Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kurome ❯ Crazy Sight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.N.: n.n Chapter 1, well technically 2, but the first one was a prologue. I love my vitamin water. My brother got me hooked on it. I like the one which focuses on b+ thiamine. Tastes a bit like oranges and strawberry. Kind of.

Same Ages (Though Sephiroth is still unknown… n_n;)

Disclaimer: I don’t own damn it! #lawyers go away into their gloomy corner#


Crazy Sight

Kagome awoke a few hours later. Kun-Loon was standing above her, worry and concern shining in her eyes brightly.

“Dinner’s ready, Kagome.”

With that message, she went to leave the room, but she paused slightly at the door. When she looked back, Kagome could swear she could see curiosity in her brown eyes.

When the door shut behind the mother, the futuristic miko looked around the room she was in. A bit of dust was her and there, that and it was definitely a girl’s room.

‘Was the girl whose room this was killed? Do I resemble her in anyway? Why is it so dusty?’

Books were on the floor net to the desk. They were about history and in neat rows with a few not. One or two were open to different pages.

A closet door was to the left of the books. It looked to be a small closet, but not super small. A little smaller than average.

On the second wall, next to the closet was a dresser. It was a pine colored one. It had about three drawers and went to Kagome’s thighs.

Across from the closet, at the foot of the bed, was another door. It must lead to the rest of the house.

On the wall next to the door, was a light switch. It was on. The lamp next to the bed, on the nightstand, was off.

On the nightstand, as well, was a small alarm clock. It was magenta in color, except the face was white and the hands were black.

Slate eyes eyed the color scheme of the room. The walls were a peachy-pink color. It was nice in her opinion.

The bed had a light pink comforter on it was nearly-white pink under sheets. The pillows were white however.

The carpet, Kagome noticed, matched the walls. Only it was a bit lighter, by a shade or two. It wasn’t that bad of color scheme.

Standing, the modern miko looked down to her clothes. They were dirty. It didn’t really resemble her school uniform with it’s color.

Kagome needed to change her clothes.

‘Where am I going to find some clothes to wear though? I can’t go through this girl’s clothes…’

But what else was she going to wear? The futuristic miko didn’t want to go down to dinner she was invited to wearing dirty clothes.

At the same time, kagome didn’t want to rummage through the girl’s clothes. It was rude and she would be invading her privacy.

‘I hope this Kagome person can forgive me for wearing her clothes. I don’t want to look like I had a fight with the ground.’

With that, the modern priestess opened the closet. The clothes were nice. She couldn’t really decide.

After a few seconds, Kagome chose a lavender sundress. She put it on the bed and went to the dresser and looked for undergarments.

She picked white ones. They were lighter than the dress and wouldn’t be seen through it like black would.

Changing out of her clothes, the priestess was surprised at how well the clothes fit her. It was almost like…

…they were her clothes.

Shaking her head, Kagome opened the door at the foot of the bed. Where could she put her dirty clothes?

Sighing when she received no answer, the miko walked down the hall. It ended a bit when stairs came into view.

Taking her time, Kagome noticed how wobbly her legs were and how it was a bit hard to walk down them without holding onto the railing.

Nearing the bottom, stormy blue eyes looked at another hallway. Where was the dinning room? She wasn’t going to randomly choose a door….

One door to her right opened. A boy around nine or ten walked out. His soulful brown eyes looked to her for a moment.

“Sis! You’re up and about! Dinner’s ready.”

Kagome nodded. Was she his sister? She couldn’t remember, she couldn’t even remember that woman from earlier.

The young miko walked over to the boy and peered into the room beyond the door. This must be the dinning room.

An old man sat on one side of the table, back facing her. The woman from before sat at the head of the table.

Two sets of food were put out, though the one next to the old man looked like they poked at their food. The one next to the woman was untouched.

Souta watched his sister curiously. Their mother was right. Kagome was acting a bit strange. Had something happened?

He blinked a few times. Had Inuyasha hurt his sister so much her memory went away? His shook his head a bit before smiling.

Her memory would surly come back sooner or later.

“Come on! Sit!”

Souta took the shocked miko’s hand in his smaller one and lead her to the seat next to their mother. Her usual seat.

The young boy walked back to his seat next to their grandfather. The old man was looking at Kagome curiously.

“How have you been, Kagome?”

Blue eyes blinked, curiously. Kagome pointed a finger to herself. When she saw the old man nod, she answered.

“I’m…fine. Ano…who is Kagome?”

Three pairs of eyes blink at the miko in surprise and curiosity. She didn’t even remember her own name?

“You of coarse! What happened to you in Feudal Era?!”

The white haired grandfather’s eyes were wide with shock. Had someone harmed his precious granddaughter?!

Kun-Loon blinked. She was curious to find out some answers, though it might not be the full answer.

Souta stared at Kagome. She really didn’t remember anything. Then why was she mumbling in her sleep when he found her this morning outside?

The modern miko blinked at the attention she was getting. She was Kagome? Then…was that her room up there?

Or a different Kagome’s?

“Uh… lets see. I remember hearing three people talking. One said something about me being thrown away from someone else like a rag doll.”

Kagome explained quietly as she tried her best to remember the exact words or the three people.

Surprise flooded three pairs of eyes. All of them widened, or widened even more. Who would throw her around like she was nothing.

“Who would do that sis?”

“I don’t know, but I woke up with this clutched in my hand, though.”

Kagome brought out the complete Shikon no Tama that was in her left hand. All eyes, except her’s, went to the pink marble.

“Naraku, I take it?”

All eyes went to Kun-Loon. She hand a hand over her mouth. Worry was in her eyes full force now.

“I–I don’t know. Maybe.”

Kagome and Souta’s mother nodded at the answer. She couldn’t remember. Kun-Loon had an inkling that is was Naraku that harmer her daughter.

Putting her hand back on her lap, the mother of two smiled. She didn’t want this conversation to ruin the dinner she made.

“Let’s eat. Shall we?”

All in all, diner was relevantly peaceful.

It was oden tonight.


Kagome sighed. She had volunteered to wash the dishes. It had given her time to think about things.

So she was Kagome. And this Naraku character was the one that threw her away like a rag doll.

Shaking her head lightly, the miko put the clean dishes on the counter in a neat stack. The Shikon jewel in her right hand.

Walking out of the kitchen to the dinning room. She left the dinning room to the small hallway.

There she was down it, the way she had walked down when she first walked down the stairs for dinner.

Kagome came to the entrance of the house. She opened the door and walked outside with no shoes one.

It was a nice night out. It was summer and the night wasn’t as chilly as it would be in spring or fall.

Closing her eyes, she deducted that it was peaceful out. It was a bit noisy, but peaceful. A bit of noise here and there.

But then again, when wasn’t there noise?

‘Around Kikyo. …. Wait. Who is Kikyo? Did I know her before I lost my memories? Was she in them?’

Slate orbs revealed by lids opening. She looked around the shrine. It was peaceful here. Not really any trouble.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Kagome looked to the tall tree. It was next to the house, it’s branches covered a second floor window slightly.

Wait. That was the room she was in! the modern miko blinked. How could she not have noticed that before?

Her feet brought her to the tree on their own accord. There she laid her right hand on the bark of the tree. It was a bit rough, but cool.

Part of the bark was missing. Like something had been pinned there for a while.

Closing her eyes again, Kagome stayed there for a few minutes. Just letting herself calm down and not get a headache.

Reopening her eyes, the miko turned around. Her optical devices widened as she saw two people behind her.

They looked a bit see through and flicked a bit. They weren’t looking around confused, so they must be hallucinations.

One was a tall boy with silver hair that went to his shoulder blades. He had brilliant aqua shown from under silver bangs.

He had a black, sleeveless, zip-up shirt that was under an unzipped white vest that had yellow and blue stripes on the bottom. She caught a coloring of yellow on the inside of said vest.

His pants were baggy and a deep shade of blue. The front pockets were a shade or two lighter.

His shoes looked to be white and a bit gray with a tiny bit of yellow. That must she could see. The rest of his shoes were hidden under his pants.

On his arm was a white arm warmer that went from a bit up his forearm to the middle of the back of his hand. It was on is left arm.

The other boy was bout a head shorter than the first one and a few inches shorted than Kagome.

He had spiky brown hair that went in all directions. His clear, happy blue eyes shined as he happily talked with his friend.

He wore a blue shirt that was under a black jacket. And around his neck was a silver necklace with a crown on it. His gloves were also black.

His pants where black as well with a bit of yellow and red. A touch of blue and silver as well. He had black straps hanging on his pants from his waist.

His shoes were large. They too were black. And also had a touch of red, yellow, blue, and silver.

The duo were talking about something. What it was, Kagome didn’t know. All she could see was their mouths moving.

This continued for a few moments before they stopped and he images faded. The miko blinked, she quietly approached the spot where they were, but could find nothing.

‘It’s like they were never there in the first place. How could that be? Were they just hallucinations or something more?’

Kagome started to feel her skin crawl and quickly made her way inside. She would think about it later.

The miko walked to her room, a bit subdued. She swallowed thickly at the thought of something happening from just seeing the images.

Opening the door to her room, the teenager noted nothing was out of place in it. Giving a sigh of relief, she quickly found some pajamas.

She paused to look at the Shikon jewel. The miko had a feeling she shouldn’t put it down for a second.

Setting her chosen clothes on the bed, Kagome looked around the room for something to put the jewel in.

She put her hands on her hips and pouted. When no other idea came, the miko put it in her bra.

The modern girl took off the dress and noted the jewel was still there. She grinned to no one at her idea. She would tell if someone tried to take it.

Cladding herself in her pajamas, the girl laid down to rest. When her head hit the pillow a thought his her head.

‘Who were those two?’

Scratching on her door made her get up and open it. Outside it was a calico cat. Cool, clover, green eyes looked up at her and then the cat walked to her bed and jumped on it.

Seems she was going to have a guest sleeping with her.


“Inuyasha! Where is Kagome? She has been gone for a day now!”

Said hanyou refused to look at the elderly woman. His amber eyes shown sadness, but contentment at the same time.

“She safe. Kagome is in her own time now.”

Kaede looked down for a moment. So that is where she went. The elderly miko had a feeling that she would return sooner or later.

Shippo sniffed from his spot in the corner of the hut. Kagome left without a word. The least she could’ve done was say goodbye.



Shippo brightened. Even if she left, she left without a word for hope that they would somehow find her in her time!

Kagome lived five hundred years into the future, right? Well, he was a youkai and therefore had an extended life.

The young fox demon was determined. He would grow strong and meet up with Kagome in her time.

He would be her guardian when Inuyasha wasn’t!


Inuyasha walked into the woods. Kaede and the brat weren’t paying attention, so it was easy to slip away.

He needed time to think. He made his choice, but was he really happy with it? The hanyou let out a guff sigh.

Somewhat happy.

The forest brought some tranquility to his troubled mind. Kagome was gone and Kikyo was here.

He ensured Kagome’s happiness and safety, while being able to be with Kikyo. Kagome would understand when her memories return.

Amber eyes looked up as said undead miko’s soul stealers flew by him, a few carrying souls of dead maidens.

His dog ears twitched nervously. Should he tell Kikyo now, or later what his choice was? How would she take it?

Making up his mind, Inuyasha bounded in the direction of Kikyo. A few minutes late and he saw her soul stealers drop the souls to her.

Her eyes were closed. She represented sorrowful tranquility in his deep golden eyes. With her long black hair billowing behind her in the wind.


Deep brown eyes opened and peered into his amber ones. So much sorrow, but not as much as the day before.

“Have you decided?”


The half inu youkai let his bangs cover his eyes for a minute, breaking their staring contest. He looked back up.


Kikyo furrowed her eyebrows and got down from her perch. She walked slowly and silently to the hanyou.

“Are you sure, Inuyasha?”

The revived miko paled either hand on the sides of his face. She made him look her straight in the eye.

“Are you happy with your choice?”

“Kagome’s safe and happy. I’m with you. Of course I’m happy.”

Kikyo nodded after a few seconds and hugged he hanyou. If her reincarnation was happy, he was. Even if it wasn’t with Kagome.

“All right Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha put his hands around the clay body of Kikyo. She lacked warmth, but that didn’t really matter to the hanyou. He was…satisfied with his choice.


S.N.: Not really any Kingdom Hearts people. Only images. n_n; there will be more of them in the next chapter. I promise. This is a bit before the end battle with Xemnas for Sora, Riku, and others. R&R.