Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Love ❯ Love Under The Starry Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lil Lovely Angel: My first yaoi fanfic that was inspired by my friend BC. Thanks for the inspiration bc!! I do not own any of these characters for they belong to square ernix… I think. If I did the disclaimer wrong then just leave it in the review ok? Now enjoy my first Kingdom Hearts one shot, My Sweet Love.
The calm evening breeze passed by him. His gentle blue eyes looked out to the serene blue sea. The gorgeous blue ocean often reminded him of a beautiful pair of blue eyes that he yearned to gaze into on a lovely summer night. The soft waves reminded him of the kind voice that he loved to listen to. Riku walked on the sandy beach and looked ahead of the path to see his best friend sitting there. Sora looked absolutely beautiful sitting there on the sand. He wondered what it was that he was thinking about. Was he thinking about him? Or was it Kairi that was on his thoughts? Riku approached his best friend and greeted him. “Sora!”
“Hey there Riku.”
Sora got to his feet and smiled to his best friend. Riku's heart skipped a beat when Sora gave him a beautiful smile. He returned the smile and stood beside him. While he was finding words to say, he noticed that Sora had once more turned his sights back to the seas. “What are you doing out here all alone. I thought you might have gone home.” Riku said with his eyes to the sea. Sora shook his head and didn't look back to Riku. “I've been thinking. You know, about everything that happened to you and Kairi. I'm just glad to have you back.” Sora said with his childish smile. Riku forced himself not to blush. Sora was beautiful with his well sculpted body and handsome smile. He often found himself thinking about capturing Sora's lips into a passionate kiss. He wanted Sora and now that no one was here, he could tell him how he felt.
“Yeah, I'm happy to be back too. I also wanted to say that I was sorry for everything that happened in Hollow Bastion. I let the darkness taint my heart.” The sadness on Riku's face dissolved when Sora chuckled and nudged his arm. He didn't care about what had happened before. He was just grateful to have his best friends back. “Don't worry about it. I'm just glad to have you and Kairi back. That's what the whole journey was for. It was for you guys.” Sora told him. Riku sighed and stood up with his eyes to the evening sky. “Where's Kairi?”
“Huh? Oh I don't know. I guess she's off with her friends. Maybe tomorrow she'll come hang out with us.” Sora said as he stood beside Riku. Riku didn't know it, but Sora was in love with Kairi and wanted desperately for her to love him in return but he was very unaware of Riku's feelings for him. Riku had loved Sora for some time and never found the courage to tell him. Now that their friendship was almost destroyed, Riku had to tell him how he truly felt. With his speech prepared, he looked to Sora once more but hesitated when he saw the saddened look on his face. “What's wrong Sora?”
“Well, now that you guys are back I can tell Kairi about how I feel. I love her. I just wanna know how she feels about me.” At that moment, Riku felt jealously pinch his heart. It was Kairi that Sora loved and that was something he wouldn't stand for. “Sora, what if I told you that someone has returned your feelings.” Riku told him. Sora jumped up and looked down at his best friend. Kairi loved him? He couldn't believe it. He had to be dreaming. “She loves me? Kairi loves me? Wow, this is- I mean, I... I have to find her.”
“I wasn't talking about Kairi, Sora. I was talking about me.”
Riku looked at the confusion in his best friend's eyes. After Riku explained everything to him, Sora would be his. He reached for the younger boy's hand but he stepped back. “Riku, I can't. I love Kairi.”
“But I love you Sora. I want you and I won't let anyone else have you.”
Riku reached for Sora again but this time he didn't let Sora evade him. He grabbed Sora's arms and brought him closer. He promised himself, here and now, Sora would be his before the night was through. Riku tilted Sora's face up so that he could see into those gentle, beautiful blue eyes of his. “Riku, don't do this.”
“How can I resist? I've wanted you for so long.”
When Riku pressed his lips against Sora's, the feel of the kiss melted away his mind. He was on cloud nine and had taken Sora with him. To have the younger boy in his arms, to feel his lips against his, it was unlike anything he had ever dreamed off. Sora's head had finally stopped spinning and he stepped away once again. “Riku stop! You can't do this. It's… it's-”
“It's what? Wrong?”
Sora shook his head and turned to walk away but Riku had wrapped his arms around him, holding him against his well sculpted body. “Don't fight it Sora, don't fight me. I love you, I want you. I've wanted to say this for so long but I couldn't find the words to. Don't shut me out Sora. Stay with me, keep me, love me.” Riku's voice lowered to a whisper and tenderness filled his voice. He lifted his hand to caress Sora's lips then lowered it slightly to caress his neck. So many nights he dreamt of caressing and nibbling it. He wanted to take Sora into a world he'd never been to. A world of love, passion and ecstasy, a world that they would create with their naked bodies, fiery kisses and inmate touches. Sora was still fighting but in time Riku would wane his guard. “Riku…”
“Say it Sora. Say you love me.”
“But I can't. I love Kairi.”
Riku lowered his mouth and nibbled gently on Sora's neck. He savored the taste of Sora's silky soft skin then darted his tongue out to lick the marks he made. “In time you will forget about Kairi and be with me. Stop fighting it Sora, I can feel your body unwinding under my touch. Tell me, do you like what I'm doing to you? Do you want to feel more?” Riku's voice had lowered to a whisper once again but this time the tenderness was substituted for seduction. Sora couldn't help but weaken to Riku. This feeling inside was unlike anything he had ever felt. “Riku… I... I'm…” Sora couldn't find the words to tell Riku but he took his hand and placed it on his erection. Riku smirked triumphantly. The moment had arrived. “Do you want me?”
“Yes, I want you Riku. I love you.”
Sora turned around and gave Riku a vigorously passionate kiss. Riku was ecstatic to see the way that Sora was reacting to him. He slowly undressed Sora but his impatience caused him to unzip his pants quickly. Riku took Sora's hands away and took his down to the sandy ground. “Riku, why are you moving so slowly?”
“I want you enjoy you my love. I want to savor this moment from beginning to end. I'm going to take you to a world you've never been to.”
Sora smiled and brushed Riku's silver hair away from his face. “What world is that?”
“A world of pleasure. Just hold tight onto me and I will take you there.”
Riku pulled off Sora's pants and undressed himself. Sora thought Riku was beautiful without clothing. His chest well toned, arms sculpted perfectly, he was a god on earth. Sora accepted Riku's kiss and let his hands roam freely down his back. Riku used his tongue to part Sora's lips and insert his tongue inside. He loved the taste of Sora's mouth and the feeling of his erection rubbing against his. It drove him insane with pleasure. He wanted to give Sora pleasure beyond his imagination. “Sora… do you want to cum?”
“Yes, I want to cum. Make me cum Riku. Give me release.”
Riku smirked when Sora begged for release. His need for it was so great. How could he deny him that? He had never felt pleasure like this and Riku would be content to give it to him. Lowering himself, Riku took Sora's erection into his mouth and sucked on it gently. The younger boy ran his hands through the older boy's long silver tresses as he sucked him. No one had ever touched Sora there. He had to admit that he did touch himself at night, thinking about being intimate with Kairi but the thought of Riku making love to him never crossed his mind. Nevertheless, he was pleasured. He buried his hands in the sand as he felt his fluids building up inside, ready to be release. When Riku quickened his pace, Sora's body became hotter. Sweat beamed at the top of his forehead, his moans grew in volume and with a sharp jerk of his body, Sora released into Riku's mouth. He shot up quickly and looked down at Riku, who was wiping the cum from his mouth. “I'm sorry Riku! I'm so sorry. You were doing it so good and… it just felt so good and I…”
“No need to apologize. Now, would you like to suck me?”
Sora nodded to Riku and waited for him to lie down. When he did, he lowered himself to his thighs and took his erection into his mouth. Riku released a moan of satisfaction when Sora took him into his mouth and was even more pleased with the way he sucked him. For an inexperienced mouth, Sora could suck very well. He moved his mouth up and down his hard on the same way Riku did and stopped every so often to tease the tip. Riku gave into Sora's pleasurable mouth and shot his seeds deep inside. It was Sora's first time sucking someone but he managed to swallow Riku as he had done him. The two laid together in each other's arms, kissing and caressing one another. “Sora, I want to make love to you.” Riku declared. Sora smiled and kissed Riku. He wanted make love with him It was the perfect place for love. A sandy beach with the evening stars glittering above them couldn't have been better. Riku parted Sora's legs and searched for his entrance. When he found it, he pushed his finger deep inside Sora to loosen him but Sora groaned in pain. “I know baby, I know it hurts. Just relax, take a deep breath.” Riku murmured. Sora did as he was told and tried to relax but the pain was too much. After a few thrusts from Riku's fingers, Sora relaxed under his touch. When Riku saw this, he replaced his fingers with his cock and began to ride Sora but slowly so that he didn't hurt him. “Please Riku, don't go slow. Faster, harder.”
“As you wish my love.”
Riku started to ride Sora harder and faster, taking kisses as he went. He felt his orgasm rising again but he suppressed the urge to release early. He wanted to enjoy his new lover. After a few thrusts, Riku felt that he couldn't hold himself any longer. He wanted to release his seeds inside Sora. “Baby, I'm coming. I'm coming!”
“Come for me Riku!!”
Riku shot his seeds deep inside his lover then collapsed into his open arms. The two took in air then looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They laughed and kissed then laid in each others arms, caressing one another's face. “I love you Riku.”
“I love you too Sora. I always have, always will.”
Sora kissed Riku's lips gently then rested his head against his chest. No longer was Kairi on his mind, for his heart was filled with Riku. He looked up at the older boy with a smile on his young face. “If I never rescued you, I would never have known what it is like to be in your arms.” He told him. Riku took Sora's hand and gave it a gentle kiss. “That's all over now. You have me by your side and I will never leave you. Never. You are mine as I am yours. I will love you forever, Keyblade master.”
Lil Lovely Angel: Aww, that is so sweet and plus that was my first yaoi fanfic. I wanna thank BC again for her encouragement. I love you bc!!! You're my bestest fwend!! ^^