Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom hearts: The newly Destined ❯ Beheaded Dragon ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: Beheaded Dragon
A boy swung his keyblade which cut the heartless in half, and caused it to vanish into darkness. He looked up to still see a ton of heartless left. "Crap, my beheaded dragon keyblade alone can't stop all those heartless." The boy stated while holding his keyblade.
It's hilt was a yellow dragon which appeared to be biting the blade to keep them together. The blade was long and spiked on both sides, as though it was a dragon's green tail. Its keychain was also green, and shaped like a dragon's claw.
The boy looked up at the mountain of heartless, his crimson red hair flowing freely across his face as a gust of wind blew past. His hair then fell back into place. The majority of his hair hung down as bangs on both sides of his head, covering his ears and just barely covering part of his cheeks. He also had two thin strips of hair, each in one of his eyes and ending at his chin. The rest of his hair was pulled into a pony tail, which was about shoulder length. He was wearing a black vest with a high collar, with a green short sleeved shirt underneath. He also had black pants on with matching shoes. On his right arm was a green band.
The boy sighed, his emerald eyes shinning. "I've got no choice. I've got to go into another world and find out the cause of the recent outbreak of heartless." He stated, walking off. The boy arrived at a base of a tree, and walked behind it. "I hate having to hide my ability to use a keyblade. Hopefully I can find others." He stated, using his keyblade to open a darkness-induced portal. He walked inside, as it faded in a puff of smoke behind him. When the boy came out the other end of the portal, he saw two others panting on the ground, holding keyblades.
"Another keyblade wielder." Darryl whispered to Thomas.
"Yeah, I know." He responded as the boy walked up to him.
"Ah! More keyblade wielders! My name is Nick, and I'm sixteen years old. Nice to meet ya! This is my keyblade, the beheaded dragon. I picked the name because it sounded sexy." Nick stated, chuckling. Darryl and Thomas joined in on Nick's chuckling.
"My names Darryl, I'm fifteen, and my keyblade is the angel's song." Darryl stated, extending his hand.
"And I'm sixteen as well. My keyblade is the Demonic Malice. And I'm Thomas by the way." Thomas said, slowly rising to his feet. A man appeared, causing the three keyblade wielders to turn. It was another man in purple.
"Greetings. My name is Drake." The man began, before being cut off by Nick.
"So, another member of the Neo Organization. Or should I say another one of their flunkies." He stated as his emerald eyes looked Drake up and down.
"What? Nick, you know of them?!" Darryl questioned.
"Huh? Oh...I guess I know a lot more about you. I've had my keyblade for two years now. Guess I've got some seniority on you guys." Nick said with a grin. He then put his keyblade behind his back, with one hand on his keyblade. He held it as though there was a sheath on his back.
"Interesting stance..." Drake stated, pulling out a bayonet. Darryl and Thomas took their stance, both still breathing hard. Nick ran at Drake first, feinting left and swinging right, confusing drake and earning him a slash on his stomach. Darryl suddenly appeared and unleashed multiple slashes on his chest. Thomas then appeared behind Drake, unleashing a powerful slash on his back.
"Hm...I suggest we beat the crap out of him while he's on the ground." Nick said to Darryl and Thomas.
"I like that suggestion." Thomas said with a grin, as they watched Drake hit the floor. Nick and Thomas then proceeded to pound Drake until there wasn't much left of his body.
"Overkill much?" Darryl questioned. Nick sighed a little.
"All is fair in love and war. Now I'm going to join you two in the fight against the heartless. You two seem tired anyway." Nick stated, as the three stood around the clock tower, talking.