Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ One Month ❯ Alone Time ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hi guys! Its me again. I know its been forever....what.....four months? Damn that’s a long time. Anyways, you guys have probably heard this over and over again from all the fanfiction authors out there after they’ve not been writing forever, and I’m not gonna break the cliche`. Schools been a bummer, night school that is. I’m the only one taking college classes at night in my school at this moment. I have my driver’s license now so I’ve been out shopping alone for the first time in my life, and homework is still a bitch to get through. Anywho.....enough with my rambling......onto the story!


It had been a long day at work, and he was ready for a nice, quiet evening with his one and only. Photography sure didn’t seem like a hard job, but he’d be damned if anyone who had that job came home and felt any energy at all. Not only did you have to put up with bitchy models, but also the designers who wanted to show off the different aspects of their creations. If nothing else, the camera’s weight could pull your arm out of socket.

Axel reached into his leather jacket’s pocket to search out his keys. /Hmmm.....quarter lube.......... house key!/ he held them out in front of his nose and jingled them as if he was shaking some sense into them for hiding. He stuck the house key into the lock and turned the doorknob to enter his humble abode.

Axel shut the door and stood in the entryway to the living room and took a deep breath, inhaling the sent of him and his lover’s living space. /Mmmm....oranges......Roxy must’ve been in a cleaning mood again today./ Walking forwards until his knees hit the back of the couch, he let gravity do its job and pull him forward across the backrest of the couch. The thick stack of pillows laid neatly on the couch restricted him from falling forward too much, however, leaving his plan to flip across the couch and land on his back in a comfortable position a failure. /Damn pillows...../

It was then that he heard the shuffle of footsteps behind him. Lifting his tired-heavy body from its position bent on the couch, he turned and gave a loving smile to the intruder.

There, leaning on the archway to the livingroom was Roxas, with his arms crossed comfortably across his chest. “How was work?” The blonde too held a soft, loving smile. It was a smile that was rare these days. Axel would come home and crash on the couch or bed, whichever he felt like crashing on, and fall asleep as soon as his head hit its surface. Although work had been tough today, it took less of a toll on him than it had recently.

“It wasn’t as bad as usual.” He gave his brightest smile, and laid his camera bag and folder of pictures on the couch next to the high stack of pillows.

His small blonde lover removed his hands from their position across his chest and walked towards Axel to hang them around his waist. “I’m glad. You’re always so tired when you get home.”

Axel laid a soft kiss on his lover’s forehead. “Yeah, but it should change now.” He pulled Roxas’s arms from around him and walked across the hall into the kitchen. “I’m head of the department now.” he said, opening the fridge and reaching down to pull out a fresh Miller from it’s spot on the shelf. He turned back to face Roxas who was half sitting, half standing at the table’s edge, holding his right hand out. Axel reached out and took the offered hand, walking towards his lover until he stood between his legs.

Roxas grabbed the beer with his other hand from Axel and twisted the metal cap off, sipping the beverage between his lips and testing its flavor on his tongue before handing it back to the redhead in front of him. “That’s good. What makes it easier and better for you though?”

Axel took a large gulp from the clear bottle and sat it down next to his little blonde. “Well... I get weekends off, a larger paycheck, and I get free airfare for myself and any single person to each shoot that is outside the US. Everything in the US I gotta pay for myself though.” He gave his trademark smirk and lent down to press his lips to Roxas’. “By the way, you do know that it’s illegal for you to drink alcoholic beverages, my dear sixteen-year-old?” He reached over and grabbed his cold drink to turn and walk back towards the living room.

Roxas followed behind and sat down in Axel’s lap on the couch. “Are you saying that because you’re afraid for my health, or do you just want the whole thing to yourself?” he giggled. He felt Axel giggle behind him more than he heard it.

“Both. Its not me. Just look at Demyx.”

“Oh yeah! How’s he doing anyway? I’ve not heard from him since his trip to New York.”

Axel grabbed for the remote and flipped on the television. “Well he sent a letter to u-......”

Uhn! Harder!

Oh yes! You’re so tight!

Axel dropped the remote and fumbled to reach for it, nearly flipping Roxas across the floor. “Oh shit! That scared the hell out of me!” The red-haired photographer sighed as he slowed down and looked for the remote at a normal pace.

Roxas couldn’t stop laughing. He couldn’t believe he had forgotten to turn the channel before he turned off the television. Porn. In their silent informative time, porn had burst on the screen at a loud volume and scared the shit out of Axel. The look of pure horror that had crossed those elf-like features was priceless! “ bad!” he roared as Axel sat back on the couch, remote in hand. All Axel could do was stare in amazement at the screen. “I was checking out something about new techniques and forgot to change the channel.” Roxas said, still giggling profusely.

Axel turned to his smaller lover. “Techniques....?” he said with his mischievous smirk plastered on his face, one eyebrow raised.
Roxas mimicked that smirk. “Oh techniques that I’d love to try sometime. They also had a program that showcased new toys. That was a prize all in itself.”

Axel switched the channel to HBO and chunked the remote onto the foot-table, throwing his hands behind his head and reclining on the couch. “Really? Anything you were especially interested in?”

“Oh yeah. They have a website we can order from. I’ll show it to you later. So what were you saying about Demyx?”

About this time, three gun shots echoed around the room from the t.v. Yep, it was The Sopranos. He wasn’t gettin’ shit from Axel till it was over. It was their understanding. Each had their own television time. For Axel, it was The Sopranos and The “L-word” . For Roxas, it was his beloved anime. Saturdays were devoted to television when it came to Roxas. Where Axel just watched the show he wanted on television, and later on bought the complete season on DVD, Roxas would tape the anime he wanted every time it came on. The entertainment room they had set up had Axel’s measly collection of DVDs on the shelf by the big screen tv, and Roxas’s DVD and tape collections on the large wall directly behind the big-screen tv area. They were so different that it was hard to figure out how they went so well together.

Roxas just stored the question away for later and settled down on the couch with his head in Axel’s lap. Axel was in to the show, but his hand drifted down to play with his lover’s hair. After about an hour, The Sopranos finally ended and Axel looked down at Roxas, asleep on his lap. /Hehe! He’s drooling on cute, yet unsanitary./ He reached over for the tissues they left by the couch and mopped up the slight drool that had made its path down Roxas’ cheek and onto his left thigh. Quickly tossing it in the trash, he began the job of waking his mate in the most dignified and grown-up way he could think of: he started poking Roxas in the forehead.

“Roxy......” poke poke. “Roxas......” poke.......nudge nudge..........SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE! “ROXAS!”

“WHAT?!?!” Roxas glared at the redhead. Axel couldn’t help but laugh.

“Wake up. It’s time for bed.” He giggled with a smirk ingrained into his face.

“I’m not even gonna comment on that oxymoron.” Roxas said, laying his head down on the redhead’s lap again.

Axel wrapped his arms under his little blonde, and stood to lift him up in his arms. He Trudged around the couch and down the hall to the third door, working the knob open with his right arm, Roxas held up by his upper bicep. After fumbling with the door he finally got it opened and walked in, laying Roxas on the un-made bed and pulling the covers up to his shoulders.

Roxas watched as Axel walked into their bathroom and pushed the door shut but not completely closed. Then he heard water and saw the steam pour from the crack in the doorway. So.....Axel was taking a bath instead of hitting the bed first for once. It was kind of unusual for Axel to take a shower at night before hitting the sack. /Hmmmm........Axel must have tomorrow off since he’s taking so much time tonight..../ Roxas silently pulled the covers back and stood to peer into the bathroom.

Axel stood lent over the sink in front of the mirror inspecting his skin, his ass naked and smooth... just calling Roxas in for a closer look. The pyromaniac turned and walked to step into the porcelain claw-footed bathtub that Roxas had practically begged him to buy at the appliance shop. Warm water filled the tub almost to the rim, leaving just enough space to move around without splashing everywhere. Axel brought one arm over his eyes to shield the bright light hanging from the ceiling.

“Mmmhmmm...” Axel moaned in his relaxed and comfortable state. He could feel the stress from work just melt right off him. Roxas chose this time to silently push into the bathroom, leaving Axel oblivious until he caught the cool draft filing in from the bedroom. A rustle of clothing led him to know that Roxas was about to join him in the tub.

Roxas dipped his big toe in the warm water, testing its worth, before sitting on the edge and swinging both legs into the pool of warmth and sinking deep into it, until his bottom finally hit the porcelain surface. The added mass in the tub aided in the pouring of water from its prison and onto the bathroom floor, draining down the metal grate in its surface. The blonde rested his head on the edge and let his body soak, totally relaxed. “So Axel.....are you off work tomorrow....?”

Axel totally knew where this was going. “Yep....” he said with his trademark smirk. “Planning anything specific....?” Bringing himself out of his sedated state, he lifted his head and looked at his beloved.

Roxas sat up on his knees and leant forward to lay across his pyromaniac’s body. “You could say that....” he said seductively, tilting his head up and connecting their mouths together for a much needed heat-induced kiss.


He looked at Leon obediently driving the car, coming down from his high. The sweat dripping down the tan skin, the ruffled hair in his after-sexed state, and then down at the sexy sight of cum dripping from his lover into his lap. He pressed his lips to Leon’s shoulder in an act of affection. “That was pretty hot.” He had to admit it. It was an awesome plan, and it had kept them occupied for quite a while.

That’s when he heard it...

*clap clap clap clap clap*

“Fuck! They were watching us weren’t they Leon....” He smacked his head forward onto Leon’s back in shame.
All he heard next was.... “DAMNIT RIKU! Give me the freakin camera!” ......that is......that’s all he heard before he felt the car snatch to the right and Leon reaching in the backseat for what was apparently Riku who had evidence of their fun and games on camera, which he would no doubt burn to DVD as blackmail.

“Hell no! I’m burnin’ this to DVD as blackmail!” He knew it. /I bet Axel’s glad he doesn’t have to put up with this shit anymore... Damn this road is bumpy./

That’s when it hit him... “Leon! Get on the road!” He reached for the wheel and made a fast turn to the left in an attempt to get on the highway once again.

“Crap!” Everyone held tight as the car spun in a complete circle before it came to a stop. Then..... everything was quiet..... and They all turned to their right and noted the flashing red light.

“Hmmm.... vacancy, huh?”


Axel thrust up again, splashing even more water to the floor. Roxas held tight to the porcelain in an attempt to not slide away in their actions. His erection bobbed out of what was left of the water in the tub.

“Mmmmh! Axel!” He swung his head back, sweat-thickened hair straying in every direction as Axel’s hand squeezed his cock one final time, cumming directly into the once clean water.

Axel thrust up hard, still awaiting his finish. “Not..... quite.....” Roxas gripped the tub tighter, and brought his right hand down to play with Axel’s nipple. The pyro leant up and connected their mouths once again in a hungry kiss, letting Roxas dominate him. Roxas began impaling himself hard, aiming only to bring his redhead to completion. He tightened his inner walls to milk his lover further, and with the final twist of a nipple, Axel came deep and hard inside his lover. “”

Roxas sat back and looked down at his lover, still coming down from his high. “Axel, that was amazing!”

“Yeah, but only cause you were here. I don’t think it would have been as hot if I’d done it by myself.” Axel giggled as he rested his head back, tired from their activities.

“I dunno.... watching you masturbate would have been pretty hot....” Roxas snickered, holding the edge of the tub and pulling himself up, sliding Axel’s spent member out in the process. He reached over and pulled the shower curtain around the tub and reached to the wall to turn on the shower faucet above them.

Axel held a hand out towards Roxas, and when it was held and he was pulled to a standing position, the young couple began to actually bath for the night to afterwards head for the bed.


“I am NOT sleeping in THAT bed with YOU guys!” Riku yelled, hoping maybe if he acted like an asshole, they let him sleep in the car instead of the pile-of-shit of a bed that sat in the motel room they had rented for the night. The sheets alone looked highly unsanitary, with all its glorious stains of god knows what that had been there for god knows how long.

“We no one is sleeping in my car! So that’s that Riku. I will however go grab some sheets from the trunk that we can lay across this thing so we don’t have to be in direct contact of it. And when we get to our destination, we’ll burn them.” Leon walked out of the room to fetch the blankets he had harped about. How dare Riku think he was going to sleep in the fucking car? No one was going to sleep in his car. Hell, if he could help it there would be no eating, drinking, smoking, fucking (earlier didn’t count), or anything else for that matter. He LOVED his car, and he’d be damned if he was going to let some snot-nosed punk-assed teenager sleep in his car and wet his leather seats.

When he returned, the trio he had left behind were fighting on who got the bed and whatnot. /Great, another damn fight./

“I still say we should sleep in the car, because I know for a fact that I will not catch anything from sleeping in the car, whereas this bed looks like the people before us were ripped apart brutally and have decayed into the mattress.” Riku stood next to the t.v. which probably didn’t even work, with his arms crossed still believing he was gonna get to sleep in the damned car.

“Cool it Riku! Your not sleeping in the damned car!” Leon said, throwing the blankets at Riku.

Cloud grabbed the blankets from the PMSing Riku and laid them across the bed as protection. “Okay, this is what we are going to do. We are all gonna get on this bed and sleep tonight. Rock-paper-scissors decides which couple get which end of the bed, heads pointing at the wall or heads pointing at the t.v. Watch your feet cause whose ever I find in my face, I’ll bite off their damned toes. Is everyone clear?”

Riku saluted Cloud with his right hand, “Yes ma’am!” SLAP!

“Quit being an ass to them Riku.” Sora retracted the hand he slapped Riku with and held it out to Cloud for a rock-paper-scissors match. “I lose. Guess we face the t.v. Riku!”

As the cranky couples settled in for the night, Riku silently began plotting how he was gonna punk Leon the next time he had a chance. /Bad move Leon. We should have slept in the car. Muahaahahahahhaah!/


WOW! Six pages! My hands hurt now. Ah well. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Its not my favorite, but it all leads up to next chapter which is gonna be WAY better. AH! I am so happy Axel and Roxas made their appearance! YAY! I LUV that pairing! Next chappy is gonna be super duper YAY! Axel’s crew of models decides to visit! I’m sure everyone’s got a favorite organization member. They’ll all be joining in the mix, so stay tuned!

Well, I’ve still got homework, so I’ma go finish that now. I can’t WAIT for summer, no school work means more time to write! YAY! Please review. Seriously, every time I get a review, it reminds me I have some free time to write, so the more reviews the faster the next chapter.