Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Mate Series Side Stories ❯ Secrets ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mate Series Side Story One

Long sighs and short panted breaths filled the small bedroom as two bodies moved in unison, performing a heated dance all their own. The blond writhed in delicious pleasure beneath the shaggy haired brunette and moaned, arching and pressing every amount of exposed skin to that broad chest. With a shuddering release, they both reached their climax, sweaty. The brunette wrapped his arms around the blond and stroked back his spiked locks.

That was only the first of such encounters between Squall Leonhart, or better known as Leon, and Cloud Strife. It all started back in their childhood when the blond first met the brunette at age three, the other being four. At age ten Cloud's parents announced to him and the pack that he was chosen to mate with a tomboyish little girl named Tifa Lockhart. To say the least, Cloud wasn't pleased.

The next three years were spent in complete agony. Tifa took it upon herself to be Cloud's keeper, watching him silently and chasing away anyone who posed a threat to what she thought was a budding relationship. At the age of thirteen Cloud came to the conclusion that he didn't want to mate with Tifa and that his best friend Leon was the one that he wanted. The next year he spent every waking moment with Leon, who Tifa tried fruitlessly to scare away. Then on the eve of Leon's fifteenth birthday Laguna told Leon that he was promised to Sora Strife. This was a shock to everyone, since they were sure that young Squall would be promised to Rinoa Heartilly, upon further explanation Laguna revealed that an accident of her youth had left her infertile and thus unsuitable for the son of the alpha male.

Cloud couldn't help the burning hate he felt for eleven year old Sora. The following two years the blond felt that the older teen was drawing away from him in favor of his younger brother and in an act of desperation confessed.

"I like you!" Were his hurried words. He couldn't meet the stormy gaze of the other, so resigned to stare at his shoes, his heart twisting anxiously in his chest.

"I am promised to Sora." Was Leon's deadpan response.

"I know." The blond growled, anxiety turning to anger, thinking about how the runt had been hanging all over the older male.

"And you are promised to that Lockhart girl." The brunette stared at the shorter blond.

"Don't remind me." Cloud said, annoyed. "But I like you. I don't care if we aren't supposed to be together, who cares what everyone else tells us to do." Bright ocean blue eyes looked up into the dark gray of the taller. All words left the blond, his mind lost in that mesmerizing stare. Slowly he stood on his tippy toes, arms moving to wrap around the brunette's neck, and pressed his lips to the other's.

No matter how tough Leon appeared, or how cold, Cloud could tell that he wasn't like that on the inside from the feel of his lips. They were soft and warm, the taste of them inviting. Gently the blond coaxed Leon into returning the kiss. And so began their secret relationship.

One night, another two years later they were in the midst of a heated lovemaking session when they were distracted by a small gasp coming from the blond's doorway, their previously locked lips pulled apart hastily, in the process the blond's fang punctured the plump bottom lip in his mouth, spilling the delicious scarlet life onto his tongue. Leon jumped up and wrenched the door open, holding a sheet firmly around his waist. On the other side Roxas sat on his bum, apparently having tripped over himself in an attempt to escape. He coward in fear, holding his head as tears streamed down his face.

"P-please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to see!" He stammered, hiccuping. The brunette knelt down and the boy shied away from him, not daring to look at the older teen's face.

"I'm not going to hurt you Roxas." He said. The boy still shook in fear, sniffling and hiccuping every so often. "Don't tell anyone what you saw." His tone was even, and his gaze hard. The boy frantically nodded. "Good, now leave." Roxas hurriedly scurried away. With a heavy sigh, the brunette stood and walked back over to the blond. He sat down with a loud groan and put his face in his hands.

Cloud slid behind the tall man and wrapped his arms around his waist while resting his cheek against his shoulder blade. Leon licked away the blood on his lips before dropped his hands and turning to face the spiky haired male. There was still blood at the corner of the other's mouth. Leaning down he captured those kissable red lips before piercing the soft flesh with his sharp canines and licking up the crimson droplets. With a startled gasp, the submissive pulled away, his deep ocean colored eyes studying the taller males face. Leon draped his arm over small shoulders and nuzzled his nose into soft blond spikes.

"We are in this together." He whispered huskily. Cloud couldn't help the slight touch of a smile that graced his lips. Then, two weeks away from Sora and Roxas' sixteenth birthday and the night of Sora and Leon's mating ceremony, Cloud paced worriedly back and forth in his room, biting at his nails. He was abruptly startled from his daze when the door to his room clicked open and then closed, his tall mate stared at him with a raised brow. The smaller werewolf smiled, moving to wrap his arms around Leon's waist and burying his nose in his neck, taking comfort in the scent of his lover.

"We have to tell everyone soon." He breathed before pulling back and staring up into the storm colored eyes he so loved. Leon brushed back light bangs as a small smirk turned the corners of his lips up.

"We will, but now isn't the time."

"Now is the perfect time!" Cloud retorted, stepping back. "Leon, I'm not going to be able to hide the pregnancy for much longer. Everyone is getting suspicious already." Sighing, the brunette nodded his agreement before leaning heavily against his smaller mate. Unbeknown to them, a cinnamon haired brunette had heard the whole conversation. Slowly he backed away from the door before turning and running.

The following day the blond Strife sons were informed that their brunette sibling would be gone for two weeks, staying with their grandparents in preparation for the mating ceremony. Then the next week, a call by Mrs. Strife to her mother proved that the brunette hadn't planned to be staying with them. Immediate action was taken, Roxas had been the first to volunteer to find his lost twin. Everyone turned a suspicious eye to Leon as he seemed unconcerned with his betrothal's disappearance.

The oldest Strife son, once again alone in his room with his secret mate, paced while biting his thumbnail. Leon sat on his bed, watching with curious gray eyes. He cleared his throat, drawing his fidgeting mates attention to him.

"What is it that you need to talk about?" He asked as the blond resumed pacing.

"My mother asked me today if I knew why Sora ran away."

"And...?" The brunette trailed off questioningly.

"And I told her I didn't know! But then she commented that I smelled "more girly" than normal" he said, making quotes with his fingers. Leon rubbed his teeth with his tongue, thinking.

"Well then I guess we have no other choice." The tall brunette stood up and took his frantic mate's hand and began to pull him. Cloud followed hesitantly. With a loud bang and a startled gasp from Mrs. Strife, Leon and Cloud burst into the main living area of the Strife home, the door hitting the wall on their way in. Quickly Leon marched over to them and fell to his knees before the older werewolves. They stared at him with questioning looks before looking at Cloud who stared at his mate in complete and utter shock. The brunette lightly yanked on the blond's hand. Slowly the submissive slid down and sat on his knees, head bowed.

"I have come to explain the situation to you." Leon said confidently, no hesitation what so ever in his voice as he stared challengingly at the couple on the sofa.

"What is this "situation" that you speak of?" Mr. Strife asked, readjusting his position so he was more comfortable.

"I won't sugar coat things, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Cloud and I have been mated for the last two years." His words were firm and direct. Mrs. Strife's jaw went slack as she looked between the two men then down to their tightly clasped hands.

"B-but what about..." She couldn't seem to finish the question and just placed a shaky hand over her lips. The eldest male's lips were set in a thin, hard line as he looked between the two.

"Does Sora know?" He asked, his hard gaze meeting Leon's unwavering one.

"It is a possibility, but we aren't certain." Cloud said, deciding it was time that he take a stand next to his mate and voice his thoughts.

"Does anyone else know of your relationship?" The eldest asked.

"Only Roxas" Cloud said, Mr. Strife's eyes narrowed dangerously as he silently nodded. Then, after a quick phone call to Laguna, the alpha male arrived at the scene. He walked into the room, looking around cautiously before his gaze settled on a still kneeling brunette and blond. With a raised brow he approached them.

"What is this all about?" He asked, stopping to sit in the chair offered to him by the other male. Fierce gray eyes met curious cerulean, before the shaggy haired brunette began to speak.

"I am sorry for the disobedience that I have shown and the disrespect to you and the Strife family." Leon said, bowing low, jaw clenched. Laguna straightened before pursing his lips.

"What disobedience and disrespect are you referring to?"

"I have taken a mate other than my betrothed and hid it from you, our pack leader and my father, as well as the Strife family." Laguna's lips turned into a deep frown as he looked from his son to the boy's blond mate. Then he stood and Cloud stiffened. He stopped before his son and with a dark look in his eyes and a commanding tone to his voice he spoke.

"Look at me Squall." Slowly the young shaggy haired werewolf lifted his head to stare at his father. Laguna's lips flipped up into a wide grin as he fell onto his son, arms wrapped tightly around his neck. "I was wondering when you were finally going to tell me!" He cooed excitedly before pulling away and looking at the blond who was shell shocked. Laguna enveloped Cloud in a tight hug. "Welcome to the family." Cloud sputtered, lost for words.

"...thanks" He said slowly, patting their pack leader on the back before shooting his parents an uncertain look. They both seemed to be as shocked as Cloud was. That night had been an exciting night in the Strife house.

When word had came that Sora was found in Twilight Town, mated to a human named Riku. When Roxas arrived home his father pulled him into the living room where his mother along with Leon and Cloud sat. The blond looked around skeptically before looking into his father's angry eyes.

"Is it true that you hid the nature of Cloud and Leon's relationship from us?" The boy hesitated before slowly nodding. He was rewarded with a sharp slap to the cheek. The sound seemed to linger in the deafening silence. Roxas didn't bother to move his head from it's turned position. Leon stood up, and sent the older male a harsh glare.

"It wasn't his fault, I made him swear he wouldn't tell."

"The fact of the matter is that he hid it from his mother and I, when he should have informed us." He said without even meeting gazes with the other brunette. "How long have you known?" He growled out. Roxas bit his lip and stepped back.

"Two years." He said softly, staring at his shoes. The eldest male lifted his hand to strike the blond boy again but Leon's powerful grip held his wrist tightly. His deep blue orbs shot to the young werewolf with a look of surprise.

"Don't you dare strike him again." He growled menacingly. The petite boy looked up at his savior. "Leave us, Roxas." Slowly the boy slid from the room, silently closing the door behind him. Mr. Strife struggled for a moment to release his hand from the other's tight grip, until Leon released him with an indignant thrust of his hand.

"You shouldn't have interfered." He ground out, shooting the shaggy haired werewolf a dirty glare as he sauntered over to the couch and held out his hand for his mate. Cloud took the other's hand and stood up, looking at the taller with a finely shaped blond brow.

"If I hadn't you would have unjustly punished an innocent boy."

That night, Leon sat on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Cloud crawled up the brunette's muscular body before straddling his hips. Playfully he ground his hips down onto his mate's, who was unresponsive. With a frown he leaned down, resting his chin on his lover's chest.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"I'm curious as to why your parents treat Roxas the way they do." Cloud bit his lip, before turning his head and resting his cheek on Leon's chiseled chest.

"I guess it's because they're ashamed of having him as a son." Gently he traced abstract patterns on his mate's flesh, following his fingers with his eyes.

"Why didn't you do anything earlier?" Leon questioned, still staring at the ceiling with an unreadable expression.

"I don't really know. I guess I'm so used to Sora standing up for him I thought I didn't have to do anything."

"Sora's been the only one to speak up for him?" He felt the blond nod. Clenching his jaw, he glared at the pastel green paint on the wall as anger began to twist it's way into his heart. "Have you ever done anything for Roxas?" He ground out. Cloud pulled back, as if he had been touched by fire and stared down at his mate with a startled look. After a long silence Leon's heated gray eyes snapped to look at the blond werewolf. "Well, have you?"

"No..." the submissive said, shifting to sit on the bed. Sitting up, Leon glared at his hands.

"Why the hell not?" He shot, not even bothering to look at the smaller male.

"Because I was busy..." the slighter trailed off, look down at his clenched hands. His heart was pounding in his chest as a guilt and shame turned his stomach.

"Busy doing what? Plotting how to steal me away from Sora?" Cloud stiffened before glaring up at his mate.

"Steal? Is that what you think I did? I STOLE you from Sora? If I remember correctly you came to me willingly, you could have pushed me away, but you didn't." Cloud quipped, eyes watering with angry tears.

"And if I remember correctly I was betrothed to Sora for two years before you made a move. What were you doing if not plotting to steal? Were you day dreaming about a life with Tifa? Something that I highly doubt." Cloud's lips tightened into a thin line as he looked away, Leon's words having effectively silenced him. "You just don't want to admit that I'm right. While you were scheming, your youngest brother was being abused and you didn't even care because you were too busy thinking about yourself."

"So!? What if I was! Why do you care anyway? He isn't your brother!" Leon stood up, giving his mate a look of disgust.

"You should feel privileged. I always wanted a younger brother, but my mother died before she had anymore children." And with that he stormed from the room. Cloud couldn't help the tears that fell down his cheeks or the heaving sobs that tried to escape from his lips. That night he cried himself to sleep while Leon slept out on the couch. When morning came, Cloud walked out into the living room, eyes red and puffy. He sat down beside his mate who wrapped a comforting arm around his waist.

"You're right. I haven't been a big brother to either Roxas or Sora." Leon stroked his hair.

"I'm sorry I made you cry." He slid a hand to rub the other's belly, which was still flat from many years of disciplined workout. "Are you two okay?" Cloud smiled and nodded, closing his eyes as he leaned against his lover.

"We're fine. Kind of hungry though." Leon chuckled then kissed the other's temple.

"I'll make you some breakfast then." The other nodded in agreement before yawning. "You should probably sleep. I'll wake you up when I'm done." He received another agreeing nod before getting up and letting the smaller lay down to get a little bit more rest before they ate.

~*~Author's Note~*~
This was pretty much a background story of Cloud and Leon and what happened before the conclusion of Runaway. Next up is Connection, be watching for it, okay? Oh yes and before I forget, sorry this was so late, there were so many power outages that I ended rewriting the same thing on this story like four times, and I ended up getting mad and quitting for a couple of days. But thanks to a reader on Y! Gallery I was able to finish. ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed, so until next time.

Thank You