Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts the untold story ❯ Kingdom Hearts the untold story; the time has come ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kingdom Hearts the untold story; The time has come.The sun shinned threw the window and sparkled of Rachel's Ice crystal. Rachel felt the sun shine off her face and she opened her eyes and said "Man, it's morning already." She got up in the bed and looked out her window wondering if the king was gonna go or not. Rachel sat up and walked outside. Rachel saw the broom sticks walking on the ground past her. Rachel turned toward the stairs and began walking down them until she heard Donald say " What, he's gone again were can he be." "Um donald it doesn't say but we shouldn't scare Minnie and Daisy," Goofy said adding his h-yuck at the end. Donald sighed and then said "Then...give me the note." Donald skimmed threw it and it said
Dear Donald and Goofy,As you may notice I've left the castle. I heard there are heartless again. So I'v gone to find the last of them.I'll need your help again, but I must warn you it's going to be much harder, That's why I want you guys, Sora and Rachel to go help save the worlds.So I'm trusting you two so make sure nothing happens okay.-King Mickey†¥
Donald was still in shock by the note and then Rachel thought 'What is that note also who's missing.' "Donald,"Rachel said. Donald face dropped and said "W-what""Who's gone," Rachel asked."Uhh, well you see the king is missing," Goofy said.Rachel looked at them both and she gave them a look as if she wanted them to continue talking.Then Donald said "Also he wants you and Sora to come with us to stop the heartless."Rachel's face lightened up when she heard Donald say she could go with them."All right!"Rachel exclaimed."Oh boy," Donald murmured.Without another word Rachel an up to the room to get ready."Well lets go to the ship."Donald said.
In the ship
Rachel was big eyed at the "What's this, no what's this, wow shinny pretty button." Rachel said repeatedly."Don't touch anything!" Donald screamed."Wow Donald, you sure are a Mr. Grumpy pants," Goofy said.Donald's teeth were grinding at this point ,"I'M NOT GRUMPY!!!!!"Rachel inched her way to her seat and sat down.Donald got the communicator and asked to Chip and Dale,"Are you guys ready.""Yep, you bet," They replied.The big speaker went on '10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0' Rachel looked forward and waited but instead of going forward it went straight down Rachel clenched her seat screaming as did the others. When the falling finally stopped Rachel was still clenched to the seat and Rachel fell like a statue on the ground. After 15 seconds Rachel got up and looked at these other buttons away from Donald ' What's this button' 'Click' 'BE MY BAD BOY BE MY BAD BE MY WEEKEND LOVER BUT DON'Y BE MY FRIEND-'Rachel had turned to see Donald glaring at her."Um nice stereo,"Rachel stuttered."DON'T TOUCH THE RADIO!!!!!" Donald screamed."Well I like this song," Rachel said. 'Click' BAD BOY YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T NEE- 'Click'Donald glared at her.'Click' Rachel turned it on.'Click' Donald turned it off.'Click' Rachel turned it on again.'Click', 'Click', 'Click', 'Click' over and over it went until Goofy screamed ,"YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF."Rachel sat in her seat and Donald sat in his.Rachel leaned on the seat and sighed.Next chapter They go to Destiny Island and new friend or enemies ^^