Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ One Month ❯ A full day's work ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi guys! I’m typing again finally! This one is for the summer! I hope you enjoy!

The story so far has pretty much shown you the relationships of the main characters, along with a little smut (lol little). Anyway this chappy will give you a feel of Axel’s workplace and all the models, photographers, and of course the man that runs it all, Xemnas!


The silver-haired man sat in his overly large leather seat, feet propped upon the mahogany desk covered in professional photographs that had just been released to him. He held his favorite closely to examine its every detail, and when done he addressed the young man standing before him. “Demyx, this is by far the best I’ve seen from you. I would, however, like you to keep your work this fresh and capture the perfections of the models you are assigned.”

Demyx blushed deeply at what he was being suggested. He couldn’t help his overactive libido and creativity. He was a photographer who had to deal with sexy models everyday, so when he gets home of course he’s gonna want to take sexy pornographic pictures of his model. It was his little fetish. Being a pornographic photographer was what turned him on, and apparently Zexion didn’t mind too much. He had just meant to take that particular roll of film out of his camera before he turned it into Xemnas for developing. He was a goof-ball however, and is usually the most childish employee around the place, leaving him to forget, and leave the roll in the camera to be turned in at the beginning of the next day.

Xemnas could, however, overlook this waste of film. That is, if Demyx would let him keep this one photo. “I’ll make you a proposition.” He sat up and rested his elbows on the desk, fingertips together, attitude strictly business. “We here at ‘Smexy.Org’ are always trying to expand in order to gain more audience, and of course, trample the competition. You are one of the more..... how should I say it..... creatively perverted photographers here.” He looked up at the cherry-red face of the dirty-blonde in front of him. “These pictures would be perfect for a magazine the company is trying to get off the ground. It would involve nude models in interesting positions, or at least some kind of erotic display. We want pictures of bondage and kinky positions, as well as nude models showing off what the viewers can’t have. Of course there will be no penetrations or oral activity. We want it clean, but we also want to show off what we have..... do you get what I’m saying?”

Demyx just stood there. He could not believe he was having this conversation with his boss for Christ’s sake. He didn’t know what to say..... how the hell would Zexion react?! I mean, he’d have to take nude photos of other people. He could feel his cheeks burning. He thought he’d at least get chewed out about pornographic photos on company film if not fired, but he NEVER thought he’d be hit up for a job opportunity! Just thinking about all the erotic photos was beginning to give him a problem in his lower regions. “Um.....I-I.....” He turned away from Xemnas, looking at the framed magazine covers that littered the wall, all of which were photos taken by the company’s employees. ‘ELLE’ from France, ‘Vanity Fair’ from Italy, and ‘FRUiTS’ from Japan were very few of the many that had its own little place in the office as well as throughout the entire building.

“I can tell you are a little hesitant on answering me as of now, but I can allow you to think it over for a little while. I would prefer an answer within the week. You are dismissed.” The platinum-haired company-manager motioned for Demyx to leave.....and that’s what Demyx did. Xemnas put his hands behind is head and reclined back in his comfy chair. This was going to be a good week. He’d have to work with Demyx’s treatment to his superiors though.


Riku woke up with a tickling sensation at his feet. “Quit it, Sora.” He whispered, moving his feet ever so slightly. It was then that he felt a warm wetness around his big toe. /I can’t believe Sora wants to play this morning. Doesn’t he even think about the others?/ That’s when it hit Riku. He shot up and stared towards the head of the bed where Cloud was sleeping quietly and Leon was sucking ever so gently on his toe. Riku glared down at the eldest brunette and just as he was fixing to kick him up side the head, it hit him..... this was going to be step one of payback (a.k.a. living hell for Leon). He began slowly moving his foot in and around Leon’s mouth (for that extra essence of Riku) before pulling it out and sliding out of bed to wake Leon from his happy slumber. He grabbed the pillow he and Sora had been sharing that night and pulled it out from under the sleeping angel’s head. He turned quickly around and POOF! whacked Leon so hard across the face that the pillow busted. “Good morning sunshine...... the earth says hello!” It only took Riku 2 seconds after the feathers had settled to figure out he should start haulin’ ass.


Ring ring ................. ....................... Ring ring .................... ........................ Ring ring .................... .......................Ring- “What is it?!”

“Um.... Sorry dude, is it a bad time?”

“Demyx? What the heck are you calling so early for?” Axel slid out from under the covers and looked over at Roxas, curled in the fetal position. /Hehe..... so cute!/ Axel stood and walked into the bathroom, scratching his butt as Demyx broke out-

“Early? Ax, its lunch man! What the hell dude! Aren’t you supposed to be at work today?!” The young mullet-wearing photographer stood in his kitchen walking in circles around the table, scratching behind his ear. He hadn’t ever seen Axel late for work.

“No dude! I got today off!” Axel reached over to turn on the sink.

“How the hell’d ya swing that? I only called the house ‘cause you weren’t answering your cell.” Demyx didn’t get too many days off. He was kinda pissed to know Axel hadn’t told him anything. “I just got off work with-..... well, can I come over? I gotta tell you guys somethin’.”

Axel mulled it over.... whenever Demyx came over, he always stayed up talking all day and never got anything done. He did, however, have free time at the moment and could always shoo Dem away when he needed time alone. “Okay, but you gotta bring me some of Zexy’s apple pie. He makes a mean one man!” Axel was about to drool just thinkin’ about it. He LOVED Zexion’s apple pie. For a male model, he could cook some damn good pie.

“WHAT!? No man..... there’s only one piece left. I was gonna eat it after I got off the phone..... hell I’m lookin’ at it now!” Demyx would never let that piece leave his house.... never....... unless it was in his stomach.

Axel was happy at the moment, willingly pissing the other off. “Then I will shoot you if you show up on my property Dem.” The trademark smirk was making its way on his face.

“Damnit Axe! I just got back from New York! You’re not even gonna let me in for a welcome home party to say your happy to see that I’m not harmed because I’m such a great friend?!” All he could do was pout. He new Axel was serious about shooting at him.... hell he’d been shot at before by the pyromaniac on more than one occasion.

“Hell no. What do you think I am, a humble acquaintance?”

“Okay, okay..... what if I bring the slice over and we share it. I mean.... come on.... it’s the last piece!”

“No! Why don’t you just ask him to bake you another one?”

“Because, dude! He’s in another freakin country!” Demyx seemed to pout even more just thinking about it. /And Zexion isn’t due back for another week./

“Ahhhhh...... fine Dem...... but only because I know you’ll sulk without anything to remember him by.” Axel knew his overactive friend very well. He could hear the other man scream in victory on the other end of the line. “When you come over I’m sure Roxas ‘ll have us a nice big breakfast.... won’t you Roxy?” Axel turned to look at the youth, throwing a pillow towards his head.

Poof. Roxas sat straight up. “What’d I do?”

“Nothing. Demyx is coming over. Can you start some breakfast for me?” Axel held the phone down to his chest to block the conversation.

Roxas bent past Axel to look at the clock. 1:30. “You mean lunch?” he asked with a confused look.

“No I mean breakfast. Come on Rox! It’s the most important meal of the day.” he said with a whine in his voice and a puppy-dog pout on his lips.


They sat in the car, Riku with Leon’s dirty sock tucked deep into his mouth and duct tape across his lips, and everyone else enjoying the peace and quiet, because now Leon was driving and he had decent music playing throughout the car.

“So when is our next stop?” the youngest brunette asked. He knew it would take a few more hours to get to Florida, but he always had to pee really bad. He still had no idea what was down there that they were going to. He faintly remembered something about Leon’s parents.

“Our next stop is in Riceboro, Georgia.”

“How far away is that?” Sora had never heard of that place, meaning it was so very much further than where they had stopped last night.

“Don’t worry Sora...... It’s only about an hour away.” Leon said softly.

Sora looked horrified. “An hour?! Can you pull over Leon? I have to use the bathroom.”

Cloud smirked. “You mean the tree?”

“Whatever! Just pull over.”

“Why didn’t you use one before we left?” Leon never understood why no one ever used the bathroom before a long trip.

“Because...... whoever decayed into the mattress..... well..... I found their Chihuahua in the bathroom.” Sora’s face became distorted at the memory. Then he turned to Riku, who made a hurling sound at remembering the damage that was done to the bedroom, and imagining the imagery from the bathroom only made him want to hurl more.

“Fine, but hurry up.” Leon said as he pulled to the side of the road.

Sora reached over Riku’s lap to open the door. As compact as the car was, he’d never get across Riku’s lap, so he just pushed him out in the tied up tangled mess that he was. When Riku gave a ‘humph’ after hitting the ground, Leon and Cloud couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ready to behave Riku?” Leon asked in his stern voice. Riku all but growled at him in response. “Hey Sora! Untie Riku when you get back!” He faintly heard a response in the distance.


“WHAT?!” Axel’s eyes had almost popped out of his head after hearing that. “No fucking way!!!”

“Yes fucking way! I swear I just came from there. That is what he said.” Demyx was overly excited, hopping around the table in a stupor. “I can’t wait to tell Zexion!”

“Hold your horses, Dem. You think Zexion is gonna like this? I mean... it’s a sex magazine... with like....... nude models.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think he’ll mind that too much compared to why I was offered the job.” he blushed and turned away from his friend.

Roxas came up with two plates full of eggs, cheese, and french toast. “So why exactly were you offered that job, Demyx?” He asked sitting next to his red-haired lover.

The blonde reached up to scratch the back of his head in an awkward fit of giggles. “Well.... I kind of left a private stash of film in the camera when I turned it in the other day.”

“NO FUCKING WAY!” Axel bust out laughing, nearly causing Roxas to jump from his seat.

“Damnit, Axel! For the last time.... YES FUCKING WAY! How am I going to break it to him? I- I can’t just be like......hey our boss saw our sex film and he liked your ass..... I mean..... come on!”

Roxas joined on in the mix with a mouth-full-o’-bacon. “Juft thell ‘em ith wath an akthidnt.”

“Yeah, Dem. Just tell him the truth. He’ll be pissed but its better then not telling him anything at all. Oh yeah! Has Luxord finished with our schedule for next week? He wouldn’t tell me who we’re meeting for the shoot or where the hell I’m supposed to drive to meet them.”

“I dunno, but I know what the theme is. It’s vampires. Isn’t that pimp?! Oh my god! You have got to see the leather suits Vexen designed for it! Damn! Too bad Zexion isn’t here for me to film....”

Roxas just gave Demyx a blank stare. “Trust me Dem... if he was here and dressed in any type of bondage-wear around you...... I don’t think you would be doing much work. You’d fuck him on the counter.... or alley... or where ever the shoot takes place.”

Demyx could only smile at that. He knew it was true, but he loved Zexion enough to at least ATTEMPT to keep himself in check. “Yeah yeah..... anyways..... OH! Xaldin said Zigbar finished the final touches on your last portfolio. You know... the sports one?”

“Yeah I remember, Dem. What about it? Which pic went on the cover?” Axel enjoyed his breakfast nice and slow, only half-way listening in interest.

The mullet-styled photographer sat in thought. “I don’t know... I faintly remember hearing something about Laexus, so maybe one with him in it. I’ll ask Xaldin for sure when he brings his system over tonight. Dude! HE HAS HALO 2! That’s awesome! So he’s coming over tonight so we can game on.” Demyx looked like he was fixing to piss his pants in excitement. He had every right.

“Dude seriously?! WOW! Can we come over? Axe and me aren’t doing anything later.” Roxas’ blue eyes sparkled at the thought.

Axel sprayed the milk he was sipping, and coughing added his plans to the agenda. “I actually need to stay home. I’m waiting on an important package. *cough cough*” He was stared at by the two blondes opposite him. It looked like he was totally freaking him out.... and he was.

“What package?” Roxas asked questioningly. He hadn’t heard anything about a package or anything.

“Um..... well.... it’s a sur-.... surprise.....?” Axel stared wide-eyed at his lover. /Accept the lie.....ACCEPT THE LIE!!!/

“Oh... okay....” Roxas narrowed his eyes suspiciously in response..... /A surprise huh...?/

*BZZZZZZZZZZ* .................. *BZZZZZZZZZZZZ* ............. Axel looked down at his phone vibrating on the table. /A text?/ He narrowed his eyes at it, and at realization widened them./LEON!/ He grabbed the phone and flipped it open.

June 2, 2007

From: Leonizzle

Message: Hey we’r on our way. C U N about 3 hrz!

Signature: *I <3 Cloudz*

/3 hours huh..../ “Hey, Roxas you can go though! Lemme know how the controls handle, okay?”

“You got it!” Roxas yelled as he ran upstairs to get dressed.


OMG Guys my bad! Sorry its been so long! I had problems over christmas with my bank account and college sign ups are a bitch! Anywayz.... I just ordered a keyblade! YAY! So I’ll be Sora hanging with an L from Death Note at Animazment in Raleigh, NC Memorial day weekend if anyone is going! YA! Now off to plan our cosplay skit! Laterz!