Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ V e R d A n A ❯ verdana ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don't look. Don't turn around. Don't get your hopes up o high. Don't get any ideas. Don't do anything. Don't open your eyes. But most of all; don't wake up.
Don't be afraid. He isn't worth it.
He isn't with getting the privilege to see your pretty cerulean eyes. He isn't with it at all! He's not even worth seeing the hurt that you carry in your walk.
He isn't worth seeing you!
Let him carry on with his miserable life the way he wants. Don't let him interfere with your life. Don't worry about him. He doesn't worry about you, so why should you worry about him?
Let him worry about what she wants him top buy her. Let him worry about how to satisfy her. Let him open his own eyes. Btu his eyes hold no truth. His eyes have not seen the reality that you see. His eyes don't see what does on back stage.
Just don't open your eyes. You're afraid, remember?
If you open your eyes, you'll see his eyes. The ones that held a depth of fibs. Lies. You'll be too afraid too see that he don't love you. You'll see all the memories again. The ones that you tried so hard to forget, that you forced yourself into a coma for a few weeks. The memories that you hate.
The one kiss…
You spent the night crying and tearing at your lips with your teeth.
The warmth of his embrace.
So much blood traveled to the floor from your arms.
The smile.
You tried desperately not to claw out your eyes.
`I love you'
Scream, scream again, and scream some more. That's all you did. Scream. You'll drown out your own fears sometime. You're voice was horse the next day. Remember? Everybody asked what was wrong. You told everybody that your grandma had died. Too bad you already said that. Half the people believed you. But every body gave you hugs. They tried not to talk about your eyes being all puffy and red. You shrugged it off, and when lunch came you were ready to scream again.
They asked why Sora was sitting with the new girl and not you.
You tensed but took it anyway and said that he could do what he wanted. That he's not your boyfriend. Venom rang in your voice.
They shut up but then started talking and consoling you about how he isn't worth it. All though you already knew that, didn't you? They kept it up all during lunch. They wouldn't shut up!
There words were welcomed but not needed. You haven't talked to them since. So you were all alone.
As you were walking home, it started to rain. The weather man said it wasn't supposed to. Then, a car came y and shot water up to the sidewalk. Besides, when you got home you could've sworn heat you saw the razor blade smile at you. Maybe you were going insane. But after all was said and done, you were in bed and your earlier words rang clear in your mind.
Don't look. Don't turn around. Don't get your hopes up so high. Don't get any ideas. Don't do anything. Don't open your eyes. But most of all; don't wake up.
And she never did.
“Don't worry. I'll always be by your side. No matter what!”
Author's Note:
This is not one of my best ones. It was when it was written down on paper. It stinks a little. Thank you for reading this. I was really bored and couldn't think of any words that I haven't used at all and it was cold, and freezing, and I couldn't move except for twitching, and freezing. SoRi. They rule. They shall live on through all eternity. Autism should be updated really soon. I'm still working on the rest of the 3d chapter. Don't expect the story to be long. I'm not that dedicated. Review if you will. I don't own them.
p.s…Verdana is the name of the font that I typed this up in. yeah…I had a brain fart.