand to the blood, trembling as she dipped it in. She might disappear, but her last message wouldn’t. With a shaking hand, she started to draw an X on the floor.