Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ memories of You ❯ Finding You Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is my first Fan fiction I love comments mostly good but constructive are also helpful!
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Green eyes stared lazily at the flickering television screen. Head resting against his hand that was tilted to the side barely awake. What ever had possessed him to wake up at 6 am. Was beyond him. A sigh escaping his lips he crossed his long legs and finally let himself zone out while watching the news. After a few minutes something flashed a crossed the screen that caught his attention. An important news break that a young man had finally been found after 4 long years. Suddenly jolting up and looking directly at the screen the man watching the television gripped the hand rests of the chair tightly His knuckles going even paler than his usual skin to.
A young man Roxas Highwind has been found after 4 long years of searching. It is said that his mother kidnapped him from his father after an ugly custody battle. The boy was 16 at the time and recently turned 20 and left from his mother's home. He is now in the custody of his father.”
Axel's mouth fell open and he felt tears come to his eyes. After all this time all these years he was back. Standing up suddenly and grabbing his coat off the hanger he dug around the hall closet of his duplex and threw them on not bothering to tie them. Writing a quick note to his finance soon to be wife the red head ran out the door car keys in hand. Rushing into the seat of his old beat up Lincoln he revved the engine and peeled out of the drive way. Hands tightly clutched around the steering wheel he had to force himself to breath.
Roxas was back and alive and hopefully well. This time as the tears came Axel let them fall freely. He knew the way to Cid Highwind's house which included Roxas. Ignoring most stop signs and red lights he let a sad smile come to his face. It had taken him so long to get over the fact that he may never be coming back, that maybe he had lost the one person closest to him. But now with him back he just didn't know what to think. Shaking his head and letting small tears fall onto his lap he sighed taking a left past Cid Highwind's repair shop. It wasn't to far now. But just seeing that shop brought back fond memories of when he had first met the blonde haired boy.
A 17 year old Axel pulled up in a tow truck his Lincoln being pulled behind him. Shaking his head as he got out of the truck and ran a hand through his red spiked hair. Letting a long sigh escape his lips he couldn't believe his almost brand new car had just been smashed by some idiot kid a MOPEAD! All of his anger flowing freely he reached for a smoke and pulled out his last one. Frowning even harder he cursed his bad luck silently. Lighting it up with a match he had in his pocket Axel took a long drag and smiled. It was winter he was cold and this was like a miniature piece of heaven for him. Until a shorter and easily too see younger blonde plucked his little piece of heave from his mouth and threw it to the ground. Smashing it out with his heel. Seeing the kid point to a sign on the building that Axel's car was currently being pulled into 'HighWind Repair' . It read quite clearly NO SMOKING ALLOWED. A smug look on the blonde's face as he turned on his heel and walked into the shop. Cursing under his breath Axel followed in and leaned against a wall waiting to hear what would happen to his baby.
Seeing a man with the same blonde hair as the boy before he didn't put two and two together yet. As the older man wiped his hands on a rag and frowned up at Axel, the red head couldn't help but be intimidate. “Its not to bad, but its going to be around 5000 munny to be back to perfect condition” Cid said gruffly before turning and walking back to the car.. Groaning loudly Axel smashed his palm into his forehead. Damn now he would have to ask his brother for a loan. Just super duper! Could his day get any worse?
Walking to the front desk that was in a waiting room filled with plastic chairs and out dated magazines the red head stood leaning there waiting for someone to come and help him. Seeing a blonde head of hair come walking up a few pieces of paper in his hands Axel sighed. So that kid that had stomped out his smoke worked here. That made a lot more sense. “So I assume dad told you how much right?” The blonde asked in a bored tone. Axel's eyes widened. That was the kid of the dude who owned this place! Cringing slightly he hoped that him being rude wasn't the reason for his bill being so high.
Nodding his head Axel smiled. “Yeah, so he's your dad...” Axel said in a nervous tone that caused the blonde boy to smirk a little. “yes, so Mr. Kaiser right? We have a few options on how you can pay off your bill.” The blonde boy said in a clearly amused tone. Usually people figure out that he was the son of Cid. They had the same hair! “ermm, is there a monthly one?” Axel asked in a forced calm tone. Which the annoying blonde caught and resisted the urge to laugh. “Yes. We have a 10 month one for 500 munny a month.” The blonde said before handing over papers with an X where Axel was suppose to sign. After scribbling his name and handing over 500 of his munny the red head turned and walked to the door of the shop. But stopped suddenly and looked over his shoulder. “You already know but I'm Axel Kaiser, got it memorized?” Axel said with a smirk before opening the door and taking a step out. “Roxas Highwind.” Came a soft voice before Axel shut the door and walked out.
Axel finally came out of his thoughts after he noticed he had pulled into the repair shop where he had first met Roxas. A soft look coming into his eyes the red head was flooded with memories of the time he got to know the blonde boy. After periodically coming into the shop to either pay or check on his baby he couldn't help but strike up a conversation with the boy. He of course found out that he and Roxas went to the same high school and were only a grade apart. He learned that the boy was the twin of Sora a hyper active goof ball that went to their school. And that his older brother was in college and would likely kick anyone's ass if they messed with his younger brothers or sister.
Finally going back to the first time he had asked Roxas if he ever did anything than work and school and recalling it wasn't the answer that he had been looking for.
Axel had been paying off his car little by little every two weeks he would come in and give them 250 munny. But that didn't stop him from coming in more and talking to Roxas. When one day he had the urge to ask Roxas a question that had been bugging him for a while. “Hey Rox, why are you always working or studying? I never see you do anything fun!” The red head said with a sigh. Running a hand through the blonde's already messy hair. Earning a half-assed glare and a shrug. “Well theres a lot of us in the family and with three kids yet to send to college dad can't hire people so me, Sora and Namine do all of the odd jobs around here.” Roxas said before slumping into a defeated posture. Not use to seeing the younger boy like that Axel frowned. He had always been pretty well taken care of and he hadn't really thought about what he had just asked his friend. “Oh, sorry..but hey at least you get to spend time with your family, your lucky to be able to do that.” the red head said in the most bubbly tone he could come up with. And from those words the friendship between the two got even stronger.
Resting his head on the steering wheel Axel could only let the tears pool up in his eyes as he silently reminisced about the good times. Yeah he had only known Roxas for a year before it happened. One night out of no where the estranged mother had come home and sadly, only Roxas was there. No one really knows what else happened that night just that when his older sister came home from work Roxas was gone along with most of the boy's stuff.
Finally pulling himself into a sitting position the red head started the car once more. Pulling out of the driveway of the shop he went back onto the main road. Letting himself take the familiar path to the Highwind home Axel smiled. Was he really going to see his Roxas after all of these years?
Arriving 5 minutes later in front of the two story brick house Axel had to force himself to move. Taking heavy steps until he reached the door he took a deep breath. His hand reached shakily for the door-bell and pressed it hearing the loud bell sound ring through the house. Closing his eyes he heard the scrapping off chairs and light foot steps. Hearing the door open he looked up into the warm green eyes of Arieth the older sister. Seeing her knowing smile he let a small one of his own grace his lips. Seeing her turn to go back into the house he stood there shifting from one foot to the other.
Letting his head fall so he could only see his feet. Hearing a few more pairs of feet come to the door he could only peek up and see a boy standing up front. Lifting his head all of the way he noticed immediately bright blue eyes and spiky blonde hair. Tears filling his eyes Axel fell to his knees reaching out and pulling the hands of the boy. Feeling his come down with him Axel blindly reached and hugged the boy close to him. It had been 4 years! 4 years of longing hoping and praying and finally just as he, had moved on enough to finally agree to marry her. Roxas comes back. Chocking back sobs the red head buried his head into the boy's neck. Feeling thin arms grasp him tightly as well
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Larxene rolled over in bed around 7 am. About an hour after Axel had told her he was going to watch some television. Sitting up she pushed some of her blonde hair back from her piercing green eyes. Standing up she walking into the leaving room noticing that the television was off and it looked like her soon to be husband had ran out like the devil was at his heels.
Shaking her head she smiled and went into the kitchen pouring herself a nice cup of coffee. Taking Axel's previous seat on the chair she noticed that a note was thrown on the table next to it. Picking it up and half reading it until she saw a few words. 'rotas is back.' Eyes widening the almost dropped her cup. Reaching blindly for the phone she dialed her brother's number and hearing the groggy voice of Slumlord. “Wash.” he said in a half assed attempt of a greeting. Her hand tightened around the phone and her face reddened. “Dear brother we have a problem.” She hissed into the phone. Luxord immediately sat up in bed disturbing the black haired figure next to him. “What?” He said his voice almost to scared to comprehend. “Auntie decided to let Roxas come back!” she practically yelled her eyes a blaze.