Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Melodious Love ❯ Water Melody ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

S.N.: Yeah I'm bored if I'm putting up two one shots in one day. But I have a lot of inspiration. n.n Where the title cam from I have no clue… No, do not ask why I focused on the castle in the World That Never Was. Please don't ask why I didn't include the Inuyasha gang when she is there. It'll get to long and I'm trying to keep it to a minimum. OOCness here and there. No complaining.
Demyx - 17ish, Kagome - 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kingdom Hearts, if I did… you don't want to know…
Water Melody
“I told them they sent the wrong guy…” a dirty blonde guy said. His green-blue eyes held hesitation to complete the mission.
Capture Kagome and turn her into a Nobody.
Right, when pigs fly, Demyx wasn't going anywhere near that half-demon boy.
The Melodious Nocturne had enough common sense to stay down wind of the group. That and keep his hood on his head, so they couldn't identify him.
The water-controller had to follow them, waiting for the right time to kidnap the miko.
But, alas the hanyou was constantly around the group, mainly the priestess.
`How am I supposed to capture her with him around..?' he was given time to watch them and figure out a plan when the stopped for the night.
“Inuyasha, do you know where there are any hot springs?” Kagome inquired.
She wanted a warm bath after traveling all day.
“Keh. What's with you and always taking a bath?! You're going to rub your skin off one day.” Inuyasha commented, looking away from the group, arms shoved in his sleeves.
Said half-breed swallowed thickly, looking at the miko apprehensively out of the corner of his eyes.
“Sit boy!!”
Said hanyou went face first into his new love, the ground and grass.
Kagome took deep breathes to calm herself down. Her blue-gray eyes looked over to her sister-like demon exterminator.
“Will you be joining me Sango-chan?”
Said taijia shook her head, “Iie. I'll stay here and make sure no perverts leave camp to peep on you, Kagome-chan.”
Kagome shrugged and nodded, “All right. Be back after my bath!”
With that, the miko took her bathing supplies and towel to the hot spring.
Demyx blinked, he couldn't really believe it. They let the miko go out of eyesight?
When she could easily be captured?
She wouldn't be returning when she finished, though…
The Melodious Nocturne smirked a bit, not only would he get the priestess, but what she protected as an added bonus.
It was true he didn't want it, but he couldn't leave it in the hands of someone else.
With that, the Nobody followed at a leisure pace, but keeping her in his sights as she walked.
The duo continued walking for about five more minutes before Demyx saw the miko Kagome stop. He stayed within hearing range, but gave her at least some modesty.
“This is the life.” Kagome purred contentedly.
They had just defeated Naraku a few weeks ago and were returning from the Northern Mountains to Kaede's village.
Sango and Miroku were engaged, a few days after the defeat.
Inuyasha barely let anyone near her now that the jewel was complete.
The Shikon Jewel sparkled a bit more brightly.
Kagome blushed, `Could he return my feelings?'
However, the happiness was short lived. And the sparkling dimmed a bit.
`No. Kikyo's still alive. I would've been able to tell if she was killed. And she wasn't.' Kagome thought unhappily.
Sighing, the miko ducked her head under and proceeded to wash her hair.
Ducking herself under a third time, Kagome stood from the hot spring and grabbed her towel.
The miko dried herself off and dressed in extra clothes she had brought with her.
Sighing a second time, Kagome gathered her things and started to walk towards camp.
Demyx could tell she was walking towards him. He stood and hid in the shadow cast by the moon.
He could see her face shadowed by her hair, deep in thought, as she started to walk passed him.
Mustering up some courage, the Nobody walked behind her. One hand covered her mouth, the other around her torso, trapping her arms.
Demyx had to hold her tight from her struggling. Her yells and speech were muffled quite a bit from his slightly large hand.
“Shhh! I don't want to harm you!” the Melodious Nocturne said hastily, yet a bit quietly.
Blue-gray eyes looked skeptical at his green-blue ones.
Her bathing supplies and towel were on the ground.
“Come with me. We won't harm your friends, I swear!” Demyx stated to the miko.
The only response was her continual struggling.
The Nobody couldn't really multi-task and hoped that someone from the organization would come and open a portal themselves.
His hopes were answered, amazingly. Axel came out and looked at the water-controller's situation.
“Got yourself a fiery one didn't you?” the pyromaniac questioned.
“Not now!” Demyx said stepping backwards towards the portal, all the while making sure the miko didn't step on his feet.
Axel raised an eyebrow and walked over to the duo. He walked in front of Kagome and rest his hands on her shoulders and pushed.
Demyx had to speed up, but was at least grateful for the help. The trio ended up going through the portal to the Corridor of Darkness.
Kagome was none too pleased. All she wanted was to get back to camp and go to sleep.
But no, some guy sneaks up behind her and drags her into a weird black thing. And some spiky red head pushed her too!
When the portal closed did Demyx and Axel let the miko go.
Unfortunately, she rounded on the Melodious Nocturne and slapped his across his left cheek.
Axel took the warning and stepped back a pace or two.
“Where am I?!” Kagome all but screamed.
“Corridor of Darkness. We need you to come with us.” the pyromaniac answered, seeing how the water-controlling Nobody was in bit of a stupor.
“How do I know you aren't going to kill me?” the miko inquired.
“If we wanted to, we would've done so already.” The fire-controller stated.
Kagome looked skeptical, but didn't completely disbelieve them. They had power, enough to kill her if they wanted.
Demyx blinked a few times and brought his hand to his cheek, her slaps hurt!
“Ow…” escaped his mouth as he rubbed the abused cheek tenderly.
Two pairs of eyes stared at him, one in amusement, and the other in realization.
“Sorry! But you grabbed me from behind and I was angry!” Kagome said; letting her hand over the back of his that was on his cheek.
“I deserved it… did you have to slap hard though?” green-blue eyes looked at her blue-gray ones.
Kagome laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head in an embarrassed manner.
“Come on! You don't want to be trapped here do you?” said Axel, walking in the way they pushed her in.
Another portal opened and the pyro walked into it. Demyx and Kagome looked at each other briefly before the Melodious Nocturne took the lead and th miko fell into step behind him.
A few weeks have passed and she still had yet to give into the darkness.
“I said no! N-O!” Kagome exclaimed to the ice-controller.
Vexen wanted to experiment on the young miko. Why wouldn't she give into the darkness?
Demyx heard the miko and walked over to her. He looked at the other Nobody briefly, before tugging Kagome behind him to get away from Vexen.
“I should've warned you of his experimental nature.” Demyx said.
“It's all right. I had to deal with a Poison Maker who tried to make me his bride after he paralyzed me.” Kagome shrugged like it was no big deal.
Demyx chocked on nothing, and paused in his walking staring wide-eyed at the miko.
“What? I'm not his bride, and besides I have you to keep me safe from all the other Nobodies.” The miko stated a happy smile on her face.
“Y-you don't care if I'm a Nobody?”
“Why would I?” came a question back.
Demyx nodded, a faint blush on his cheeks.. he walked up to the miko.
Kagome blushed heavily when she was pulled into a nicely built chest, for a hug.
“Thank you.”
“N-not a problem.” Kagome stuttered.
The two separated and went different ways a little later.
“Come on! I know you are into her!” Axel exclaimed.
Demyx was sure his voice echoed in the castle.
“Why not get to know her? You said it yourself that you feel like you have a heart around her!” Axel pointed at the Melodious Nocturne, index finger in between his green-blue eyes.
“I-I don't want to harm her!”
“See? You're protecting her!” Axel said exuberantly.
Demyx was sure he was blushing a deep red, mimicking Axel's hair.
“Go get her! She'll be a good part of your life, even if you have no heart.” Axel commented, pushing Demyx in a direction he had a feeling the miko was in.
Demyx had no choice but to be pushed down the corridor.
“Hey! Kagome!”
Said miko looked up to her name being called. The sight that greeted her eyes was funny in a way.
Axel was pushing Demyx down a corridor and said water-controller was flailing his arms to get away from the pyromaniac.
The Melodious Nocturne was sporting a blush to mach the fire user's hair.
“You need something?”
“Yeah! This idiot needs to tell you something.” Axel replied.
Kagome looked around her, “What idiot?”
Axel hid his self-accomplished smirk.
Demyx blushed even more.
Blue-gray eyes looked over at the two Nobodies. Confusion shown un her eyes.
The pyromaniac pushed Demyx forward, making stand in front of the miko, no chance of escape.
“I'll leave you two alone now.” And with that, the fire user left.
Demyx looked anywhere but Kagome. He could feel the scrutiny of her gaze.
`It's now or never, Kagome. He looks to be having trouble…' the miko thought to herself.
Gathering up a bit of courage, Kagome put her hands on either side of his face and put her lips on his. Her blue-gray orbs were closed.
Demyx's eyes widened before they closed and he encircled his arms around her waist. She gave him a nice feeling that he wanted to keep forever. Even if he didn't have a heart.
Axel watched this from a corridor a little ways away from the couple. He felt accomplished.
The two made a good couple. The pyromaniac grinned to himself.
He wondered if they were going to have kids once Demyx reclaimed his lost heart.
He shrugged to no one in particular.
It's all a matter of time.
S.N.: I felt like writing this. No flames please. I like it. :3 R&R.