Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Overcoming the darkness ❯ Out of the Light and into the Darkness ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Overcoming The Darkness
By Liera Antionette

Author's Notes: Don't ask me what possessed me to write this, but here it is. My plot for this fic is this...Riku chose the wrong side and is feeling some type of way at the choices he's made while Sora's attitude takes a change for the worst. His whole appearance has become dark. Riku also realizes his true feelings for Sora, but doesn't know what to do with them.
Meanwhile, Xemnas is cooking up some evil scheme to get rid of Sora once and for all and Riku's gonna have a lot more trouble on his hands once Xemnas gets his way.
Axel, Zexion, Saix, and Marluxia will be making appearances in this story because they're my favorite characters and as you can tell this is going to be an angst yaoi. I seem to be good at writing angst for some strange reason. -shrugs- Oh well...
I hope you enjoy. And please tell me if you want more.

Riku's Pov

Hatred is the first step to darkness...Jealousy is the next...The final is anger...Anger consumes the soul from the inside out...I learned this a little too late...I hated my very best friend for having the love of a girl that I thought I wanted...I was jealous of the fact that his heart was beyond stronger than my own...I was angry with him for choosing two new friends and the fate of all worlds over me...I let the darkness taint my entire being and now I can barely face him any more. I hid my eyes behind a blindfold to save what dignity I have left for myself...My eyes are the only thing not tainted by the powerful darkness I know I hold within me...
I started to work with Organization Xlll in hopes of trying to rid myself of his scent and power only to come under power by Ansem's Nobody...Xemnas. No matter which way I look at it...I'll always be taken by his darkness...My only wish now is that I trusted him, my friend...I should have trusted his words when he said he'll do everything in his power to find me no matter what I do.
Even If I became his enemy for real...He said he'd always love me...Now I realize a little too late that I have always loved him more than just as a friend...
He became my light, but now...I don't think he'll ever want to see me again...

Normal Pov

World after world, Sora has been searching for some clue, some trace of his best friend who was taken away from him by the darkness known as Ansem and Xemnas. He had given up going home until he found Riku and defeated this new group of enemies that called themselves the Nobodies and Organization Xlll. He was in the Gummi Ship with Cloud and Leon over Disney Castle, but was heading to Agrabah to check on a swarm of Heartless that had suddenly appeared. Much to the Keyblade bearer, he had lost Donald and Goofy to a joint surprise attack of Heartless and Nobodies in Hollow Bastion that is now known as Radiant Garden. Holding onto an all blade Keyblade that had a broken heart at the end, Sora looked out the window of the Gummi Ship.

He watched as Pride Rock and Atlantica went by and sighed heavily when he saw Halloween Town coming into view. He lost two of his best friends he had started this journey with and now was desperate to find the one who has been with him since he was born. "Sora..." He looked up to see Leon standing next to him with a worried look on his face. Leon watched as Sora changed. He wasn't his normal, cheerful self since he watched Donald and Goofy die by the hands of Xemnas. His whole appearance turned dark as did his personality. "We're almost at Agrabah...Are you sure you're ready to fight?" Sora rolled his ocean blue eyes as he made his Keyblade vanish. "Of course...No one else is going to take up the fight if the 'Savior of Light' decides to call it quits." He pushed passed Leon who sighed sadly. He missed the old Sora so much.

-Meanwhile On Agrabah-

A hooded figure wearing all black was pacing back and forth in the Palace courtyards as if waiting for someone or something to appear. He had been there before when he had first accepted the darkness within his heart and kidnapped a Princess of Heart before he knew what he truly got himself into. “There you are Master Riku...I've been looking everywhere for you." The hooded figure looked up as a black portal appeared before him. Another hooded figure in black stepped out before him, but removed his hood revealing a head full of spiked red hair and green eyes that had black slashes under them. "I've told you before to never call me that Axel." The red head chuckled a little as he shrugged his shoulders. "Can't help it. Xemnas has got me stuck saying it. You could say I've got it memorized." Riku said nothing as he felt his anger began to grow, which was never a good thing. Xemnas, who was originally Xehanort, had become a Heartless and a Nobody, had taken him under his wing since he had the power of his Heartless, Ansem. To be more accurate, he was forced into a position of power due to his weakness for Sora. "What do you want Axel?" The red head said nothing as he sat down on air. "Oh...nothing much...Zexion and Saix want me to keep an eye on you, but I really know they just want me out of their hair."

Riku didn't really hate Axel; he just got on his nerves like he did to everyone else in the Organization. "Go away. I don't need you here." Axel looked at the hooded Riku and smirked. "Oh...I get it...You're waiting for the Keyblade Master of Light, Sora to appear right?" Riku stopped his pacing as Axel grinned in victory. "Well, well, well! Is he really that much of a weak spot for ya, eh Master Riku?" He vanished quickly while laughing as Riku shot a ball of darkness his way. There was no way in hell he was going to let Axel ruin his chances of meeting Sora here even if he made the lie of swarming Heartless. He needed to see him so badly that it was almost like he was dying. "Get the hell out of here Axel...This is your last chance..." Riku pulled off his hood revealing that his silver hair had gotten longer and those beautiful aquamarine eyes were covered by a black blindfold. He summoned an all black Keyblade with Celtic runes in white that only he seemed to know what they meant and growled angrily. "One last time..." "Alright...Alright! I know when I'm not wanted...But you better keep an eye on your object of desire...You never know when Xemnas might pop up and..." Axel's voice vanished after Riku realized what was about to happen. "Sora..." He vanished in hopes of saving his light he so desperately wanted to see.

Sora's ship had suddenly gone under attack by the Nobodies as they tried to land on Agrabah. "Where the hell did all these bastards come from?" Cloud said nothing as he tried his hardest to steer the ship clear of enemy fire while Leon handled the weapons. "Damn it! They took out one of the lasers! Cloud, we need to get out of here now!" "Can't you see I'm trying!" Sora had jumped in the co-pilot's seat and took all control from Cloud. "Let me show you how it's done." Making the Gummi Ship turn as fast as he could, Sora evaded all enemy fire and took out several of their ships in the process. He then crashed landed in one of the many deserts covering Agrabah to avoid receiving any more damage. Sora was knocked unconscious on impact while Cloud and Leon tried to shake out of their daze. Riku's heart fell when he saw Sora's ship come crashing down into the desert and he was so close to saving him. What made his heart shake even more was the sight of someone he didn't expect to sense."Xemnas..." He had ripped open the cockpit door and pulled the unconscious Sora out. Cloud and Leon tried to stop him, but he over powered them with one hand. "The Savior of Light, huh..." Xemnas touched his face and then moved his slightly spikey hair back. "...Beautiful...He would do well in the darkness with all this hatred consuming his soul..." Riku could hear his twisted laughter as he vanished with a vulnerable Sora in his arms. All Cloud and Leon could do was watch helplessly.

Riku quickly made a portal, but was stopped from entering by yet another hooded figure from Organization Xlll. "Just where are you going in such a hasty matter, eh?" He took off his hood to reveal long, spikey strawberry brown hair and menacing green eyes. Riku quickly yanked away from him and proceeded to push him to the side. "Off to mind my own damn business." The guy chuckled as he grabbed Riku by his arm yet again. "Don't get so high and mighty just because you are Xemnas' puppet. You may be strong, but you're no where near my level." Riku growled. He didn't have time to deal with such nonsense. He had to find his Sora before that bastard Xemnas does anything to him. "Get off or you'll die quicker than you originally did, Marluxia." He sneered, but let him go as Leon and Cloud came running up. "Deal with them if you wanna blow off some steam." He entered the portal, but not without saying one last remark. "You're right. I'm nowhere near your level...I've already surpassed it." Marluxia growled as he summoned his scythe and began a short, but very deadly battle with Leon and Cloud.


Xemnas had finally reappeared with Sora in his arms within his chambers at Castle Oblivion. He laid him on his bed and smirked upon the sleeping teen. "So pure and innocent...Never tainted with the darkness until now..." Xemnas chuckled as he began to remove his cloak. "Master...I have returned with the report you have requested." Xemnas opened the door to see Axel standing there with a serious look. Axel never liked Xemnas, but he was the only one that took him in and so he has always tried his hardest not give him any smart remarks, but that always failed. "You're interrupting something, boy...Give me the report at a later time. I have business to attend to." Axel peered beyond Xemnas to see Sora on the bed behind him. Axel smirked and whistled his approval. "Well...If it isn't number thirteen himself! What'cha gonna do with him?" Xemnas said nothing as he kicked Axel in his stomach. He fell to his knees as he tried to breathe. "Stay in your place number eight. You haven't got the brain power to understand what my plans are." And with that, Xemnas slammed the door in his face. "Damn fool...I told him to keep an eye on what he desires..." Riku had finally made it back to Castle Oblivion only to end up running into Zexion. This gray haired teen was intelligent beyond his years and was very skilled in deception no matter what form it took.

"Trying to see the boy again were we?" Riku said nothing as he continued his journey to Xemnas' chambers. "You might as well give up on him...The boss is having his way with him as we speak." Riku's heart fell. "" "Even as we speak, the darkness is probably growing even more in his weak little heart..." He began to sprint even though he already knew it was too late to save him. Sora was turned flat on his stomach, screaming loudly as Xemnas had his way with him. He was covered in bites and bruises all caused by the one who was breaking his soul. He grabbed a handful of Sora's brunette hair and pulled his head backwards to see tears in those beautiful ocean blue eyes. "You called for this darkness yourself...Accept it and your pain will be no more..." He thrust inside Sora and he cried out against it. "I-...I'll never give in! Never!" Xemnas smiled before he began to bite Sora in his neck. "So...You'd rather live with the guilt of not being able to save your friends? The agony of never finding Riku?" Sora said nothing as Xemnas continued. He dug his nails into Sora skin making fresh tears erupt. "All you have to do is give in and even this pain will be no more...The darkness will sooth everything..." Sora considered his options. He was so tired of being alone and being the Keyblade Master of Light. He was tired of losing friends and loved ones in this everlasting war. Xemnas saw that the teen was faultering. He began to ease his abuse slowly making Sora restrain an actual moan of pleasure. His plan was working. Soon the mighty Keblade Master would be under his power and Kingdom Hearts would be his.

"You may even be able to find Riku with the power I can give you." Sora's eyes widen. "Ri-...Riku?" That was all he needed to help him capture Sora's attention. "Yes...You could find the one you have been searching so hard to find with the power of darkness." He felt Sora tighten at the mention of Riku's name which made him almost lose all composure. "Just say you give in and you'll have that power to find him..." Sora rolled his face into the bed as Xemnas moved in and out of his broken body. "I-..." His eyes widen with lust and insanity at the mere thought of being so close to achieving his goal. "I...I...give..." Xemnas grinned as he came inside Sora. He flipped him to his back and kissed him wildly as he felt Sora's heart well with incredible darkness. Sora could feel his soul being ripped apart as the darkness swelled within him. All his memories of Kairi and Destiny Islands were destroyed as Xemnas used his power over him. All that was left was his desire to find Riku and the pain from losing his friends. With a yell, a dark blast sent Xemnas flying to other side room. He didn't expect the darkness to be so strong in someone so pure! Sora sat up slowly as a black cloak materialize around him. "...I feel much better now..." Riku stopped running once he felt a swell of darkness surge through the castle. It stronger than any darkness he had ever felt. "What the hell was that!" A slightly battered Axel had appeared before him, breathing heavily. "It's Xemnas' plan...He's turned the purest person you know of into someone whose now full of darkness...I tried to warn you, but as never listen to the voice of truth in this god forsaken place."

Riku glared at Axel from under his blindfold, but that was soon stopped by a voice that issued within his own thoughts. "-Everyone within Organization Xlll...Come to the top floor of Castle Oblivion. I have a special guest I would like to introduce you to.-" Axel looked at Riku and knew what he was thinking before he even thought himself. He was going to attempt to save Sora, but had no idea what kind of spell Xemnas had him under. He summoned his Keyblade, but before he could take off, Axel stopped him. "Why are you bothering me? Didn't Xemnas kick your ass enough already?" "Bite me jackass...There's a problem with your beloved Sora..." "And what's that? You're wasting my time Axel..." He smirked as he let Riku go. "Xemnas has him under his power completely. He has become his dark puppet so to speak. He's using a very high level spell to keep him brainwashed so all he'll have is pain, hatred, and that insane desire to find you. Got this all memorized?" Riku nodded his head, but still took off. He of course didn't listen to a word that Axel said, which he would soon regret. Axel shook his head. "...This is how that bastard got me under his power...Roxas..." Axel vanished as Riku and the others made their way to the top floor. Xemnas sat on his throne with a look on his face like the cat that ate the canary. Leaning his head on his knee was a smaller cloak person with their hood drawn up. Those besides Axel and Zexion didn't know what to say when they saw this new member by their master's side. "Who’s that?" "Is it another powerful Nobody to take the place of number thirteen?" Riku finally made it to the throne room to see this hooded figure beside the beast that had somewhat tamed him. He ripped off his blindfold as the figure looked up.

"Riku..." His eyes widen. He knew that voice from anywhere. "Sora?" He pulled off his hood making everyone gasp. "The Keyblade Master of Light?" So it really was true...Xemnas had actually captured Sora. He walked down the steps as Xemnas sported a smile of victory. Riku was in complete shock. His light...his last shred of hope was now forever tainted by the darkness he sought to escape. "I've finally found you Riku...I've searched everywhere for you." "How-...What have you done to yourself?" Sora gave him a sadistic smirk making him cringe. That wasn't the dopey smile that normally melted his heart. This wasn't his Sora anymore. "I gave into the darkness finally. My heart was so weak from being in the light too long...It had clouded my vision of what's truly going on." He started to walk around Riku whose eyes were still in a state of shock. Xemnas knew then that there was no way he could deny him now. "-Heh...killing two birds with one stone...-" Sora knelt before Riku and took him by the hand. "Now we will be together...forever." Riku glared at Xemnas while ignoring the startled gasps and quiet insults that were being passed around.


Well…This is a little darker than what I intended, but, let’s see where it goes nee? Tell me if I should continue or not please. Make a writer happy, onegai?

Sora: What the hell!? This is wrong on so many levels! What happened to me and Riku or anyone else on the good guys list?!

Liera: It's only the first chapter and I'm feeling kindda dark today...You'll get a better scene promise.

Sora: -pouting- With Riku and lotsa chocolate syrup?

Liera: ...? Um....yea?

Sora: Yay!

Liera: Just review for me onegai? I promise if we make it through this story...say on the sixth chapter, I'll have a nice Riku x Sora lemon for you.

Sora: With Chocolate Syrup!

Liera: Let's save the chocolate syrup for a one-shot I have coming up.

Sora: As long as its just me and Riku!

Liera: Alright! Crazy muse...