Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kurome ❯ Returning ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

S.N.: I liked the reviews. n.n I was very happy! Yes, Kagome's dad is a foreigner, I had to put that, my friend gave me that idea.
M J-S K-K: Yup. Yo!
S.N.: Minoru, You are supposed to say the greeting before your answer. -.-; Weird ass…
M J-S K-K: You love me anyway, besides I know. :)
S.N.: I'm going to call you Reverse boy like I get called Random girl.
M J-S K-K: You are? Sure. n.n
S.N.: -.-; #le sigh#
Ages for the main characters are the same, but Kago-chan's dad is younger then her mom.
Disclaimer: Uhh… Minoru would mess it up with even more than my muses (and one happens to be named after him)… so no Kingdom Hearts or Inuyasha. And I do not own the song The Green Fields of France by the Dropkick Murphys, I just listen to it.
Fancy business shoes made little noise as they hit the pavement the man was walking on. Most people paid the man no mind, but a few school girls blushed and giggled when they saw him. And then they chattered and gossiped about the man they just seen.
Oh how do you do, young Willy McBride
Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside
The man in question paid them no mind as he walked to where he was going. He racked his mind to remember where the destination he was going was. A wry smile came onto his tanned face.
His headphones that were in his ear played the song he was listening to softly.
And rest for a while in the warm summer sun
I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done
His business suit coat was slung over one of his shoulders, and he didn't even bother to hold onto it. It was almost like he didn't mind if it had a good chance of falling. The black article of clothing swayed at the end of it that was next to his back as he walked down the sidewalk.
The man's hands were shoved in his pockets of his pants, along with his iPod that was playing his favorite song. His brown leather briefcase was safely tucked under on of his arms. The slightly shiny surface reflected the fading sun that was starting to disappear behind the clouds in the atmosphere.
And I see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
The faint wind played and toyed with the man's mid-back length brown-black hair that was held back with a hair tie. The man's hair had body which constantly looked messy to other people despite his best efforts to make it look presentable.
When you joined the great fallen in 1916
Brown-black bangs hung to one side of his face, but were blown to the other side with the wind. A calloused hand reached up to brush it out of his face and behind his ear. Even then, however, his hair still got into his face.
Well Ihope you died quick
and I hope you died clean
Deep cerulean blue eyes looked up at the sky as he walked. He didn't need to worry about bumping into someone, people moved out of his way, not the other way around. A few people waved to him when he passed a few places he recognized now and then.
Oh Will McBride, was it slow and obscene
He gave the people who waved a nod in return as to not be rude. That satisfied them so they went back to whatever it was that they were doing.
Did they beat the drums slowly
didthey play the fife slowly
The man paused when he was greeted by a large mound of stairs to the left of his person. Familiar red arches hummed softly to him. A few leaves were blown down by the wind onto the stairs.
Sighing happily to himself, the brown-black-haired lawyer headed to the stairs and ascended them slowly. A warm feeling filled his being when he was getting closer to the top of the shrine steps. It seems that he remembered where his destination was after all.
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
The man paused to look over the place he had been forced to leave for so long with the case the judge had given him. He was glad the case had ended and the defendant was found innocent after being wrongly accused.
Did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest
He didn't automatically go to the house on the shrine immediately. He wanted to go through his memories of the shrine first, and then meet with the present. His feet headed in the direction of the Goshinboku tree.
And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind
“Daddy!” a little girl gave a laugh. She had a large smile on her face as she hugged her father around his neck. Her big blue eyes so much like her father's, only with a bit of gray within their depths.
In some loyal heart is your memory enshrined
They had been playing Hide-n-Go seek that day after it had been raining, more like sprinkling. He had pointed out the faint rainbow in the sky to his daughter when she asked what it was.
And though you died back in 1916
tothat loyal heart you're forever nineteen
A drop of rain made the man looked back up at the sky. His loosened tie swished with his stepping back to get a better look at the darkened sky that was still darkening. His ears caught distant thunder in the distance.
More drops fell from the heavens onto the man on the shrine grounds. Blinking his blue orbs, the man mad his way to the well house, seeing how it was closer to his person and the five hundred plus tree. Lightning was seeing lighting the sky as he made his way there.
Or are you a stranger without even a name
foreverenshrined behind some old glass pane
The brown-black-haired man left the door open so the smell of falling rain was allowed in the well house. The inside of it appeared darker than it was because of the darkness outside of the small building.
The man's cerulean eyes looked to the well that was surrounded by the dirt that was uncovered and spared from the cement that was on the shrine grounds. His eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the cover on the well was by the sides of the well, cracked.
He set his coat and briefcase down on the floorboards by the stairs leading down the stairs. His eyes easily caught the worn-walked down path to and from the well. He put that in the back of his mind when he bent down to pick up one of the halves of the well covering.
In an old photograph torn, tattered, and stained
andfaded to yellow in a brown leather frame
“Ch—Charles..?” startled, the brown-black-haired man dropped the piece of the covering and stood up, quickly whirling around to face the person who called out his name.
Deep cerulean met cocoa brown of his wife.
The short-haired woman brought a hand to her mouth as it was agape in shock and surprise. Her eyes reflected that much and a deeply grateful happiness mixed into the feelings. A smile erupted and she dropped her hand to her side as she ran down the steps to her husband's waiting arms. A few happy tears leaked out of her eyes.
Did they beat the drums slowly
Kun-Loon buried her face in her husband's shoulder. It was really him! More tears leaked out of her eyes as her hands gripped at the back of his white button-up shirt (which the top buttons were undone). Her lithe shoulders shook as a few sobs broke out of her mouth and throat.
Did they play the fife slowly
“Your back…” she whispered, mainly to herself, but her husband easily caught it. Despite the fact she came up to his eyes, she was a few years older than he was. Charles didn't care, his wife was back in his arms.
His eyes caught the faint glimpse when the lightning struck of the thin silver necklace he gave her, “You still have the necklace I gave you.”
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
didthe band play the last post and chorus
Kun-Loon stayed in her husband's embrace, but pulled back enough to look him in the eye, “Of course I did. I keep my weeding ring on it. You never know if it might slip off of my finger, so I put it on it.”
Charles smiled happily boyish to his short wife at her answer, “You mean like that one time it fell down the sink pipe and I have to use thread and a fish hook to get it?”
Did the pipers play the flowers in the forest
The mother of two merely shook her head and rested it on her husband's shoulder. She could faintly hear the favorite song of the man who was holding her. His strong heartbeat filled her ears, proving to her that this man was still alive.
The sun shining down on these green fields of France
thewarm wind blows gently and the red poppies dance
A few minutes passed and the couple listened to each other's breathing and the drumming rain outside of the well house where they were. Kun-Loon sighed before closing her eyes, “Kagome has amnesia.”
Charles' heartbeat skipped a beat.
“What?” his question was a whisper, and his head turned down to lock eyes with his wife who picked her head up to look at him. How had his daughter acquired amnesia? Falling down the shrine steps he could imagine, but his daughter had too good of balance to fall down them.
Disbelief covered his blue orbs as he searched his wife's eyes for the answer. Kun-Loon matched his searching eyes evenly.
The trenches have vanished under the plow
She let out a soft sigh and a tired look entered her eyes, “Though it is more of Kagome's story, she's not here to be able to tell you it.” She hung her head when her husband rested his hand on her small shoulder.
No gas, no barbed wire, no guns firing down
buthere in this graveyard that's still “no man's land”
She mad a motion to the well behind them and to the halves of the well cover, “That well…it is a time portal to the Feudal Era. Only Kagome is the one allowed to travel to and from there. Souta tried, but he couldn't pass. Even with the jewel shards…”
“Jewel shards..?”
The countless white crosses in mute witness stand
`Till man's blind indifference to his fellow man
Kun-Loon sighed and looked her husband in the eye, “We better go inside and sit down. It'll be better than out in the well house, Charlie.” Her cocoa eyes locked with his, and it was then, that their daughter has had to do dangerous things. He nodded his head mutely as they made their way to the house on the shrine property.
Charles left his briefcase and business coat where he dropped them to examine the halves of the well cover. He glared back at them weakly, he didn't need to worry about work right now. It had been years since he had seen his family and he would be damned if he was taken from them just as quick again.
Kun-Loon gave a weak smile when she saw her husband glaring at his coat and briefcase in the well house. As much as he loved his profession, he hated it just as much because of how time consuming it was.
And a whole generation were butchered and damned
Charles sighed once he sat on the couch in the living room of the house he had moved into once he married the woman in front of him. She looked so professional sitting there, her dainty hands folded neatly in her lap and a stern look on her face.
Kun-Loon looked up to meet the eyes of her husband. He took that as a sign to put his headphones around his neck, but he didn't pause the song.
Didthey beat the drums slowly
So she told him all his daughter told her when she came back from her adventures. The mother of two started at the beginning, on their daughter's fifteenth birthday to now. All of her daughter's heart problems and hardships spilled from her lips to the ears of her waiting husband.
Did they play the fife slowly
didthey sound the death march as they lowered you down
The short-haired woman kept nothing from the man before her who soaked up the information like a sponge with water. She even told him the story of how the jewel came to be and the tragedy of Inuyasha and Kikyo caused by Naraku.
Did the band play the last post and chorus
didthe pipers play the flowers of the forest
When the tale was done, Charles had his head bent, his bangs covering one side of is face and the shadow obscuring the other. His fingers twitched every so while. The lawyer went to open his mouth to speak but closed it when nothing came out.
A pregnant uncomfortable silence stretched between the married couple.
“And where is Souta…?” his distraught blue orbs stayed locked onto the ground. His mind was reeling from all of the information that was told to him, all about his daughter's second secret life.
Kun-Loon rested her face in her hands, “He hasn't come home yet.” She sobbed a bit into her hands and her husband made no move to comfort her, “I'm such a terrible mother! I-I try, I r-really try…”
And I can't help but wonder oh Willy McBride
Do all those who lie here know why they died
“It's…not your fault. We're both powerless to do anything. Besides…something tells me that they are together.” The brown-black-haired man took his eyes off of the floor to his quietly sobbing wife. He watched as she took her face out of her hands to wipe away her tears.
Kun-Loon hiccupped a bit before nodding her head.
Did you really believe them when they told you the cause
Did you really believe that this war would end wars
“Y—yeah. I…I just get worried, you should know that better than anyone.” She sighed to get her breathing back to normal. She got up from her seat to take a seat next to her husband. It was stressful, wondering constantly when and if Kagome was going to come back from Feudal Era. Thankfully for her, that trip was over.
Now, the one they had to worry about was if their two children were ever going to make it back home.
Well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame
The minutes on the clock ticked away as the two sat side-by-side to one another on the couch. Neither one moved for that amount of time before Charles rested his hand on the smaller one of his wife. He wasn't going to let her go through this alone.
Not anymore she wasn't, and since the judge allowed him a short term leave to spend time with his family, he was going to be behind his wife one hundred percent.
The killing and dying it was all done in vain
“Are Kagome's traveling companions all right or do you not know?” the brown-black-haired man looked over to his wife, attempting to thwart the awkward silence that had settled between the two of them. He saw his wife open her mouth to speak before she closed it to think.
She finally thought of her answer by shaking her head in a negative way, signaling that she didn't know the current health of their daughter's friends.
Oh Willy McBride it all happenedagain
nd again, and again, and again, and again
“Now if demons exist, shouldn't there be some that would live to this time era..?” deep cerulean eyes looked to the gentle cocoa ones of his wife. That had been plaguing him since she first mentioned demons to him.
“They should be… I don't know where they are though. Kagome mentioned that some demons are strong enough to look remotely human, except for hair color, eye color, and etcetera. Maybe they are able to cast spells over themselves to make themselves look human….” Kun-Loon explained it the best she could with her grasp on the concept.
Did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the pipes slowly
Charles nodded, “Then if that is true, then we should have a grown up adopted grandson somewhere in the world. Hopefully somewhere in Japan.” He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of meeting this adoptive grandson of theirs.
The mother of two let a small happy smile on her face grow to show her amusement.
“That would make our parents adoptive great grandparents.” The simple statement made her smile grow even more.
Did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
Buyo walked into the living room and looked at the married couple on the couch before making his way to the man. The fat calico cat made herself comfortable on the lawyer's expensively-clad legs her new bed.
Charles titled his head back to rest on the top of the couch and gave a hearty laugh. It was almost like he never left, except for the fact that his daughter fought demons and was a time traveler.
Did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipers play the flowers in the forest
Reaching into his pocket with his free hand, the lawyer retrieved his iPod and listened as the final note played before pausing it. He made a mental note to charge when he got the chance (and free of the cat on his lap).
Kun-Loon laughed lightly before standing up, “I'll make some dinner. All right? You rest here for now.” With that she left the living room to go to the kitchen to do what she said she was going to do.
“How do you know Sephiroth?!” Leon slammed his hands on the table top, staring at Kagome as she sat in the chair opposite him. Her slate eyes were confused. Those black eyebrows of her furrowed in thought.
“Yes! The silver-haired man with the one black wing!” Prussian blue eyes stared straight into her own as realization filled her orbs. Finally, they were getting somewhere. Souta's chocolate brown eyes looked between the two blue-eyed people in the room.
“Oh. You mean the guy who brought me here. I don't know why I was the one to meet him, but he asked where our world was and I answered and he was curious about the necklace I wear. Then he didn't give much of a choice as he dragged me here and we disappeared in a bunch of bright lights.” Kagome made random movements with her hands, “Then I started to not feel good and my vision then started to fill with black and I bit my hand before I passed out.”
The priestess paused for a breather for a moment.
The raven-haired teenager continued, “Then that was when I woke up and met all of you.” She smiled sweetly at the end of her few sentenced explanation of how she knew Sephiroth.
That was when Souta added his info, “Yeah. He brought me here `cause he said it would make sis happy.”
Leon face-faulted at the tidbit of what Souta said. Sephiroth actual cared for someone else's feelings? Sephiroth and feelings don't belong in the same damn sentence let alone paragraph or BOOK for that matter!
The others in the room, except Kagome and Souta, were thinking along the same lines as what Leon thought. Aerith looked at Kagome quietly while resting her chin in her hand. Why her, why would Sephiroth pick the black-haired priestess of all the people on her world?
“Kagome? Is there something about you that…isn't normal per se?” the soft voice of the gentle woman caught the priestess' attention to her person. Her emerald orbs noted the furrowing of Kagome's eyebrows.
“Yes…why?” her answer was hesitant.
“Could you please tell us? It might allow us be able to understand why Sephiroth would bring you here and why he chose you.” Aerith put her hands in front of her person, palms together.
“Sure. I'm a shrine maiden with the actual powers and such, not like the others who claim to be one. I could tell that this Sephiroth wasn't exactly normal and he said the same thing back to some extent.”
Souta looked up at his sister, why was she spilling this information with them?! …. Well, they don't seem that normal with how they know a man with one wing. His short brown-black hair reflected the dull light that was in the room and at different angles as he looked around the room.
They definitely weren't normal if they know a magician for that matter too.
Souta looked to the blonde man in the room, “What do you do for fun around here?” He was dying of boredom all ready and he was barely here for twenty consecutive minutes. The blonde's blue-brown eyes looked to his chocolate ones.
“It'd be safer if you do something fun inside. We don't need Sephiroth kidnapping you or your sister for that matter.” Cid quirked an eyebrow at the kid's pout. He must not like being cooped up in one place for too long.
He also noticed the sister constantly moving her leg, the same must apply to her as well.
“His name is Cid, Souta. The brunette I was just talking with is Aerith, the other brunette is Leon. The black-haired girl is Yuffie and the magician is Merlin.” Kagome explained to her brother, she didn't need is pointing to them as he talked to them. Souta looked at her and nodded at the introductions to them.
Aerith was still looking at Kagome in thought. She was a priestess? Well, that was new, and maybe she was sensitive to the lingering darkness around the castle with the sign of the Heartless on it. `That must be why she was found passed out in the Dark Depths. The darkness and travel from her world to this must've taken their toll on her body, which in turn caused her to blackout.' The green-eyed girl nodded to herself, she was going to explain this to Leon later.
Now, all she needed to do was find out why she was chosen or if it was a sheer coincidence.
“But who are the fairy people?” Souta questioned as he looked to his sister for an answer. Kagome smiled coyly and gave her answer, “I have no clue.” It was a bit of a comedy moment that Aerith and Yuffie giggled at Kagome face.
Souta sweat dropped in exasperation at his sister's answer.
The aforementioned fairy people flew up to Souta's face, “We are the Gullwings!” They did a short pose with the brunette in the middle, the blonde on her left, and the silver-black-haired one on her right.
The dark one spoke, “Paine. The one with two different eyes is Yuna and the blonde is Rikku.” Souta nodded as he looked over them. Paine had bat wings and a dark wardrobe, Yuna had shorts/half skirt on with s tank top that had a hood attached, and Riku was wearing a bikini tope with a tan skirt and a red-orange scarf.
“Don't worry, you won't have to introduce yourselves. Kagome calling your name gave away what your name was anyway.” Yuna stated, her watcheyes twinkling in amusement at the nine year old boy.
“Riku?” the platinum-haired teenager's mother poked her head into his room after they had dinner and he had done the laundry to find him trying to concentrate on the book he had to read for school, “Honey, why don't you pack your clothes so we can leave in an hour.”
Aquamarine eyes looked over his shoulder from where he was laying on his stomach on his bed, “Why so late?” Riku was confused as to why they would leave so late at night, why not just leave in the morning and pack at night?
“You should realize that you can at least spend time with your cousins by spending the night. My sister won't mind if we come late, in fact she asked us to. You know how Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz get at night. They pull all nighters at the arcade that is open twenty-four seven.” Gray eyes twinkled as she reviewed what she just explained.
So did Riku, `If we go now, we can get there without causing any trouble. With how Kadaj said I was going to be punished and all when I get there. I could get at least some sleep before they come home.'
He quickly glanced at his summer reading book before situating himself so he was sitting up on his bed with his book next to him, “All right.” His mother smiled at the answer before leaving his room to go to her own room to (assumedly) pack her own clothes.
Bending over the edge of his bed, the platinum-haired teen reached under his bed to get out the cloth suitcase he always used when it came to packing clothes he would need for at least a few days to a week and a half. It was a navy color with strips here and there of grayish-silver.
Sighing, Riku brought it onto his bed where he unzipped it and left it open so he could throw clothes onto it and then worry about arranging them in it. Getting off of his bed, the aquamarine-eyed lad went over to his dresser to pick out clothes. Most of his clothes included clones of his usual attire, but not all were. Like his pajamas and his so-called `lazy attire' as his mother dubs it.
Turning around, the platinum-haired teenager came face-to-face with a small pile on his bed, on the cloth suitcase. Sighing and shaking his head, the sixteen year old set to work folding and organizing his clothes in the way he wanted to.
People called him a perfectionist; he called himself bored out of his mind.
Glaring at the now straightened out suitcase that was filled with clothes; he turned to leave his room. Only, he came face-to-face with his toothbrush that was held by his mother. She had a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile to boot.
“I finished packing before you, so I decided to help you out. Oh, and don't forget your mouthwash as well, Riku.” Riku's mother handed both oral healthcare products into her son's hands before leaving his room to go to hers. The door shut quietly behind her, leaving her son to his mind and thoughts.
Shaking his head, the platinum-haired teenager found a small side pocket to put the healthcare products in before he zipped up the navy suitcase and picked it up off of his bed. Picking up a black baseball cap, Riku opened his bedroom door and went down the stairs where his mother was waiting.
Why was he not surprised to find his mother with only a suitcase and her small drawstring purse? Quirking an eyebrow, he voiced his question, “Why is it that when other woman have loads of luggage with them, you only have a suitcase and your purse with you?”
The blonde mother smiled before shrugging her answer to her son, “I don't know. I never was a fan of lugging around more than one thing of luggage with me I guess. It always frustrated my mother who thought I never brought enough with me.”
Smiling, Riku shook his head and head for the door followed by his mother. He opened the door, allowing her to go first before he grabbed the key for the locks in his house and locking the door as he closed it. He twirled it on is finger as he walked behind his mother as they made their way to the only transportation station on the island, the train station.
Riku was happy, the trains weren't like the only at Twilight Town. He didn't know what he would do if they were anything like the orange animosities of the computer-controlled town. He mentally shuddered; the interior never went with the outside. And here, Riku always thought that orange and blue were contrast colors to be NEVER used with one another unless by a professional.
The walk was quiet and the people they did pass either waved or nodded their heads to the mother and son. It wasn't an odd thing to see them going somewhere for a week or two. Riku was thankful for that; he didn't need to feel uncomfortable on top of not being able to meet King Mickey on time.
It took about half an hour of walking to make it to the train station. Aqua eyes looked around, not surprised to see not that many people in the train station. Those who were in the normal-looking train station were either in line for a ticket, waiting for someone, or even waiting for the train to arrive so they could get on.
“No need to worry. I thought ahead of time and bought the tickets when my sister called and invited us over to stay for a week. We just need to wait for the train to come.” His gray-eyes mother said, but as soon as that left her mother a voice over the intercom said that a train had arrived.
Riku's mother checked their tickets, after getting them out of her purse, and nodded her head in the direction of the boarding dock to get on the train. The platinum-haired teen followed his mother to where the train attendant was taking the tickets for passengers getting on that specific train.
She gave him the tickets no problem and the next thing he knew, Riku was putting his and his mother's luggage in the overhead storage compartments that didn't have lids to close; only straps to hold the luggage there.
Looking around, Riku noted that on the bright train, there were scattered passengers on and there looked to be business people. Well, all but a few who stood out like sore thumbs like him and his mother.
A medium length auburn-haired girl with glasses and hazel eyes came over. She was wearing a simple tan tee shirt that had a funny saying on it in brown (I'm not saying you're a dog. Now put on this flea collar and go away.), a long sleeve black shirt on under it, a loose pair of soft denim jeans.
She wore a chain around her neck held closed by a small 20mm padlock. On her right wrist were two watches and on her left were four bracelets and three rubber bands. Riku knew she had a large, thick rubber band on each ankle as well. And on her feet were a simple pair of black skateboarding shoes.
The train jerked, making the girl almost lose her grip on the handles hanging down from the ceiling of the train for passengers who liked to stand or just didn't like to sit. She quickly caught herself however, to save herself from the embarrassment of toppling over.
“Traveling again? Can I call you two nomads?” the girl questioned sarcastically, a teasing smile on her face. Two pairs of eyes looked up at her, and Riku's mother smiled up at the standing girl facing them.
“Hello Atticus. What brought you onto the train at this time of night?” the blonde mother of one questioned to the girl, now named Atticus. Her glasses slipped a bit down her nose before answering, “Nothing really. I just like traveling when it comes to listening to music. It makes my mom mad when I don't get home, though I don't mind.”
Riku shook his head, “You're going to be the death of your mother sooner or later, Atti.”
The girl shrugged her uneven shoulders to her friend, “I don't care. She has my older brother and younger half-sister to baby. I'm just the unwanted middle child that is rebellious to her. And also argues, complains, and refuses to listen to her. Besides, I'm a daddy's girl.”
“Are you going anywhere, or are you on just for the ride?” gray eyes locked with hazel. Atticus looked to the ceiling, tilting her head to the side a bit, her hair moving to show her pierced eight times ear, “Just on for the ride. My boyfriend should be back from walking up and down the other sections soon anyhow.”
“ATTI!!!” the other passengers looked up at the loud, boyish yell that bounced off of the wall of the train. The girl in front of the sitting duo was soon tackled by a black-haired boy around her age. His silver eyes (or should I say eye seeing how his right one was covered by untamed black fringe) looked up at the girl excitedly.
“Atticus, why did you change your name again?” the girl groaned at the answer and slapped her hand to her forehead in exasperation, “Because, I like the name Atticus and who else is going to have that name? Hmm?”
The black-haired teen looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging, he didn't know or he didn't feel like answered. Riku was positive he heard the girl mutter something or other about `lazy-ass boyfriends'.
“I'm going to have to steal her from you, I'm afraid.”
Riku's mother smiled at the boy, “That's all right Seth.”
Atticus took this time to shove something onto Seth's head, which turned out to be a headband with black cat ears glued onto it. She smiled at the sitting mother and son before saying something to Riku, “Don't worry, Ku-chan, you'll find someone who completes you so much you wouldn't even think of life without them. Who knows, they might not be of this world.”
That was all she could say before Seth grabbed her wrist and forced her onto another section of the train, but that didn't stop her from waving however, because that is what she did as she was dragged away by her boyfriend of two years.
Aquamarine eyes watched as the door closed behind a good friend of his. Atticus was a girl who listened to everyone's problems and never told a soul what was told to her. Maybe that was why she is on meds? The responsibility must've gotten the best of her and was eating away at her insides.
He never wanted to force her to listen to his problems, but she one the only person he could trust with his secrets. Atticus would sooner forget what was told to her than let them spill from her lips. She stayed bound to her word, but never her promises.
“We still have a few hours to go before we get to my sister's house. You don't have to stay here. You can go seek them out if you want, Riku.” His mother told her son in an understanding tone.
“No thanks. They might want some alone time as Seth puts it. Besides, I want a bit of sleep before we arrive at our destination.” The platinum-haired teen yawned to himself and leaned beck, crossing his legs at the ankle and pulling his black down to cover his eyes from the bright lights on the train.
Riku's mother smiled and shook her head at her son. She didn't need much sleep to get through the day. While infants usually got twenty hours of sleep, she only got six. She never knew why, but she was always an early bird as a baby.
Now, the only time she gets sleep is if she really needs it because then she would take a sleeping pill to get about thirteen hours of sleep. And that would only happen when she didn't have to work.
A soft snore from next to her alerted the mother of one that her sixteen year old son was fast asleep. The blonde woman shook her head and looked at the sea and the few tops of buildings they passed on the train.
“He asleep?” gray eyes to see Seth standing in front of her. She gave the fifteen year old boy a nod, and was surprised to see him reach in his pocket to withdraw something from its contents.
“Atticus, seeing how she is a year older than me and knows Riku a year more than me, suggested that we get him a necklace meant for two people to share.” He dangled the chain in front of the gray-eyed blonde; it was a heart with wings split in half. The metal looked to be iron, but it was a darker-than-normal silver.
It had some text on it, but the mother wasn't in the mood to read it. Extending her hand, she took the accessory form the headband-wearing boy only to see him smile and wave as he walked away to get back to his girlfriend.
Smiling, Riku's mother opened her purse and set the two necklaces in there, making a mental note to give them to Riku when he awoke when they reached their destination. The blonde-haired woman softly shook her head before resuming to look out on of the many windows on the train so she could watch the scenery pass.
She only hoped her son would find a nice person to love.
S.N.: O.o I never thought that chapter would ever end! Oh and for those who want to see what Seth looks like; go to my bio page, find Info On My Muses and click the name Seth. It should be the third name down, or second name going up.
M J-S K-K: I like going up. And the chapter ended! Yay! :)
S.N.: Shut it Reverse boy!
M J-S K-K: Read and review! Yes I am. :D