Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Only Time
Author: Inumoon3
Summary: When Riku asked Sora to marry him, he was more than ecstatic to accept the proposal, but Sora never anticipated the reaction from Riku's three kids. And did he forget to mention he was only a YEAR older than Riku's eldest child?
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Kingdom Hearts…but if I did….Sora and Riku would be together and Sora would be pregnant every time he turned around…hehe…
'Where could he be? It's already 15 passed…he's never this late. Actually now that I think of it he's never late. I hope he's okay…maybe I should call.' Sora Mamoto thought as he glanced at his watch. He soon turned his azure blue eyes up to the night sky, while his spiky brown hair flittered in the wind. He was currently standing by a desolated park bench around his neighborhood waiting for his lover. He glanced around looking for a sign of his boyfriend of 6 months.
'Boyfriend…still hard to believe me and Riku have been dating for so long...' Sora couldn't help the smile creeping onto his effeminate features. Before Sora could elaborate on his thoughts his eyes were suddenly covered, and an arm snaked around his waist. Sora tensed, preparing for the worst but relaxed after recognizing the soothing voice of his lover.
"I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?" Riku Yamada asked taking his hand off his lover's eyes and turning Sora around to face him. Sora looked up into his lover's fleeting aquamarine colored eyes, before smiling and pecking his lips.
"No I wasn't waiting long." Riku smirked and gently recaptured his lover lips into a gentle kiss. "Good. I've missed you." Sora smiled at Riku's words. Although the two have been dating for nearly 6 months, they often went long periods without seeing each other due to their careers.
"I missed you too. So how did the merging go in Kyoto?" Sora asked as he reached for his lover to sit with him on the bench.
"Hn. I'm just happy it didn't last another day. Urameshi Corps wasn't exactly complying the way I had hoped..." Sora couldn't help but smile as he watched his lover talk about his trip. Riku stopped mid sentence and caught Sora's eyes and raised a delicate eyebrow.
"Do you want to tell me what's so interesting on my face that you're staring so hard?" Sora blushed, catching the smirk on his lover's face before turning away.
"You know I love it when you blush." Riku whispered into the younger man's ear. Sora's blush increased ten-fold. He then looked up at his lover with a pout on his face.
"Don't tease me, Riku…" Sora said cutely before being pulled into a passionate kiss. Riku wrapped one of his arms around Sora's waist, while the other one caressed his face and neck. Sora moaned into the kiss only being able to clutch Riku's jacket tightly. The kiss enveloped the both of them but the need for air caused them to break away. Sora simply pecked Riku's lips before settling his head on his shoulder. Riku situated them so that his head lay upon Sora's.
"Happy Anniversary;" Riku whispered kissing Sora's forehead. Sora smiled and couldn't help but feel giddy.
"Happy Anniversary, love;" Sora mumbled snuggling into Riku's neck. "I've made reservation at Kingdom Hearts." Riku smiled as Sora looked up at him with watery eyes.
"You didn't have to do that, Riku."
"I know but I feel as though it would be significant on our 6 month anniversary that we re-visit the place we met." Sora couldn't help but smile and nod his head while remaining in his lover's embrace. 'I love him…I love him so much.'
They stayed in a comfortable silence for what seemed forever. "Do you remember how we got together, love?" Riku could only close his eyes as he tried to envision what Sora had asked. Riku kept his eyes closed for awhile. Sora shifted slightly to see his lover face.
"I'll never forget." Riku breathed as he opened his eyes and stared down into his lover's eyes. "Good; cause neither will I."
Sora groaned as he walked out of the lecture hall classroom. 'This has been a really long day…' Today marked Sora's first day as a professor at Tokyo University. (1) Sora graduated the top of his class, at the young age 17 and earned his PhD by the age of 23; so by no means was he an idiot. But considering he was teaching at a school where only the best of the best could get in he felt nervous of his abilities. Not to mention, he was younger than all his students, also making him feel quite intimidated. 'I'm just happy this day is over…I know what would make this day turn around, a nice cup of coffee.'
Sora's face light up at the idea of getting coffee, so with a little bit more of pep in his step he made his way down the street where he knew a cafe resided. Sora walked down the street blending in with the crowd, until he branched off into the cafe. The café in itself was 5-star; meaning it came with the sophistication of the best restaurants, the causality of a café setting, and the smoothness of a jazz bar. The café was called Kingdom Hearts; a place where Sora could see himself coming too more often. 'Mmmm…' All the different aromas hit Sora at once causing him to close his eyes. Sora loved the smell of coffee beans being slowly roasted, as well as the smell of freshly brewed coffee. He smiled slightly before opening his eyes and making his way to the podium to be seated.
"Hello, sir. Will it be only you today, or are you expecting company?" the girl smiled at Sora while gathering a menu.
"Just me, please…and if it's not too much trouble could I get a window seat?" Sora smiled slightly, as she nodded her head and led him through the café. She showed him to a table with a chair on both sides pushed up against the window. The window was a perfect view of the city sidewalk and street. Sora noticed that the windows were slightly tinted, so that people from the outside could not see the inside. Sora didn't even notice when he sat down.
"Well here you are, sir. A waiter will be right with you." The server sat the menu on the table before walking off.
"This is beautiful…" Sora continued to glance out the window before sighing and picking up the menu. He carefully read over the different sections of the menu. Besides selling coffee it also sold pastries, coffee cakes, and actual cuisine; they also served wine. 'Wine doesn't sound half bad, right about now…'
"Sir?" Sora looked up to see the waiter staring at him expectantly before he realized he had to order. A blush rose to his cheeks. "I'm sorry…but I'll have a roasted vanilla bean coffee with cream and sugar on the side, please…and a Large Kuri Manju. (2) That'll be all." The waiter took the order before disappearing.
Sora sighed and looked around and noticed someone being seated right across from him. The man was tall and broad. He was dressed business casual with a cell phone and PDA attached to his pants in their case. He had silver hair that was pulled into a low ponytail with strands loosely falling around his face. His facial features were well defined, and his eyes a piercing aquamarine shade, something Sora had never seen before. The man slowly locked eyes with Sora while being seated; their staring lasted for awhile before the man raised a well defined eyebrow causing Sora to blush. 'Oh kami…I got caught staring…oh how embarrassing.' Sora looked anywhere but at the man across from him. Sora's blush intensified when he could still feel those eyes lingering on him.
When Sora finally built the courage to look up again, he was surprised to see the man making his way over to Sora. His eyes widened. Before thoughts could even run through his head the man was sitting on the chair across from Sora, staring blatantly.
"Has anyone ever told you you're cute when you blush?" the man smirked while showing perfect teeth. "Uh…I guess…I mean…I'm sorry for staring!" Sora stuttered turning redder as time went on. The man smirked, and took the seat across from Sora. Sora looked up in awe.
"So…what's your name?"
"I'm Riku." Riku flashed a smile at Sora. He gazed at the boy as the boy blushed profusely. Sora didn't know what to do or say. He just stared at the table cloth, finding it better then the relentless eyes that were stuck on him. They sat in silence for but seconds before the waiter came back with Sora's order. The waiter then proceeded to take Riku's order which simply consisted of black coffee. Sora made a face once the waiter left.
"You drink your coffee black? You're just like my older brother." Sora continued to make a face. Riku smirked.
"Well is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Sora looked at Riku for awhile. "Depends on the context of which you're asking…" Riku then leaned forward not even noticing that the waiter was bringing his coffee over.
"I'm asking is me liking black coffee going to help me get your phone number before we both leave here?" Riku smirked while making sure to maintain eye contact. Sora's eyes widened, but then he smiled.
"Well it depends…if I give you my number will you promise to call?" Sora and Riku shared a smile.
And the rest was history….
End of Flashback
Sora and Riku shared a small smile. They have been inseparable since. Their relationship has been exclusive. They both like their privacy, and with Riku being a CEO it was better that way. Riku looked into Sora's eyes, and smiled.
"I love you." Riku whispered leaning down and kissing Sora passionately. Sora smiled into the kiss.
"I love you too, old man…" Sora joked. Riku scoffed, but held a small smirk on his lips. Riku and Sora shared a 23 year age difference; at first that bothered Sora a lot.
Sora and Riku were technically on their third date; both agreeing the day they initially met was an 'unofficial' date. Sora decided he wanted to be somewhere more intimate and private, so he invited Riku over to his apartment. Riku was a little shocked, but complied anyway. Sora's apartment was not really an apartment. It was condominium that looked too big for one person to live in; but Sora did live alone. It was decorated and well furnished. When Riku stepped inside it felt homey. Sora made dinner and dessert. He didn't know much about Riku's likes so he kept the dinner simple and simply made stir-fry.
"So…what do you do?" Sora asked while sipping his juice.
Riku looked up from his meal and contemplated Sora carefully. Riku sat up slightly and put his elbows on the table while leaning casually on his hands. Sora was confused. 'Uh…did I say something wrong?' Riku continuing to stare into Sora's eyes he spoke softly.
"I'm the CEO of Yamada Inc." Yamada Inc owned a chain of different businesses and resorts. Riku owned most of the best known restaurants and hotels in Japan, among other places. Sora's eyes widened slightly. 'How could I have missed that? For Kami's sake his last name is Yamada…but still it's not like he's the only one with Yamada as his last name…wait…does he know…' Riku noticing the inner turmoil in the younger man's hand reached over and took Sora's hand.
"I like you. I don't want this to ruin what we may have." Sora looked shocked for a moment, before laughing. Riku raised an eyebrow not finding what he said so funny.
"Well I think we're even." Sora smiled. "What do you mean?" Riku raised a skeptical eyebrow. "My dad owns Mamoto & Son. Currently my dad's retired, but my brother Cloud took his place…are you okay?" Sora looked at Riku questioningly. Riku sat there with a blank look on his face.
"So you're one of Hideki's sons?" Sora eyes widened. "You know my dad?" Riku sat there contemplating how to respond.
"Yes. We use to do business together. But now I mostly deal with your brother Cloud." Sora looked in understanding before something clicked. 'Cloud's been running the business, since I was 16…that's almost 7 years…and dad hasn't been meeting individuals from other companies in about 11 or 12 years…so…' Sora's eyes narrowed slightly in thought. "How old are you exactly?" Riku sighed.
"Will it change anything?" Sora looked at Riku before looking down at the table. "I don't know." Riku stayed silent and closed his eyes.
"I just made 46." Sora looked up to see Riku's eyes closed. He stared intently at the man in front of him. 'He's as old as dad…' Riku opened his eyes and his gaze landed on Sora studying his reaction.
"So you know my dad personally?"
"Perhaps…" Sora sighed and got up from his seat. Deciding he couldn't sit anymore he decided to clean the table. Riku noticed and watched as Sora entered his kitchen. He soon followed behind him leaning on the kitchen entryway.
"Don't make this bigger than it is, Sora." Sora turned so quick that he looked like he could have broken his neck.
"I'm not making this bigger than it is. You're my father's age. You know how old I am? I'm fucking 23; old enough to probably be your son!" Riku raised an eyebrow. "Age is just a number." Sora closed his eyes, and opened them when he felt Riku pull him flush against him.
"This shouldn't change anything. Before you knew my age you liked me. I assumed you at least suspected I was older before, so why does this change anything now?" Sora didn't know what to say. Riku was looking down at him through critical eyes. "I…I…" Sora couldn't think of a plausible answer.
Riku slowly leaned down and kissed Sora's lips. Sora's eyes widened but soon they slowly closed, and as the kiss deepened he wrapped his arms around Riku's neck. Riku broke the passionate kiss and stared at the boy.
"I like you, Sora. If anything I thought telling you I was CEO of a multi-billionaire corporation would change our relationship, not my age. Just give me a chance. You won't regret it." Sora looked up at the sincerity of the words, but what made him agree was the sincerity in Riku's eyes. Sora sighed but gave him a small smile.
"Okay…" Riku smirked and leaned down to kiss Sora again.
End of Flashback
Although it took some time to get use too, Sora did. And once the initially shock that his boyfriend might have went to high school or college with his dad, their relationship progressed. 'And so far he's kept his promise…no regrets yet…' Sora smiled inwardly.
"I will pretend I didn't hear that. So are you ready to head over to the restaurant?" Sora nodded. He slipped his hands into Riku's before beginning to walk in a steady pace. They walked in silence. When they reached their destination, Sora smiled.
Riku glanced at Sora and smiled. He gently led his lover into the restaurant, where they were automatically seated. Sora couldn't help but laugh slightly when he noticed they were at the same table, and he even noticed Riku had the area isolated.
"Riku, this is…amazing." Sora said with a bright smile on his face. Riku grasped Sora's hand on the table and brought it to his lips.
"It's all for you." Sora smiled, and gently squeezed his lover's hand. The waiter came and took their orders. As they waited for their meal they simply caught up on lost time. They hadn't been able to see each other for over two weeks, which was the longest time they had gone without seeing each other.
The waiter brought their drinks and meals. Riku watched his lover thank the waiter before taking a sip of his wine. Riku smiled 'There couldn't be a more perfect time.' Sora glanced at his lover before taking a bite out of his food.
"Mmm. This is good. How's your food, Riku?" Riku leered at his lover. "Not as good as you taste, but sufficient enough." Sora blushed while rolling his eyes at his lover's perverseness.
Riku took a sip of his wine before standing up from his seat and standing before Sora. Sora looked confused.
"Love, what are you…?" Sora stopped mid-sentence when he saw his lover get on one knee in front of him. Sora's eyes slowly widened, before slowly tearing up. Riku looked up from his position and grabbed his lover's hands.
"Sora, since I've met you, you have been the light in my darkness. Every time I think of you all I can vision is your beautiful smile that blinds like the sun, or your beautiful eyes that can rival the morning sky. I love you, and I don't want to lose you. Sora Mamoto, will you give me the honor of becoming my wife?" Riku smirked slightly at the blush on his lover's face. Sora couldn't help but jump into his lover's arms. Sora looked up at his lover from his chest and smiled.
"Yes." And that was all Riku needed to hear as he leaned down to kiss his lover, not caring that they both were kneeling on the floor near their table on half touched food. All that matter was that Sora had said 'yes."
AN: Hello, hello! I'm back hope that everyone's excited to read the new revision! I hope to get lots of nice reviews assuring me that this story is still wanted! Till next time! Read and Review! (1) Tokyo University is like one of the best schools in the world. (2) This is a cookie like dough surrounding a sweetened white bean paste. This is a favorite in Japan. This one also has chunks of real chestnuts inside.