Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Organization ❯ I only want you to touch me! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I love everybody who reviewed and since everyone seems to think it shouldn't be over it isn't! On with Chapter II, you guys or going to be surprised... Once again, I'm thinking there will be plenty of smut... Sorry for anyone who is offended by this, I'm still not sure what I'm going to write so don't kill me if something really bad happens I tend to be really sappy with a little angst or really angsty, with a little sap. This looks like it will likely be really angsty, but I could be wrong. At this point you're guess is as good as mine.... I guess you're reviews really matter a lot to me so I'll let you decide... Let's take a vote.. In a review reply to me happy or sad?
Chapter II: I Only Want You To Touch Me!
"What is it Xemnas?" Axel asked trying to pretend it was normal to have someone who wasn't him sleeping in his bed who was at least half naked since Roxas's bare chest was exposed. Roxas felt eyes on him and started to stir uncomfortably in his sleep. The unpeaceful look only made Xemnas smirk before turning to face Axel.
"You were supposed to be at the meeting quite sometime ago so, I was obviously upset when you still hadn't showed. I was just heading down here to give you a serious talking to when I heard something.. rather odd.." Xemnas said looking at Axel as if to say he obviously knew what had been going on. He walked over to the bed and Axel involunitarily tensed up when he wiped Roxas's hair out of his eyes before turning back to Axel.
Xemnas never really freaked Axel out all that much despite him being quite a sadistic nut job. He always respected him because he knew the other man was crazy, but he never actually feared him until he saw him touching Roxas. Until that moment the creepy leader of the organization never had anything that could be held over Axel except his life and he didn't think that was much to loose, but Roxas was something that the red head knew he didn't want to live without. Just the thought of Xemnas touching him made him cringe. Axel stared at him a little dumbfounded that he'd heard what they'd been doing and knew this whole situation was going to end badly.
"Something... odd?" he asked swallowing hard.
"Very..." Xemnas said nodding obviously amused sensing fear in Axel's voice. He sat down on the bed next to the sleeping blonde and letting his hand rest on Roxas's shoulder as he looked down at the exhausted boy. "Sounded like little Roxas was enjoying himself though..." he smirked looking up at Axel thinking about the blonde screaming his name instead of Axel's.
Axel wanted to run over and smack Xemnas's hand off 'his' Roxas and gather him up in his arms like a possessive mother, but he knew that would only make the situation worse. So calmly he walked over leaning against the wall by the bed. He smirked at Roxas pulling away from Xemnas, apparently even in his sleep the boy must have thought he was creepy, but this just pissed Xemnas off and he tightened his grip on Roxas shoulder causeing him to quit moving with a whimper even though he still hadn't woke up. Axel wanted to speak up telling him to get the fuck off but continued to cringe silently.
Xemnas pulled the sleeping blonde's head into his lap knowing it would piss Axel off and because he wanted to hold him the boy just looked so corruptable and peaceful. He needed to change that. Xemnas was still slightly disappointed though, because he had planned for the keyblade wielder to be his little play toy, from now on he would be sure no one else touched his little prize, not even Axel, He found the kid after all, besides it was his organization.
Axel's heart would have been breaking if he had a heart, but since he didn't what was with the pain in his chest? "So.. Xemnas, what did you want to talk about in this meeting anyways.. I guess we should get down to your study and talk it all out right?" he asked hoping that would get him out of the room and he would leave Roxas to get some sleep without his creepy ass touching him. Axel could tell by the look on Roxas's face he was no longer sleeping half as peacefully as he had been before.
Xemnas smirked still highly amused by the other's reaction. "Oh why bother, it's nothing little Roxas couldn't hear so why should we disturb him?" he asked stroking the younger teen's hair as he started to squirm away slightly. "Have a seat!" he said as if this wasn't Axel's room or anything.
Axel wanted to punch him. If he was so worried about disturbing him why had he started bothering the boy in the first place. He decided to bite his tongue once again and took a seat in the chair Roxas had been sitting in playing video games in the night before. "Alright what is it?" he asked obviously highly unamused as he watched his Roxas trying to get away.
"I have a mission for you..." he said looking down at the blonde trying to comfort him into being still, but his cold hands didn't do a very good job. He hadn't had a mission for Axel until he found out about this little problem, but now he was going to send him off anywhere just to keep him away from the boy. "It might be a long one..." he said frowning at Roxas as he gave an involuntary shiver.
"Who's coming with me, or will I have to do it alone?" Axel asked his chest feeling heavy all of the sudden seeing the apparent fear radiating from the sleeping Roxas. He tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair trying to distract himself from the need to burn Xemnas to the ground.
Xemnas ignored the younger males obvious hatred for what he was doing, it only made it that much more fun. He looked up at him sighing "It'll just be you, it might have taken two people, but I'm sure you can handle it alone right?" he asked stroking Roxas's cheek making him shake again. Normally, he never would have let someone go on this mission alone, but Axel needed to be punished for taking his little ones innocence.
"I'm sure..." Axel said obviously seeing he was being punished. He glared over at Xemnas who was no longer looking at him, feeling rather pissed off about the whole situation. "When? Where?" he asked a little anxious hoping he'd at least get a chance to say good bye to the blonde before he got ushered out on his mission.
"In Hollow Bastian.. Now.." he said ushering him to get ready to leave. Axel looked at him like he was nuts. He didn't want to leave yet... He walked over by Xemnas obviously looking disappointed as he reached out to touch Roxas's cheek. "You should probably go..." Xemnas spat before he could touch the boy obviously meaning something bad would happen if he didn't.
Axel sighed pulling his hand away rolling his eyes. "Tell Blondie I said bye..." he said turning around still wanting to punch the older man in the face. What right did the old nut job have to tell him when he could or couldn't not touch 'his' Roxas. He growled walking out the door not grabbing anything, he'd be god damned if he was actually going to stay away very long with creepy all over Roxas.
Xemnas smirked looking at the door as it closed waiting until he was pretty sure Axel was gone, not that he would have cared if he saw him or not. It only would have amused him more. He picked Roxas upstill covered in the blanket wrapping the blonde's arms around his neck and carried him out of the room and down the hall. He smirked seeing Axel was still was in the hallway. Xemnas waved to him as he watched him walk through the portal obviously pissed as it closed behind him. Xemnas was chuckling as he made his way down the hallway with the still sleeping blonde in his arms.
"Hmmm...?" Roxas asked questioningly as he blinked his eyes open realizing he was moving his head was draped against a familiar cloak and he assumed it was Axel so he decided to just pretend to be asleep still and wait to find out where they were going.
"You awake?" Xemnas asked opening the door to his room after hearing Roxas say something. He walked in the room laying him down on the bed.
Roxas was silent and not moving as his grip on what was apparently not Axel went very limp. He wanted to let go and run back to the other teen, but the grip on him was to tight so he waited silently to see what was going on. Then he found himself laying down on the bed and swallowing hard as he looked up at Xemnas scared out of his mind before looking around the room that was very undecorated and just as creepy as his had been the night before. "Xemnas?" he asked shakily as the older man sat down on the bed next to him forcing himself to try and smile seeing his little Roxas was kinda worried.
"Don't look so scared Roxas!" Xemnas said in a playful yet very commanding tone. This obviously only freaked him out more. Xemnas glared looking away trying not scare him, but it was pissing him off. He wanted Roxas to be happy with him, not that he wouldn't have Roxas with him if he wasn't happy.
Roxas swallowed hard looking up at him scared sitting up crosslegged on the bed. "I'm sorry..." he said shyly sighing trying to pretend he wasn't scared as Xemnas put an arm around him rubbing his shoulder.
"Aww.. Don't be sorry.. " he said pulling the blonde closer to his side, and feeling Roxas tense up. This wasn't going according to plan. "You have no reason to worry. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you..." it was true if you considered it. Aside from wanting Roxas, he needed him and his keyblade if he ever wanted to achieve his ultimate goal.
Roxas felt a little better hearing that, but was still really freaked out. Somehow he managed to not seem so scared though and it made Xemnas happy so at least he wouldn't have to deal with the wrath of a mad man for not listening. Then he made his biggest mistake.. "Where's... Axel?" he asked kind of shyly really honestly wondering what had become of him since last time he checked they had been cuddling, but maybe that was a dream.. It couldn't have been, because other wise there would be no explanation as to why he was naked under the blanket wrapped around his waist. Thinking about this he turned ten different shades of red.
Xemnas growled looking over at Roxas as if to say he shouldn't ask about him before he could compose himself. Roxas got the hint and tensed up again making Xemnas feel bad. "He's on a mission, he might be... gone for awhile..." Xemnas spat shrugging trying to seem calm.
Roxas was obviously disappointed and way to freaked out to sleep, but maybe if he fell asleep he wouldn't have to deal with this guy any longer. He forced a yawn laying his head on Xemnas's shoulder. "Xemnas...." he asked shyly swallowing hard. "I'm tired!" he whined closing his eyes. "I should go to bed..." he said moving to stand up, but Xemnas just tightened his grib sround his shoulder causing Roxas to tense up.
"Sleepy little Roxas.." he sighed messing up the spikey blonde hair. "Why don't you just stay the night here tonight?" he asked not really needing to ask since he wasn't giving Roxas a choice. "Come on, Lay down.." he said pushing him down on the bed almost forcefully.
Roxas pouted but did as he was 'asked' "I guess one nap couldn't hurt right.." he mumbled more to himself than Xemnas. He crawled under the blankets knowing he didn't have a choice, hoping that Axel wouldn't get mad at him for this.. It wasn't his idea.... He nuzzled into the bed closing his eyes pretending it was Axel's room and that was Axel's weight shifting on the other side of the bed coming closer to him. He felt strong arms wrap around him and closed his eyes tighter trying not to cry.. This was supposed to be Axel not Xemnas. He didn't nuzzle into Xemnas, it just didn't feel right, and that kind of pissed the other man off.
Soon after Xemnas thought Roxas was fast asleep and had spent a few hours watching him, very close to ravishing him right there, but he wanted Roxas to want it, and he'd give him a few more chances to go through with what he wanted willingly before he decided to take it by force. He was pretty pissed at Axel by this time and decided to go check in on what he was doing. He got out of bed and called a portal, heading off to Hollow Bastian to cause a little trouble for Axel.
As soon as he disappeared through the portal a cloaked figure that had been standing on the balcony this whole time watching the scene unfold was actually pretty content with it's outcome. The figure stepped up to the sliding glass door knocking lightly.
Roxas, since he hadn't been sleeping, jumped a little rolling over facing the large door. After Xemnas left he actually let the tears that had been pooling in his eyes fall and was quickly trying to hide the fact he'd been crying before standing up wrapped up in a blanket and walking over to the door unlocking it and letting whoever it was in. "I...I'm sorry, but Xemnas just left... Feel free to-" Roxas was abruptly cut off by a pair of familiar lips on his own. He pushed the figure's hood back smiling bright cocking his head up at Axel.
Axel frowned wiping a stray tear off of Roxas's cheek. "I don't want to wait for that jerk off!" He said smirking.. "I'd rather be alone with you.. Besides I have the feeling Xemnas might kill me if he knew I was here like this.. He doesn't like the idea of me touching you." Axel said shrugging before pulling the blonde in for a tight hug. "He didn't try to pull anything did he?"
Roxas shook his head 'no' very scared as he hid his chest in Axels. "He's so creepy though, and this room is so.. white..." he pouted hiding his face in Axel's chest. "I want to go back to your room!" he whined before pulling back looking him in the eye.
"Then go.. I'll go distract Xemnas since I'm sure he went to find me.. You go to my room and if he bitches tell him that you were lonely and the white rooms creep you out.. It's true right?" he asked messing up his hair, it felt better when Axel did it than when Xemnas did it.
"Thanks..." Roxas said feeling better.. "I hope you don't get in to much trouble over me.. " he said sincerely as he pulled the blanket around himself tighter.
"I don't mind.. At least I have someone to get in trouble for besides myself.." Axel smirked with a wink and a shrug before he leaned in kissing the blonde again then pulling up a portal.. "I don't think he'll do anything to bad, but he's pretty nuts, Look out for yourself Blondie.. I'll come check in on you later tonight alright. Have a nice nap cutie.." he said actually smiling and shaking his head. Roxas really didn't belong here. He shouldn't be mixed up with this organization business.
"Alright... You better come back though.. Everyone else scares me!" he whined...
"Aww, I'll be back, but just in case Demyx isn't so bad... He's probably nicer than me really.." he said frowning knowing the younger teen wasn't kidding in the slightest. "He should be in room 9 or if he isn't in he's probably in room 6 with Zexion, but I probably wouldn't walk in there without knocking..." he warned shuddering thinking about the last time he walked in that room without knocking and walked in only to find them both in the middle of something very private...
"I'll keep that in mind!" he said leaning up and kissing him again. "Axel.. I'll see you later..." he said watching the other boy walk through the portal.
"See ya...." he said being cool as usual as he disappeared through the portal and it closed behind him.
Roxas sighed pulling the blanket around him tighter and walking out into the hallway making his way down the long corridor past the other 11 rooms.
"Hmmm.... Xemnas has a new pet then?" a teen with short silver hair and long side swept bngs that covered one eye said leaning against the door to room 6 looking like he was waiting for someone. He had obviously seen him walk out of room one and was only to quick to guess he had nothing on under that blanket.
"I'm not a pet!" Roxas spat viciously pouting at the taller boy. Only recieving a smirk from him.
"Oh really...? Then exactly how do you explain your clothing choice or should I say lack of clothing choice." he snorted looking down trying not to laugh at the blonde who was to cute and little to be yelling at him like that.
"It certainitly wasn't from Xemnas... That's for sure.." Roxas shook his head trying to get that image out of his mind.
"Then who was it from?" he asked suspiciously looking the blonde over surprised.
"Mmmmmm.. I don't know if I should tell you, but me and Axel......" Roxas started blushing and looked down at the grond.
"Axel!?" the teen spat surprised "Come on.. I need to hear about this. Zexion and Demyx had been trying for quite sometime to get him to join in on their fun, and were getting no where, but here comes this kid and he probably didn't even have to try. Zexion put an arm around Roxas walking him down the hallway to room 13 and ushering him inside.
Roxas grabbed his cloak and a pair of clean boxers and pants and went in the bathroom to get dressed. He came out full clothed and Zexion grabbed his arm pulling himout of the room, he was still creeped out by the white walls himself so he had no desire to sit in Roxas's bedroom, he just figured the boy wouldn't want to come to his room naked.
Roxas followed him to where ever he was being drug off to looking at Axel's door sadly as thy walked by. He pulled him into room 6 shutting the door rather quickly behind him as he ushered Roxas to sit on a huge bean bag chair in the corner as he sat down behind him.
Zexion's room was most likely decorated by him, but then remodeled by somebody, judging by how hard the guy seemed and how his room was actually decorated. He had black carpet and a black desk in the corner with a corkboard holding a giant collage of pictures of him and some guy with dirty blonde hair and a sitar, the collage was decorated sparatically with hearts. Castle Oblivion may have been creepy, but at least most it's residents could see that it wasn't cool to keep things so white.
Roxas wondered who the guy in all the pictures around the room was. It must be that Demyx guy Axel was talking about. For a couple of guys with no hearts it looked like at least one of them if not both were in love. Roxas let himself slump down in the beanbag chair looking over at Zexion who was staring at him questioningly.
"So... You and Axel huh?" Zexion asked smirking as he made the younger teen blush. "It's alright.. Roxas, that's your name right? Why were you in Xemnas's room though, if you like Axel?" he asked a little confused by the whole ordeal.
"I...uh...I don't know!" he covered his face to hide the blush. this guy was to forward. Roxas didn't know how to deal with it. He hadn't even proccessed all this information himself, how was he supposed to explain it.
Zexion laughed reaching out patting Roxas on the head. "Aww Roxas.. You're kind of adorable... I bet Axel likes to make you blush.. I know I love to make Demyx blush, but it's a little harder with him than it is with you. I'm happy for Axel, I've been telling that guy for quite sometime he needed to get laid..." Zexion leaned back amused.
Roxas didn't like the sound of that, that wasn't all he was to Axel, just sex? I guess since they said Nobodies didn't have hearts what else could Roxas expect, but he was starting to like being around Axel a lot more than he should if it was only about sex. "You.. You don't think that's all it was to him do you?" Roxas asked almost looking scared.
"I'm sorry kid, I didn't mean it like that.. I'm sure it wasn't just a quick fuck if that's what you're worried about, Me and Demyx have been trying for quite sometime to get him to come join in with us. He's not into that sort of thing though. He said it wasn't worth it without a heart... Which makes me wonder why he changed his mind..." he said raisng an eyebrow at Roxas, there was something weird about this situation, he'd have to ask Axel later.
"Oh... good!" Roxas said feeling like a weight had been lifteed off his chest, what that weight was, it was hard to say, but he still felt better hearing that.
"Hmmm. While were on the subject... Was that you screaming earlier?" Zexion asked looking through his bangs ready to burst out laughing when he saw Roxas's face start turning red. He knew that was a yes.. "Shoot, I told Demyx he'd be good in bed...." Zexion said shaking his head kind of disappointed as Demyx walked in the room.
"Who exactly did you tell me would be good in bed, you tell me that about everyone.." Demyx beamed teasingly as he sat in Zexion's lap wrapping his arms around his neck. "Why's the new kid in here?" he asked almost jealously in Zexion's ear.
"Axel... The kid was just telling me about sleeping with him." Zexion said looking at Demyx smiling before turn to look at Roxas.
"I was not!" Roxas said blushing brighter still as he hid his face in his hands.
"Aww. Zex... Don't be mean!" Demyx cooed before turning back to the blushing blonde "Look at the kid blushing like that.. It's cute!" he beamed before leaning in to whisper into Zexion's ear. "Did.. he really uh... ya know with Axel?" Demyx asked as he felt his own cheeks tinging pink looking over at the boy trying not to think about the two of them together like that.
Zexion just nodded smiling at the two boys before shaking his head. "Man you guys, quit being so embarrassed it's not like you're five.. It's just sex!" Zexion spat almost laughing. After seeing the horrified looks on both boy's faces he started cracking up hiding his face in Demyx's shoulder. "You two kill me!" he said running his fingers through dirty blonde hair.
"I'm going to kill you.. If you don't shut your mouth.." Demyx cooed smirking at his would be boyfriend.
Roxas shook his head as Zexion pulled Demyx in for a kiss to silence him. "I'm going to let you guys have your fun and head off to Axel's room, I'm supposed to meet him there later...." Roxas asid trailing off as he stood up thinking the other two weren't going to notice him.
"Aww.. You could stay...?" Demyx asked looking up at him playfully while Zexion gave him a playful smirk, but Roxas just blushed and shook his head no.. "I better just get going!" he said walking rather quickly out the door and down the hallway. The other two boys didn't give it another thought and went on with their business.
Roxas opened the door to Axel's room feeling very relieved as he walked over and crawled into the big bed nuzzling into Axel's side of the bed closing his eyes. He wasn't tired anymore, but it was nice to be in Axel's room. Zexion's room wasn't creepy, or anything, but Axel's room just felt a lot more like home.
Axel spent most of the afternoon avoiding Xemnas while still being sure he was there, trying to tire him out so he wouldn't come freak Roxas out when he got home. Xemnas was right though, this mission was going to take a few days to really finish and that just pissed him off more. He couldn't leave Roxas alone with him that long.
Xemnas was getting frustrated none of his traps were working and was almost ready to give up when Axel noticed and let himself get caught and attacked a little by something or another, luckily it wasn't bad. He wouldn't have cared if it was though if it meant it'd keep Xemnas distracted and out of the pretty blondes way.
It was late, really late when Xemnas finally gave up and went home. Axel followed him anxiously back to the castle once agin watching him from the balcony to be sure he wasn't going to go scream at Roxas, but honestly the man didn't seem to mind much he was gone. Apparently he wasn't dumb enough to think he would have sat in that room for that long.
Axel watched as he crawled into bed and assumingly fell asleep then went back though the portal walking through into his bedroom this time. He walked out of a Portal in the middle of the room, but recieved nothing from Roxas. He looked around wondering where he was. Then he smiled seeing him Laying in the bed hugging a pillow fully clothed. He looked so peaceful.
Axel walked over sitting on the bed infront of Roxas reaching out and shaking him lightly sighing deciding he shouldn't wake him up, he was to peaceful. He kicked off his boots and other uncomfortable clothes crawling in the bed in just his boxers.
Roxas felt the bed moving and rubbed his eye rolling over to see what was going on. He smiled a sleepy smile seeing it was Axel noting he looked ready to go to sleep... "You were just going to go to bed and not wake me up?" Roxas pouted sliding closer to Axel.
"You looked so peaceful..." Axel replied moving closer to Sora pulling him for a quick kiss. "I didn't want to disturb you."
Roxas continued to pout. "You should always wake me up! I'd be really sad if I missed you!" he beamed wrapping his arms around Axel's neck.
Axel smiled pulling Roxas in for another kiss before responding. "I'll keep that in mind next time..." Axel said stroking Roxas's cheek finally getting him to smile that adorable bright smile. Axel looked at him a little questioningly before unzipping Roxas's cloak. and pushing it off onto the floor.
Roxas obviously didn't mind since he helped Axel push the thing off him and to the ground as he kicked his socks off. "Axel....?" Roxas asked looking over at him seriously.
"Hmmm?" Axel asked rolling the blonde over and pinning him.
Roxas smiled looking up at him blushing. "I don't want anyone else like I want you Axel..." he said sadly all of the sudden. "I don't want.. I don't Xemnas or anyone else to touch me like you do..."he said the word touch with a hint of disgust.
Axel looked at Roxas smiling down at him closing his eyes swallowing hard. "I don't want anyone else to touch you either Rox.. You're mine, and I've never been any good at shareing.." he said smirking as he leaned down kissing him as his hand trailed over his chest lightly.
Roxas blushed feeling like a toy stuck in the middle of two little boys fight for who got to play with him. He pulled Axel closer not knowing what to say to that but knowing he was glad Axel wasn't good at shareing. "You promise you won't get bored of me...?" He asked as his fingers intertwined with Axel's hair.
"Nope!" Axel said with a smug look on his face as he reached between them undoing Roxas's tight pants and somehow managed to get them off and discarded on the floor with the forgotten cloak. "I don't think I could ever get bored of you.." He smirked leaning down kissing down Roxas's chest happy to see the boy squirming under him.
Axel was just about to take one of Roxas cute little nipples in his mouth when he heard a knock at the door and jumped about five feet off the bed. "Shit.. Roxas.. I'm not supposed to be here, go answer the door...." Axel said rolling off the blondeand walking over to the closet getting inside.
Roxas looked at him swallowing hard as the closet door closed. He picked up his cloak zipping it up kicking the pants under the bed. Then he walked over opening the door only a crack to see who it was. He froze seeing it was his favorite organiztion member. "Oh Hi Xemnas..." he said rubbing his eyes rying to look like he'd been sleeping and he woke him up. Maybe then he'd let him go back to bed without bothering him, but that didn't seem likely.
Axel watched from the closet as Roxas still only left the door partially open, but hearing it was Xemnas really pissed him off, what did that guy want with 'his' Roxas. Xemnas pushed his way in the door frowning at Roxas. Axel could tell little blondie over there was freaked out and it only made him want to walk out of that closet and punch him.
"Why'd you leave... I told you Axel wouldn't be back, why are you in here?" Xemnas asked in a way that sounded like he might bite Roxas's head off. He was pissed Roxas shouldn't be in 'this' room of all places.
"I was lonely and your room scares me..." Roxas said looking up at Xemnas obviously more than a little scared by the tone in his voice.
"Scares you? How?" Xemnas asked not really believing him as he took a step towards Roxas. Roxas steped back trying to keep the space between them, which only made Xemnas take another step towards him. They continued like this until Roxas was backed into the closet door.
Axel was very close to slamming that door open and burning the old creep to the ground. What was he trying to pull scaring Roxas like this? Roxas whimpered looking up at Xemnas almost shaking and somehow Axel managed to keep himself from growling since Xemnas was close enough he would have heard him.
"It's just so.. blindingly white... I don't like my room either.. It's to white too, and I cant sleep without curtains...." Roxas said mumbling looking down at Xemnas's boots shyly trying to think of any excuse as to why Xemnas shouldn't make him come back to that room with him.
"Oh.. Little Roxas, afraid of light are we... I think there's plently more to fear in the darkness, but, if you're scared we'll have to do something to fix the problem right?" Xemnas asked walking evn closer to Roxas as he lifted his chin so he would look at him. "Tomorrow we'll deal with you're room, but tonight.... I guess I could let you sleep here.. When we finish your room, I'm going to have to sleep over though alright?" he asked very close to Roxas's face before he closed the distance between them stealing a kiss from him then dropping his hand and letting go of him, and walking off out the door. "Sleep well little Roxas..." Xemnas said as he closed the door behind him. He knew it'd be safe to leave Roxas there, there was no way Axel would be back from that mission before he could wake the blonde up in the morning.
Axel growled as the door closed slamming the closet door open as a now crying Roxas hid his face in his chest. "FU......I'm sorry Roxas..." he said sadly abruptly stopping himself from cussing knowing the younger teen was already upset. he wrapped his arms around the blonde stroking the back of his head. "I should have done something..." Axel said wanting to punch himself for watching that happen and not stopping Xemnas, but he knew coming out of that closet only would have made things worse for everyone involved.
"It's.. not... your fault Axel, you couldn't have done anything.." he said looking up at him smiling wiping away the tears with the back of his hand. He sniffled turning around wrapping Axel's arms around his waist as he led him back to the bed.
Axel still felt like a dick for not doing anything and wanted to storm off and slit Xemnas's thrat, but he didn't, Roxas seemed so forgiving. Axel nuzzled into the back of the shorter blonde's head closing his eyes as he unzipped the cloak and puched it to the floor before crawling into the bed taking Roxas with him. He hoped Xemnas wouldn't do anything to ruin 'his' Roxas's sweet and forgiving nature, but he knew sooner or later even if Xemnas didn't do anything someone would. He knew if Roxas stayed here he would change and that kind of killed him inside.
Roxas nuzzled into Axel pulling the blankets up over them. "Axel..." he asked almost crying again... "You don't... hate me... for.. ya know.. kissing Xemnas..." he asked looking up at Axel very pathetically.
"Fuck no Roxas, I could never hate you least of all for that, it's not like you asked for it, or even really kissed him back, no matter what Xemnas does Rox.. I'll never hate you...." Axel spat very close to storming down that halway to Xemnas's room after seeing the look on Roxas's face.
"Good, because.. I really, really, really, like you...." Roxas cooed nuzzling back into the red head's chest closing his eyes and smiling again at least a little smile.
Axel smirked he was glad Roxas liked him, or 'really, really, really' liked him. "I'm glad Rox.. 'cause I really, really, really, like you too.." he said trying hard not to laugh. Roxas made him so happy even without trying, what was with this kid. That smile of his was contagious.
Axel closed his eyes pulling Roxas closer as he wrapped his arms around him tighter. He sighed rubbing the soft skin of the boys back until he felt Roxas's breath even out and knew he was sleeping. Then and only then did he let himself drift off a little. He knew he couldn't stay all night, but a little nap couldn't hurt right?
Alright end of Chapter 2 I'm not sure what's going to happen next, so should Xemnas catch them together.. Is Xemnas going to force Roxas into something he really doesn't want to do? I don't know review and tell me what you want.. I'm taking suggestions don't forget to tell me what to do, and the more reviews the faster chapter 3 will come out!!