Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Tart ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Tart

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts 2 is not mine and never will be, and I do not make any money from this.

AU Lemons Ahoy! Roxas is very popular with the ladies. RoxasxFuuxOlettexNaminéxXion, plus Aqua. Some SoraxKairixRiku, too

A/n: Inspired by Hatsu Inu for the first two parts.

Warning: This story does contain lemons, some of which involve numerous participants. If you are not old enough to be reading this story or if you have a general problem with reading anything that contains sexual content, please turn back now and do not read the story. You are not being forced to read this and you certainly can’t say that I didn’t warn you.

All characters are aged 16 and above.

Roxas hopped aboard the 4.00 train to central station just in the nick of time. The doors slid closed with a pneumatic hiss seconds after he got on, and the carriage gently rocked as the train pulled away from the platform. It was the start of the rush hour, evidently, as the seats were all taken and the many others were left to stand down either end of the carriage.

Not troubled by the prospect of having to spend the next half an hour standing, he moved further in with use of the overhead rail to help maintain balance.

Pretty much all the other passengers kept to themselves, whether by reading newspapers or books, listening to music sets or conversing with a companion, with an occasional eye of interest from some of the young women he passed by. He figured they were smiling to him out of politeness, knowing little of their real thoughts and fantasies that related to this strapping sixteen year old schoolboy.

Reaching a more open part of the carriage, with double doors on either side, he thought it well enough to stand there. All platforms were on the left side, so if he stood on the right, he wouldn’t get trampled on by the inevitable horde of clocked-off workers and evening travellers at the next few stops.

One particular matter perked Roxas’ interests in this spot on the train; Fuu, the aloof, silver haired girl who hung around with Seifer’s gang, was standing there by the doors. Never before had he seen her on this train after school. He didn’t know much about her, but he knew enough that she didn’t live so far from school that she needed to get the train back and forth. As far as he knew, he was the only person who didn’t live near Sunset Terrace.

It must have something to do with Seifer. A gang meeting of sorts, perhaps, and an urgent one at that if she didn’t have time to go home and change.

For a while, he simply watched her. She stared off into nowhere, like normal, with a countenance as distant as to where she looked. He kept thinking about the way she was both in and out of school, how she spent time with those other two yet never looked nor acted as if she was on good terms with either of them.

Between them, he and Fuu, there didn’t appear to be any sort of bad blood. At times, it seemed she was more tolerant and considerate to him than her leader. That always made him wonder. Was there some meaning to the few times he thought he caught her glimpsing in his direction, or was it all in his head?

No harm in trying to find out. A bit of friendly banter never killed anyone. Although, saying that, there’s always a first for everything.

Roxas stepped beside her, keeping a hold on the railing running along the ceiling. A moment was spent further admiring her look in the school uniform. Very, if he could bring himself to delve down that route, sexy. All was standard for their school; a sleeveless white blouse, a short yet wide necktie with a blue plait design to match the fashionably short skirt and black slip-on shoes, with the exception to her socks which were thigh-high instead of knee height, but kept to the regulatory navy blue colour. (A/N: in other words, it’s basically the same as the uniform Kairi wears)

The brown school satchel she and all the other students carried was on the floor by her feet. She kept her uniform neat even when off the school premises, unlike Roxas, who had tucked out his short sleeved white shirt, bundled his plait tie into his bag, undone his top button and switched his shoes for trainers.

Roxas put on a smile and, despite the noise caused by the movement of the train, spoke softly.

“Funny how the train only ever leaves on time whenever I happen to be running a bit late. And I nearly lost a leg to the door because of it.”

“Typical,” She said in a monotonous tone of voice.

“How are you, Fuu? Alright?”


“Good, good. Got any plans for the summer holidays?”

She took time to think about it, tilting her head and placing a finger to her lips.

“Indecisive,” She looked at him as a way of rebounding the question back.

“Me? Nothing so far. Parents are away for a month to visit my aunt up north, summer assignments have been issued out which I’ll need to finish… really, I’ve just got to wait and see what happens between then. I might even be spending most of my time down at the usual spot with the guys. Sometimes we just come up with an idea and go with it, leaving the plans aside.”

Fuu was nodding. Roxas didn’t know whether she was listening to what he was saying, or if it was the sway of the carriage. Regardless, he kept up with the conversation.

“So what are you up to at the moment?”


Roxas chuckled. He should have applied more detail to his question if he wanted to avoid an answer that was bleeding obvious.

“I, uh, meant to ask where you were heading off to. Going to see someone down Market Street, or are you jumping off earlier than that?”


Perplexed, his eyebrow twitched.

“Depends? Depends on what?”

There was a long pause. As her face was turned away to look out the window, he could barely make out her reflection. She was looking down, and looking rather… timid.


Realising she was asking him the question, Roxas scratched the back of his neck.

“Uh, Market Street. I get off at the end of the line.”

Another long pause, and then she answered in her usual tone of voice.

“Market Street.”

Before he could make a further inquiry a female, computerised voice called out over the Tannoy.

-The next station is Church Street. Change here for the Downtown Light Monorail to Marketplace and Village Lake, and the Northern Line to Munny Avenue and Financial Square.-

“Uh-oh, I think we better brace ourselves. This next station is one of the busiest ones on the four o’clock line because of the connection to the banking districts. There’s going to be a lot of pushing and shoving, and space is going get tight fairly quickly. All we can hope and pray for is that we don’t get squashed by the crowd of suits.”

Within a few minutes of the announcement, the train stopped beside the platform and, as Roxas had stated, the huge bustling crowd of commuters heading home from work at the banks were all waiting to jump on.

“Sardine time. Well, it was nice knowing you,” He jokingly smiled.

That smiled wavered fast as his brain tried to work out the purpose behind Fuu’s next move. Instead of turning back to look out the window or stepping across to either side for a little bit more room before the human wave, she remained in place and turned to face him directly. In that case, when the other people boarded, they’d be pushed front to front. Was she aware that would happen? Did she clock up an idea that it would be a better issue for safety this way?

No more time was left to keep on wondering about it. A heavy rush hour crowd boarded the carriage, taking up all available space. Roxas and Fuu were literally pushed into the corner from the masses. The only thing he could do to avoid crushing the shorter girl in front of him was to put his arms out on either side of her, hands against the doors, but even then the space was tight.

Fuu had her chin on his shoulder, her left hand against the opposite and her right hand upon his upper arm. Being so close to him like this didn’t change her expression still, not until his knee gently bumped in between her legs, and it became a startled snap of the eyes and mouth along with a surprised gasp.

“Ah, sorry!”

He tried to move his leg after his quick whisper of apology, but more people were still boarding. It pushed him and his knee further in, sliding and pressing more against her. The result of that weren’t what he anticipated, a hefty smack around the chops from her fist, instead something rather more unusual.

Her fingers clutched his uniform shirt tight, and slowly her mouth turned into the side of his neck as she softly moaned.

Roxas blushed to quite a degree. Without moving his head, which he though would cause a disturbance and an unfavourable reaction from the silver haired lass, he tried to get a look around to the other passengers in the cabin. No one had taken notice.

He remained still, and the train departed from the station to continue the rocky ride. By this time he hoped some people would shift so he and Fuu would have more space, therefore ending this rather embarrassing scenario before the discovery was made by her that he had become quite turned on by this. Unfortunately, no such luck for him.

“I-I’ll try again to mo-”

All of Roxas’ thoughts sharply clicked away, leaving him dumfounded and physically paralysed, all on account of Fuu’s next action. Discreet in the manner, Fuu had managed to unzip his trousers and get that single warm hand into his boxer shorts.

Anything that he tried to say came out as a bumbling mess of noises.

Her breathing was soft. With her face still in the side of his neck, she got his erect penis out with the one hand and held it for a moment as if to contemplate the next move. Then it started. One, two, three gentle rubs before she brought her other hand down, and it too rubbed up and down along the shaft in a very soft way, like she was petting an animal. One hand took the top while the other slid beneath, the palms sliding against the skin and the fingers softly caressing.

His mind rolled on and off the tracks. He had enough time to imagine this may be some kind of bizarre dream before it all went to soft cheese again. Why on Earth would this be happening on a train, with all these people around, and with a girl whom he barely even had a complete conversation with?

Roxas winced hard, and sweat rolled down his cheek. Fuu had switched back to one hand, pulled the hem of her skirt up a tad at the same side, and pressed his penis onto the outside of her supple thigh.

The palm of her hand was sticky, coated from a fair amount of precum picked up at the tip. That made the spine tingling sensation all the more intense for him, and far greater than if she were to clutch the whole shaft with a dry hand and tug on it. Having his solid erection compressed and caressed between her moist palm and her supple thigh was heavenly, and without a doubt would have him hitting his limit quicker than it should.

There’s no shame in the admittance that he’d flogged his redwood once in a while to a naughty video that had been in secret circulation around his classroom since the previous Christmas. Everyone was doing it and, even though he wouldn’t admit it, Seifer was sure to be at it too. Roxas had Hayner and Pence to thank for the acquisition of that video. They’re all lads, after all.

And this was far better than doing it himself. The only question begged for, though, was why WAS she doing it for him?

Fuu’s mouth lowered down from his neck, and now her forehead leaned in instead. Her facial expression was a far cry from the norm. She looked tired, shy, and her cheeks burned with heat equal to her hands.

“Huge,” She whispered, commenting on his size.

Questions would have swum through his mind if he could keep his thoughts in order for more than three seconds a turn. Although one of inexperience could have made such a comment, it’s more of a thing to hear from someone who’d had experience and seen them of varying sizes. Would that mean this was happening to him simply because he was here? Would she have done this with anyone else?

Roxas’ body tensed and he bit down on his lower lip. He strained to keep control of his breathing as he let himself go, releasing the load Fuu had sensually rubbed out of him. The whole deposit splashed out in pulses within the confines of her short skirt, creating a mess and stains upon her thigh, buttocks, panties and the inside of the skirt.

Hefty trails run down the outside of her leg, some stopping at the hem of her thigh-high sock and soaking into the material in the same way as with her panties.

Fuu’s hand continued to stroke his still erect penis, but at a slower rate than before. The train had stopped at another station since and, to avoid the gains of any attention, neither said anything nor moved an inch say for her hand. All the passengers shuffled about in the carriage, some getting off and some boarding, but the mass barely changed either way. Once everything was in order there was an announcement over the Tannoy and the train started to run again.

At that time, Fuu let go of his penis and slowly pushed herself away. Mind, there wasn’t much space to go back. Even with her back fully against the door and the glass, the tip of her nose touched his chin. In this close space they looked at each other, countenances both slightly fatigued and lost. Fuu’s one visible eye glimmered with something close to submission, and with that she turned around to face away from a confused looking Roxas.

She looked back over her shoulder. Using her left hand, she raised the hem of her skirt at the back and stretched the material of her panties far across to the other cheek. Even to Roxas, who wasn’t a person to be so quick witted in this kind of scenario, it was evident what she wanted. Three of her fingers spread her left buttock aside, giving view to the place where she wanted him to stick his penis.

He didn’t move a muscle. He stared down at the area in a way that it made it look like his brain had completely deserted his head.

That was why Fuu made the effort. She switched hands so the right kept the area spread, while the left held his shaft and directed it to its destination. A little moan slipped from her lips as the sticky, bulbous head of his penis poked its way into the small hole.

Roxas’ mind snapped back into action, now determined to see this through, and he took over from there. Scooping his hips and pushing them forward, it gradually slipped its way inside. All the sperm he released before helped act as a lubricant to allow more of a smoother sliding motion, but even then it was still a tight fit.

And the rocking movement of the train made this quite an interesting task.

The expressions on Fuu’s face varied. The way her hands waved, pressed against the glass of the door and balled up could have been a signal that she was uncomfortable with this feeling, though when he paused at the thought she brought her hand down to make him keep going.

Her hands, chest and cheek pressed firmly against the door as Roxas pushed against her, and she gasped in a cute, squeaky way. Her profile looked so sweet and innocent it was like she was a whole different person from her monotonous self.

Unable to help it, with a soft expression, Roxas wrapped his arms around her, squeezed her body tight as he leant over her shoulder and nuzzled her other cheek with the tip of his nose.

“What… would you like me… to do?”

Fuu shivered in his arms as he whispered into her ear. Her response to his question was softer, quieter and slower than usual.

“Motion… touch…”

He got the idea for the motion, and gently worked his hips upwards in time with the rock of the carriage for the full effect. He had to be careful not to move too much, for discretion was the main element in this situation. For the touch, he gave it some thought before he was brought back to the start of all of this. Where his knee had landed. That’s what she responded to first, and what she would want to respond to now.

Roxas’ right hand ventured down, scooped the hem of her skirt up at the front, and pressed his fingers into the front of her damp panties. His idea was right on the money. The print of his fingers pressed in, rubbed against her precious area softly, then firmer, and softly again. On the eighth count, he swiped his fingers up and over the waistband and inside her panties to continue.

Fuu’s hand came up to her mouth, where the knuckle of her index finger acted as a muffler to contain any loud noise that could jeopardise their discreet, lewd act.

Nibbling lightly on her ear, Roxas squeezed her tighter. The prints of his index and middle fingers stroked upwards and downwards along her slick lips, while the side edge of his thumb rotated in small circles to ruffle the tuff of hair above. One with a sinister mind would in this situation spend their time dreaming of the colour and tone of her nether region’s hair, whether it would be the same as the silver strands upon her head, but the thought never (and couldn’t) cross Roxas’ mind.

Hooking his hand at the wrist while simultaneously straightening out his middle finger, he poked the tip upwards to the nail inside. Three breaths acted as a short countdown before he sharply thrust it deep inside, all the way to the knuckle, and discovered just how snugly warm, moist and tight it was inside her body on the other side. After a second countdown he added his index finger, but found the effort of trying to get it in as deep as the middle to be a tricky one.

Similar to the way he entered her, Roxas angled his hips and pushed up. In doing so not only did he finally manage to get his penis to lock in all the way to the hilt, he got Fuu to stand up on the tips of her toes, shudder and gurgle in the most erotic way. To follow up, he twisted his fingers inside of her and squeezed her body with his other arm.

In reaction, her anal tract suddenly tightened around his shaft. The effect was the same around his fingers within her vaginal tunnel. Roxas felt the need to release, too, but strived to hold it off for as long as possible. A flood of fluids gushed from her front, into the palm of his hand, cutting his strenuous attempt to avoid doing the same.

Pushing forward and really squashing Fuu between himself and the door, he ejaculated a heavy amount into her. Fuu, still up on her toes, had both hands close to her chest and squeaked out whatever little breath she had left lungs.

Central Station was no more than three minutes away and, remarkably, other commuters still failed to notice what had just happened in the corner of the carriage…

That’s one chapter/intro done.

Roxas discovers why Fuu has such great interest in him, more lemons ensue, and Olette finds out about the liaison, all in the next chapter.