Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kurome ❯ Illusion Touch ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.N.: I’m sooo bored! I just started school again and I didn’t even get through 5th period and I got a bad headache! X/ It sucks. Blah, blah, blah. We already know the rules, what to do and what not to do. ¬_¬ #goes to take pain relievers# damn headaches…. Damn new formatted schedules…. Anyway, that was at the beginning of September, it’s like the middle of October. Yeah….

You should know them by now…

Disclaimer: It seems interesting, but I’d be even more bored out of my mind if I did own Kingdom Hearts or Inuyasha… ¬.¬ But I don’t, and I’m still just as bored.


Illusion Touch

A white symbol appeared about four hours later above the cliff in the Dark Depths. The sky was darkened and the ground looked like deep purple. The old, run down castle had the symbol of the Heartless on it.

Lights came down from the symbol in columns. It didn’t take long after they came down to fade, along with the symbol, revealing Sephiroth and Kagome.

Although, one looked a little green at the moment.

Kagome wretched her hand from the one winged man’s as she went into a keeling over position.

She kept her hands, well, one on her stomach and the other over her mouth.

Blue eyes clenched shut as the miko had the urge to vomit what part of dinner that hasn’t digested since last night.

It was almost becoming too much, if it weren’t for the fact she was a priestess, but that didn’t erase the feeling. That and something was contributing to the feeling. It was the lingering darkness of the castle with the black and red symbol on it.

Something about it gave her a bad feeling, giving her a stomach ache and urge to vomit even more. It was almost unbearable, but the sound of footsteps leaving caught what little attention she could give to the sound.

“You will stay here. I have business to attend to.”

The cold voice penetrated her mind, just enough to get though to her. It reminded her of someone, but this had a slight twist to it. Kagome couldn’t put her finger on it, but there definitely was a difference.

She clenched her eyes closed even more. Something was wrong. She tried to make some sound in her throat, but nothing could be heard. What was wrong?!

‘What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I make a sound?! What’s going on?’

Pain wormed its way into her mind, setting her nerves off like they were fireworks. The priestess could feel the pain, but it felt like it was all over her body. Her teeth clamped onto the palm of her hand to silence herself.

It wasn’t working.

The action only caused the skin where she was biting to break and have blood to slightly enter her mouth. The metallic taste was on her tongue and Kagome had a new pain to go along with the one all over her body.

‘Make this stop! I can’t take it. Please! Kami, make the pain go away!’ she pleaded and begged in her mind, but alas, no one could read thoughts. Her voice had left her, so there was no way to voice what was in her mind.

The blood from her hand made its way down her fingers, dripping onto the ground when its trail ended.

Kagome tried to open her eyes, but black spots became apparent and swarmed her vision. She didn’t like this. She remembered one time when she was younger and black spots swarmed her vision. She merely moved too quickly.

But now, she didn’t know what was wrong.

‘What’s wrong with me?’


“Do you think she’ll be all right?”

“She’s still breathing.”

“Does she have any treasure on her? I mean–besides the marble around her neck.”

“Apparently not.”

“Maybe Leon can get her off of the ground.”

“Yeah! …. But who will watch her?”

“I will. Now why don’t you two go get Leon? Hmm?”

“Sure! We’ll be back!”

“Why not?”

With that, two of the three people departed.


“What was is you wanted me to do again?”

Sharp blue eyes looked at the two fairy-like people in front of him. Merlin and the others stood around, listening to the conversation between the three people. Rikku’s blue-green eyes looked at him.

“We want you to help this girl on the ground in the Dark Depths!”

“Her hand’s bleeding,” Paine put in her two sense, “looked like she bit it of something to that extent.”

“And I doubt she’s from this world!”

“Not from this world?” Aerith said, walking forward to the conversing three.

“Yeah! We’ve never seen her around here at all! So either something happened to her world or someone brought her here.”

“She has a pure feeling around her.” Paine put in.

“Pure feeling?”

“Mmhmm. Yuna’s with her right now. I thing the old castle with the sign of the heartless may have bothered her or something. We don’t know.”

The red-eyed female next to her nodded her head, “We could ask her if there are other worlds besides the one the Keyblade wielder has already been to.”

“Yeah! I bet Sora would like that!”

Leon nodded to the two fairy-like people in front of his, then to the people in the room. Rikku squealed and left the room with Paine behind her.

“Any description on this girl?”

“Hm… black hair, light tan complexion, no shoes on, jeans, and a tank top.”

“I’m taking that as you don’t know her name or anything.”

“Take it anyway you want, she was asleep when we found her. Which we already stated Leon.” Paine put in.


“Kagome? Kagome!” Souta cupped his hands to his mouth as he called for his missing sister. She wasn’t on shrine grounds and Hojo had no clue where she was, either.

Chocolate brown eyes looked around his person frantically looking for his sister. But, no such luck was with him today.

‘She has amnesia! What if someone kidnapped her or something! …. No! I won’t think of it like that. Kagome could’ve just have gotten lost on a walk or something. Yeah. Well, there were two black feathers on the ground, but I doubt that has to do with anything.’

The younger Higurashi’s shoulders slumped and his head bowed so his chin just barely touched his chest.

‘Who am I kidding? Who gets lost on a walk when they know the city like the back of their hand? Well, Kagome has amnesia, so that is a factor.’ brown eyes looked up to the sky, ‘I hope she’s all right and will return home.’

Sighing, the young boy left the park he was in to go back home. It was clear his sister wasn’t here.

Souta looked behind him as he left. He could’ve sworn some one was–

The brown-eyed boy was forced backwards onto the ground. Who put the wall there?

He brought a hand up to his face to rub his nose. Man did it hurt. Did a brick wall magically appear to torture him and make him continually run into it?

Opening his closed eyes, Souta looked up to a very tall man compared to his puny stature.

Emotionless, slightly insane, grass green eyes stared back at him.


Leon knelt besides the girl on her side. A hand was by her mouth, clearly bitten enough to make it bleed. A bit of blood was on her mouth and trailing out of it. What would make her in enough pain to inflict more pain on herself?

“See? This girl clearly isn’t from here! I don’t ever seeing someone like her around here at all.”


Paine merely nodded in agreement with Yuna and Rikku.

Prussian blue eyes looked up to the fairy-like trio to his left. A bit of hair fell into his eyes, but he ignored it in favor of looking back at the girl. His eyes spotted something on her person.

“What’s with the pink marble?”

“We don’t know. We were hoping that when she woke up, that she’d tell us herself.”

“What Paine said.”


Leon’s hand came up and lightly fingered the jewel. It radiated power. It was so obvious. Like heartless in a room of white.

The brunette sighed and slid a hand under her neck and another under her knees. He was able to lift her up with not really any trouble. But she wasn’t perfectly light, no one can be that perfect.

Might as well take her to Merlin’s and see I she’ll be all right.


“Inuyasha! Watch out!”

A blue-black-haired girl rain in front of the hanyou trapped against the tree with vines. A sacred arrow aiming for his heart.


A brown-haired male, around Kagome’s age named Akitoki Hojou, through a bundle directly behind the girl. Directly in the path of the arrow.

A beautiful, pink, long, scarf-like material spilled from the cloth it was imprisoned in. It looked like it was meant to be draped over the biceps on a person, or their shoulders.

The lead tip of the arrow snagged the pink cloth right before it entered the back of the raven-haired girl who threw herself in front of the inu hanyou trapped against the tree.

Her stormy gray-blue eyes widened at the pain she experience. But there was one thing that ran through her head before her eyes started to droop.

‘I don’t want to die. I want Inuyasha safe. Please don’t let me die…’

After that, her eyes became hooded before her orbs fully closed and she fell to her left. The scarf-like material around her upper arms.

“Kagome!” two male voices yelled as she descended to the ground.

However, she never made it as her unconscious body was forced to float next to the figure whose mirror repelled her arrow.

Kaguya’s long teal-black hair swayed behind her in a calming wind as she and Kagome, along with her mirror, disappeared to her Dream Castle beyond the Looking Glass.

The vines holding Inuyasha suddenly retracted and he fell to the ground, only to spring back to his feet yelling Kagome’s name.

Hojou stared at where his growing love interest was and disappeared before his eyes. Why would she be kidnapped, along with the celestial robes?


Blue eyes sprang open as the girl sat up into a sitting position. Her heartbeat erratic in her chest. It was another one of those dreams. Like the other she had.

The one with the dog-eared boy around her age. Inuyasha his name was.

A chilling shiver went down her spine and back up it. She didn’t like that feeling. Kagome hoped it would go away soon.

“You will stay here. I have business to attend to.”

‘Will he come back for me? Or is he just dumping me here?’
she sighed, unknowingly catching the other occupant’s attentions, ‘Why am I not surprised if he did just forget about me.’

“I see you’re awake.” a gentle, soft voice stated.

Blue orbs met green jewels.
Kagome lightly blushed at the girl before looking down at her lap in embarrassment.

Another feminine voiced giggled, more like a stifled laughter, floated to her ears. It was a bit louder than the first woman’s soft voice.

A woman with short black hair that framed her face and brightly dark brown eyes came up to the futuristic miko, “I’m Yuffie the world’s greatest ninja!”

Kagome blinked at her before nodding her head.

“I’m Kagome.”

“Hello Kagome. I’m Aerith.” the first woman with the green eyes and hair in a braid came up to the pair. Something about her got the miko’s respect.

The raven-haired girl nodded her head and saw other occupants in the room.

This was going to be a while.


“What do you want with me?!” Souta yelled at the man who dragged him off to who knows where.

The man offered no reply to the young boy. He merely ignored the child in favor of formulating a plan.

“Are you listening?! Answer me!” Kagome’s younger brother was about ready to start biting the hand on his shoulder, if only his head could twist that far to do it.

The man dragging him next to him had them disappear in a few lights.

Souta hadn’t seen the details of how they disappeared in the lights, only that there were lights involved.

“What do you want from me?!” he demanded.

Again, silence was his answer. Only this time, the man’s grass eyes slightly went to the side and glared at him.

The young boy continued to struggle against the hold on his being, and unsurprisingly, was unsuccessful at it.

‘Is this how sis feels whenever she was kidnapped in Feudal Era? It must be. I don’t like this man one bit!’

Brown eyes did their best at glaring, only for it to kind of come out as a pout instead. Hey, he was still a kid!

Fatigue was making him less resistant against the hand on his person.

“She’ll b pleased to see you.”

Chocolate orbs snapped up to the strange man.

“Who?” he asked hopefully, wanting an answer.

But, none came.

‘Aw man! It’s like a repeating cycle. I ask questions and he closes up like a clam shell. Oh joy…’

Souta didn’t even know where they were anymore. Let alone if they were on earth or not.

What a wonderful day.


S.N.: I know! Shorter than the others! But! There is a reason. My muses got into a fight and are now in a glaring contest because of something Rameous did. They kept distracting me. I’m so sorry for the two month or so wait! I hope this will tide people over until the next chapter which I will most likely start writing in m PowerPoint class. R&R!