Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom hearts: The newly Destined ❯ Demonic Malice ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Demonic Malice
"I had a really good time tonight." A girl stated as she walked beside a boy along a beach. It was dark outside and the figures seemed slightly as though they were simply shadows, walking next to each other. The boy, slightly skinny and bispectled. His black hair was cut extremely low and his dark brown eyes peered at the girl walking next to him through his glasses. His skin was a shade darker than Darryl's.
"Me too." He answered.
"HEY! BACK OFF MY GIRL!" A voiced boomed. The boy turned to see a muscular built man.
"Who is that?" The boy asked the girl.
"Um...yeah...that's my boyfriend..." She muttered.
"...You told me you didn't have a boyfriend..." He pointed out.
"See what had happened was..." She began before the man pounded his fist against the sand.
"I'm going to break your face!" The man shouted.
"This guy is like twenty, why do you date him?" The boy questioned.
"Name!" The man continued shouting.
"What?" The boy questioned.
"NAME! What's your name, boy?” The man shouted.
"Thomas. Now listen, I don't want any trouble. I don't pay hospital bills after all." Thomas declared, much to the man's anger.
He swung his fist and Thomas ducked. Suddenly, time stopped, and Thomas suddenly fell into a dark ocean of solitude.
"Darkness...So much...darkness...Well that's just fine with me. Even if I am consumed by the darkness, as long as I can still protect the ones I love, I'll gladly drown myself in this power." Thomas thought as he drifted downward, deep into the sea.
{You have been chosen for a greater purpose. You have been consumed with darkness, but you have the strength to control it} the omnipresent voice said. His hair grew longer and unkempt. It grew the most in the front and matted itself down. He had multiple bangs in his face, and his black hair turned brown. Thomas opened his now crimson eyes and removed his glasses, letting them flow into the dark water. He also gained a black vest with a crimson slash on it, and wore it opened up with nothing underneath. He also wore black jeans with crimson symbols on the right pant leg. His shoes were mostly crimson with streaks of white. He landed on his feet with a platform under him. It held an image of a boy with silverish long hair on stainless glass. Suddenly creatures made of pure darkness arose.
"What are those things?" Thomas questioned rather loudly.
{Heartless. Creatures who have been born from those who had lost their hearts to the darkness. You cannot win against them with normal blows. But fear not. You simply have to trust in your own power} the voice stated as Thomas heart began emitting a dark aura. A key shaped sword appeared from that aura. Its blade was black and its hilt was Red. Its handle was also black and it had a broken black chain. {Keyblade.} The voice simply stated. These words echoed in Thomas heart as he grabbed hold of the keyblade. Its formed changed at that moment. It took the appearance of a huge demonic wing. It was corroded, with multiple holes in the middle of it. Its wing was black and spiked and lacked a hilt. The handle was crimson and the black key chain appeared like a spiked wing.
"The demonic malice. This is what I name it. And now, heartless. Time for you to fade back into everlasting darkness." Thomas said with a slight chuckle as he began wiping out the heartless. "Is that all you got?" Thomas questioned as the last heartless faded into darkness. He chuckled slightly. "Come on, I'll take your best shot." He continued. After turning slightly to the left he saw a set of crystal spiral stairs. "Whatever." Thomas muttered while walking up the steps, his hand still gripped firmly on his keyblade. A couple of heartless appeared. Thomas muttered a sigh of annoyance and destroyed each of them effortlessly. Finally, Thomas got to the top platform.
{You have one last ta-} The voice began before Thomas cut it off.
"Yeah yeah, one last battle. Come on, this is starting to bore me." Suddenly a white creature rose from the darkness. It was twice Thomas' height and its body had multiple spikes. "Whoa, time out. What is that?" Thomas questioned. "Voice lady? Hello? Come on, I'm sorry for cutting you off. Please, answer!" He shouted.
{So now we want my advice you say. Well that, my friend, is a nobody. When a strong person forms a heartless, the body it leaves behind forms a nobody. It is constantly searching for its heart.} The voice said to Thomas.
"Nobody, searching for heart, born from heartless, gotcha." Thomas quickly said, grasping his demonic malice keyblade and jumping.
{Use reaction techniques!} The voice called out. The nobody punched at Thomas.
"Reaction command...wrist split." Thomas calmly said as he ducked the punch and put the Demonic Malice into the Nobody's wrist. "Hand destruction!" He finished as he took his keyblade and sliced the nobody's hand off. The heartless took its other arm and cocked it back for a blow. "Reaction command...Self shielding!" Thomas cried as his keyblade pierced the nobody's severed hand and blocked the blow. He then began slicing from the nobody's legs to lower him. Eventually, Thomas sliced off the nobody's head and finished the fight.
{ through the...hey!} The voice tried to say before Thomas pushed open a door, which had appeared, on the platform. On the other side of the door, he arrived in an area with a huge clock tower. He walked over and placed his hand on it.
"Twilight town." He silently moved his lips to form the words, before noticing a boy standing next to him.