Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ One Month ❯ This is torture? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey guys! Ready for chapter two?! Yeah. You know you want it!
What happens to Riku? Do the guys ever leave on time? Will I ever buy more pocky? All these
and more will be answered in... DUN DUN DUN! One Month! Not in one month as in like...a
time limit, I mean the story one month....ha..haha...never mind...
I am relatively new to fanfics, so when I posted the first chapter of this story and left for my
karate classes only to return two hours later, I already had a couple of reviews! YAY! Not to
mention by an author I absolutely ADORE!!! *passes out cookies and kinky Riku photos to
reviewers* Thanky sooo much! You guys are awesome! I already have a couple ideas for the
future, bet you guys can't wait till Sora's birthday surprise huh? There's more to it than just
meeting up with new friends.
More surprises to cum! Later!
"NO! Run Sora! LEON! I take the blame, I take it! Wait...he gets to punish me?" Riku cried with
hope in his eyes. /Thank you God! Maybe I actually will get to Florida alive!/ There was no way
Sora would, or even could, hurt him.
Grey came eye-to-eye with aqua. "Yes, but don't get your hopes up. The mental pain is much
worse than the physical, but OH won't the physical be painful."
Riku glanced back up to his lover and was met with another devious smile. ...yep...he was
He watched as his lover walked away with Cloud into the older lover's room. Why the hell
would he need to go in there?! Riku had an idea of what would be brought from the room, a
cosplay uniform, but he had never thought to what else was in the brown cardboard box that Sora
held in his hands as he came skipping back. He could feel the future pain streak from his ass, up
his spine, and out his fingertips. Only one thing came from cosplay in this house...hard, rough,
donkey-sex. But he couldn't figure out why in the hell that could be torture. There was the fact
that Leon and Cloud were there to watch and that he would have to limp for a couples days, but
other than that, he truly believed he would enjoy his punishment.
Leon stood with Riku still trapped in his hands, forcing the silver-haired teen to stand with him.
He couldn't help but be a little scared seeing the smirk on Leon's face, as if there was more to it
than just cosplay and sex. He almost missed the mischievous glint in his lover's eyes as he was
yanked into he and Sora's room by a very amused Leon.
He was thrown on the bed as Cloud and Leon raced to lock the door and windows to halt any
thoughts of escape. He didn't see why everyone was being all excited. They only had 30 minutes
before they left, which would not provide enough time for much of anything to be done, unless
they wished to continue this "torture" on the trip. Sora stood in front of Riku with an evil smirk

on his face and his hands behind his back.
"S-s-so-ra..." He knew his lover enough to know that when he had a face like that plastered on,
you were in for some deep shit. He gripped the sheets with white knuckles with that thought in
Sora brought his hands in front of him and introduced the nurse's outfit that they had bought as a
joke for Cloud on his birthday. /Hey...this isn't so bad...I knew there wouldn't be anything to
worry about.../
But oh was he wrong. Sora chunked the outfit to Riku. "Put it on you little slut."
Riku's eyes shot open in surprise. Sora was...talking dirty? He could feel his arousal grow as he
sat there. The crack of a whip snapped him back to reality. /HOLY SHIT! A WHIP!/ Yes, he was
utterly frightened now. "I said now!" He turned his back to his lover and undressed quickly,
throwing on the tight uniform. The chance of Cloud ever being able to fit in the costume would
be like a snowball's chance in hell.
Riku turned back to Sora with wide eyes as he was pushed onto the bed and held down by three
guys, not that he could fight back even if he wanted to. The extra small costume left absolutely
nothing to the imagination, especially the thong. It couldn't even hold all of him in. Before he
could even think straight, he was hand cuffed to the headboard. He was totally helpless now.
He watched Sora straddle his thighs as Leon and Cloud went back to the box in the corner,
plundering. Brunette spikes smirked amusedly at his misfortune. When the older lovers came
back they held what looked like jumper cables, and handed them to the devious boy above him.
/What the hell are those fo-!/ Before he could finish his thought, the chest of his costume was
unbuttoned as the clamps were attached to his nipples. "AAAAH!!!" All he could do was scream.
Pain was definitely the winner over pleasure in this horrible experience. "SON-OF-A-BIT­ !"
Fuck. Now his face burned. Sora lent down and whispered in his ear. "Don't speak unless spoken
to. Understand?" With the shake of his head, Riku received a lick to the shell of his ear, eliciting
a moan. The younger brunette ground down on his hips, helping to make his erection grow. Oh
how Riku wanted more friction. He wanted this to be over. Soon.
Sora stood up and walked off to the corner, joining Leon and Cloud again. Riku groaned in
disappointment. He couldn't even touch himself! This was torture. /There is no way this could
get worse./
(A/N: Wrong again Riku! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) His nipples still
ached...really bad.
After a minute, the rustling in the box stopped, and his cinnamon-haired lover strode back over to
settle between his legs. He watched as lube was squeezed onto two fingers and smeared with a
thumb. Oh, the way those fingers rubbed against each other and not in him was driving him mad.
This would not be the second time Sora had dominated him, but it was the first where they were
not 1: Making love, or 2: screwing each other's brains out. This was in fact going to be a very
scary event. He new how kinky his lover could be, hell, they had used chains and toys more than

once, but that glint in Sora's eyes was something to truly fear. Sora had a sadistic streak in him,
but this time when it was acted out, Riku could do nothing to stop him.
Sora reached down to caress Riku's entrance, applying just enough pressure to open him, but not
enough to slide in. Riku couldn't take this torture. He wanted to be fucked, and he wanted to be
fucked now! He tried to push back, but the handcuffs gave him no leeway. Sora finally pushed in
his heat, stroking him on the inside, searching for the bundle of nerves lodged somewhere deep
in the folds of his lover.
"AH!" Riku cried as he was touched in just the right spot. That secret spot could bring him to the
edge. All he had to do was coax his lover to hit that spot a few more times.
Sora pulled out of his lover's orifice amusedly at the sound of disappointment that he received.
"Do you want it, Riku?" Riku nodded frantically. "Then tell me. Tell me that you want it." Sora
stared into Riku's eyes, that sparkle feeding off the fear and lust that was produced.
"Give it to me! Something, anything!" He was growing truly desperate. He was not one to beg
for anything, but at the moment he was ready to give whatever he could to get release.
Sora smirked evilly as he reached behind him to grab something. "Did you say...anything?" That
evil little smirk grew as Riku heard something rip...paper? /WTF/ Sora slowly brought his hand
forward, showing what it held. Riku's eyes widened as he shrieked in a high pitch. His ass ached
more than ever, and he was just looking at it. Oh the damage it had caused Sora when they had
experimented with it before. He was in for it now. The ultimate pay-back, and this time, unlike
Sora, he wouldn't be able to say stop.
It was only a small and simple object, but it was much more terrifying than what one would
normally think. After all, taking in the position he was in, there was only one possible outcome,
and Riku prayed for help to whatever god may be listening that it would not incur an injury that
would be (quite literally) a pain in the ass for an extended period of time. They had taken careful
actions with Sora, but Riku's was punishment, and would not be taken lightly.
Sora leaned in close to Riku's face enough for him to see every agonizing movement he would
make. Pure torture.
Riku's eyes widened in horror as he noticed Sora's tongue around the object. /Oh shit.../
Alright guys. Yeah, a cliffy... I dunno how to keep writing this story. I don't get enough time to
come back everyday and type long chapters. I just don't have that much time. You guys may have
noticed this chapter to be a bit smaller than the last chapter. It is gonna take me forever to update
like this. At first I had wanted to do a chapter for each day on their month long trip, but I can't do
that. Chapters would be way too long. So I'm gonna do a lot of medium sized chapters so I can
update quicker, and still have time to finish my AMVs before the conventions.

I've had a friend of mine ask me to include a few Advent Children hunks into the mix, so if you
guys wanna see a specific character or pairing, don't hesitate to ask. Plus, any interesting things
you guys wanna see happen, write `em to me. I've already got the first two weeks planned out
and the highlights written down, it's just getting the time to write it down in story form.

Document Outline

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