Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Overcoming the darkness ❯ Manipulating the Darkness ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Overcoming the Darkness
By Liera Antionette

Author's Notes: Well here is the second chapter to my dark Kingdom Hearts! Took me like forever to come up with one too! As I said before I have no idea what possessed me to write such a dark story, demo I write whatever I think up. Marluxia will be probably be in the next chapter while Demyx will take his place. This time I'm asking for reviews. I wanna know what you, the readers, think of my story so far. Do you think it's too much? Is it too dark? I'm nervous of what you think of this story. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Even if you have questions about the fic I will be glad to answer them for you. Ummm...Forgot to mention this before, but there will be multiple pairings throughout this story mainly containing Sora. His innocence in this story will come with a price.
Umm...There will be a couple of scenes where Demyx is playing a familiar tune...All that is, is Simple and Clean without the words. I like the sound of that song when I'm writing!
Advance Warning: I'm playing both Kingdom Hearts 2 and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at the same time so I may cross them over by accident. Don't worry though...It will all fit!
Enjoy the story now. -bows-

Disclaimers: Forgot to put my disclaimers in the first chapter! I do not own Kingdom Hearts in any shape, way, or form! No matter how much I beg and plead, it will never be mine sadly.

Music to write by: Gessekai from Nightwalker
Haruka Kanata from Naruto
Drastic My Soul from S-cry-ed

Sora's POV

Being one with the light is very difficult when you are alone...It starts to sting like when you hit someone who has just gotten finished swimming and their skin is all wet and then it starts to burn like when you walk bare foot on the sand that sun has been on all day...Then...without warning, the light becomes painfully unbearable...pain just explodes from every inch on your body and there is nothing you can do about it...except vanish within the shadows of your own heart...

Story Start

"Sora...You didn't...Please tell me this is some sort of twisted joke...please..." Sora looked at him from his kneeling position with an insane look in his eyes. "This is no joke Riku...I gave myself up to the darkness." 'No! What about the fate of all the worlds?! What about your other friends!?" Sora stood up and sneered at him. "Friends? What friends do I have? They are all dead. The Heartless and the Nobodies took them all away from me a long time ago...I am tired of living in the light alone. But the darkness...I can be with you finally." Axel snorted as Xemnas glanced his way. "-As usual...Axel is up to something...but what could it possibly this time? I'll just have to keep a closer eye on him with the Keyblade Master of Light so close by.-" Riku just fell to his knees as the equally shocked members began to head to their rooms in Castle Oblivion. Sora still stood by his side, but then again this was no longer his Sora...His light... "My...How the mighty have fallen." A guy with an X scar in his face and blue hair had appeared chuckling before Sora and Riku. Riku had quickly tied his blindfold back around his eyes. He never let anyone in Organization Xlll see his eyes close up. "What the hell do you want Saix? You heard and saw the news like everyone else in this hell hole did!"

Saix chuckled softly as Sora glared at him. "Relax Master Riku...I'm just curious as to how you let Xemnas convert your desire so easily!" Without warning, Saix found himself dodging volley after volley of dark energy blasts. Riku's jaw dropped as he felt Sora's intense power surge with every attack. "-He's too fast! He shouldn't be able to command such power so soon! Xemnas has no idea what he has done.-" "You no longer have the right to speak to Riku like that now that I am here!" "Sora stop!" He stopped his assault and wrapped an arm around Riku's while glaring at Saix. "Are you alright Riku? You're trembling." Riku shrugged Sora off of him and vanished. Sora then turned to Saix and held up a vortex of dark energy. "Approach Riku while I am anywhere near him and I won't hesitate in destroying this entire place. That goes for all of you here." Sora vanished with a twisted smile as Saix finally allowed himself a sigh of relief. "What's the matter Saix? Didn't expect him to be so strong?"

An amused chuckled filled his ears as the gentle strumming of a sitar played softly throughout the throne room. "Demyx? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Hollow Bastion fighting that wench, Maleficent?" He appeared sitting on a watery music note while absently strumming his sitar. "I'm taking a breather for a moment. I also wanted to know what happened to the Keyblade master who just left in the middle of the fight." He started to play a soft tune that annoyed Saix to no end. "Get back to your post or I will have your head Demyx!" He chuckled as Saix summoned his sword. "Just like the Berserker Nobody...Quick to lose your temper!" He swung the blade, but only hit water as Demyx took off laughing. Axel was wandering around the castle, not really wanting to go to his room just yet when he spotted Sora sitting alone on a balcony. He was gazing at the stars with a tranquil look on his face while sighing peacefully. "-Something isn't right...His spell is supposed to keep him trapped within a rage, but he's sitting there so peacefully.-" Axel peered at him to see that his normal softness had returned and he looked like the dopey kid that everyone seemed to fall in love with.

He looked very sad as he just sat there. He looked at his hands before crying softly to himself. Axel couldn't help himself as he walked over to the sadden Sora. "...Are you alright?" He turned around with fear in his eyes and Axel felt his heart fall. The spell only seemed to be active when he was around Riku. "...I don't know what I've done...Why?" Axel didn't know what he was asking, but he ruffled his chocolate brunette hair. "...You wanted to see Riku again..." Sora looked at Axel and then hugged him. Out of all of the Nobodies, Sora was sure he could trust him. Axel looked around and made sure that Xemnas wouldn't be able to sense him. "Listen to me closely Sora...Xemnas has placed you under a spell that is only active around Riku." Sora looked at him with confusion written all over his face. "What?" "Xemnas has you under his power and it only works when you're with Riku. You could say that you have become something like a Twilight being so to speak." Sora shook his head as he pulled away from Axel. "What's that supposed to mean?" "You still have your light power basically. Stay away from Riku until I can find a way to break the spell. It would be wise for the both of us if you did."

Axel went to walk off, but Sora stopped him. "Why are you so willing to help me? Aren’t I your enemy?" He just smiled at him and continued to walk off. "...I hate to see good people suffer..." Axel vanished as Sora continued to star gaze. Zexion just smirked from the shadows. "-So...The spell is only worth something when he's around Riku...But someone like me could easily twist this 'Twilight Being' into whatever I desire...Just have to keep him 'innocent' until I figure out what I really want from everyone here.-" Zexion vanished as soon as Sora turned around. He could have sworn that someone was watching him just now. He shrugged and just turned back around. Riku was pacing back and forth in his room unaware of the truth behind Xemnas' spell. He just couldn't shake that scary image from his head. Sora's control over the darkness was perfect...Too perfect. Something was wrong, but Riku couldn't put his finger on it. Demyx, his trespasser, was laying on his bed while strumming random tunes on his sitar. "What is the matter now Master Riku? Your beloved light is too tainted for you to even touch or love anymore?" Riku threw something at Demyx who put up a water shield and laughed when it shattered against it. "Get the fuck out Demyx! I'm tired of you sneaking into my damn room!"

"I'm not sneaking..." He gave a fake look of rejection. "I just like being around you Master Riku and besides...Sora has scared everyone in the Organization Xlll so no one else would dare come near you." Riku growled as Demyx played a very familiar tune. "Demyx...Get out of my room now!" He pouted slightly as he stopped his playing and got ready to leave. "I just want you to know that I'm on your side no matter what that may be. Light or Darkness...I'll only be loyal to you." He vanished as Riku was left in a state of confusion. "-What was that supposed to mean?-" Sora had finally walked off the balcony when he spotted the silver haired Zexion speaking with Demyx who was making his way out of Castle Oblivion. "What do you want now Zexion? I have to get back to Hollow Bastion and fight Maleficent..." In Sora's opinion, Demyx looked too laid back to be fighting anyone, but he remembered his last encounter and just like the water he was quick to change his personality. "I need a favor done and you're the only person to do it because you and Axel are the only ones able to get close enough to Riku." Sora's eyes widen as he listened to the plan Zexion was telling Demyx. "-He-He's gonna kill Riku!! What do I do?! I have to warn him!-" Without thinking, Sora used a dark portal to find Riku and Zexion smirked. "Be off with you now Demyx...I'm done with you."

He sighed as he placed his sitar on his back. "It's about time..." He vanished and Zexion followed Sora. "-Now to see how strong this spell of Xemnas is...-" Riku was laying in his bed when a dark portal appeared before him. Zexion was watching from his dark plane as Sora came stumbling out of it. "Ri-Riku!" He fell to the ground grabbing his head in pain as Riku stared at him in confusion. "Riku! Listen while I'm still me!" His eyes widen as he heard Sora's true voice. "Zexion...Zexion is planning to kill you!" He smirked as Riku rushed forward to help Sora, but was sent flying by a dark blast. He stood up shakily as he leaned against the doorframe. "No! Don't get too close! I only have a short time! You have to-..."Sora screamed as Riku watched him helplessly. "Sora..." Xemnas had suddenly appeared and caught Sora as he almost fell back to the ground. "Hmph...It appears someone is tampering with Sora's feelings..." He glared at Riku who was just looking at Sora through his blindfold. "...Stay away from him for now Riku...If you don't...You might break you little light." Xemnas vanished with a dark laugh as Riku stormed out his room. "-It was just for a brief moment, but it was definitely Sora! It looked like he was fighting the spell...He was fighting it for me...-"

-Meanwhile on Twilight Town-

Axel was searching a mansion where it was rumored that someone who was still human and had their heart was sent into the dark realm a long time ago and escaped it with power over the darkness. He was on mission there to gather new Heartless, but took another side mission to find this person. "Damn it! This place is falling apart!" Axel dodged a falling beam and glared. "Where the hell is this person?!" "What you seek isn't yours to seek Axel." He spun around to see that no one was there. "Tck...This is getting overly annoying...Are you the one they call Diz?" "Maybe I am and maybe I'm not. But as I said...what you are seeking is not for you to do. The person who wants their true light back must come to me themselves while under the influence. Only then will you see me." Axel growled as he punched the wall making more of the ceiling fall. "Damn it! He'll never believe me..."

-Back to Castle Oblivion-

Xemnas had Sora laying on his bed as he readjusted his spell. "-He should be in a constant rage...His light is just to strong to overcome, but his powers over darkness...That's something that wasn't expected...-" Sora moaned as he rolled over. "..riku..." Xemnas rolled his hazel eyes. He was still in love with the boy who abandoned him for power? Something must be done about that...Zexion had appeared before Xemnas, bowing ever so slightly. "My lord Xemnas...I have a favor to ask..." He turned and glared at the silver haired teen who seemed to be cooking up something dreadful. "What is it that you want?" He rose with a most devious smirk upon his face. "I have a plan to crush the light within Sora once and for all, but it is a two part plan. The first part I would need Sora himself." Xemnas glared at him, but Sora hovered over to him. "Be careful. That spell is very dangerous and if manipulated wrong, it could backlash and kill you both." Zexion just smirked and held Sora in his arms.

"Oh don't worry Lord Xemnas...I know what this spell could do. And I know how to manipulate things very well." He bowed as he vanished within his own dark portal. Axel was just entering the castle when a terror filled scream echoed throughout the castle. "NO! DON'T TOUCH ME THERE! STOP! LET ME GO PLEASE! I DON'T WANT THIS! HELP ME! RIKU!" Axel's heart dropped. That was Sora's voice! Was someone torturing him? "RIKU!" Axel just sighed. He wanted to help him, but he couldn't. He didn't want Xemnas to know that he too had a soft spot for the Light Bearer.

Zexion had Sora tied to the bed, red from screaming and abuse. "Beautiful! So red and full of anger!" Sora strained against his bonds, but they just tighten around his wrist. “Come on! Scream for me some more!” He whipped Sora with a steel tipped nine-tailed whip and he screamed in agony. “More! I want your screams painted with Riku’s blood!” “RIKU!!” For some strange reason, Riku’s heart felt like it was being ripped in two. He couldn’t understand why, when a tired looking Axel stumbled into the room. “What the hell happened to you?” Axel said nothing as he shuffled slowly to his side of the room. “…you don’t hear him do you?” Riku’s eyes were covered by the blindfold, but Axel easily guessed he was giving him the ‘What the hell are you talking about ?’look.

Axel took a deep breath and exhaled. Riku was not going to be pleased. “Sora’s spell only works while he is near you, but when he’s not, he reverts back to his old self.” Riku leapt up on his feet. “I knew it!” “He’s fighting this spell with all his might, but Zexion is trying to manipulate him into have the spell over him all the time. This could cause you to lose your light forever. You have to seek someone called Diz in order to help him.” “RIKU!!!” He lowered his head as Riku heard his love’s screams. “What are they doing to him?” “Something much worse if you don’t go look for this guy. Rumor has it he survived the Darkness with his heart still intact.”

Riku glared at him and crossed his arms. “Why should I trust you? You’re the one always causing problems throughout Castle Oblivion.” Axel sighed, knowing he would regert this as soon as he said it. “…If I can save Sora…I’ll get to see Roxas again…”


Liera: Wow! I took so long to write this! Gomen nasai readers who actually took their time to read this and waited for chappie number 2! I was having a hard time trying to finish it. Writer’s block is a bitch after all! Well I hope you likey, cause I’m working on Chapter 3 asap. Ja ne!