Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Norian had lost her mind.  That was the only thing Freya could come up with as she carried the injured woman back to her room.  Norian refused to stay and get her wound checked, and it was bleeding more than Freya would have liked.  She was stumbling now and blood was leaking down her face, and Freya had some trouble keeping Norian upright.  But the busty woman was giggling with a maniacal gleam in her eyes.  Freya failed to get the joke.  She wanted to just leave Norian in the hall and go on to her room, but Norian was her general and Freya felt determined to make sure she got to her room, despite thinking it was absolutely stupid.  Even if it got blood all over her too.  Norian owes me a new shirt.

Freya stumbled while trying to get the door open, Norian offering no help in her madness.   She shoved the door open and yanked Norian in, dumping her unceremoniously in a chair as she shut the door.  Norian looked up at her, giggling.  “I really hope you aren’t faking or I’m going to hurt you.”

Norian’s response didn’t match her statement.  “Did you see it?  Oh, it was glorious.”  And she giggled again, hugging herself in glee.

“I saw you get your ass kicked.  Nothing glorious about that.”

“Then you didn’t see,” she said, her eyes gleaming.  “He took down both me and Loshul in a matter of seconds.  That is something worth checking.”

Freya shook her head.  “I just don’t understand.  How’d that kid gain so much power?  And how did it work?  Did he learn something new?”

Norian paused, the mad gleam in her silver eyes replaced with cold condescension.  “You really weren’t paying any attention, were you?”

“No.  I was too busy trying to make sure he didn’t carve your ass up.”  She adjusted her glasses, something she did when she was annoyed.  Norian had better get to the point, or she was going to punch the woman, respect be damned.  She wasn’t going to just stand here and be insulted.

“That wasn’t Damian’s power, honey.  That was Celine’s.”  Norian began cackling again, touching her forehead and staring at the blood that dripped from the gash just under her hairline, fascinated.  “That was her shadow power, but on a scale the petty little bitch can’t even imagine.”  Her voice was hollow and distant.

Freya’s maroon eyes widened.  “How in the holy hell did he manage that?”

“The gods only know,” Norian said, her voice steady for a minute.  “But I wonder if we can set it off again.”

“He could have killed you and you want him to try again?”

“Of course I do,” she said, as though this was the most rational of things.  “That kind of power could finish Loshul in a way we can only dream about.  I had no idea he’d be that useful, but I suppose we can find out if we push him harder.”

“Don’t forget he nearly killed you too.”

“Then I guess we let him loose when he’s nowhere near me of course.  And we have Quinn.  Don’t forget that.  Now, let’s see what we can do to set him off...”  Freya couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Norian was still babbling and most of it was jumping around a bit, but Freya didn’t hear a word of it, focused on the single-mindedness of her task.  She took a few steps forward and when Norian turned back to her, Freya reached back and smacked Norian, her hand leaving a stinging blow on Norian’s face.    Her face darkened.  “Just what...?”

Freya talked over her.  “Are.  You.  Insane?  You tell me I wasn’t paying attention, but I was very quick to notice that even in his psychotic state, he didn’t hurt anyone he cared about.  Veruca was completely untouched, and the boy has a queer kind of affection for the little tempest.  And you want to rest your laurels on Quinn helping, but he’s only along for the ride because he doesn’t know the endgame.  Do you think he’ll sit idly by after it’s over if you set Damian on Loshul?”

Norian glowered, but said nothing at first.  She put her hand to her head again after a moment.  Freya walked over to her.  “We need to get you back to the medical bay and have them stitch you up...”

“I’m fine,” Norian said, venom rising in her tone.  “I don’t need to be coddled.”

What you mean is you don’t want to let Loshul see any weakness in you, yet ignoring help for petty reasons is just that.  Freya didn’t argue, going back into the restroom adjoining Norian’s room and soaked a hand towel in cold water before bringing it back to Norian.  “You may not think so, but you could use some anyway.  Put this on the wound.  I’ll wash it when it gets too bloody.”

Norian sighed, taking the towel and pressing it to her forehead.  Silence dragged for several minutes before Norian looked up at her.  “You’re right.”  Freya could tell those words were acid to her.  She never liked to admit that to anyone but Xenia.

“I knew I was,” Freya responded, her tone sharp and superior.  “You tasted raw power, but that’s all it was; raw.  With no way to control it, we could end up hurting someone we’ll need.”  

Norian nodded, then her free hand shot out, gripping Freya by the collar and yanking her down to Norian’s eye level, the tightness of the fabric suddenly painful against her neck.  “If you ever strike me again, I will tear into you until you bleed worse than this.  Do you understand me?”

Freya gulped, nodding yes.  She and Easton made a good team, and she considered herself to be a good fighter, just below the level of Yvette and Loshul and working to be better.  She shouldn’t care what some sash-wielding psycho thought, and yet there was something about Norian that always had her following the woman. Nobodies weren’t supposed to have emotions.  She had no idea who had done something to this group to change that, but Norian evoked one emotion very highly in her: fear.  Easton admitted the same to her some times when they were alone, and it was the main reason she followed the woman.  There was a hidden strength behind her heavy appearance and steel in her veins to do whatever she needed to win, something Loshul couldn’t claim.  Norian was not a woman to cross.

Norian released her.  “Be thankful you did so with good intention or I wouldn’t wait.”  She handed the towel to Freya, who went to the bathroom to wash it out.  While she was in there, she heard the intercom beep over the sound of the running water.  Norian was returning to her chair as Freya brought it back out to her.  “Better get comfortable.  We’re in lockdown.  Something’s gone wrong...again.”  She gave a soft smile.  “Loshul keeps running into problems and we’re going to benefit.”

Freya bit her lip.  She didn’t want to say anything to Norian, but there had been just one too many problems for her liking.  With so many shifting parts, Freya wasn’t certain their plan was going to succeed as she wanted it to.  She didn’t want to think what Loshul might do to them if they failed.  

Norian didn’t notice or care about her apprehension.  “I think we need to drop in on Easton once it’s lifted.  I want his input before we bring Bastian in to the next phase.”

“And Quinn?”  

Norian made a disgusted noise.  “I’d rather he not know about it.”  She peeled the towel off, staring at her own blood against what little white remained.  She reached up, tentatively touching the wound, but the bleeding thankfully had stopped.   

“What about the new girl?  Or Namine?  Do we get to initiate them?”

“The Nobody bitch is snuggling up close to Yvette, and she won’t let anyone else but Loshul near her.  As for the girl you brought in, she’s nothing.  Kairi however...”  Norian licked her lips, “that’s a fine tongue I wouldn’t mind feeling again.”

Freya squirmed a little, noticing Norian’s gaze turn to her and Freya knew what that look meant.  It was rumored that Norian had tried to make her way sexually through the entire Company.  It was also rumored that Loshul had refused her and that was why she was always trying to undermine him.  Freya didn’t know what to believe, but she knew one thing.  Despite being allies, Norian had a habit of ensuring any encounters were remembered with marks, and the woman had an unhealthy appetite for such things.  She was now a little uncertain about staying in here with her.

Norian didn’t look like she planned on letting her injury stop her either.  “Since we’re locked up for a while, might as well make the best of it, huh?”  Freya doubted her face ever got much paler, but any color she had drained from her face.  “Oh, don’t worry, pet.  I’m in no condition to get too worked up.  Why don’t we start with a show?”

Freya turned her head to the side, but she didn’t dare disobey, not after what she’d endured the last time.  She could still feel the pain in her chest, a ghost of threats past.   She slipped off the long brown skirt, revealing creamy legs and her black panties followed revealing her shaven pussy, knowing how Norian liked her to go.  She didn’t mind it that way, anyway.  She was ashamed of how small her chest was compared to Norian’s, and preferred to save her breasts for last.  When she saw the gleam in Norian’s eyes as she undressed for her, she knew that this lockdown would feel like it lasted hours longer than it actually would.  And she doubted she’d escape without a few new aches to remember.  She always did.


Syrus glanced up as Loshul strode into the training hall, Kerowyn following on his heels and apologizing profusely, something the smaller head of security in the compound rarely did.  Kerowyn taught many people that though she looked small, she was very strong and dangerous.  It was only Loshul and Xenia she cowed to.  She might have been going to a funeral now, dressed in a black top that hid her minuscule chest and tight black pants that somehow left her room for easy movement.

The blue-haired man had been waiting for them, knowing Loshul needed to see this himself.  He cut Kerowyn’s attempt to placate him off with an angry gesture, letting the woman gulp.  Syrus could tell he was furious with her.  “It’s not her fault, you know.  I nearly didn’t see it when I came in the first time.”

That didn’t make Loshul any happier.  The first sweep of the lockdown had been three days ago, and it wasn’t just Celine that had been missing.  Umbri was gone as well, and there was no sign that anyone else but them was in the compound.  Loshul hadn’t been able to justify keeping them stranded in their rooms, but he couldn’t figure out where the two missing Company members had gone.  So when Kerowyn explained that she’d missed something in her first sweep, Loshul had been livid and sent Syrus down to check it out.

Syrus bent down as Loshul approached, the dull red of the dried blood difficult to see on the training room floor, but the message was still there for them to see.  XIII, written in staggering lines on the floor with the ‘I’s looking like they were a last gasp effort.  With no body or blood trail, it likely meant it was one of their own, and that person was dead.   Loshul ground his teeth.  “Any idea...?”  He couldn’t finish the sentence.

“Has to be Umbri.  The cameras between sections were still working well enough then, and Celine vanished somewhere within section C.  She was never seen leaving it.”

“How did anyone not notice?” he asked, running his hand through his hair.  “The girl was constantly underfoot.”

“Dunno,” Kerowyn said, her voice still contrite.  The blond-haired woman was clutching and tugging at her long braid, something she did only when she was nervous.  Otherwise it hung to her ass.  Cloudy-grey eyes were haunted with shame.  “It’s possible Will noticed, but with the lockdown in place, he couldn’t check.  Those two are close...were close I mean.”  Syrus could see this stung her worst of all.  She took the security of the compound, and its inhabitants, very seriously.  That this could happen under her nose was shameful to her.

“And still no sign of Celine?  Is she dead too?  Is that what set Damian off?”

Syrus watched as Kerowyn could only shrug.  “I...I haven’t seen any blood that says she has been injured, or killed. It’s like she just vanished.”

Syrus stood up.  “She couldn’t have vanished.  You checked all the rooms?”

Kerowyn’s eyes narrowed.  Syrus was stepping too close to a boundary.  She might take suspicions from Loshul or Xenia, but not him.  “I don’t need to have my techniques questioned by peons.  I was very thorough.”

Any other time, Syrus might have stood up to her, if only to cut down her bravado.  But with her in such a fragile place after all this, Syrus held his tongue.  He wrapped the small braid of blue hair in his right index finger, twirling it back and forth.  “Given how thorough you’ve been, what do we do?  We have a renegade and a missing Nobody that no one seems to be able to find.  Where do we start?”

“Where?”  Loshul said through clenched teeth, standing again and turning to Kerowyn.  “Take whatever Heartless you need, hunt down that little shit and bring that traitor to me.  Alive.  I’m going to make him suffer for as long as I can for what he’s done.  If you can’t find him, when Yvette’s done with the blonde witch, I’m going to send them both to aide you.”

Kerowyn nodded, giving Loshul a quick salute and staring past them both at the blood once more before departing.  Syrus moved to follow.  “Syrus.  A moment.”

Syrus gave Loshul a questioning look.  “Kerowyn will need me in the control room.  Even with our cameras going haywire, we still have some that function.”

“It can wait a minute.  Kerowyn will need time to gather her troops.  Close the door.”

Syrus didn’t like the sound of that, but he complied.  Loshul rarely needed to say anything that couldn’t wait til later in one of their rooms, but when he did, it was rarely good.  “I’m sorry I didn’t catch anything...”

Loshul held up a hand and waited for Syrus to stop.  “What I have to say does not go beyond these walls.”
Syrus was really confused now.  “O...k...”

“I have a question to pose you.  Assuming we’ve interpreted Umbri’s message correctly, it seems she encountered Roxas in the compound.  Agreed?”

“That’s how it appears.”

“Then this is the dangerous question: How did he get here?”

Syrus paused, not sure he understood.  “Well, same way as Namine I would think.  After all, she appeared when Kairi needed her.  Maybe Roxas did the same when Sora knew she needed help.”

“But you forget one thing.  When Namine appeared, Kairi was already here.”  He emphasized each of the last four words.  “She appeared just outside.  However, Sora is nowhere near here.”

Syrus realized what Loshul was implying.  “You think someone brought him here?  Loshul, that’s...”

“Unthinkable?  Before recent events, I might have agreed with you.  But I can’t think of any way else that the traitor could be here.  I think we have a betrayer in our midst.”

Syrus shook his head, trying to deny the theory Loshul posed.  “No. No way.  I won’t believe it.”

Loshul growled. “Then you’re a fool.”

Syrus blinked.  “They are our family!  They’re all we have!”

“I know that!” He yelled, slamming his hand into one of the practice dummies, letting it spin freely as he backed up.  “Do you think I want to believe one of them is doing this?  Betraying us like Roxas and Axel?  But I can’t sit blindly and pretend I don’t see the facts piling up!”  He flattened his lips, disgust radiating across his face.  Syrus shrank back.  Loshul threw his hands up.  “Maybe I am on my own...”

Syrus hurried to him, grabbing Loshul’s shoulder.  “Wait.”  Loshul stopped.  Syrus walked around to face him.  “I understand what you’re saying, but you have no proof.”

“I know that.  But with Xenia coming and now this...”

“Xenia’s coming home?” Loshul confirmed it.  Syrus wasn’t sure if that was good or bad news right now.   “Well...we better figure out if we have a problem.”  He ran his hand through his hair, not liking the idea of spying on his family.  “Any way we can rule anyone out?”

Loshul drummed his fingers along his leg.  “I’m not sure.  I want to know how he got here first.”

Syrus pursed his lips.  “Ameys?”

“That was my first thought.  She went down to the planet without authorization and Damian was unconscious when she was down there.  But that assumes he managed to keep himself hidden all that time on the ship so Damian didn’t see him in case he woke up.”  Loshul rubbed the bridge of his nose.  “But anyone could have brought him after.  However, there begs another question.”

“What question?”

“Why Roxas?  Why bother with the Nobody when you could have brought Sora, Riku, or both here?”  Loshul tapped his foot before starting to rock back and forth. “It doesn’t make sense...unless they knew they were being watched by us.  They stayed on the planet so we’d know they weren’t a threat, and sent the traitor to break out their girlfriend.”

“That’s possible, but why wait until we had her?”

“Because they didn’t know.  When we planned Kairi’s grab, only four people knew.  “You, Xenia, Norian and myself.  It’s why I trust you with this information.  If you were the traitor, you’d have warned them before we grabbed her.”

“Any idea who it could be?”

“I have a couple of suspects, and I intend to try and flush them out.”

“So what do we do?”

“We wait, and see if anyone tries to help our quarry.  Meanwhile, I’ll try and put my suspects into a situation to try something.”  He must have seen something in Syrus’s face, because he shook his head.  “I want to keep this plan close to the vest.”  He looked at the door.  “You better go, before Kerowyn suspects something is wrong because you haven’t shown.”

Syrus nodded, but as they neared the door, Syrus gave in to an impulse and pulled Loshul into a quick kiss.  Loshul looked stunned as Syrus pulled away, giving Loshul a ghostly smile.  Syrus couldn’t leave it at that either.  “Loshul, I’m not willing to wait any longer.  Not when I might never have you again.”  Loshul stammered, but Syrus didn’t wait for him to collect his wits, not wanting to spoil the feeling.  “Don’t do anything stupid.”  He spun, hurrying out of the training room, his mind reeling with thoughts of traitors, Nobodies, and the man he loved.


The lights were dim in the medical bay when Kairi slipped in, listening to the soft beeps that indicated Veruca was still hooked up, but breathing in a steady rhythm.  The lockdown had ended three days ago, and she was walking a tightrope with Selphie right now.  Keeping her friend in her room was the only way she could think to keep her safe, but she had the danger of being caught by this insane group of people on one side, and the worry that she’d go too far with Selphie on the other.  Selphie had been pretty pissed during the lockdown that Kairi would even do that to her and barely spoke to her.  Kairi had expected the anger at first, but she had hoped Selphie would understand the tenuous position she was in.  That did not seem to be the case.

She had to leave the room, not liking the silence or the glares from her best friend, and she wasn’t sure what brought her here, except that there was no one here to accost her at this hour.  Praxis had left to get some rest, unable to work any more, and she’d overheard him say that Veruca had survived the worst of the poison in her system.  He fully expected her to recover.  The other person in the room was unfamiliar to her, though he looked a lot like Celine, and she made sure to be as far from the sleeping boy as possible.

She looked down at the purple-haired girl, looking like a little pixie in her sleep.  Kairi could not say why she was drawn to the girl, or why she hoped Veruca would pull through and wake.  After all, the girl was a part of this insane asylum that kidnapped her and tried to break her.  Maybe it was because she tried to protect me.  She fingered the collar that was the only article she wore, tracing the tag of gold and the lettering on it that read “Princess”.  She hadn’t worn it since she’d woken up here and been renewed by the wings she’d grown in her mind.  Somehow, being next to the girl, it had seemed appropriate.

Despite her reawakening, she could still feel her dark half lurking in the back of her mind, longing for a reason to come out and play again.  Kairi had let her out during the test Loshul had set up, the only way she could think to do that to Selphie.  The thought of what she had done made her ill.  But it was getting harder again to wrestle that aspect of herself under control each time she brought it out.  And it worried her how good it felt to let that part of her go.

“I wonder why it is you came back to see her.  Is she that important?” a voice said right behind her.  Kairi jumped.  “Or is some of that princess of heart coming back to you?”

Kairi had to make a decision in a split second and she summoned her Keyblade, spinning to take out the person before he could report to one of the others.  The blade struck straight through the body, and he vanished entirely.  “...What?” was all she could manage.

The boy, who was now sitting on the bed, was chuckling to himself.  Kairi could have sworn that, for a moment, he hadn’t been there but behind her.  “Well, it’s good to see my hard work did not go to waste.”  He stood, stretching a little.  “Put that away, Princess.  You have no need of it from me.”

Kairi held it at the ready, but something seemed familiar.  When she realized what it was, she lowered it in shock.  “The voice from my dream...was you?”

“Nice to be remembered.  Looks like you found a way to regain yourself after all.   Is she still troubling you?”  He asked as he ran a hand through his green hair.  Kairi nodded, shuffling a bit.  “That’s not surprising either.  She is you, after all.  Once Loshul woke that side of you, I doubted she’d just go away.”  He extended a hand, though he didn’t leave the bed.  “Name’s Damian.”

  Kairi regarded his hand suspiciously.  An anger that she’d been holding in for some time was threatening to spill over.  “What?  Are we supposed to be friends now?  After what you people stole from me, what makes you think I want anything to do with any of you?  You and your people almost took everything I am from me!”

Damian gave her a wounded look, but he made a shushing motion.  “Keep it down!  Most of them may be asleep, but if they hear you, it would be the end for all of us.”  He sighed, then glanced behind him.  “It’s a good thing I’m keeping the cameras from showing any of this conversation as is.”  

Kairi stomped down on her fear and anger, returning it to a smolder.  “Why should I trust anyone here, including you?  If you had wanted to help me, you could have stopped this from the start.”  It was getting exceedingly hard to keep from yelling again.

Damian shook his head.  “Some of us weren’t told about that.  I know I wasn’t, nor were several others that I’m aware of.  After you were here, I’ve tried my best to keep things under the radar.  I may be willing to defy Loshul to see you home, but I couldn’t do anything until my plan was able to get you out.  I am many things, but a strong fighter isn’t one of them.  If Loshul, Xenia or Norian found out, on their own or by someone who supports them, I’d be dead and then where would you be?”

Kairi wasn’t sure what to make of that.  So many people here wanted her to suffer.  Why should she believe he was different?  And yet, with Selphie here, she was determined to escape before her friend suffered as she was.  “That doesn't mean I have to fully trust you.  Why can’t we go now?”

“One, I can’t get to Namine yet.  She is here too, and despite what Yvette wants, Loshul won’t let her stay only with her.  She needs to come with if we have any hope of reuniting you two.  Two, I need to set up so we can actually get the ship out of the hangar with enough of a head start that Loshul can’t stop us getting you back to your friends.”  He sighed, shifting a bit.  “And three, I need your help first.”   

Kairi gave a sardonic laugh, indicating her nude body.  “Me?  Look at me, Damian.  Do I look like I can help anyone, especially you?”

“I hope you can.”  He slid off the bed and wobbled, and Kairi could see for the first time how little energy he had.  “I have a twin, Celine.”

“Yeah, we met,” she said, blushing as she thought of what she’d done to try and keep away from Loshul.
“Well, I had planned on taking her with us, but there’s a problem.  She’s missing and no one knows where she’s gone.”  He scratched the back of his left hand.  “I’ll tell you this right now.  I won’t leave without her.  We’re too connected.”

“And what makes you think I can find her?”

“Because while whoever has her expects me to look, you have no reason to.  I’m hoping they might lower their guard around someone they assume to be under their control.  Find her, and we can all leave together.  My allies and I, as well as you and your friends.”  He smirked.  “By the way, I brought an ally back with me.  Roxas is causing havoc around the compound to keep the others distracted.”

That surprised Kairi and a bemused look crossed her face.  “So how many are there on your side?”

Damian shook his head.  “Best not to know, princess.  If they find out what’s going on, I’m willing to risk my own life.  The others...they’re safer if you don’t know about them.”  He gripped her shoulder.  “Let’s get to your room.  I can only obscure the camera feed for so long before someone gets suspicious.”

Kairi nodded, walking out with him into the brightly lit hall.  Damian did his best not to look at her nude form, and his face flushed any time he got a peek.  Kairi realized he’d been doing that since he’d started talking to her, trying to focus on just her face as often as possible.  It was odd for someone to act like such a gentleman around her in this place, and it made her pink with embarrassment all over again, a feeling she couldn’t attest to feeling for a long time since she’d been here.  She’d grown accustomed to the leers, gropes and sex that went along with her constant bareness that anyone not acting that way brought her back to being the shy girl she’d been on the islands, which seemed a lifetime ago.  Damian was acting like she expected Riku or Sora to act in a situation like this, and the thought of her friends brought back a warm feeling that forced the dark half inside her back down deep.

Damian did his best to act like he was taking her somewhere, if only for the camera’s sake given the halls were deserted.  Damian whispered to her that there was always someone watching from control after the havoc that had been caused.  Apparently, Roxas had been caught out in the halls and had been forced to kill one of Damian’s siblings.  “A shame really.  Umbri was not the type to take anything seriously, until recently.  If Loshul and Xenia hadn’t started this insane quest for revenge, she might have never grown up, spending all her days playing...and laughing..”  There was sorrow in his voice, but also an underscore that the cost of the girl’s life had been an evil he chalked up more to his siblings than to Sora’s Nobody.

After that tidbit, there was silence until she reached her room.  Kairi’s hand trembled as she reached for the knob.  This was supposed to be good news, but she didn’t think Selphie would be any happier to see one of their tormentors than she was to see her lately.  It hurt every time she left that she had to bind her friend, and she worried someone would steal in and rape Selphie while she was gone.  So far she’d been lucky and her friend still had her virginity.  

Selphie looked up, a glower on her face that sent another twinge of sympathy running up her back.  She lifted her head, the only part she could while bound to the bed.  “Getting a good view, you two?  I’m sure it must be fascinating given you’re showing yours off like a whore.”  Kairi blushed as Damian shut the door.

Damian’s tone turned acid as he walked toward Selphie, trying to keep his eyes off her pussy as he began to untie her.  “Relax.  You don’t have to pretend around me.  I’m here to help.”  He looked around, but the room had been designed to keep Kairi from finding anything to wrap up in.  He finished untying her hands and feet.

“Help?” Selphie gave a derisive laugh.  “You don’t look like much, boy.  And it’s going to be hard with my ex-friend molesting me any chance she gets.”

“Selphie, stop!”  Kairi cried, holding her arms around herself.  “I told you why I did it.”

“Yeah, you said all these sweet things that meant nothing.  You still did it.  You should have refused.”  Damian snorted, not looking Selphie’s way.  “What?”

“If she’d have refused, by the time I got to either of you, you’d both be so lost in lust that you would be pets of Loshul and the others and you would be begging for it.  And I don’t have the strength to pull one of you out again, much less both right now, and the longer you’re under, the harder it is.”  Damian closed his eyes, and began to mutter to himself.  Kairi felt the power rise off him, and wondered what he was doing, when their bodies shimmered and simple dresses appeared, a brown for Selphie that matched her hair and a soft blue for Kairi.  He sighed, putting his hand to his chest and collapsed in a chair.  

“How...?”  Kairi asked.

“It’s a simple illusion, but it’ll keep you decent enough for me to feel comfortable.  I also have a lookout of sorts in the halls to keep us from being surprised.”  He gasped a bit, looking a bit pale.

“Should you be out of the infirmary?  You look awful.”  Kairi knelt down in front of him.

“I’ll be long as we find Celine by the time our window opens to leave.”

Selphie was still marveling at the dress, then she replaced her scowl.  “Why do people think brown looks good on me?  I hate it.”

“Be thankful he clothed us at all,” Kairi snapped at Selphie, sick of the girl’s whining.  She turned to Damian.  “How long do we have?”

“A week at most.  Xenia’s coming here though, and she is more dangerous than Loshul could ever imagine, and she’s got a ruthless cunning about her that has always scared me.  If anyone could see through my lies and schemes, it would be her.  But once she leaves again, I should be able to create a gap where we can grab a ship or two and escape orbit before they know it.”

“That’s the plan?”  Selphie asked, obviously hoping for more.

“That’s all we’ve got.  We may be messing with internal security, but most of the barriers work with keeping people in or out.  Getting out without setting off heavy alarms is difficult.  But the weakest points are through the hangar.  The barrier has to lower whenever a ship enters or leaves.  When we’re ready to go, it will only require a few things that need to be disabled to give us a small window to escape in a ship.”  Kairi gave a small smile, but Damian continued.  “However, the way the barriers are, the window to leave is only available for a short time in certain intervals.  Those intervals are weeks apart.  We miss this one, and we have to wait a while for the next one.”

Kairi trembled with excitement and fear, though doubt overrode the feelings in a heartbeat.  She wanted to believe this would all work out, but she also could not imagine it doing so.  So much sounded like timing and with the way they were watched, it would take a miracle to do so, even if she managed to find Celine for him.  She went to tell him so, but he didn’t respond, staring off into nothing.   “Damian?”

Damian shook his head, as though coming out of a daze.  “We have a problem.  Easton’s on his way here.”

“How do you know that?” Selphie asked, suspicion in her voice.

“I set up a couple of minor illusions in the corridor leading to the room in both directions.  Nothing that will be seen, but enough that if someone passes by I see who.”  Damian began wringing his hands, and the illusions of their dresses vanished.  “This isn’t good. On his own, Easton is likely to hurt someone while he takes them.  But he’d also be furious that neither of you was servicing me the way he feels a slave should.  He could really damage you to the point of needing the medical bay.”  

“Any chance of you sending him off at the door?” Selphie asked.

“I doubt it.  Once Easton has it in his mind that he wants something, he goes after it until he gets it.  And what’s worse, while he might not understand the significance of me being alone with you two and not...engaged, so to speak, if he told someone else, they might question why I was here.”  He paused.  “How am I going to get us out of this mess?” he muttered to himself.

Kairi touched her hand to his shoulder, preparing herself.  It was a role she'd played before. "I with you...if it would help." she offered.
    Damian shook his head. "If you did, and it was just us, Easton would go after your friend. Rumor has it she's a virgin, that's his favorite, and what he'd do is not the way anyone's first time should be."

Kairi gulped, looking at Selphie.  “What...what if she were to give you head...while I helped out?”

“Now wait just a minute...” Selphie started.

“That might work...but you’d have to be prepared in case Easton doesn’t take no for an answer.”  He looked sheepish as he said that.

“I can do that,” Kairi said.  Selphie was still protesting as best as she could, but Kairi grabbed her by the shoulders.  “I know it’s distasteful, Selphie, but I’d rather that than see you lose your virginity to these creeps.  You should be able to give that to the person you want to be with forever, not have it ripped from you as it was from me.”

Selphie stared at her, then sighed in resignation.  “Fine.”

Damian stood, stripped himself down, his body more bony than muscled, which did not inspire much confidence if they got in a fight.  He was not very large in size, which meant that Selphie wouldn’t choke on him at least.  He fell back into the chair as Selphie kneeled in front of him, taking his dick in her hand and starting to stroke it to build it up.  Knowing they didn’t have much time, Kairi got in behind Selphie, leaning forward and rubbing her chest as her friend gave an annoyed grunt and took Damian in her mouth just before the door came crashing in.

Damian looked up at Easton, annoyed, and Kairi didn’t dare look back.  She’d never seen Easton, but she feared he’d be as large as James had been and she worried about just what he might do.  “Go away Easton.  You’re killing the mood.”

“Well, well.  I never expected to see you losing your cherry in here,” Easton said, the disdain for Damian oozing in his voice.  

Damian’s scowl never left his face.  “Well, I am, so I want you to leave.”

“Not happenin’, brother,” he said, yanking Kairi back by her hair.  “But since you’re occupied with the object of my affection, and it’s your first time, I’ll have to make due with the princess here.”  

Kairi squealed, feeling like he was going to tear her hair out as he dragged her across the room to grab a chair.  She could see a bag he brought in lying on the table just before he sent her crashing into the side, the wind knocked out of her.  His pants were dropped in an instant, something he seemed to have practice with, and he grabbed her head, yanking her up to her knees and forced his large member in her mouth and down her throat, her lips feeling like they were going to split as she tried to take it in.  Easton yanked her down hard as he thrust in, causing her to gag, which he seemed to enjoy as she struggled to breathe.  Just when she thought she might pass out like this, he pulled back, allowing her to gasp and cough.  “I love it when they struggle like that.  It makes for such a great feeling around the head.”

“I don’t want to hear it, Easton.  Can you please take your conquest somewhere else?  I prefer to be alone.”  

“You can deal with it,” Easton said flippantly, forcing his way down Kairi’s throat.  She could hear Selphie’s whimper behind her, and she hoped her friend was doing okay.  She tried to work on him, to get him to cum so he’d leave Selphie alone.  She wanted him to go and not come back.  

It seemed Easton had other ideas, yanking her head back when he was satisfied she had done a good job.  “See princess?  You did such a nice work, and now my friend is ready for the main event.”  Kairi blanched a little.  She may have loosened some from all the sex she’d had thrust on her, but that was still large to her.

Easton grabbed her shoulders hard, leaving deep imprints as he forced her up and on the table his bag was on.  He first pulled out some rope to bind her hands behind her, pulling the binding so tight that she thought he might wrench her arms out of their sockets.  Then he pulled something out she couldn’t see.  She felt it soon enough as the belt whipped across her bare ass, causing her to cry out in pain.

“Jesus, Easton, stop!”  She heard Damian shift.

As much pain as she was in, she wanted him to stay back.  He was the only ally she knew here, and if he was caught, they had no chance of escape.  Easton saved her the trouble.  “Stay there and let that whore feast on your cock, Damian.  Or I’ll do worse to you.”  Easton was definitely lathered up as the belt smacked on her ass over and over again.  She squirmed, but his other hand pressed down on the bindings where her arms crossed, and she couldn’t get away.  “Now those are some fine welts.”

“B...bastard...” Kairi said, letting it slip before she could stop herself.

“What did you call me?” he roared, yanking her to her feet.  His fist crashed into her face and she crumpled down, falling awkwardly against the table.

“Easton!  Loshul said not to mar her looks!”

Easton was fuming.  She could hear it in his breathing as he forced her back on the table.  But whether it was the threat of Loshul, or the possibility of witnesses, he didn’t hit her again.  That didn’t make his next words any less chilling.  “That’s okay.  I have other ways to pay her back for her lip.”

The was a sudden shock running through her system without warning and Kairi screamed as it felt like she’d been struck by lightning.  It ended, only to start again and soon she couldn’t breathe, her body convulsing.  She nearly threw up when it stopped the second time, and she was whimpering, crying out that she was sorry.  She could hear Selphie’s muffled cries, and Damian’s shouts, but nothing sounded right to her ears, a ringing covering every other sound.

Easton spread her ass cheeks while she was still coming down off that pain, and she felt something hard and smooth and big pressing against her asshole.  Before she could even protest, he’d rammed the large anal dildo up her ass, causing more screams. Easton seemed to revel in that.  He forced her to the floor, her face mashed against the carpet.  He chuckled as he then pressed his own cock in her pussy and began fucking her without mercy.  

Kairi was choking on her sobs now as he took his pleasure from her, his cock spreading her pussy wide and pressing against her insides.  With her hands bound, she could not get her face off the carpet, and it began to burn as it scraped back and forth along the rough fibers.  With the monstrosity in her ass, it felt like he was raping her in both holes at once, and he ran his nails down her sides as he worked.  

Tears flowed freely down as his cock plumbed her depths.  She felt like he was ripping her up inside, but he didn’t seem to care what she felt.  All he wanted was to revel in her pain, and he was thrusting as deep as he could into her, pistoning like a machine and just as heartless.  She could feel his balls slapping into her with each thrust and his chuckles soon became primal grunts of conquest.  She tried desperately to force the dildo out her ass at least, but he rammed it back in.

Kairi was begging now for him to stop, but her cries went unheeded.  He grunted hard, rammed his cock deep into her, and his semen erupted inside.  He pulled out, another spurt going on her ass and a third rubbed cruelly in her hair.  “That’s how you take a bitch,” he said to Damian, and left her sobbing on the floor, grabbing his pants and his bag.  

As soon as Easton slammed the door shut, Damian released Selphie to go to her friend, his own face ashen.  Selphie was cursing him out as she was untying her and easing the dildo out of her ass, but the pain Kairi felt continued and she didn’t catch most of what was said, just curling into her friend, her tears falling onto Selphie’s unblemished skin to trickle down into her lap, and she wondered if she’d ever survive this nightmare long enough to see home again.

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