Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ The Next World ❯ the calm before the storm ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts isn't mine but Shyra and the people who live in it are.

Kage walked to the temple and though the path of guards to stand before Tenchi. Kage delivered his report of the incident and Riku told Tenchi about Ansem. When it was complete the old man looked at Kage.

He leaned down and brought his face to the boys and said softly "I can tell there’s something you're hiding from me but I don't know what it is. It's buried deep in your heart away from my eye. It must be something important for you to keep it from me."

I saw Kage's face turn red from embarrassment of being caught up in his not telling the full truth. "It's just a family problem is all. Kind of a personal thing. Nothing really important." He said to Tenchi.

"I know Zoul blames you for what you had to do and I also know you blame yourself but you're not at fault. Just because you killed your father doesn't mean his death was your fault. His death was his own fault because he betrayed this village." Tenchi said in a friendly and comforting way that reminded me of a parent reassuring a child.

"I'm well aware of that. Are we allowed to make our leave now?" Kage asked the seer. Tenchi gave a nod and we left the temple.

"Well you guys it's around noon. We didn't have breakfast so what do you two say to an early lunch?" Kage asked once we were outside of the temple.

"Yeah. I could probably eat a restaurant out of business." I said with a laugh.

Kage started laughing too but Riku said "No joke. He may be skinny but he can eat."

"Riku you're making me sound like a pig." I said to my best friend.

"Well you are." Riku said with a smile.

Kage was laughing so hard he was holding his stomach and leaning over slightly. I looked at him and said "What's so funny? I thought you would be on my side."

Kage just broke out in to a fit of the giggles for a short while until he had regained his composure enough to speak. When he was able to talk again he said "You guys are hilarious. If you want a restaurant you're out of luck though. I only eat out when I'm on a mission away from home. I like to cook and I won't pass up an opportunity to make a meal for three."

"Sora's going to eat all your food. Bad choice." Riku said

"I doubt he eats more then I do. We're eating at my house and I'm cooking." Kage said as he led us to his house.

"How long have you been cooking for yourself?" Riku asked Kage.

"Well I've been living on my own since I was twelve but I was helping cook at the orphanage since I was nine. Cooking is one of the skills that was mandated for us to learn." He said to Riku.

"So you've been cooking for five years? I suppose it can't be too bad. I'm slightly picky with food but Sora will eat anything." Riku said.

"If you don't like my cooking there's plenty to scavenge in the forest if you know what animals are venomous, were their venom glands are, which parts of which pants to eat, and I could go on forever but I suggest you don't try anything. You might end up eating the wrong thing and then it's all bad." Kage said as he approached his tree.

"Same as last time." Kage said to me and Riku as he put his hands on the tree. We each placed a hand on one of his shoulders, he recited his little spell, the doors opened and we walked inside his home.

We stopped by the armory so he could drop off his weapons. He took all of them off and placed them in their places with a large amount of care. When he was done with replacing his weapons he went outside the door and down the hallway through an archway in to a large kitchen whit a small dining room.

As soon as we got to the kitchen Kage pointed to the small dining table and said "Sit there and stay out of my way. I don't like people in the kitchen while I cook."

I did as I was told but Riku stood there and laughed. Kage grabbed him on the wrist, twisted his arm slightly to were it was behind him, walked him over to a chair, pushed him down on it, and said "I told you to sit and stay out of my way while I cook."

"Psycho chef?" I whispered to Riku. He gave a nod and we watched Kage do his cooking that he said was so good.

Kage went to what looked like a fridge and started to pull out some of the biggest eggs I've seen out of it. They had to be at least three times the size of a normal egg. He took out two of them and sat them on the counter.

"You guys want one egg or two?" He said looking over at Riku and me.

"I'll take one." I said.

"Same here. That's like three and a half times the size of eggs were we come from. What the hell laid them?" Riku said.

"A mounting bird." Kage said as he pulled out three pans and set them on his large stove. He then went to one of the many cupboards in the room and pulled out several jars of spices and a bottle of a red liquid that I wasn't even going to guess what it was.

He went to another cupboard and pulled out three bowls. He cracked one egg in each of the two smaller and his two eggs in a larger bowl. he went to the fridge again and pulled out a jug of what looked like milk.

"What are you putting in those eggs?" Riku asked.

"Some cow's milk and some spices I've bought from traveling merchants. The red stuff is my secret sauce. I won't tell anyone what goes in to it so don't bother asking." Kage said as he cracked the eggs in the bowls, added some milk, spices, and a bit of his sauce to them.

He mixed them with a fork until they had an a bright pink color to them. When he was done mixing them he poured them in to the pans and lit the fires under them. He then grabbed a spatula from a drawer and watched the eggs. He scrambled them until they were done and then put them in new clean bowls. He sat one in front of each us and then returned to the table with his own bowl. He returned once more with silverware.

"What do you guys want to drink?" He asked us.

"Milk." Riku and I said at the same time.

Kage smiled as he brought three glasses and brought them to the table were he filled them with the milk before putting it back in the fridge. He began to devour his eggs and I did the same.

"This is good Riku. You should try it." I said after swallowing a large bite.

"Sora you're a human garbage disposal and Kage made it so your opinions don't count." He said.

"Heres something then. Take a fucking bite and get your opinion since that's all you give a shit about." Kage said with a bit of anger in his voice.

Hearing anger in his usually clam voice and the fact that he was cursing made me realize something. His cooking is one of his passions and it's something he gets angry about.

I watched as Riku took a small bite. I saw his face take on a surprised look followed by a smile. He started eating like I do. The three of us quickly and silently devoured our eggs.

When we fished our meal Kage frowned at the dishes and let out a small sigh. "Guess I have to clean them now."

"I'll do it if you want me to. It's always been me and my mother for most of my life. She would cook dinner and heave it ready at the same time every night. I would come home, we would eat together, then I would wash the dishes and put them away. I saw were you took everything from so how about you and Sora go do something while I wash these and then I'll go find you guys." Riku said as he got up.

"Thanks. Me and Sora will probably be in the sparing room." Kage said as he stood up to leave the kitchen. I followed him until we got to the sparing room.

He opened the door and we went inside. I looked around at all the few weapons he had in here. "These are all metal swords. Do you have anything made of wood we can use?" I asked Kage.

"Wooden swords are for children. Grab one up and come at me with all you've got. I doubt you'll hurt me. Riku got lucky but I don't think you will." Kage said as he grabbed a pair of middle length swords and handed one to me.

"These aren't sharp but they still hurt a bit when you get hit by one. "First one to get hit loses but I won't make the same mistake with you as I did with Riku. I'm going all out from the beginning." Kage said as he took up a fighting stance.

He was standing sideways with his head turned towards me. One foot was in front of the other and he had his sword pointed to the roof in a diagonal line.

I held my sword out in front of me and charged forwards. I struck out several times but Kage would simply knock my sword aside on all my attacks.

It went on that way for a short time before I felt myself starting to get tired from my offense but Kage was standing firmly in place. He wasn't even breathing any harder then normal.

I saw an opening but I knew I would only get one chance at it. He knew I was getting tired but he didn't know how tired I was getting. I began to gradually slow my attacks until they were almost too weak and slow to be believed.

"Since you're tried out already I'll finish this off quickly." Kage said as he jumped back and charged at me. He held his sword above his head with his arm and wrist slightly bent. He came at me and swung the sword in a half circle at my shoulder.

I quickly side steeped and hit him in the back. When the sword connected he let out a slight yelp of what could of been pain or surprise but was probably both.

He dropped his sword and looked at me laughing. "I knew you couldn't of been that tired that fast but I got cocky and lost. Well fought Sora." He said.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" I asked him, dropping my sword and walking over to him.

"You saw me naked last night when we were in the bath. You've seen my scars. A light hit from a dull sword is nothing compared to what made them." Kage said.

"Dull sword?" Riku asked from the doorway.

"He was afraid to use combat swords. He was worried about safely I guess. He even asked me if I had any wooden ones." Kage said before laughing.

"We used wooden swords back at home. He's used to sparing with those. Back were we came from you weren't an adult unitl you turned eighteen and until then if your parents said not to do something you couldn't do it and our parents said no metal swords until we were adults." Riku said in our defense.

"That's strange." Kage said as he picked up the swords and went to put them back were he had them on the wall.

The three of us left the sparing room and Kage led us up the hall to his bedroom. "Sorry if I bore you guys but I'm not used to having anyone here with me. Even though I'm considered an adult by Shyran law I'm not used to housing anyone in my care because as the two of you have pointed out I am still young." Kage said as he sat down on his bed.

"Well what do you usually do when you're not on a mission?" Sora asked.

"I carve sculptures out of wood or I read books most of the time. Not things that can be done with others." Kage said.

"I guess not but I'm sure you can think of something else we can do. You're not stupid in any sense of the word." Riku said.

Kage suddenly got off the bed and looked at Riku. "I feel stupid now. I just remember something I should of done a long time ago. Since you guys are in my care I need to get you guys some clothes. Those living in Shara need to wear Shyran clothing as charges or as mercenaries. It's to identify us who live here form those who are visiting. Visitors are allowed to buy our clothing but they can't wear it unless they are wearing a traveler's cape from their home village. You guys only have one outfit so I need to take the two of you shopping." He said.

"Sound's like a plan to me." I said.

"Yeah let's go." Riku said as Kage led us outside