Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Lion and Blade ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
May as well try one of these things out. Never really done much in terms of video game Fanfics but why not. Seems something perked my interest about doing a Leon and Sora fic so here goes. Also Final Fantasy and Kingdom hearts are games of Square Enix. And any Disney characters mentioned belong to well Disney. Also in kingdom heart 2 when you get to Atlantica, be prepared for a nice surprise. I.E a habit is a nun’s outfit.

Chapter 1

“I now pronounce you Sir Sora the Benevolent.” The audience chamber erupted into applause as King Mickey raised his Keyblade. Smiling at Sora he then turned to Leon announcing, “And to I grant the title Sir Leon the Courageous.” Upon knighting the final member in the line, Mickey went back to his throne telling them, “Rise now, Knights of Twilight.” Sora, Leon, Riku, Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie, and Tifa all stood and turned to the group of knights and citizens from all across the Disney Universe.

Seeing his friends, Simba and his all those from the Pride Lands gave loud roars forcing everybody to clap their hands to their ears. When the echoes died, the crowd all saluted the newly formed knight squadron. Not sure of what to do, the group performed Leon’s signature salute and then bowed to the gathered people. Their journeys against the Heartless and Nobodies had finally ended, and after a brief vacation, they would begin their duties as guardians of King Mickey’s realm.

With the ceremony over, Mickey clapped his hands loudly materializing tables of different heights and sizes bearing mountains of food. The king told everyone to dig in before jumping off his throne past the group to get his fill. The seven guards all chuckled to themselves going down the stairs to the table. Grabbing a plate, Sora was about to get some food when his mother appeared hugging him to the point of suffocation. Gasping out his need, the woman backed away and straightened his new uniform telling him, “I’m so proud of you. Your father would be too if he was still alive.”

Scratching his head the eighteen-year-old gave his patented smile saying to her, “Just don’t ask to go to the Pride Lands with me or else you’ll find your son turned into a lion.” Simba asked from his spot near Will Turner asking if that was to be an insult. Giving the pride leader a thumbs up, Sora told him, “Nope! But remember we still have to settle the score on who’s a better hunter.” Being asked if her son had chased down and killed animals, Sora shook his head, “No, we have Pumbaa run and hide then we see who can find him the quickest.”

Hearing about the transformations, Leon walked over asking, “Do you think these clothes will allow the rest of us to partake in such activities?” Laughing, Sora told him that since the three fairies had made them, the possibilities were endless. Taking a sip of wine, Leon looked over to where the rest of the group was sitting while wondering aloud, “I wonder what we’d all turn into if we traveled to those worlds.” Looking at his pendant he added, “More than likely I’ll turn into a lion.”

“Should it be possible we can continue adding new events to our list of contests.” Coming up behind the duo, Cloud took drink, swished the liquid around, and then handed it to one of the broom house keepers. Crossing his arms, he made a comment about the new outfit he had received earlier that day telling them, “I bet you’d probably turn into that stinking pig we have wandering around here.” Pumbaa got to his hind legs shouting about somebody saying the word pig, leading him to knock down three people as he interrogated the unsuspecting guests.

The outfits that had been made shared similar powers to the ones Sora obtained after he’d woken up from his year long sleep. His had remained almost the same, but instead of parachute like pants, the fairies had given him a more sophisticated look. His shoes weren’t the clown ones he’d worn for most of his life, and the pants, while loose, had been made to be more form fitting and combat friendly. It was the same mix of black and yellow, but had a crown shaped emblem on it’ back to go with his pendant. The suit was due for a refit since he’d grown about seven inches and bulked up a bit from all his adventures. Still he was the same goofball, overly trusting hero they’d all come to love.

Leon’s outfit was almost an exact replica of his day to day clothes. Under his new jacket, which went down to his waist, he had on a black tee-shirt bearing a giant lion head since he’d lost his necklace during one of the final battles. The sleeves were still short on the jacket and his usual leather belts and arm straps still adorned his arms. His gunblade had a sheath built into the back of his pants for when they were out on missions.

For Cloud and Tifa, the fairies had a tough time figuring out what to do with them. Finally after many hours of arguing, the gave Tifa a new set of gloves with metal knuckles to protect her hand, while turning the rest of the outfit into a padded leather combat outfit equipped with steel toed boots and pouches for extra gloves. Cloud’s improvements weren’t as heavy, the fairies cut the half leather coat he wore to half it’s length leaving it above his waist and more like a second skin than an add-on. The silver wolfs head still adorned his left shoulder, and had also been embroidered into the back of his shirt. To finish off ensemble, the fairies had silver flames rising up his pant legs and gave the wolf’s head one wing on the right side as a symbol of all he’d had to overcome.

With Yuffie’s they decided was nearly perfect. All good fairies did was add on some sleeves to her vest, lengthen the pants a bit more and threw in some mythril shin guards to go with the bracers they’d given her. Aeirth’s uniform resembled that of a nun’s habit, except pink, a little tighter, and no hood. The outfit had been made upon special request by the girl so that she wouldn’t be barraged with magic as the fairies fought over what looked best on her. She knew what she liked, and nobody was going to say any different.

Riku had gone the high road and picked to keep his normal outfit, only difference was he’d requested the jacket he’d worn while being with Organization XIII. Nobody questioned it, nobody even wanted to know. As far as they knew, he just liked it, and if they went to Mulan’s world, he’d need it. He’d spent much of his time helping repair the worlds after the all the wars were over and done with. Trust had been earned, but he was toeing the line carefully with what he chose to do.

Hearing about challenges, Riku showed up with a grin asking, “So what’s the first place we go to? Pride Lands, Atlantica? I’d like to see Cloud turn into that octopus hag you had to fight.” Dodging a fist, Riku locked hands with Cloud beginning an old fashion battle of strength. Pushing back, the platinum haired boy forced the blonde back a few inches before getting pushed back a far distance. Grunting, Riku gave a burst of strength only to have his legs kicked out from under him. Cloud stumbled back, falling onto his posterior with a grunt of pain. Rubbing his back side he looked up at Tifa with her arms crossed and her foot tapping.

Shaking his head, Riku rub his forehead asking, “Is it a draw?” Cloud gave an affirmative answer while Micky shook his head from the sidelines. Kairi appeared next to Riku asking if he was all right. Giving her his patented smirk, Riku got to his feet so that he could get back to his food. Cloud on the other hand left the hall followed by Tifa and Aerith. Everybody else forgot about the small fight and went back to the party as if nothing happened.

Watching Riku and Kairi, Sora felt a strong pain go into his heart as watched his to friends smile and feed each other. Since he’d traveled with Donald and Goofy during the quest, Kairi and Riku teamed up together fighting side by side. That had lead to her feelings toward Sora changing from a budding romance to a full friendship. After seeing them together for the first time in Halloween Town his heart had been torn asunder. Taking the Gummy Ship, Sora made his way to Twilight Town in hopes of forgetting about what he’d seen. Yet the sight of Riku as a mini Jack Skellington and Kairi a surprisingly cute witch continuously filled his thoughts.

Purchasing a Sea-Salt Ice Cream Bar on his arrival, Sora climbed up the train station and sat on the ledge eating alone until Hayner, Olette, and Pence showed up with their own bars. Holding up his bar, Sora asked them to sit down and enjoy the sunset. When asked why he was up on the station eating ice cream, Sora told all of them, “It’s Roxas speaking to me. He said that when he was in the other realm he’d come up here with you guys and relax.”

Nibbling on her ice cream, Olette asked, “I bet he’d fit right in around her without any trying.” The three guys laughed out loud asking if Seifer would enjoy having another rival besides him and Leon. Tossing her stick away, Olette said, “Since he got that gunblade, I think he’s itching for more fights than ever. Lucky for us he’s taken to only using it when he fights you two. I wouldn’t like to see what he’d do to Leon now that he’s got that thing back.” The group gave a unified agreement concerning the series of fights that happened after Leon had visited Twilight Town for the first time.

After the their adventure finished a few months ago, Leon had gone to the town looking for some clues as to what happened to his real home world. Thinking there was a clue in Ansem’s computer, Leon headed toward the mansion through the Sandlot when Seifer shouted, “So you’re actually alive!” Jumping down from a rooftop, Seifer lunged at Leon with his sword nearly slicing a new scar into the brunets face. After Leon had dodged the attack, Seifer stood with his sword tip aimed at Leon’s heart as he asked, “What the hell are you doing here, Squall?”

Pulling out his own gunblade Leon rushed forward without word only to have his attack blocked by his rival. Skidding away from Seifer, Leon regained his composure telling Seifer, “I’ve come to see if that mansion has any information on our home world.” He rushed again only to have Seifer’s sword meet his own beginning a struggle of strength. Grunting as the metal began to heat up, Leon asked, “What are you doing here? You look a bit younger than you should.” Knocking the blades away Leon sent a kick to Seifer’s stomach and knocked the blade from his hand.

Moving into a defensive posture, Seifer was prepared to dodge the next blow only to not have it come at him. He saw Leon put the gunblade back into it’s sheath as he again asked why Seifer was in this particular town. Walking over to his gunblade, Seifer put it back inside his jacket saying, “After it was destroyed, I was sent to this town along with Fujin, Raijin, and a little kid named Vivi. We reformed the committee, but we were also in fifteen year old bodies and without the weapons we’d spent our lives training with.” The metal of his blade glistened from inside his jacket as he walked toward Leon.

“Since we were hear, we decided to go with the town traditions and do the best we could with what we were given.” Pointing to the bats that were used in the struggle he added, “Not that those things were any help to an actual gunblade user, a chakram fighter, a brawler, and a black mage.” Crossing his arms Seifer looked to the sky telling Leon, “I also heard you changed your name. Might as well since for all we know our world is destroyed.” Turning around with a swish of his jacket, Seifer walked off with his arm raised in farewell as he disappeared into a back alley.

Sora listened as Olette finished what Seifer had told her what happened when he met Leon. Chewing on the end of his stick he got up asking, “So what would you guys do if you found out that a girl who you were in love with and also loved you back ended up with your best friend?” At the question Pence nearly fell off the tower while Hayner chocked on his ice cream, and Olette just gave a sad sigh at hearing the news. Laughing at them he said, “I just saw them together Halloween Town. Guess deciding not to bring Kairi with me blew up in my face.” They all said that they were sorry about the news, but Sora just laughed, “It’s my own fault. The adventures are over, and while we were on our own missions, Riku and Kairi were together. So, I guess...”

As he trailed off, Donald shouted up, “Sora!” The teen stared down finding the duck and Goofy waving up at him. Looking over he saw Kairi and Riku standing against the rail worried about what he might do. Telling his friends goodbye, Sora jumped from the building making all of his friends scream in horror thinking about what he was about to do. His face five feet from the ground, he activated his “Glide,” ability, floating safely to the ground. Rushing up, Donald started beating him with his Meteor Staff shouting, “That was not funny!”

“Gawrsh, Donald’s right Sora, we thought you’d end up pushing up daisies.” Staring over at Riku and Kairi the dog then said, “They were a bit worried about you as well. We all thought you’d gone to the castle, but Chip and Dale said you were here so we came to fetch ya cuz the king had something to tell all of us.” When Sora apologized, Goofy chuckled telling him, “It’s okay, we’ve done even more dangerous things than that. Like when we went fought that giant devil that was coming out of the volcano.” Donald and Goofy started chatting about their adventures leaving Sora to his friends.

Walking up to his friend, Riku stuttered, “Sora...i...we...,” giving a heavy sigh the teen told his friend, “We didn’t plan for this to happen. It’s just one of those things where when you share certain types of experiences that you can’t help it.” Getting to his knees Riku put his head to the ground asking, “Can you forgive me? I was always jealous of you, but that had nothing to do with this. You’re my friend and I won’t feel right about this if you can’t forgive me.”

Disturbed by the sight, Sora got down to his knees and punched Riku upside his head. The collective voices of his friends shouting at him, Sora told them all to be quiet adding shortly after, “It was for him turning into such a sap.” Looking up, Riku could see a smile put onto his friends face. It was a sad one, but he could tell Sora was going to be sad for a long time about losing Kairi to Riku. Giving Kairi another smile he said, “At least we can still be friends right?” Kairi ran up and hugged Sora telling him that she loved him. Hugging his best friend, Sora said to her, “Don’t let him hear you or he may have to kick my butt.”

Getting up, Riku clapped Sora’s shoulder while Kairi said, “The king wants us all to appear at the castle. He said that he’s forming some new guard and wants all of us to become a part of it.” When he asked what Kairi’s job would be she giggled telling him, “I’m going to give you guys missions since I’m not really all for fighting. But that doesn’t make me your boss. I just tell you where you’re needed to go.” Stepping back from her friend, Kairi said, “Thanks.”

That all happened a few weeks ago, now here he stood with a plate of food, and his fellow guards chatting up a storm about what they would do during their time off. Yuffie said she’d be heading out on a material mission to see if she could have the Moogles make her a stronger weapon. Aerith said that she would join her, but Cloud had other plans in mind. Since he had defeated Sephiroth, the blonde was making up for all the time he lost living in the past. Tifa, well Tifa had found a few friends in Olympus and would be meeting them there to participate in a few more matches in The Colesium.

Hearing this Sora asked, “Trying to break my records?” Holding up a gloved fist, Tifa asked if he wanted to have a go. Summoning Fenrir, Sora was prepared to fight when a voice said that it was too dangerous with all the people around. Glancing over at Simba, Sora put his blade away telling the lion, “The second trip on a Gummy Ship is better than the first.” The lion prayed that his friend was right, as he couldn’t handle his daughter getting sick again in midflight along with Pumbaa.

For the ceremony, King Mickey had a fleet of Gummy Ships assembled so that all their friends could come and see their new protectors. Although Ariel and Erice were the only ones from Atlantica to show, Triton and the others sent Sora, Goofy, Donald, and all the others gifts of thanks for defending them. The best present from that land went to Aerith though. While the others received chests of gold, Aerith was given as staff that increased her healing powers to a level she’d never reached. It was gold and encrusted with gems and runes that was the envy of most of the kingdom. But with Cloud at her side, nobody dared to steal it.

Setting down his plate, Sora went over to a few of his friends when Leon appeared next to him. Tapping the kids shoulder the scarred figure asked, “Think we should head out with Tifa after we rest up at home? I want to see if I can wrestle a few of those trophies from you.” Hearing the possibility of a new tournament arising, the clicking of goat hooves came as Phil asked if they’d be interested in giving him time to create a new Cup tournament. Straightening his hair, Leon asked, “Only if it’s all right with the reigning champion.”

Crossing his arms, Sora nodded telling the satyr, “Go ahead and get some new opponents ready Phil. Because your stadium’ll need them.” Jumping up and cheering, Phil ran up to Mickey asking if he could have someone fly him back home. Watching the king leave with the goat-man, Sora saw Some of his old friends appear saying that they’d be fighting to. Jack, Simba, Hercules, Mulan, and the others all said that they’d be joining in.

However Captain Sparrow held up his arms saying, “No matter how intrigued I am about duels where I could get blugeoned to death. I have a ship back home and a crew that needs a leader.” Holding up his hat he placed it across his heart as he announced, “Captain Jack Sparrow is no coward. But, a pirate’s goal is to live, rape, murder, pillage, and plunder. Not have their faces bashed in by brutes, savvy?”

Taking offense to the brute remark, Hercules reached out and grabbed the captain and got him into a head lock saying, “When you lose your wounds are healed and you don’t die.” Rubbing his fist into the pirates head he said, “But, if you don’t want to fight a couple of brutes, I’m sure Hades’ dog will be happy enough to fight you.” The group all laughed as Jack broke out of the demi-gods grip and gasped for air.

Holding up his hand he heard a whistle and bowed out, “My dear lads, lasses, lords, and dames. I must take my leave of you. But, remember that should you require the help of a master pirate. I will be there for the right price.” Putting his hat on, the man walked out of the hall leaving without another word.

Scratching his bony finger along his chin, Jack asked Sora, “What an intriguing man. I wonder if he has ever thought of using that boat to scare children or deliver presents.” Catching what the skeleton was saying, Sora told him that Sparrow was a pirate meaning he scared plenty of people, but took all of their belongings in the process. Clapping his hands, the skeleton told his friend, “I must tell Sandy Claws about him when I return. Although I’m sure he’s already aware of what kind of man Mr. Sparrow is.” With that statement made however, a few of the royal guard busted in shouting that some of the royal treasure had just been stolen making everybody who’d just seen Jack Sparrow leave fall to the ground in shock.
Leaving the castle a couple of days later. Sora, Riku, and Kairi boarded their ship headed to the Destiny Isles. In the middle of loading the last of his mother’s luggage, Sora saw Leon coming up to the ship with a rucksack strapped to his back. Handing the last bag to Riku, Sora hopped down from the ship asking, “Where you headed off to Leon?” Stopping at the entrance to the door leading into the castle, Leon said that he’d be staying at the castle until they were to meet at the Collesium. Scratching his head, Sora told him, “We can take you with us. We have plenty of room in the ship and I don’t think Mom would mind putting you up for a while.”

Sticking her head out the door, Elizabeth saw Leon’s menial posessions saying, “It’s no bother, the house has been empty for so long that I wouldn’t mind having you stay in the extra bedroom.” Leon waved it away telling them that he’d rather stay at the castle and not impose on them. Starting to walk up the stairs, Kairi jumped off the ship and grabbed him by the arm begging him to at least see their home. “I think she wants you to come with us.”

Seeing the begging look in her eyes Leon groaned telling them, “I hate it when women do this to me.” Allowing her to pull him up onto the ship, Leon took a seat in the back near a window while Riku and Sora began to power up the ship. Fastening his seatbelt, Leon looked to Kairi saying, “You’re lucky I’m a sucker for whining women.” Sticking her tongue out at him, Kairi flipped open a book as Elizabeth started sewing up some pants. When they were away from the castle, Leon tilted his seat back and went to sleep.

After Leon and the girls fell asleep, Riku looked to Sora asking once again, “Are you sure that you’re okay with me and Kairi?” Checking some of the ship diagnostics, Sora told Riku that he was still angry at them, but he was slowly getting over it. Feeling bad about it, Riku told him, “I don’t blame you. If I was in your shoes I’d have beaten me to a pulp if I saw her fall for someone else.” Summoning his blade Riku stared at it saying, “Jealousy is a pretty ugly thing.”

Chuckling, Sora told him to put away the blade grunting, “It sure is, and sorry about the whole jumping off of the clock tower thing. I guess that was a bit more severe than you to two going out.” Feeling a smack to his head from the blunt side of Riku’s sword, Sora rubbed the spot hissing out, “I know I desereved it but did you need to hit that hard?” Looking at his hand to check for blood, Sora went back to checking the map announcing, “Wake up we’re nearly home!”

Elizabeth and Kairi both shook from their slumber yawning and rubbing their eyes at the sight of their home world. Leon however remained asleep until the ship bumped so violently that it nearly pulled him out of his seatbelt. His head hitting the side panel, Leon sat up quickly shouting at Riku for piloting so badly. Staring back at Leon, RIku told him, “Next time sit your seat up instead of leaning it back all the way!”

Setting his seat up Leon nursed the throbbing spot on his head as a headache began forming. The ship was parked in a designated area that had been built especially for Sora and his friends. IT was a bit off to the side of the island so that it didn’t look too out of place. Finding the mayor in a large boat waving at them, Kairi rushed out to hug her father as Elizabeth and the men unloaded the five bags from the ship. Smelling the salt water and seeing the beach, Leon’s heart pulsed painfully at the sight. His memory was filled with all of his old friends hanging around the beach at the orphanage and near Garden.

Keeping to the ship, Leon watched the reunion without saying a word. The mayor spotting him at the ships entrance, he walked up his hand extended saying, “Name’s Isaac,” as Leon shook his hand he laughed, “Hell of a grip you have there. Might I get your name?” When they were introduced, Isaacs eyes bulged. “Leon,” he repeated, “well welcome to our home. Kids have talked a lot about you and the others. Hope you enjoy our little island chain.”
“I’m sure I will. And if you need me I will be staying with Sora and Elizabeth.” Nodding, Isaac helped them all into the boat taking them to the island port where a few of their friends were waiting. Upon seeing Leon, Selphie stopped her jumping and started to cry. Smiling a bit at her, he put a hand on her head telling her, “It’s been a while hasn’t it?” The girl nodded and jumped into his arms hugging him as he stood there patting her head gently. “Come on we’re both members of SeeD.”

Wiping her tears she said, “Not anymore, but I have been keeping up with my magic and all the other things. But, without the GF’s I was able to regain all my lost memories.” Looking at everyone she said, “We’re finally all back together.” She then proceeded to hug them all in turn with an equal amount of tears in her eyes. The hugs done, she asked Isaac to tell her family she would be spending time at Sora’s and wouldn’t be home until late.

Going their separate ways, Riku headed home to his family, Kairi went with her father, while Sora and his companions made their way to the small house he’d grown up in. Walking along the beach front sidewalks, Selphie and Leon spent time talking about what they had done after their world was destroyed. To Leon’s surprise, Selphie’s family had been transported to this world and she grew up on the islands with very few memories of their home world.

Arriving at Sora’s, Leon voiced that it looked like a nice place to live. Opening the door, Sora told him, “It’s home, and we there’s a nice few of our special island from each window at the back of the house.” When they went into the house, Elizabeth led Leon this his room as Selphie began bombarding Sora with questions. Covering his ears, Sora told her, “Ask him yourself. But right now, I’m going to go and shower.” He then proceeded to walk past Leon and his mother telling them he’ll be busy for a little while.

Telling him not to use up all the hot water, Elizabeth told Leon to make himself at home while she made some dinner. Sitting down on the couch, Leon had the petite frame of Selphie jump onto his lap. Grunting at her weight, Leon asked, “Are you sure that you’re keeping up with all your SeeD training. You seem a bit heavier than you used to.” He then proceeded to have his head pummled by the tiny girl. Stopping her arms he told her, “I can’t believe after all this time my telling a joke is still unacceptable.”

Ceasing her beating, Selphie still gave him one last slap before shouting at him, “How dare you tell me that I’m fat!” Hearing the fight, Elizabeth told Selphie that Leon said no such thing and that she should calm down or else go home. Huffing, the girl told her friend, “Say something like that and I’ll string you up from a roof.” Moments later, Sora came out drying his hair asking what all the fuss was about. “Nothing, just Squall being a big jerk.” She was then corrected and dropped onto the floor as Leon excused himself to go and get some air.

Minutes later, Sora came out with a couple of sodas. Handing one to his friend he said, “She didn’t mean anything by that.” Sipping lightly at the drink stood in silence as Leon kept his drink unopened. Sighing, SOra stared out at the ocean asking, “What do you thinks going to happen to us during these missions? I mean the Heartless aren’t as numerous as they used to be, and the Nobodies are almost gone. So what else is there for us to do?”

Popping open his drink, Leon drained it in a matter of gulps and crushed it in his hand. Keeping his eyes set on the sunset, he told the young man, “Life’s not about knowing what will happen. We just have to continue living and take the events as they happen.” Turning to his friend he asked, “You sure you’re up for this Sir Sora?” Both locked eyes and started to laugh at the fact they’d all been given titles and been knighted. At the word of his mother, Sora and Leon headed in to a nice dinner and the start of a few weeks of relaxation.