Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Teean ❯ Home Again ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Name is Teean
By ManMadePsyco

A/N: Again, note that this Fanfiction has some language.Also, I have changed "Fire Key" to "Excaliber Key"

Disclaim: What, you think I own SQUARE!? This would be a game if I owned THEM!___________________________________________________________________
Chapter 2: Home Again

Sora was lying down on the grass in front of Disney Castle when Teean quickly advanced toward him. He reached his destination, and quickly saluted like a marine. "Message delivered, Sir!" Teean informed, trying not to let his arm go slack.

Sora snickered. "Look, you don't have to salute or call me "Sir" when you speak to me, Teean."

"Sorry...." Teean apoligized.

"Sorry for what? Wearing that junk instead of your royal uniform, which, as you should know, is REQUIRED to be worn whenever on duty, which is always! Seriously,Teean, you've got to break this habit!"

"Sorry...." Teean said again.

"God," Sora complained, rubbing his forehead with his index finger and thumb, " why do you always apoligize for this stuff! Anyway, go get changed." He then tossed a tiny capsule towards Teean. Teean caught it.

"Swallow that and you'll get breakfast..... well, rather it will give you all the nutrients you would've gotten at breakfast."

Teean thanked him and rushed towards his room, swallowing the pill along the way. He got there, changed, and left again. Riku was outside of his room.

"What are you doing here, Riku?"

"Come on, we need you on the grounds!"


"We're being attacked!"

Teean went across the hall to a windowless window in the shape of a Mickey Head. He jumped on the sill.

"What the hell are you doing!" Riku yelled.

"I'm jumping out."

"Are you crazy? You'll get killed!"

But Teean wasn't listening. He readied himself for the jump.... and he leaped.
Sora kept fighting the Nobodies, but he wasn't going to last very long. He was very hurt, and about to die from blood loss. He didn't have enough magic energy to cast Curaga. But, Riku and Teean did. And they weren't here. At least, that's what he thou-


Hey! Teean, you cut me frickin' off! The story's paused.

" Who the hell are you?"

I'm the Narrarator, DUH! Don't cut me off again! Story start again! As I was saying, that's what he thought.-Sora felt himself get stronger and stronger.

"Thanks Teean!" he exclamed.

" No prob!"

He landed easily, Riku following. He grabbed Teean by the shirt and yelled at him. "What the hell were you doing?" Riku yelled," You could have died!!!"

Teean just stayed quiet and readied his keyblade as Riku put him down.

“Alright, nobodies….” Teean said, smiling, “GO TO HELL!” He swung his keyblade, sending a large gust of wind at the Nobodies, causing them all to disappear. “Riku, let’s go!” Riku followed him as they charged forward, as a horde of heartless and nobodies swarmed in. They called all the keybearers to form an ultimate army! They fought off the nobodies and heartless, but the ones that they cut down were just replaced.

“DAMMIT!” Sora sweared. “ FALL BACK! The Castle’s been overrun!” They retreated into the gummi hangar. Each flew in groups of two, which headed to different worlds. Teean was reluctant to leave. HE wasn't going to let his home be overrun by these Bastards! Not the home he was brought to when these heartless devoured his home, his family, and friends.... No way, he wasn't going to run again.

"NO!" Teean fought against a Riku who carried him into the hangar. " NO! I'm not going to run again!!!!!"

"DAMMIT, just get in the damn gummi ship!!!" Riku tossed him inside and jumped in himself. He geared the Gummi Ship, and blasted off, with minimal traffic. They were at full speed, and did not turn back. Teean watched as the World he called home collapsed and disappeared. He wept, flooded with memories of his old home. He remembered when King Mickey saved him, and he saw the world in the same state as Disney Castle. Soon, they came acroos a roadblock, and Riku sweared, trying to steer away from it. They crashed into it.

"AWW, SHI-!" Riku was cut off with an explosion from their engine. They were descending into Inner Space.

Teean touched the gummiship's wall, and muttered magic. "portga..." They dissappeared, and crashed onto a beach, with an Island that had palm branches with small star-shaped fruits on it. The gummi ship exploded, sending Riku and Teean into a wooden wall built on the opposite side of the beach. They were knocked unconscious. Soon, Sora landed his Gummi Ship neatly on the Island with the Palms that had the star-shaped fruits on it. He kicked open the cockpit and jumped out of it. He helped a feminine figure out of the cockpit also, and she seemed exausted. She sat, crosslegged, a battle helmet donned on her head. Sora breathed in the ocean air through his nose.

"Finally," Sora said, "After such a long journey, I've finally returned...... to Destiny Islands..." He smiled and laughed. It was night at the time. He laughed loud enough to be heard on the other inhabited island. HE laughed so that all would know that Sora, the Keyblade Master, had returned home!