Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ RC ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I should mention now that this fic is pure and unadulterated drabble. I had originally used it as a scene in another fic. That won't be happening. It just didn't fit in with the more “mature” subject matter. I really didn't want to just delete it, so here it is.
Cloud's smiles were few and far between. They made Squall almost happy, in a way he'd never experienced before, even with Rinoa. It made him want to grab hold of him and shield him or pound into him up against the nearest surface until the blonde's moans and cries at his hand were nearly deafening.
As it was, it was taking all of Squall's control at the moment to keep from doing just that, as Cloud grinned rakishly up at him. It was the grin of a boy who'd been bad, knew it, and didn't care.
Cloud had gotten into his stash again.
It was nothing serious, but Squall had lately gotten himself into a bad RC habit, the drink being something they didn't have back home. He really didn't feel like sharing it with Aeris or Yuffie. Cloud was a different matter of course, ever since the first night Cloud had spent in his bed. Still, it irritated him, and Cloud knew it.
And that's exactly how Squall felt as he watched Cloud take a slow, deliberate sip of his soda. Cloud stopped suddenly, mid-gulp, and held out the open can to Squall.
“Thirsty?” Cloud asked with a smirk, his lips glistening with the soda not yet dry.
Squall in return gave Cloud his own version of said smirk, the one he knew sent shivers done Cloud's spine.
“Yeah.” Squall said, grasping a hold of the wrist with the proffered soda. He pulled it to the side, simultaneously pulling Cloud closer, ducking down to give the smug blonde a sweet kiss.
It was Squall's turn to be smug as Cloud melted against him, the soda forgotten as it fell from his hand. Squall loved having this effect on him; it was something he never experienced before with even Rinoa. With her he had always been so gentle, respectful. With Cloud he could be more domineering, knowing exactly what it would take to make him feel vulnerable. Knowing that only he could protect him when he was a shivering mass, completely at his mercy. Cloud would probably give him his trademark pout if he ever told him so, but for Squall, at least, it was true.
Cloud's eyes were still closed when Squall released him, and to his amusement, stayed that way for a moment afterwards. He just looked so damn adorable that way, with the tinge of a kiss still red on his lips.
“Better now?” Cloud asked, the smile full on his lips.
“Yeah.” Squall replied.
“Good. Let's head back.” Cloud took his hand lead him away.