Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Organization ❯ Painting party ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Updating finally, this chapter is really odd blame my exaggerated emo-ness >.< I'm so dramatic sometimes, I guess it's still good though! Don't forget to review or tell me your ideas since I'm going at this kind of blind, but I think I'm just going to make it up and then start it at the beginning of the game and then maybe do the whole thing if I'm not lazy....
Before I go on with Chapter 3 I'd like to thank everyone for their input...
yellowturtle- I'm glad you like it, and I contemplated using this idea because my friend looked like she was going to kill me when I made Xemnas kiss Roxas, but I decided that probably wouldn't work and I'm going to go along the lines of the game as best I can, like leading up to why Roxas leaves, and -hint, hint- if everyone reads my "Maybe I Don't Want to Be Best Friends Anymore" story you'd see why because I might use it as a prologue.. even though I haven't finished that story....... Hmm who knows.. Thanks for your in put either way! x3
MaddiChan- you pretty much see where I was planning on taking this Xemnas is a jerk so he'll do something bad, but i just wanted to have support when I wrote it, because I kinda want to smack myself for even thinking about writing about Xemnas even touching poor Roxas! Thank you for your in put too!
Samantha- Oh my freaking goodness you almost wrote me a whole page of review!!! I love you x3, I'm glad you liked it and think it has potential, I'm excited to hear that ^^ Oh and I'm glad you liked the smut because really it's only the second lemon I've ever written! The first being the one in "Maybe I Don't Want to Be Best Friends Anymore" Don't worry, they weren't going to cheat willingly even if it would be fun to write some smut between Demyx Zexion Axel and Roxas.... I'm to lazy for that to tell you the truth and Roxas is creeped out by that idea.. Hmmm, but as for your idea.. It kind of was pitching me an entirely different story, but I don't mind. It's not that far off from my original idea. I was thinking since someone else said my Roxas was really OOC, he'd get really distant and turn more organization like after Xemnas does something to push him over the edge, but that's getting ahead of myself.
Katsu- O-O;; Poor Axel and Roxas both.. That's to cruel, but it does sound like something Xemnas would do, in fact I almost made him take Roxas while Axel was in the closet because I was going to say he somehow knew he was in there, but I decided it was to mean. Thanks for the idea though... Ahhh bad images in y mind....
quail- Hah, that's basically what my friend was telling me.. She growled at my story o-o; Aww well I'll see what I can do, maybe Roxas or Axel or bot will get back at him somehow... Who knows. Thanks for the review though!
Brenna- I love to let that happen but to bad Xemnas would kill him. That's guys so creepy!! Ahh well, maybe I can think of something, I think in the end something very bad will happen to Xemnas, what I still can't decide...
Dark Light- Hmmm, I know what you mean.. I don't think he'll catch them exactly so soon, but he probably is going to do something really bad in this chapter.. If not in this one then he will for sure in the next one since He's not that patient...
Goodness, that's the most reviews I've ever had to respond to! I'm happy so many people like it and care enough to review. I love you all keep the feedback coming!! x3
Axel woke up at some point during the middle of the night, or so he thought.. It was dark and since it was always night in the world that never was it was hard to say what time it was.. He sighed kissing the top of Roxas's head looking around the room. "Good luck Rox.." he whispered really not wanting to leave him alone, but he knew he needed to get back to his mission before he caused more trouble for Roxas. He slowly crawled out of the younger teens grasp kissing him on the forehead before frowning seeing him trying to snuggle back into the body that was no longer there. Damn Xemnas... Axel smiled at the sleeping blonde shaking his head before calling up a portal and heading through it to go finish what he was supposed to be doing.
Roxas woke up in the morning moving over to snuggle into Axel, but found nothing. He opened his eyes rolling over on his back feeling rather disappointed. He sat up bored out of his mind since he was wide awake after sleeping away over half of the day before. He sat on the corner of the bed holding his knees looking around the room at Axel's stuff, before he sighed thinking about what Xemnas had said, he was going to wake him up this morning, but he couldn't decide if it's be better to be awake or pretend to be asleep. He decided getting up and dressing would be the best idea. Gathering up his clothes he walked over and jumped in the shower humming and getting clean. The blonde showered rather quickly having no desire for Xemnas to walk in while he was in there. He got out of the shower and pulled on his boxers and pants looking in the mirror fixing his hair waiting to get the coat on until he was done.
Roxas screamed hugging his chest as he looked up seeing Xemnas behind him in the mirror. Xemnas gave a light chuckle.. Not exactly the reaction he was going for, but oh well."Ahh, Roxas... the look on your face was priceless...."
"You scared me!" Roxas said panting, the freaking guy almost gave him a heart attack. He held his chest swallowing hard still not turning to face Xemnas, but looking him in the eye of his reflection.
"You sure scare easy little one.." Xemnas said raising an eyebrow walking closer to him wrapping his arms around the blonde's bare abdomen. Roxas tensed up and Xemnas wanted to yell at him, but he didn't he just tightened his hold on him letting his hands explore a little as he nipped at his neck. He wanted Roxas to try to enjoy it, because either way pretty soon he wasn't going to have a choice in the matter and the blonde was going to be his one way or the other.
Roxas moved to pull away but with the grip Xemnas had on him he wasn't going anywhere. Looking up at the reflection in the mirror, he wanted to throw up.. That wasn't supposed to Xemnas behind him... "Xe..Xemnas... I thought we were going to.. work on my room, and make it less creepy...?" he asked nervously looking down at the counter not wanting to face what was going on especially if he had to watch it in a mirror.
"That's right, " he said nipping at Roxas's jawbone sending unpleasant shivers down his spine. "lets go get to work then.." he said before looking down and noticing the purple mark on Roxas's collarbone. He glared at it accidentally digging his nails into Roxas's soft skin leaving angry marks and receiving a whimper from the boy.. "Sorry Pet.." he said rubbing the marks and leaning in biting Roxas's neck rather hard making him squirm. Despite the smaller boy's protests he sucked and bit harder leaving a huge angry mark. He wanted Axel and everyone else to know exactly who Roxas belonged to.
When Xemnas pulled away Roxas's hand immediately went to his neck and held the now very sore flesh lightly before wiping the tears of pain that had started forming away. He examined it in the mirror and tried to ignore the smug look on Xemnas's face as he kissed across his shoulder blade. "Can we go now?" he asked obviously talking back a little more than Xemnas was willing to let him since he bit him hard on his shoulder before pulling up glaring in the mirror at Roxas as if to make a point.
Xemnas was starting to get fed up with Roxas's unresponsive behavior and he sure as hell wasn't going to have him thinking he could back talk to him. Even though he almost felt bad seeing how scared Roxas was as he stood there holding his shoulder, maybe he really wasn't trying to back talk him.. Either way.. Maybe now he'd quit being such a baby.. Xemnas rolled his eyes grabbing the coat off the counter and slipping it over Roxas's shoulders and zipping it up for him even though they both knew Roxas could do it himself. It helped him feel in control.
Roxas sniffed putting on a blank face thinking maybe if Xemnas didn't think he was affected by him, maybe he'd leave him alone. Keeping a blank expression is harder than you'd think though especially when someone's hellbent on making sure you feel something.. Happiness.. Fear.. something, it didn't matter seeing that Roxas could feel, gave Xemnas hope and if all he could get out of the boy was pain or fear.. He'd take it.
Xemnas snaked his arm around Roxas's back leading him out of the bathroom and then through the bedroom and down the hall in silence. Somehow, Roxas managed to stay expressionless. This pissed Xemnas off more and he was glaring as they walked down the hallway. He pulled Roxas closer to him a little harshly, but Roxas still did nothing, he just stared ahead like he was walking along on his own.
Two cloaked figures stood in the hallway talking and looked up when they saw an Angry Xemnas walking down the hall with his arm around the newest member of the organization. Demyx dropped his hood frowning at what he saw.. "Looks like Roxas is in trouble for something...." he said furrowing his brow.
"I think your right..." Zexion said dropping his hood as well,"Maybe we should go help him out?"he asked cocking his head at his lover before looking back at Xemnas and Roxas as they turned into Roxas's room.
"If you want to be in trouble too.." Demyx said shaking his head like Zexion was crazy for even suggesting that.. "We could go get Axel though, and let him get in trouble since he never seems to care if he's in trouble." Demyx said watching them walk by kind of feeling bad.."I wonder what Roxas did?" he asked Zexion kind of oblivious to the fact that Xemnas was being very affectionate if Roxas was in that kind of trouble.
"Come on..." Zexion said rolling his eyes at his brunette lovers naive way of seeing things. "Let's just go find Axel, I think he's supposed to be in Hollow Bastian." he said calling up a portal and motioning Demyx through before following him.
Axel had actually managed to almost finish his mission he was supposed to be gathering information and keeping the Hollow Bastian swarming with heartless and lesser nobodies to keep the people busy. He ran into a little trouble when he actually had to face one of the towns people, and got beaten up pretty badly, but things seemed to be under control despite his beaten appearance he'd actually won the battle so there was no one around to face him. He was looking through his bag for some kind of potion, bu finding nothing. he leaned against a rock and closed his eyes sighing. At least now he could probably go back to the castle once he got his strength back. He heard a couple of familiar voices having what sounded like a serious conversation, they were looking for someone. Axel pulled up his hood and stood up holding onto a rock to keep his balance. "Hey Dem, is that you?" he asked one of the hooded figures.
"Hey we found you!" a cheery voice rang out from under his hood before flipping it back and walking over to him. "You should come back to the castle.." he said a little less cheerful.
"I would, but uh.. I'm a little...." he didn't want to admit it, but he knew he couldn't make it back without there help and this was Demyx not one of the more jerk off members. "tired.." he said leaning further on the rock.
Demyx smiled and threw a potion at him shaking his head. "All you had to do was ask.." he said grabbing Axel by the arm "Now you're really gonna want to come with us. I think Roxas is getting in trouble for something.."
Axel froze for a minute before he went to say something only to be interrupted by Zexion.. "Not in trouble for something... Just in trouble.. Let's go.." he said pulling up a portal and walking through it, when they walked through they found themselves in Axel's room."I better go, where is he.. In Xemnas's room?" he asked looking down disgusted. "No they went into Roxas's room..." someone answered, Axel wasn't really sure which one it was, he was to busy worrying. He didn't take time to answer them he just walked out of the room and down the hallway. Hearing someone scream he ran a little faster down the hallway, when he stopped at the door he heard laughing, loud laughing and it made his stomach turn. He slammed the door open "Roxas!" he yelled before looking down seeing Roxas pinned to the floor and Xemnas holding a paintbrush inches from his face. They were both laughing...
Roxas froze hearing Axel's voice.. He swallowed hard looking up at him. "Axel? Your back!" he chimed taking Xemnas's momentarily shocked state as a chance to squirm out from under him. "Were painting my room!" he said leaning against a wall that was freshly painted before realizing what he just did.
Axel laughed, the boy didn't seem to be in trouble to him. Stupid Demyx and Zexion getting him all worked up for nothing. He shook his head messing up the blonde's now blue coated spiky hair. He wiped a smudge of paint off of Roxas's nose before smiling and turning to Xemnas who was also covered in paint. "Do you guys need any help?" he asked still not wanting to leave Roxas alone with Xemnas
Before Xemnas could spit a venomous 'HELL NO!' Roxas answered for them both. "Of course we do!" he beamed walking over and grabbing a paintbrush and handing it to Axel. Xemnas was pissed not only was he covered in paint, but the boy was actually having fun with him before Axel had to walk in and ruin it. "Ya know, I'm going to go shower.. Why don't you guys finish up this painting?" he said through gritted teeth. Xemnas didn't want to leave them alone, but well he was covered in paint and knew he'd do something to scare Roxas if he stayed. On his way to the door he made sure to bump Axel into a wet wall.
Axel growled as the door slammed closed behind Xemnas.. "Having fun without me?" Axel pouted pinning the blonde up against the paint covered wall.
Roxas laughed shaking his head getting more paint in his hair not that he cared. "Not really, Xemnas was being a jerk so I dumped the paint on him.... Then he was going to get me back! At least he thought I was trying to be friendly or something and didn't, like... kill me..." he said sighing before leaning up and kissing Axel on the nose. "I missed you! You were already gone when I woke up!" he whined wrapping his arms around Axel's neck.
"I missed you too.. Even though we were only apart for a few hours.." Axel answered sarcastically before thinking about what Roxas had said before that...."He let you get away with that??" he asked raising an eyebrow. Roxas nodded. "Come to think of it, he wouldn't even let me paint the walls!" Axel complained pressing his body closer to Roxas.. "Maybe he really does like you..." he said nipping at the blonde's ear getting a little paint in his mouth, but he didn't care.
"I don't like him..." Roxas whined tilting his head for Axel. "I like you..." he beamed running his fingers through Axel's hair.
"Aww." he said smiling against the blonde's neck. "I like you too.." he said nipping at his neck moving his hands down to unzip Roxas's coat, but Roxas stopped him. Axel pulled his head away from his neck frowning at him questioningly.
Roxas wanted to let Axel take off his coat he wanted Axel to have his way with him right there on the paint covered wall, however, he did not want Axel to see the marks that Xemnas had left on him in the bathroom earlier that morning. "I'm sorry.." he said shyly looking down at the ground... "We should, paint?" he said a little unsure of himself trying to smile when he looked back up at Axel.
Axel frowned harder, what had Roxas being so weird? What ever it was he knew it had something to do with that jerk Xemnas.. "Rox... I'm sorry, you don't have to apologize.. I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to!" he cooed kissing the boy's forehead. "We probably should paint though, so we don't get yelled at if Xemnas comes back and were not done.." he said doing his best to smile even though he was disappointed.
Roxas smiled and nodded as he lightly let his hands drop from around Axel's neck and moved so he wasn't pinned against the wall. He picked his paintbrush up off the floor and silently went back painting.
Axel picked up his disregarded paintbrush and went to work fixing the wall where he'd had Roxas pinned against it. He shook his head feeling like an asshole for making Roxas feel bad. It was a good thing Roxas was a little worked up though, because right on cue, the door swung open really fast and a very annoyed looking Xemnas walked in. He looked the two boys over and smirked, they really were just painting. Good, maybe Axel got the idea after that last mission. A mission he assumed could not possibly really be over, but since Axel was behaving himself right now he wouldn't push the issue until he needed a reason to get rid of him.
Roxas looked over at Xemnas and waved the paint brush noticing he was already in clean clothes and no longer had a speck of paint on him.."You got clean to start painting with us again?" he asked suspiciously before looking over at Axel grateful he hadn't let that go any further.
"No.. " Xemnas spat shaking his head. He was glaring at Roxas but not in a mean way, maybe Roxas was starting to open up to him.. Or at least that was what he thought. It was either that or the kid got really brave really fast. "I just came to tell you something came up.. I hope you won't mind, but I'm going to have to let you and Axel finish this up by yourself. I'll be back later tonight to see how it turned out...Sorry about this Pet.." he said looking down at the ground thankful they put down plastic because otherwise the carpet would have been ruined.
He gave Axel a look that said 'touch him and die' and then walked over to Roxas kissing him straight on the lips. This time Roxas did nothing, he'd figured it was best to give no reaction. Xemnas didn't notice the lack of reaction as much as noticed the lack of a negative reaction so he was happy. He walked out of the room with a content smirk on his face.
Axel tried to ignore what he'd just seen and heard 'Pet??' He turned back to the wall painting with a bitter scowl on his face. He knew Roxas hadn't wanted the kiss but it still killed him to see it, and that fuck stick Xemnas knew it so he was all the more pissed about it.
Roxas smiled when he saw Xemnas shut the door then he went to walk over to Axel but seeing the look on his face the blonde thought he was mad at him.. "I'm sorry Axel...." he said in a pouty whisper as he went back to painting thinking the other boy wouldn't hear him.
Axel heard him and felt like a jerk again, he hadn't meant for Roxas to see him pissed like that.. He walked over putting his arms around Roxas's waist pulling him close and in turn getting paint all over the front of his coat but he didn't care he just wanted to show Roxas he wasn't mad at him. Roxas jumped slightly feeling arms around him and Axel loosened his grip a little "Roxas..." he said in a tone that said he was sorry.
Roxas felt better knowing it was Axel and not the creepy leader of the organization. "Axel?" Receiving a "Hmm?" from the redhead he went on."I didn't want t-" he was silenced by a finger on his mouth.
"Don't worry Rox, I know you didn't.." Axel said pulling him close again with a sigh. "I know you wouldn't choose to do anything with Xemnas because you wanted to, you like me, not him I believe you! You don't have to explain yourself every time. I like you and you like me that's all that matters! Got it memorized?!"
Roxas smiled tilting his head back and kissing the underside of Axel's jawbone. "I got it..." he chimed nipping at his jawline and turning around so he was facing Axel. Swallowing hard he reached up and taking a hold of Axel's zipper silently telling him it would be okay if he wanted to take off his jacket now.
Axel smiled and shook his head slightly, he wasn't one to say no to the boy he liked so he reached his hand up taking a hold of Roxas's hand and helping pull down the zipper before shrugging the coat off his shoulders. Roxas closed his eyes and leaned forward nuzzling into Axel's bare chest before he could give him a chance to unzip his coat. He was still kind of afraid Axel was going to be mad at him or not like him anymore.
Axel frowned knowing there was obviously something wrong still, but decided not to push the issue he kissed the paint covered top of Roxas's head luckily it was mostly dry by this point not that he would have cared if it wasn't. he reached his hand between them putting it under Roxas's chin and tilting it up so he could kiss him.
Roxas closed his eyes as he felt Axel's lips capturing his own and gave a light sigh. He didn't even notice Axel's hand reaching down and unzipping his coat. He didn't notice until he felt the coat being pushed of his shoulders and down to the ground. So much for trying to hid it because it was to late now and there was no turning back. He wrapped his arms around Axel's neck pulling him closer giving a light moan as their bare chests touched .
Axel took the moan as an opportunity to slip his tongue into Roxas's mouth for a little exploration. His hands slipped down cupping Roxas's butt through his pants as he lifted him up a little pushing him back against the wall.
Roxas moaned a little louder this time wrapping his legs around Axel's waist ignoring the cold paint on his bare back. He pulled away panting, letting his head fall on Axel's shoulder kissing and nipping at his neck lightly between breaths.
Axel shifted his grip on Roxas so he had a better hold on him as he cocked his head giving Roxas better access to his neck. He looked down at Roxas's shoulder through half lidded eyes and then frowned. Did he do that to Roxas? His eyes opened a little wider as he examined the huge mark. He couldn't remember for the life of him biting Roxas 'that' hard. He kissed the mark frowning "Roxas..." he apologized kissing it again.
Roxas froze feeling Axel's lips on the sore mark left by Xemnas He closed his eyes expecting Axel to yell or be upset or do something, but it never came. He sounded sorry, but Roxas didn't want him to be sorry. It wasn't his fault after all. "Axel, it's okay.. It's not like you did it..." he said sucking lightly on Axel's neck.
Axel froze trying figure what the hell he was talking about, if he didn't do it who did. Then it all clicked and he felt like leaving not because he didn't want Roxas anymore, but because he wanted to go fry Xemnas's cocky ass, what made him think it was okay to 'touch' his Roxas let alone leave such a painful mark on him. "Does it hurt?" he asked swallowing hard shifting Roxas weight so he was holding him with one arm. He gently ran his finger over the mark frowning.
"It's not to bad.." Roxas said wincing showing it really was 'to bad'. Roxas continued his nipping kisses along Axel's neck glad he wasn't mad at him for the marks..
"Is that all....." Axel asked swallowing hard trying to find the nerve to finish the question. "Is that all he did to you?" he asked turning and looking into Roxas's eyes.
Roxas felt really scared all of the sudden maybe Axel wasn't okay with it after all? He nodded looking down at Axel's shoulder. "That and.." he said tilting his head letting Axel see the other bruise on the other side. "That.."
Axel's 'heart' sank and he wrapped his arms better around Roxas carrying him over to the bed the one thing in the room not covered in paint.
Roxas tightened his grip around Axel's neck and shifted his legs so he was holding on tighter. He looked over at Axel questioningly, but received no answer he only felt himself being set down on the bed still lying down. He looked up at Axel still trying to find some sort of answer as to why he was moving them. Was he mad or something?
"Are you sure you're okay?" Axel asked crawling in bed so he was straddling Roxas. Roxas nodded so he decided to believe him even though he didn't think he'd be okay if the roles between him and Roxas would have been switched today. He leaned in kissing Roxas's neck then trailing nipping kisses down his chest.
Roxas closed his eyes squirming under Axel's lips. "Axel..." he whimpered his lovers name looking down at him through half lidded eyes. He knew Axel wasn't mad at him, he couldn't be mad and this gentle at the same time.
Axel smiled against Roxas's chest, he liked the way his name sounded coming from Roxas, sure plenty of people had said his name before, but very few in this kind of situation and none of them sounded as sweet as Roxas. He closed his eyes not caring about Xemnas or anyone else. He just wanted to make Roxas happy. He took one of his cute little nipples in his mouth swirling it around with his tongue and nibbling on it lightly before kissing his way over and doing the same to the other nipple.
Roxas was whimpering lightly he knew Xemnas would be pissed if they got caught so he bit his lip trying to keep his volume down. He let his hands wander into Axel's hair toying with it trying to distract himself from the need to call out loud.
Axel was amused with the fact that even though Roxas wasn't being quite as vocal as last time he was obviously having trouble keeping himself quiet. Axel sighed nipping his way further down the boys soft skin. Then he stopped crossing his arms over the blonde's abdomen and resting his head on them looking up at Roxas.
Roxas frowned opening his eyes looking down to see what in the world made him stop. His blue eyes looked deeply into Axel's green ones and they both smiled, really smiled. "Axel.." Roxas cooed running his fingers through red hair. "Kiss me?" he asked awkwardly smiling down at Axel shyly.
Axel sighed at the blonde's request, remembering the boy was still pretty new to this. Silently he crawled up so he was face to face with Roxas silently answering his question as he closed the gap between them pressing his lips to his lovers softly.
Roxas closed his eyes feeling Axel's lips on his it was perfect this is how a kiss should feel, not forced not the way Xemnas's kiss felt. Axel was the only person Roxas ever wanted to be with anyway. Axel pulled away from the kiss and Roxas leaned up claiming his lips again he didn't want Axel to stop, why ever he was stopping.
Axel smiled into the kiss that was what he wanted he wanted Roxas to kiss him back he wanted to know that the blonde wanted to be with him as bad as he did. Even though in all actuality he already knew.. It's just always good to get a little reassurance every now and again. He traced Roxas's bottom lip for entrance to his warm mouth and Roxas gladly gave it him opening his mouth for the redhead's questing tongue. This time he played with his tongue a little shyly but still kissing back pretty hastily.
Roxas pulled away panting slightly and looked up at Axel who was breathing rather heavy too. He wondered slightly if a kiss was always so intense and so breath taking, had he had any experience he would have known it wasn't that normal, but experience or no he knew what he and Axel had was special. Axel was special... "Axel... I lo-" he abruptly cut himself off nuzzling into Axel's shoulder, what was he going to say, he couldn't love could he, everyone kept telling him he didn't have a heart so, he must not be able to.
Axel knew what his blonde lover was going to say before he cut himself off, and he knew why he didn't say it, but if they didn't have hearts and couldn't be in love why was his 'heart' racing after hearing Roxas say that? He shook it off as wishf.ul thinking and nuzzled into Roxas knowing he better stop before he took this to far. He knew he loved Roxas, whether he had a heart or not. He could remember what love was and this was it. He should know he'd been in love before he lost his heart. He closed his eyes not wanting to remember anything but Roxas. "Roxas.. I'm going to finish painting why don't you go get cleaned up?" Smirking Axel sat up crawling off of a now pouting Roxas.
Roxas did as he was told walking over to the bathroom turning around in the door frame watching as Axel really went to finish up the final touches on the room and fix the spots they'd screwed up with their little romp against the fresh paint. Seeing Axel wasn't kidding about getting clean he walked in turning on the shower pouting. He undressed and climbed in the shower letting the warm water run over him as he tried to figure out why in the world Axel stopped so randomly. He rubbed himself to start getting the paint off and looked down noticing he was still really hard. He frowned reaching down to deal with it himself. he moaned slightly touching himself while he thought about the redhead in the other room doing it for him.
Axel finished up the painting in no time at all really then went to the shower to go get clean with Roxas and maybe tie up some loose ends. Walking into the bathroom he smirked hearing light moaning coming from behind the shower curtain. he almost climbed in to help the boy out but decided to give him a few minutes alone. He hoisted himself up and sat on the sink counter leaning against the mirror looking over at the shower with a smug look on his face.
"Aaaxel.." came a slight whimper from the blonde boy in the shower who was completely oblivious to the fact that the other boy was actually in the bathroom.
Axel frowned jumping up off the counter and walking over to the shower. He couldn't just make Roxas pretend when he was right there to help him. Silently he undressed letting his clothes fall in a pile in front of the shower before he opened the shower curtain a little seeing Roxas's was doing exactly what he already knew he was doing. The blonde's eyes were closed and his cheeks were kind of flush.
Roxas whimpered a little more stroking himself a little faster. He was close, but it just wasn't the same trying to get off on his own. He jumped back gasping as his eyes shot open wide when he felt a hand on his own. He almost fell over in relief when he saw it was just Axel. "Holy Hell, What in the world are you trying to do Axel, give me a heart attack?" he spat letting his head fall down and his grip loosen. That's when he remembered exactly what he'd been doing when the red-head interrupted him. He closed his eyes tight blushing rather profoundly "I.. um..." he shook his head not really knowing what to say.
Axel laughed leaning in as he lifted up his chin and kissed him. "No need to explain.. I know it was kind of cruel for me to send you off without finishing what I started, but... You tasted like paint...." He said looking up feeling kind of ridiculous for caring, but paint is a gross taste... "Speaking of tasting like paint, You're still kind of covered in it..." he smiled grabbing the washcloth Roxas had forgotten about and wrapping his arms around him rubbing his back to get it clean.
Roxas laughed a little deciding that was a decent reason to leave him hanging so he'd forgive him this time. He nuzzled into Axel's chest letting him turn them around so Roxas's back was in the shower spray. Roxas nipped at Axel's chest wrapping his arms around the redhead's neck. "You're such a helpful guy ya know cleaning the paint off me like this.." he whispered into Axel's chest barely audible over the shower spray.
Axel smirked leaning over being sure Roxas had all the paint off his back before reaching for a bottle of shampoo and squirting it in Roxas's hair all the while keeping one arm around the blonde's waist holding him tight up against him. "You need to learn how to act around wet paint..." Axel said playfully as he washed Roxas's hair with one hand. He finished washing his hair, but being in that he only used one hand and wasn't really worried about only most of the paint came out. there were still random specks of blue, he decided to ignore it for now.
"Oh yeah, cause I slammed myself into a wall covered in it.." Roxas said smugly looking up Axel shaking his head.
"Let's not worry about details.." Axel chimed messing up Roxas's wet hair "I'm just saying, it looks like you took a bath in it.."
Roxas laughed shaking his head. "You're covered in it too!" he pouted still smiling.
"Yeah, but only because you were all over me... Besides, I'm pretty clean, only my clothes are covered in it, I avoided the more paint covered parts of your body." Axel said smugly nipping at the crook of the blonde's neck.
"Oh right.. I was all over you.. " Roxas smirked tilting his head giving Axel better access to his neck.
Axel made a mental not not to leave any visible marks on Roxas's upper body or the poor kid would probably just get more painful marks from the boss man. He smirked kissing the already tender marks the boy had before leaning up kissing his lips.
Roxas inhaled sharply feeling Axel's lips on the sensitive marks then began to was the little bit of paint on Axel's arms off before leaning back to get off the small specks that had spattered on his chest at some point.
Once most of the paint was off of Roxas and Axel decided he tasted good again with a few tests licking and nipping his way down his chest and nibbling on his ears a bit. Axel leaned over and turned off the shower before turning back to a disappointed Roxas. He chuckled a little shaking his head at the adorable pout on his face. "Aww, Don't worry Blondie, I'm not done with you just yet, I won't leave you again.." he said leaning in capturing the boys lips in another burning kiss.
At some point during the kiss Roxas found his legs wrapped around Axel's waist and his arms around his neck.. again. Then he realized they were moving again, but the kiss still hadn't been broken, so he decided to ignore the moving for the time being. He felt himself being set down on something cold, very cold.. He gasped into the kiss as he felt his back leaning against something cold to. He pulled back from the kiss panting looking over to see he was sitting on the bathroom counter leaning up against the mirror. He smiled at Axel leaning in kissing his neck playfully licking a trail to his jawline where he nipped along it a bit. "The bathroom counter?" he asked playfully through a slight sigh.
Axel smirked and tilted his head up letting the blonde has his fun with his neck and such. "I've made a resolution to fuck you senseless on every imaginable surface in this stupid castle.. Yep, I decided that'd be much more fulfilling than any stupid mission..." Axel chuckled half kidding but really he was serious.
"Axel!" Roxas spat shaking his head slightly, before deciding Axel was right, it had to be more fun than any mission. "I think I could deal with that..." he said his voice coated with lust. Biting his lip, he leaned back against the fogged mirror and closing his eyes.
"I'm glad.." Axel chimed leaning in claiming his lips again, but this time only briefly. Moving on rather hastily kissing his way down the boys chest sucking rather hard next to the base of the boys shaft, sure that would be safe place to leave a much more enjoyable mark on Roxas so even if only the two of them knew about it Roxas was his, and always would be.
Roxas moaned squirming under the other boy feeling the hard sucking knowing that would leave a mark, but it felt pretty freaking good so he could deal with any marks left behind by Axel's warm mouth. "Gah, Fuck!" Roxas spat bucking his hips suddenly when in one swift movement Axel was no longer sucking below his shaft and had somehow ended up deep throating him.
Axel chuckled light with the blonde's member still in his mouth he swirled his tongue around sucking a little before he started moving his head up and down. His hand ran up Roxas's chest tweaking one of his nipples before moving onto the other.
Roxas pretty much melted right then he was already close before Axel ever came in the bathroom, so by this point he was ready to explode if he didn't get some release. Feeling Axel's teeth gently scrape against the sensitive underside of his shaft he cried out for the first time actually letting it slip. "Aaaaxel!!" at some point during the involuntary screaming of his lovers name he felt a wave of relief wash over him as he came into Axel's awaiting mouth.
Axel swallowed it shaking his head, Roxas was no good at this being sneaky thing, but oh well, he didn't care about getting caught as long as Xemnas punished him and not Roxas. He was to busy being amused by Roxas to notice the the little trail of cum dripping out of the corner of his mouth.
Axel may not have noticed, but Roxas looking down at him through half lidded eyes sure did. He leaned forward licking it off his chin then kissing him on the lips pulling him up into a more standing position as he leaned back against the mirror again with his lips still attached to Axel's.
Axel was more than happy to follow his lover's silent request moving up with him pressing his bare chest close to Roxas's. When Roxas let out a quiet moan against Axel's lips, he took the chance to let his tongue do a little more adventuring in the blondes mouth. As he continued to invade the younger teens mouth he let his hand slide up and down his inner thigh.
Roxas broke the kiss nuzzling into Axel's shoulder panting softly playing with his lovers red hair softly. "Axel?" he asked softly licking the outer shell of Axel's ear lightly before nibbling on his earlobe. ".. Ma.. Make me yours?" he asked rather meekly as he sucked lightly on Axel's neck leaving a small purple mark
"Gladly..." Axel cooed. He didn't have to be asked twice he cocked his head continuing to let the blond leave little marks along his collarbone. He smirked seeing a bottle of lotion conveniently sitting next to them on the counter. he picked it up without Roxas even noticing and went about squirting it on three of his fingers. very swiftly he slipped his hand down between the other boy's legs gently teasing his entrance before slipping a finger in.
Roxas closed his eyes tight a little surprised by the sudden feeling of Axel's finger inside of him. He sucked hard on Axel's collarbone his little mark turning into a much larger mark.
The sudden sensation of Roxas's warm mouth sucking so hard on his shoulder hard Axel a little more eager and he stuck another finger in trying to prepare the blonde a little quicker. He scissored his fingers a little pressing in and out searching for that spot that would have Roxas melting into his arms. Then he found it, or judging by Roxas's sharp intake of breath and his sudden biting of Axel's shoulder he'd found it. Now it was Axel's turn to involuntarily cry out feeling Roxas's teeth lightly sinking into him, it didn't hurt in fact it was the first time in only god knows how long someone had Axel crying out before any real sexual stimulation. With that he stuck in his third finger slowly, getting a lot more eager all of the sudden.
Roxas made a mental note to remember that Axel liked being bitten and went back to what he was doing sucking on Axel's neck trying to distract himself from the dull pain mixed in with the pleasure. He whimpered as he felt the loss of Axel's fingers and closed his eyes feeling Axel position himself at his entrance. He moaned lightly letting his head fall back on the mirror as he felt Axel slowly entering him. "Axel.." he whimpered biting his lip to keep quiet it still kind of hurt, but he knew it'd get better so relaxed as best he could until he felt his body adjusting to the feeling of being full. He reached down trying to grip onto the counter but it was slipper.
Axel saw his lover's dilemma and reached one hand taking a hold of Roxas's and lacing their fingers together to give him something to squeeze since he knew that's what he was looking for. He gave Roxas's hand a reassuring smile and leaned in kissing him on the forehead.
Roxas opened his eyes and smiled up at Axel giving him the okay to go ahead and keep going. He brought his hand up biting his knuckle as almost after he gave Axel the okay he started thrusting into him. He closed his eyes still biting on his knuckle as his grip on Axel's hand got a little tighter.
Axel smirked glad his little lover was enjoying himself. Seeing the look on the boy's face he shifted a little switching angles to be sure he'd hit that sweet spot with every thrust. He closed his eyes holding onto the blonde's hip tightly as he slammed into him a little quicker than before.
The quickened pace had Roxas's newly awakened arousal begging for release, but he was in position to do anything about it. As if Axel had a mental link with Roxas he pressed a little closer to Roxas's body, letting the friction from his body help Roxas out. Roxas moaned loudly into his knuckle biting down a little harder as he wrapped his legs around Axel's waist. Roxas knew he wasn't going to last like this for long.
Axel threw his head back clenching his eyes closed and pounding harder into the blonde. He was almost done for, but he was willing himself to keep going somehow. His need for release was starting to get painful. Feeling Roxas spilling his seed all over both of their stomachs and the tightening that came along with it threw him over the edge and he came in his lover collapsing against him slightly as he caught his breath holding himself up with one hand on the mirror next to Roxas's head. He leaned in and kissed the boy on his lips slightly before pulling away still panting.
Roxas smiled after the kiss closing his eyes contently catching his breath. when he opened his eyes Axel's were still closed and he was breathing heavy a few inches from Roxas's face. Roxas sighed stroking Axel's cheek wishing the could stay like this, in this moment forever.
Axel opened his eyes slightly looking down at Roxas swallowing hard. How Roxas did it to him, he didn't know, but every time he saw the kid something just gave him butterflies. Especially when he saw him looking up at him so trustingly with so much passion in his beautiful blue eyes. "Was it worth the wait?" he asked closing his eyes again, a small smirk forming on his lips.
Roxas just nodded leaning up and kissing Axel on the lips before letting himself fall back against the mirror smiling letting his eyes fall closed again. "Very worth the wait.." he said sighing contently.
Axel smiled a real smile and leaned in kissing his lips again. He snaked his arms around the blonde's waist nuzzling into the nape of his neck planting a few chaste kisses where his lips had ended up. "Come on Rox, let's go to bed..." he whispered licking the boys neck then breathing on the newly moist spot sending a shiver down Roxas's spine.
Roxas nodded with a soft moan moving to sit up nuzzling into the top of Axel's head. "Can I still sleep in your room even though mines not creepy anymore?" he asked softly hoping Axel wouldn't tell him no.
Axel pulled away looking at Roxas like he was crazy for even asking that. He shook his head kissing him on the forehead.. "You can sleep in my room anytime you want I wish you never had to leave my room!" he said kissing his lips again.
Roxas smiled "Good!" he kissed Axel on the lips again. "..but what about Xemnas?" he asked suddenly looking nervous.
"Fuck Xemnas.." Axel spat shaking his head, "Tell him your room smells like paint and it makes you sick, you need to let it air out before you can sleep in it.." he said slyly before kissing Roxas's lips.
Roxas smiled wrapping his arms around Axel's neck, "He probably won't like that, but as long as your there I don't care if he gets mad at me.." he said kissing his lover on the lips for the millionth time that night.
Axel laughed, "Alright let me go get you clean clothes... I'll be right back.." he kissed Roxas again then walked off leaving the smiling blonde sitting on the counter. He came back completely dressed with clothes for the blonde in his hand.
Roxas gave him a puzzled look that had 'Did you just walk down the hall naked?!?!' written all over it.
Axel laughed knowing exactly what the blonde had to be thinking. "Don't worry, I used a portal to get to my room... Just get your clothes on.." He said throwing the pile of clothes at the blonde shaking his head.
Roxas gave a relieved sigh and pulled the boxers on as he stood up and then the rest of his clothes putting on another cloak, it's a good thing they had more than one of these, because it's likely the paint wasn't coming off of the other one, and it wouldn't be very threatening to come after someone if you were covered in paint..
Axel smirked pulling the now clothed blonde close to him sucking on his earlobe lightly then moving in and claiming his lips in another passionate kiss. "Mmm, I think that should tide me over until we make it down the hall.." he said smirking as he pulled away from Roxas who was smiling and blushing slightly at the other's stupid comment. Axel messed up his hair and let go of him directing him out the door into his now clean.
"You picked up all the plastic and stuff?" Roxas beamed turning to Axel smiling looking around his room. It was much less creepy now, but he assumed that the white carpet would be ruined sooner or later since he was no good at taking care of his things.
"Of course I did! I told you I was finishing things up.." Axel said kissing the side of Roxas's head.. "Come on, let's go, I'm tired!" he whined even though he wasn't tired and really just wanted to cuddle with the blonde.
"Alright, Alright, I'm comin'" Roxas sighed following Axel out the door and down the hall.
"Hey Roxas.. Did you know you have paint in your hair?" came a smug voice from under the hood of some cloaked organization member.
"I do?" he asked a little surprised turning around to face whoever it was.
"A little, Why exactly?" the figure asked dropping his hood to reveal a man with feathery maroonish hair. "If you don't mind me asking." He added raising an eyebrow.
"Marluxia.. Don't bug Roxas..." Axel said sighing pulling the blonde along by his arm away from the older man.
"Hey..." Marluxia frowned walking off down the hall to try to find someone a little more willing to entertain him. He came across a very upset looking Saix walking down the hall with his hood down. "Saix.. What's wrong?" he asked tilting his head knowing he probably shouldn't pry.
"Xemnas won't play with me... Stupid fucking Roxas..."
Axel heard this and pulled Roxas in the room quickly before they would have to deal with the wrath of Saix.. One crazy person after yous bad enough.
Roxas pouted looking up at Axel "What did I do now??" he asked bowing his head in defeat.. "I don't even know who that guy is..." he pouted resting his head on Axel.
"Don't worry about it cutie, he's just a jerk off like Xemnas, and is obviously pissed because Xemnas wants you and doesn't want to 'play' with him anymore..."
"I think Xemnas should 'play' with him, because I don't want to! Besides I don't want anyone to hate me for having his attention, I wasn't looking for it when I got it."
"I know.. Come on.. Let's go to bed.." Axel said pulling Roxas over towards the bed and unzipping his coat even though he just got him dressed.
Roxas smiled shrugging the coat off as Axel removed his own coat then moved to take off his pants. The both crawled into bed in their boxers snuggling up together under the blankets for a bit. "Axel... I don't think I fit in here..." he said sighing into the red heads chest.
"I know you don't.. It's refreshing.. Don't worry about it, you don't want to fit in..." he said kissing the top of the boys head before stroking his back.
Roxas smiled into his chest nuzzling into him. "Good night Axel.." he cooed closing his eyes.
"Night Blondie.." he said kissing him on his head again laying there until he felt Roxas's breathing even out. "Hey Roxas?" he asked the half asleep blonde.
"Hmmm?" he asked muffled by Axel's chest.
"Don't ever change..." he said closing eyes and yawning.
Roxas was already asleep when Axel finished his sentence. Axel knew it and pulled the blonde up closer to him. letting himself drift off to sleep with his sleeping lover in his arms.
Review!!! Please did you like it? I like it, are there a ton of errors? I don't know, I like to type terribly I guess, Any idea what's gonna happen? Or any suggestions for what should happen..
WARNING!!! N/C in the next chapter I think... I'm not sure yet, but either the next chapter or chapter 5... I keep delaying it, but it's gonna happen.. I haven't decided what's gonna happen with Saix yet, but he's gonna do something, maybe help Roxas.. Maybe help Xemnas.. I don't know.... Okay, well be sure to review!!