Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Go Together ❯ We'll Go Together ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

CK: ^^ Decided to write a KH story just because. Well, it really started from me thinking: `How come no one focuses on KH 1 anymore'? (As far as I've seen anyway) It's all KH 2 this, or AU that. Which I like, but I can never find any good KH 1 stories. So here ya go!
Disclaimer: I don't own. If I did, some characters would be getting some new personalities. You know the one…
Warnings: Mild angst, swearing, mild violence, something between shounen-ai and yaoi (xP)
~ = Flashback
Sora sighed to himself as he sat down in one of the few chair in Hollow bastion's library. He still couldn't understand it: why was Riku working with the Heartless? He had to mow what the darkness would do to his heart. `Maybe he doesn't care?' He thought, But he quickly shook his head to banish that thought,. That couldn't be true. Riku wouldn't do something like that, because…Riku…his thoughts trailed off as a blush formed on his cheeks and a memory came unbidden.
~”C'mon Riku, fess up! Why'd you give me that Paopu fruit?” Sora asked, catching up to with his best friend. Kairi had already left and he had tossed the thing, but he couldn't deny the tingling feeling in his stomach when Riku had given it to him. `He probably thought I wanted to give it to Kairi, when I really wanted to give it to…' “C'mon tell me!” he asked again, jumping onto Riku's back. Riku grunted with the extra weight and fell onto the sand, taking Sora with him. He succeeded in getting the playful brunette off but didn't get back up. Instead, he stretched out on to the sand and relaxed. “I already told you. You wanted it, so I gave it to you. Unless…” Riku said, a smirk on his face as he trailed off. “Unless what?” Sora replied, moving to lie next to him. “Unless you wanted to share a Paopu with me So-chan.” Riku teased, ruffling the other's hair.
Sora blushed and pushed Riku's hand away. “What would make you think something like that?” ”You haven't let go of my hand.” Riku stated, still smirking. Sora looked at Riku's hand to see that his own was still there. “Oh.” He tried to move it, but Riku had intertwined their fingers. “Umm…Riku, I kinda need my hand back.” Sora said, His blush bloomed again with greater ferocity as aquamarine eyes focused on him intently. “But don't you want to know why I gave you the Paopu?” Sora's eyes lighted up at that and forgot Riku was still holding his hand.
He blinked slowly once he realized that something soft was on his lips. It took his brain a moment to connect the soft feeling to the fact that Riku was pressed up against him. `Riku…Riku is…is…' And then Riku brushed his cheek and everything was forgotten. “Let's just go…without her…right now.” Riku said while they kissed. “Go where?” Sora managed to ask before falling back into aquamarine pools. “Off the island. Without Kairi. We can leave and never come back.” Riku said, nibbling on Sora's lips.
Sora wasn't sure what to think: one minute they were talking, now they're kissing and Riku was doing such wonderful things with his mouth. “Wait…” Sora said, gently pushing Riku away. “What are you talking about? We can't leave without Kairi.” Riku had to have been joking he had to be. Sora had even begun to smile until Riku shot him a mild glare and got up, heading for the dock. “Riku, what's wrong?” Sora asked as he scrambled to his feet. Another glare was his answer. He managed to get Riku's arm before he got off the dock and into his boat completely.
Riku turned to tell Sora to let go, but was shocked by the glare in Sora's eyes. `Who knew he could glare?' “Riku, what's wrong?” Sora asked again, the glare already gone. Riku sighed and looked away, easily removing his arm from Sora's now loose grip. “You just don't get it…though I guess it's better that way.” Riku muttered, talking mostly to himself. “Don't get what?” Sora asked.
But Riku had already gotten into his boat and rowed away. ~ Sora sighed again as he gently rubbed his cheek. He needed to get his mind off this. He got up and headed over to the Passageway that went to the Lifts. Maybe some Heartless battling would get his mind off Riku.
Just his luck. He beat all the Heartless and gained a new power, but then the Lifts weren't working. And to top it all off, the way back to the library was closed for some reason. “Damn it…” Sora said quietly, sitting against the closed passageway. “You really shouldn't curse Sora. It doesn't suit you.” Sora looked up to see Riku walking towards him. “I'll swear as much as I want. What do you want anyway? Where's Kairi?” Riku immediately glared and a dark blue band appeared around his neck, choking him and lifting him up at the same time.
“Is she the only think you think about?” Riku asked angrily. “She's the only one who matters to me!' Sora yelled, just to be defiant. Riku growled and flung his hand-which was glowing that same color- to the right, sending Sora right into the transparent wall. Sora's cheek pressed against the barrier and he could feel the band of darkness tighten. “Did that day mean nothing to you?” Riku practically hissed out. `It meant everything to me Riku.' Unfortunately, he was too angry with his friend for betraying and leaving him that those words didn't cone out.
“It didn't mean anything to me. It didn't seem to mean anything to you ei-“ Sora cut himself off with a choking noise when the band tightened further; he was starting to see black spots. Riku growled again before relaxing his hand, letting Sora drop to the ground. “I don't have time to waste on you.” Riku said coldly. A portal of darkness appeared and he began to step through it.
Sora chuckled weakly even as he rubbed at his neck. ”So you actually do have a heart. And here I thought you had tossed it away to the shadows.” Well, he was in rare form today. But after not seeing Riku for a while, his bad mood was understandable. Riku stopped and as the portal vanished, Sora wondered if he had really pissed Riku off. “You still don't get it do you?” Sora was genuinely surprised by Riku's softly spoken words.
“Get what? That you're with the Heartless? That you're losing your heart? That you left everyone that cared about you behind that day?” Sora's voice was steadily growing in volume with each question. “That Kairi doesn't have a heart? That I have to be the one to do everything, to solve everything and make things right? That you sure as hell don't care about me? Because if you did, you wouldn't be doing this. You just wouldn't.” Sora's voice died out at the end and he could feel his eyes stinging. Riku turned around with an unreadable look on his face and began to move towards Sora, who immediately brandished his Keyblade.
Riku stopped and a bitter smile formed on his face. “You really hate me don't you?” He took Sora's silence for a yes and sighed. “I thought if I left, it would be okay. That you would forget about me and be happy. I never expected things to end up like this. I'm sorry Sora, for making you get involved with me again.” Riku said, staring at the barrier. “What?” Was all Sora could think to say.
Riku sighed again before continuing. “I knew that I should have been happy with the fact that we were friends, but I wasn't. I knew you had feelings for Kari, but I thought I could change your mind. I never wanted that day to happen. And now you probably hate me for it. I've tainted you Sora.” The next thing Riku knew, he was sitting on the ground and Sora was standing in front of him. “You…you…” Sora said angrily clenching his Keyblade tightly and raising it high.
He then threw it off to the side yelling, “idiot!” Sora fell to his knees and hugged Riku tightly. “What would make you think I hated you? I don't hate you at all. All those things I said earlier about not caring…I didn't mean it.” Sora said, hiding his face in Riku's shoulder. “In fact,” here Sora blushed, “I really enjoyed that day with you.” “You don't have to try and make me feel better by lying. I don't deserve that.” “I'm not lying to you Riku! Why can't you understand my feelings?” Sora said, looking up at Riku.
Then he felt something soft and instantly knew what it was. Sora continued to hold onto Riku and deepened the kiss, moving himself into the other's lap. “Don't leave…stay here.” Sora got out between kisses. He broke the kiss and kissed Riku's neck. “Can't. Won't be long before something starts looking for me.” Riku said, he slipped his hands under Sora's shirt and rubbed his love's back. “We can fight them off. Don't leave me. We can go together right now, and leave Kairi behind. We don't need her.” Sora gasped softly when Riku kissed his sore neck, making him shiver.
“I'll…do whatever you want, Just don't leave.” “Would you give yourself to me? Forsake all others and give your heart to darkness?” Riku asked, gently nibbling Sora's neck as he talked. Sora moaned when Riku's hands brushed against his nipples. “Would you Sora?” Riku pressed. “Mmm…yes. You know I would.” Sora said, arching into Riku's touch. Then Sora was on the ground and Riku was walking away. “R-Riku?” Sora asked, confusion in his voice. “I have to go. Sora. I'm sorry.” Riku said quietly. Sora quickly got to his feet and wrapped his arms around Riku's waist. “Don't go.” “Sora let go.” “I won't.” Sora said, shaking his head furiously. “Sora, don't do this. I have to go. They're looking for me.” Sora wasn't to ask how Riku knew, but he didn't let go.
“You're not coming back, are you?” Sora asked softly. Riku sighed and gently leaned against Sora. “I'll come back, I promise. We'll always be together.” Riku said. He gently removed Sora's arms from around him. He then turned around and kissed the other on the lips. “The door's unlocked now. You can go.” Riku whispered something in Sora's ear that made the Keyblader's eyes widen.
“O-Okay.” Sora said quickly. He ran back out the way he came and almost ran into Goofy. “What your hurry Sora/ Run into some Heartless?' “I'm fine. Just exercising.” Goofy blinked for a bit before `a-hyuck'ing. “Just try not to pull something you shouldn't, Happened to Donald.”
Riku looked at the barrier and his faint reflection, noting the amber flicker in his eyes he turned and walked into the portal he had created. `Sora…I hope you can forgive for what I have to do.'
“Riku!” Was that Sora's voice? He hoped he was hearing things, Sora didn't belong here, in this darkness…Suddenly there was a sliver of light and he heard Sora calling his name again. He made his way over to the door and saw his love smiling. “I found you, Riku.” Sora said. “But how? I-“ “I felt it. Right here,” Sora pressed his hand right where his heart was, “and I knew you'd be here. C'mon, let's go. I don't know how long this door'll stay open.” Sora said.
Riku looked behind him and then back out at Sora. “I can't go.” `Why not? “I still have to do something.” Riku said, he reached out and touched Sora's cheek. Sora closed his eyes and Riku took this moment to memorize every inch of Sora's face. He felt a tear touch his hand and he brushed it away, pulling his hand back and then the door began to close.
“Take care of her.” Riku said, eyes steely. Sora nodded and the door closed completely. There was nothing but darkness now. Riku pressed his hand against the door and closed his eyes. `I'll come back to you, I promise.'
CK: yeah, nice and sweet. Okay, so this was also an attempt by me to make fun of a few things I remember seeing when fanfics for KH first started to roll out:
- The over stressing of either Sora being perpetually happy or acting fake-happy
-Riku's over-emoness
-Riku being possessed by Ansem/Xen's Heartless/whatever you want to call him (The Drama!)
- The angsty scene, quickly followed by a kiss and make up scene
-Riku being jealous of Sora's relationship with Kairi, and thus his reason for leaving Destiny Islands, all the while being in love with Sora.
-And of course, cliché titles like mine. (Bad habit of mine.)
I think I hit all of those in there. Some may be more subtle, but whatever.