Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Knock ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By, E-307
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. They all belong to Square-Enix. I'm just using them for this little story of mine. Enjoy…
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Usually, it's a good idea to knock before entering a room. It's polite, and it can help keep you out of trouble. Though, sometimes not knocking can be a good thing as well. This was a fact that Sora was about to learn.
The young brunette was running through a hallway in Radiant Garden. He was looking for Leon, and when he was told that the older warrior was in his bedroom, he went running to find him. The keyblade wielder almost tripped as he rounded a corner but caught himself and kept running, eager to see his friend.
After a few more moments of running, Sora found the door he was looking for and a grin spread across his face. He took a moment to catch his breath before turning the knob and pushing his way into the room.
“Hey, Leon! I ju-“ Sora stopped mid word. A crimson blush spread across his face as he surveyed the scene in front of him. Sitting on the edge of Leon's bed with his head thrown back and an expression of ecstasy on his face was a very naked Cloud. Kneeling in front of the bed, the blonde's hard cock still in his mouth, was Leon. The scarred man's eyes were open in shock and looking right at Sora. Cloud slowly looked down at Leon in confusion and then at Sora when he saw where the gunblade user's gaze was pointing.
For several moments, the scene seemed frozen, no one moving and no one making a sound. Leon noticed he still had his lips wrapped around the head of Cloud's member and quickly pulled away. All three tried to say something, but were unable to come up with the correct words. Sora took an unconscious step back, slipping slightly on Leon's discarded jacket. This drew the scarred man's attention downward. A smirk formed on his face when he saw that the front of Sora's pants were tented forward.
The gunblade user nudged Cloud's bare legs gently and gestured towards Sora with his eyes. Cloud looked over in confusion and scanned the teen's form. When he saw the bulge in the brunette's pants, he looked back down at Leon with an arched eyebrow. Leon wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Cloud nodded. Both warriors looked back over at Sora and the youngest warrior finally found his voice.
“Sorry!” he exclaimed and turned to leave. Leon and Cloud both moved across the room quickly, Cloud closing the door and Leon placing his hands on Sora's shoulders. The younger brunette looked up at Leon and offered a weak smile.
“Where're you goin', Sora?” Leon asked, squeezing the teen's shoulders. A clicking sound was heard as Cloud locked the door and took a step closer to the two brunettes.
“You do know what the two of us were doing, right?” the blonde asked. Sora nodded slightly and Leon chuckled. He crouched down so that his mouth was close to Sora's ear.
“Then how'd you like to join us?” The scarred man asked, sliding one of his hands off Sora's shoulder to pat the teen's chest. Sora was stunned, jaw falling open. He glanced at Cloud and the blonde man nodded two sets of blue eyes looked up at Leon. Sora tried to think of the right words to answer, but couldn't find them, ending up just nodding instead. Leon grinned wolfishly and took hold of Sora's chin and tilted the teen's head slightly before swooping in to kiss him.
When the scarred man drew back, he started to direct both Sora and himself towards the bed. Cloud followed behind and took hold of the sides of Leon's pants. Once Sora had been seated on the edge of the bed, Leon turned back to Cloud and the blonde pulled him down for a kiss.
Sora sat on the very edge of the bed, eyes wide and face flushed. He watched as Leon and Cloud began to grind against one another sensually. They moved apart just enough so that Sora could see their tongues rubbing and writhing against one another. Cloud moved his mouth down to nibble along Leon's lower jaw. A groan came from both brunettes as Cloud reached the scarred man's neck. He continued to lick and bite down Leon's body, stopping to suck on each of the man's nipples. When the blonde was on his knees again, hands still on the sides of Leon's pants, Cloud looked over at Sora and smirked.
The teen leaned forward as the pants were pulled down the scarred man's hips, his arousal bobbing upwards. Sora blinked in surprise when he noticed that Leon hadn't been wearing any underwear but his eyes were drawn to the older warrior's erection. It bobbed almost hypnotically as the brunette stepped out of his pants and turned to face Sora completely, Cloud turning as well. The teen was snapped out of his trance when he felt like he was being watched. He looked up to see he was being stared at and edged back slightly.
“Looks like you're a bit overdressed, Sora,” Leon said in a husky tone. Sora looked down at himself and nodded. He was the only one in the room that wasn't naked.
“Let's do something about that,” Cloud said as he reached forward and started to take Sora's shoes off. Socks followed the shoes as they were tossed aside and Leon pushed Sora down onto the bed. Cloud moved up next to the keyblade wielder and Leon began to remove the multiple belts and buckles on Sora's pants. The teen started to reach down to help but his hands were grabbed by Cloud. The blonde man quickly removed the gloves the teen wore and tossed them aside. Sora's pants soon joined them as Leon finally managed to remove them.
“What are these, Sora?” Leon asked in an amused tone. Cloud looked down and smirked, causing an embarrassed blush to spread across Sora's face. Containing the teen's hard member were a pair of black bikini briefs with a silver crown over the crotch.
“I like `em. They're cute,” Cloud commented. Both brunettes looked at him strangely and captured Sora's lips in a kiss. This one was more forceful than the one Leon had given him, Cloud forcing his tongue past the teen's lips to run across his teeth. The youngest warrior moaned into the blonde's mouth when Cloud's tongue began to rub against his own. It occurred to Sora that he could push back and show he was enjoying the kiss as well, but Cloud pulled away. Before Sora could question, his jacket was pushed off and his shirt was yanked over his head.
The teen shivered as the cool metal of his pendant came into contact with his smooth chest and another when fingers hooked in the waistband of his underwear. He looked down at a deviously grinning Leon and the scarred man pulled Sora's underwear off in a swift move.
Sora became very self-conscious as both older warriors scanned his naked form. Cloud was especially pleased, seeing Sora and comparing him to Leon, a man who's body looked similar to what he expected Sora's would look like when the teen matured more. He looked over at Leon and blue eyes met brown eyes. They both nodded, having seemingly read one each other's minds.
“Move farther up on the bed, Sora,” Cloud said, the young warrior complying. Cloud crawled onto the bed and stopped between Sora's legs. Leon walked over to his dresser and retrieved a jar from within the top drawer. He climbed onto the bed behind Cloud just as the blonde man took hold of Sora's arousal. He flashed a smirk at the teen before lowering his head and taking Sora's member into his mouth. The keyblade wielder cried out at the sudden intense pleasure and tried to thrust up farther into the moist heat but Cloud's hands held his hips down.
A chuckle from Leon when unheard as Cloud began to tease Sora with moments of suction and quick licks, driving the teen wild. The scarred man behind Cloud unscrewed the jar he had in his hand and tapped Cloud gently. The blonde looked over and held a hand out. Leon used the substance within to slick three of Cloud's fingers.
“Sora, this might hurt you a bit but just relax and it'll start to feel good,” Leon said as Cloud gently pushed against Sora's opening with one finger. The scarred man waited until Sora calmed enough to nod that he understood before rubbing Cloud's back. The blonde responded by pushing his finger into the teen below him.
Sora began to whimper as the finger was pushed into him. The finger was held still for a few moments, the pain ebbing away as Cloud continued to lick and suck on his hard member. Sora let out a yell of pleasure and pain when the finger started to move in and out of him. When he thought the last of the pain had faded, another finger was pushed into Sora. His eyes had been closed tightly when the finger was pushed in, but he opened them when he felt a hand rubbing his chest and stomach. Leon smiled down at him.
“Relax, Sora. It won't be much longer,” he said. Sora nodded slowly and the scarred warrior patted the teen's smooth stomach. A sudden cry of pleasure came from Sora. Leon looked down and noticed that Cloud had started twisting and bending his fingers inside the keyblade user. The gunblade user smirked when he realized that Cloud must've found Sora's prostate. He unscrewed the lid on the jar he held again and moved behind Cloud. The scarred warrior took hold of Cloud's erection and started to coat it with the substance from the jar.
Cloud paused for a moment, moaning around Sora's member when Leon took hold of him. The blond man returned to the task at hand, adding a third finger to the two already inside of Sora. When Leon playfully slapped his ass, Cloud released Sora's cock from his mouth and removed his fingers from the teen's body.
Sora started to ask what was going on but was silenced by Cloud taking hold of his hips and flipping him over. The blonde proceeded to pull Sora onto his hands and knees as Leon slicked his own member.
“Are you ready, Sora?” Cloud asked the teen as he lined his member up with Sora's opening. The teen nodded and Cloud pushed forward, inching into Sora slowly. When he was fully sheathed within the keyblade wielder, Cloud leaned forward and kissed the back of Sora's neck.
“Are you okay?” he asked, licking the teen's earlobe afterwards.
“Y-yeah…it feels…good,” Sora said between panting gasps. Cloud nodded, rocking his hips slightly and smirking at the shudder it brought out of Sora. Cloud let out a surprised gasp when he felt Leon pushing against his entrance. The blonde looked over his shoulder and Leon leaned down to kiss him. They maintained the kiss as Leon pushed his way into the familiar heat of Cloud's passage. Cloud groaned into Leon's mouth when the gunblade user was all the way in, reveling in the feeling of being filled while filling someone else.
“C'mon! Move…do something!” Sora whined suddenly. Leon let out a laugh and pulled back, bringing Cloud's hips part of the way back with him. He held the blonde's hips still for a moment before thrusting forward, slamming into the man before him and forcing Cloud into Sora. He repeated the action twice more, enjoying the cries of pleasure it caused. After the second thrust, Leon set a more normal pace. It was slightly awkward at first, but once Cloud caught on, they were all in synch. As Leon thrust into Cloud, the blonde thrust into Sora and when Leon pulled back, Cloud pulled back as well.
Cloud and Leon were mostly silent, only the occasional grunt or groan of pleasure coming from them. Sora; however, was quite vocal. The keyblade wielder was moaning and yelling in pleasure. Cloud moved his hands from the teen's hips to his shoulders and altered the angle and strength of his thrusts. Sora let out an especially loud yell and his arms buckled, sending the boy's face to the sheets. Cloud smirked but his attitude didn't stay, Leon pushing Cloud forward and placing his own hands on Sora's shoulders. The change in position caused every one of Leon's thrusts to brush against Cloud's prostate while the blonde's hit Sora's.
Feeling as if both Leon and Cloud were thrusting into him, Sora felt his release approaching quickly. He started to bite his lip to stop yelling, reaching down to grab hold of his dripping erection. He had just started to wrap his fingers around it when Cloud swatted his hand away. Sora whimpered in protest but it became a silent gasp when Cloud started jerk Sora in time with his thrusts into the teen.
Under such treatment, Sora was quickly approaching release. With one hard thrust from Leon, and a cry of pleasure from both Cloud and Sora, the keyblade wielder released on Cloud's hands and the sheets below him. As Sora tightened around him and Leon thrust in again, Cloud released into the teen. The blond fell forward, pressing Sora into the mattress. Leon hissed in pleasure and thrust into Cloud a few more times before coming with a yell. He stopped himself from falling onto Cloud's back and crushing Sora and pulled out of the blonde. He rolled to the side and Cloud slid off of Sora.
The young brunette rolled onto his side and threw his arm over Cloud's side, pulling himself close to the blonde. He nuzzled his face against the blonde warrior's chest and started to drift off. Cloud looked down and the faint blush that had been on his face turned a darker shade of red. Leon let out a breathless laugh and moved closer, pressing his chest to Sora's back. He placed a quick kiss on the top of Sora's head and then another on Cloud's lips.
“Mmm…Leon?” Sora asked, muffled by Cloud's chest.
“Sorry I didn't knock before I came in.”
Both older warriors blinked in surprise and the scarred man shook his head.
“It's alright,” Leon answered. “What did you want when you came in here anyway?”
“I forgot,” Sora said sleepily. Cloud let out half a laugh and shook his head. Leon sighed and ruffled Sora's hair gently.
“It's alright. Remember it later.”
“Okay,” Sora said and drifted off. Leon looked up at Cloud and they shared a quick kiss before resting themselves.