Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ my kingdom hearts ❯ Only the begining ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAIMER:I do not own Kingdom Hearts.I just play the games and of course,beat them,but heyi dont own the idea.Even though i hate to say this but Disney an Squarsoft owns it.please dont sue.i am as poor as it is.i dont need a stinking lawsuit against me.Oh well,here it is.the first chapter in my version of Kingdom Hearts.

Chapter 1:The Dark Day

Sora was walking down the beach with his friends, Riku,a self-confident youth,he is always competeing against Sora.He has silver hair and green,glowing eyes.(you know,like sephiroths and clouds eyes because they have mako in them. Then there is Kairi,a young girl with red hair and sapphire like eyes.She arrived on the island when she was really young so she doesnt remember where she came from.Then theres Sora,is a young boy that is denstined to weild the mysterious 'key'. He has brown/blond hair and sapphire like eyes.He is always playing with Riku and Kairi.

Riku questions Kairi and Sora about what they want to do.Sora shrugs and looks at Kairi.She says that she want so build a raft.Sora says that hes okay with it.Riku nodds.

"Alright then,Sora,you and me are gonna look for some wood to build the raft with.Kairi,we need food and water.Come on Sora,lets go get some wood."Riku explains.Sora nodds and starts running to the forest.He turns and waves at Kairi.Kairi waves back and goes back to the coast to look for fish.

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< br> While in the forest,Sora finds some big logs that they can use for the raft.He picks it up and Find something under it.It was a keychain that someone had either forgoten about or had lost it.He slips it in his pocket of his shorts and heads back with the log in his arm.Riku comes back with a log in his arms also and they set it down.Sora walks back into the forest and finds a cave.He walks into the cave and looks around.A black hole appears in the ground under his feat and sucks him in.Sora then wakes up to find himself on a tower with the princess Snow White and the seven dwarves.A voice tell him to walk fowward so he does.after taking ten steps.Three pedestools emerge from the ground.On top of them appear,a sword,a staff, and a shield.Sora hears the vioce telling him witch one best suits himk and he walks up to the sword.

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Sor ry people.please dont kill me.i have to play the game again to see what i should do are apreciated but i dont live by them.i just want to write this.soory people but this is a Sora kairi fic.i'll find someone to be with riku but i dont think that he'll get someone.i am open to me if you have any idea.thank you for reading.