Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ What really matters ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


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SIX: What really matters


The rain had diminished and the first rays of light had been able to break through the thick curtain of dark clouds surrounding the group of islands. The streets were silent and abandoned, on some places muddy and slippery, very traitorous for those who were up at this time of the morning.

Minding his footsteps and concentrating on his breathing and tempo, a platinum haired teen ran his daily jogging in the still sleeping streets of the small town. You would always see him out this early in the morning, for it didn't matter what kind of weather it was, he was relentless when it came to having his usual run.

Even though he had told himself to watch out for the muddy puddles of water, he didn't see the next one until he had felt his left foot splashing into to gooey substance. Cursing himself for being so imprudent, he decided that maybe it hadn't been a good idea to go running today after all. His mind really wasn't with it. Stopping his chrono-watch, the blonde let out a deep sigh and then ran a hand through his dampened hair.

I'm still a good twenty minutes from home... I'll get myself something to drink...

He spotted a small grocery store at the end of the street and ran to it. The owner, a friendly old man, was just putting out his fruits and vegetables for the day.

"Ah, Riku! How are you today? I see you've left your itching shoes at home, have you decided to take morning walks instead of runs, son?"

Riku gave the man a small smile and sighed. " No, mister Ishisu. I just... I have a lot of things on my mind lately... Are you open? I would like to have some water."

"Sure, son, come on in." The owner said, turning around and walking back inside of the small shop. "How is Sora by the way? I haven't seen that little boy in years, does he still has that unruly mass of hair?" he chuckled as he took place behind his counter, waiting for Riku to make his choice.

"Oh, Sora... he's fine..." The blonde responded with a fake smile to hide the hurt he felt in his heart and then opening the standing fridge with the drinks. He took out his bottle of water and turned around to pay for it.

"Ah you two boys have been friends for as long as I can remember. It was always Riku Sora, Sora Riku. You two were inseparable, never doing things without the other." Mister Ishisu smiled at him with his old, friendly eyes and nodded, "I'm sure your friendship is strong enough to stand the test of time... it would truly be a shame to see something that beautiful get destroyed by little changes..."

Riku let his head hang... he felt guilty. He had been feeling guilty all morning, explaining why he hadn't been able to keep his mind by running. He knew that the old man was right. Why did I say those things...? Sora had been right, he should have got asked him first before going talking to Cloud...and he also felt like he hadn't kept his promise to the brunette. No, he had lied to him. He had lied when he had told him that nothing would change between them and that he would accept whatever decision he would take...

"I'm such a dork..."

"What was that, my boy? My ear device sometimes bails out on me..."

The blonde's head shot up and he found himself staring into the honey brown eyes of the old man. "Uh… Nothing." He shook his head and reached in the pocket of his jogging pants, taking out some money. He then looked at his watch and read 8.00. "Here."

"Thank you. Send my regards to little Sora and to your parents, alright?"

Riku nodded and turned around to leave, "Okay mister Ishisu. Thank you for the advice."

Mister Ishisu nodded and smiled, "Alright, Riku. This one has gotten too old." He responded, ticking with his right index finger against the ear device in his right ear.

The blonde gave him a weird look and just shook his head, exiting the little shop. He now needed to get at Sora's in time to apologise before they left for the store.

"Hopefully they haven't left yet... I'm so sorry, Sora, please wait for me..."

"I thought Riku was going to be here too. Didn't he say that he would come? Shouldn't we wait for him?"

Kairi and Cloud had been waiting for Riku for about half an hour and Sora's living room had now been cleared of all its furniture and other decorative things.

"I've put all the stuff in boxes. They're in the basement now," Sounded the deep, rich voice of Leon from the living room entry. "If Riku hasn't shown up yet, maybe he'll come later to help out with the painting. But if we want to get the job done, we'll have to leave now."

Sora was sitting at the kitchen table, listening to their conversation. None of them knew what had happened after Cloud and Leon had left last night... The reason why Riku wouldn't come today to help them out. It was his entire fault.... he had lost his best friend and it was his fault. All he wanted to do now was crawl into his bed again and cry the bits of tears he hadn't spilled last night. He didn't even know why he had cried that much, everything seemed to get more complicated by the minute. He knew that what he had said yesterday had been what he had been thinking at that time. And he hadn't meant to hurt him, but it was just that... I'm just not ready yet...

Riku knew that Sora was attracted to him physically. The brunette had told him so himself. But that didn't mean that there had to be romantic feelings attached to them, right? Riku knew this too, so why did he say those things to him last night? Couldn't he tell that the brunette was fucking confused about his whole situation and that he needed to sort things out before taking on other problems? Or did he really overdo it last night when he had screamed not being a homosexual at him?

 I don't even know why I said that... which is stupid, because I had sex with him... Sora you're such an idiot. If only you had thought before speaking, he would have got been here... and this all would have got been so much fun...

"Sora? Sora, we're leaving."


Ocean blue eyes looked up and saw Kairi smiling at the kitchen door, tucking a strand of hair behind her left ear. "Are you okay?"

Running a hand over his eyes, the brunette ran his other hand through his messy hair and then gave her a drowsy smile. "Just a little tired." He whispered.

The redhead approached him and softly smiled again, "Cloud and Leon are waiting in the car... if you want, I can tell them you want to stay. I'll stay with you if you want."

Sora sighed and rested his head in the palm of his right hand. Kairi rubbed a hand over his back soothingly.

"I'll tell them to go without us."

"Kairi, wait."

She swirled around and her shoulder length auburn hair flew around her, "Yes, Sora?

He softly smiled at her, "Do you think they'll mind?"

"Nah," she waved a hand to him, "Any chance they get at being alone, they take it... if you know what I mean..." she rolled her eyes and chuckled, "I'll go tell them."

He watched her bounce out of the kitchen and frowned. Kairi... had she dressed herself in that way on purpose or was it simply in function of handiness? He knew that he was somewhat naïve at times but...

The younger girl had been wearing blue, baggy pants and a white sleeveless top with a knot on her back so her flat, tanned belly was shown. And that Maybe a bra under her top and her panties and shoes at her feet, but other than that... even about the bra he wasn't sure... he didn't see any straps peeking out the broad straps of her top. He knew she dressed like that almost all the time, but that was when she was surrounded by her friends and not when she would be working all day... with nothing but male company... okay two of them were gay, one of them was her own brother, but what about the last one?

I thought she liked Riku... maybe I was wrong? Maybe I'm just imagining things... maybe she did it for Riku... thinking he would be here...

"Are you daydreaming again, you lazy bum?"

Sora scratched the back of his head and smiled at her, "What'd they say?"

"Cloud knew what he needed and Leon was suddenly very eager to leave... do not ask me why."

"I guess it'll be some time before they come back then, huh?"

"Uh huh." She whispered and walked over to the fridge, bending over and opening it. "Do you have some milk?" she asked.

"I think so, it should be in there."

"Ah, found it!" she happily said, "But, there's only the bottom... Can I have it?"

"Feel free to do so." He said and watched her put the bottle against her lips and start drinking. Little white drops escaped her lips and he found himself thinking naughty things as he lowered his gaze and saw her erected nipples. No bra then? He gulped and averted his gaze. I shouldn't be doing this... I don't even think that I want to...

"You sure keep it cold." The redhead whispered after she had finished drinking. "I love milk."

She passed him and threw the empty bottle in the trash can behind him. "Milk is good," was all he found to say. Milk is...good?! Are you retarded?

A soft giggle was heard in the small room and suddenly one pair of arms came from behind him in an embrace. "Sora..."

"Yes?" he whispered, turning his head to see her with her chin on his shoulder.

"I was kind of thinking like...uhm..." she rolled with her eyes as if in thought. But the brunette knew what she was doing, she wanted to ask him something and she was a little embarrassed. Wait a minute... Uh-oh...

Sora waited patiently, knowing what this was about... after all he knew her like the back of his pocket and hadn't he done the same thing when he had asked Riku for his help only yesterday?

"Thinking like what?"He softly whispered. Don't let it be about...

"Thinking like... sex....?" she then whispered in his ear with a soft giggle.

The only difference with him was that she had blown out said the word without stuttering. He felt himself become tomato-red and could only gulp as she started to laugh.

"I knew you picked up my signs." She gleefully whispered, running a finger the long his cheek. "Did you like them?"


"Yes, Sora? Is there something the matter?"

Yes, was there something the matter? He had wanted this, right? So why was he acting so reluctant all of a sudden? Wasn't he the one who had seduced Riku yesterday in having sex with him? Twice? Yes...but that had been with Riku... That doesn't mean that... Shit! Just say something!

"I'm just curious to know... have you ever.... done it?"

Now it was her time to blush.

"Yeah... one time.... remember Riku's birthday party?"

His mouth slightly came to hang open, "You did not..." he whispered..."Don't tell me that... Tidus?"

She shyly nodded and smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" the brunette asked, unbelief written all over his face.

"Did you have to know? It's not like you're my father or something..."

"But Kairi... what if it had turned bad or something? What would..." he whispered, his protective side popping out of it's hidden place.

"But nothing bad did happen, Sora..." she softly whispered, her lips and hot breath teasing the skin of his cheek as she spoke. "I just want to do it again... this time... with you... it's been so long..."

She pressed herself closer to him and he could feel the soft swell of her breasts pressing against his back. One of her hands was gliding sensually down his chest.

"Don't you want it, Sora? Please... I do..."

His eyes were closed now and he could feel his erection growing in his pants at her sweet plead. Now he knew why Riku loved to hear him plead... Riku... I can't do this! I'm attracted to her, but I just... it doesn't feel right...

"So-ora? You there?"

He opened his eyes again and sighed. "Kairi, you sure you want to do this?"

In response she walked around him and sat on the table in front of him, her legs spread wide, "As sure as I know that you want to touch me. I've seen the way you look at me, Sora. I know you want to feel me." She whispered and took one of his hands, guiding it underneath the fabric of her top. "And I know that I want you to touch me... only..."

"What?" he whispered, having a hard time trying to concentrate on her face.

"I don't know if you've ever done it..."

He softly chuckled and thought back about what Riku and he had shared. "I have..."

"When?" she hastily asked, her eyes big with curiosity. "And why didn't you tell me?"

Sora flushed a little and shook his head. "I didn't get the chance to tell you and does it matter anyways? You're not my mother..."

The girl laughed and then cupped the blue-eyed teen's face in her right palm. "Then you're experienced... funny though...I always thought that we were going to be each other's first... and if it was not you..."


She chuckled and shrugged, "I guess... I've always seen the both of you as my guardians... for as long as I can remember you two were always there for me... and then things changed... uhmm..."

There you had it again. She had wanted to say something and was now hesitating.

"I feel the same way, Kairi." He then softly whispered in understanding, "I felt the attraction too."

"Yeah, but I don't know if it's normal to feel attracted to..."


"To two boys at one time...?"

She directed her amethyst eyes at his sapphire ones. Sora slightly frowned and wanted to open his mouth to reply to her when she let herself glide onto his lap and kiss him on his lips. When she leant back a little to look at him, the brunette still hadn't recovered from the surprise. She likes Riku and me....?! Oh boy...

"I'm sorry... but I just can't help myself... I just want it so badly..." she breathed against his lips, and then claiming them again for another searing kiss. He let her lead his lips as he was still a little bedazzled by her sudden confession. I had no idea that she thought about us in that way... what happened to sweet, innocent Kairi?

"Sora... I know you want this...I can feel you through my pants..." she giggled in his ear before nibbling on the lobe. Oh god... but for the moment I'm liking this Kairi... The brunette gasped and suddenly felt his surprise make place for a wave of excitement. But I can't do this!


"Uhmm... Sora…"

She was rubbing herself against him and he was close to grab her by her hips and throw her on the table. Instead, he ran his hand up her back and crept inside of her top. The little redhead shivered a little and arched her back, exposing her throat to him, giving him access.

Running his right hand in between her breasts hesitantly while his other supported her back, he moved up and cupped her face, making her look at him. "What if someone catches us?"

Her eyes opened to reveal deep pools of desire and she bit her lip, "Don't you think that it makes it all the more exciting? Besides... the only person who has any business in this house next to my brother and his boyfriend is Riku... wouldn't you love for him to join us?" she almost moaned the last part as the brunette's arousal was pressing against her thigh.

Sora almost moaned with her at that. God, how I would love that...

He glanced at the clock on the wall and read 8.15. But it looks like he's not going to come... I don't even think that he will, because I had to be such an idiot last night... Oh fuck, where did she learn how to do that?!

Little, nimble fingers had found their way inside of his pants and he suddenly arched up to her, making her smile impishly. "I see you like that..."

"Kairi... K-Kairi… we can't..."

"Shut up and kiss me."

His lips were claimed by the redhead once more and he lost all coherent thought.  

He glanced at his watch and read 8.15. Oh shit, they just have to be gone by now... Fuck!

Sprinting the last block to Sora's house, Riku couldn't care less if he arrived all sweaty and out of breath, he needed to tell Sora how much he was sorry for last night.

He ran up the stairs that led to the house and took a few seconds to even his breathing. While he was doing this, he heard a strange noise. Frowning a little, he tried to look through the windows to see what it was that he was hearing, but saw no one. If there is no one at home then...

Suddenly he heard something fall on the floor at the inside the house and that strange noise again. But now he could identify it as...

"Someone's... moaning....?"

Raising an eyebrow as he decided to check things out, the blonde went around the house and climbed the vine tree underneath Sora's bedroom window. Knowing Sora, he must've got left it open to air his room... bingo!

He smiled as the window swung open to reveal the younger teen's messy room. Riku climbed through and landed softly on the bed, now clearly hearing voices. It's coming from downstairs... Carefully making his way to the door, he made sure he didn't trip over Sora's shoes, underwear or videogames and silently opened it.

"Am I hurting you?"

"N-no... oh S-Sora-ah!"

What the hell...?!

Riku slowly descended the stairs and carefully looked around the corner to check, but didn't see anybody in the hallway. Moving on the tip of his toes and back against the wall, he first checked the living room and found it empty, and then he turned himself against the opposing wall and checked the kitchen.

Talk about hardcore porn!

He saw Kairi on the kitchen table, legs spread wide and Sora... holding her by her hips and pulling her onto him with every thrust he made inside of her. A chair was lying on the floor, totally neglected. They were really going at it.... Well, at least he got what he wants and he's happy... Riku let out a soft sigh as they both moaned, realising that this sight stimulated his lower regions. But what really got him turned on was the way Sora was looking... sweaty and so gorgeous with his face in focus-mode: eyebrows slightly frowned, eyelids narrowed and lower lip caught between his teeth. Add the small drops of sweat rolling down his tanned torso to his abdomen and lower...I got it so bad... He rested the back of his head against the wall and bit his lip, but I can't do anything... If he thinks it's better for him...

"Oh fuck...K-Kairi..."

"Ah! Aahh... mhhmm! Sora!"

Closing his eyes and again letting out a sigh, Riku silently let his head hang and tried with all his might to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Why does everything has to get so fucked up?!

"K-Kairi... you realise that this didn't mean anything, right?"

Wait a minute, say what?

Riku's head shot up and he turned his head to peek. Sora was already putting his pants on while Kairi still lay on the table, rubbing her flat abdomen with a lazy hand. They were both glowing from the sex they had just had.

The little redhead chuckled and sat up, reaching for her panties that had been lying next to her, "Yeah I do... but..." she smiled at him while putting her underwear back on. "Does this mean that it was a one time thing?"

The brunette frowned and gave her a suspicious look, "What do you mean?"

"I mean what I mean, Sora. I would like to do it again... you know... without that it has to mean anything... and I was kind of hoping that..."

"That what...?" Sora asked still giving her that look. This is kind of getting interesting...

"I don't know... that maybe next time... we'd have more company?" She giggled at him and jumped off the table, bent over to retrieve her pants from the floor and without knowing it, giving Riku an admirable sight.

Who is this girl and what has she done with the Kairi I know?

Both boys were thinking the same thing at the same time, but only Riku didn't know what she exactly had meant with the extra company... His mouth was now slightly hanging open in astonishment and he gulped.

Sora just watched her put her pants back on with one eyebrow raised. Would he like that...?

"Maybe you could ask him about it, Sora."

"Why me? It's your idea!"

She put her hands on her hips, "I know, but you two are much closer... please? It's going to be so much fun!" she whispered, walking towards him and putting her arms around him, "and I would like to know how it feels like, you know? Please? It's not like I could ask anyone else?"

This is a very interesting turn of events... must say that it has gotten me curious...smiling to himself, Riku made his way back up the stairs and into Sora's room. In there he took a piece of paper that was lying on his desk and a pen. And maybe things aren't looking that bad after all...  
Meet me at the secret place around 10PM; I need to tell you something. Riku

The brunette looked at his watch and read 9.30PM.

It had been and exhausting day, but they had done it. They had painted the room and it was great! It needed to dry a little bit longer on some places, but it really looked amazing. Cloud had been right about the colours and the furniture, and Riku had been right about the couch. All of them were disappointed when the blonde had called them to say that he couldn't come over to help. Sora had felt a sting of pain in his heart as he had heard how cold the elder teen's voice had sounded over the phone and had tried to keep a smile on his face.

After they had bought the couch and brought it home, he had gone up to his room and found the note on his desk. He hadn't been able to hide the big smile that had been plastered on his face after reading it, even though it didn't say much. The brunette had just been happy to know that the elder had wanted to see him and talk. Maybe everything was going to work itself out...

When he came back down, he saw that the crew had installed the couch in the room. Kairi had smiled triumphantly at him and he had smiled back. He had found out something else today, next to Kairi's secret fantasies. Namely, that after what they had done, he hadn't felt anything more than... friendship for his friend. But he knew deep down that he had known this all along...

He was now sitting on his bed with the note in his hands. He glanced at his watch again and saw that it was 9.40PM. Everyone had left and the house felt strangely empty. "I need to tell him how sorry I am... and how stupid..." he sighed and bit his lip. I had made up in my mind that I liked Kairi, but... I realise now that it was all just a front... I never fell in love with her... I'm just afraid of what Riku is feeling for me...I don't think I can handle it... He then stood up and put on a light jacket, even though it had been hot all day and the night announced itself to be pretty the same.

"I just hope that he understands why I reacted that way..."

To be honest, he still didn't think that he felt the same way as his friend, but he could tell for himself that his sexual preference had changed... he had found out that he liked both sexes and he really didn't know how to handle that either...

Stepping out in the clear night, he looked at the sky and took a deep breath. How the hell I'm I supposed to tell him this? If I tell him that I don't feel anything for Kairi... he's going to expect that I do for him... How do I fix this shit?!

Running to the docks were his little boat was waiting, he quickly took place in it and started to row towards the smaller island. After five minutes he reached it and tied up his boat to the dock. Stepping into the cold water, he felt his heart growing with anticipation and nervousness. How am I going to tell him?

Walking almost reluctantly towards the hidden cavern, the teen deeply sighed and entered it. He was greeted by a small beam of light on the sandy floor and followed it until he came inside the actual cavern.

There, resting against a small rock, sat Riku, his eyes emitting a strange glow due to the fire he had made in the middle of the room. He raised his hand to look at his watch and a small smirk started to tug at the corners of his mouth.

"Early. How strange of you."

The way he had just said that slightly confused the brunette, who had expected his friend to sound a little more... angry, annoyed, disappointed?

"I just couldn't stop thinking about last night...Riku, I'm..."

The blonde raised a hand and immediately hushed him. He stood up and walked over to him. Sora couldn't move his body even if he had wanted to because as a soft hand came to caress his left cheek, he followed the touch with his head, eyes closed. Did this mean that everything was alright?


"Shh... don't say anything. Just follow me."

Riku took Sora's hand in his and led him outside the cave. "I've found a new place. I know you're going to like it."

A little confused, but willing to trust his friend, Sora let himself be led to the other side of the island, where the three of them had used to share their dreams about travelling and seeing other countries. As the blonde opened the door of the sea-side shack, still holding the younger one's hand, he made him stop. "Do you mind getting a little wet?"

The look Sora gave him made him smile warmly and he squeezed his hand softly. "Don't worry, I brought towels."

"Where are you leading me to, Riku?" Sora finally asked; a little worried about what the silver haired teen had planned for him.

"You'll see."

They walked over the platform and into the water, under the wooden bridge towards the small waterfall. "Do you remember those purple stones we used to collect?"

"The ones Kairi used to make necklaces with when we were little kids?"



"We always used to find them here, near this waterfall and we never questioned how they came here."

"I always thought that they came from the sea."

"Well, I found out that they don't. There is an underwater cave here and that's where they're from. And that's what I would like to show you."

Sora frowned, "H-how are we supposed to get there?"

"We dive under the waterfall."


"Don't worry; I brought everything we need with me."

Sora looked around, "Where?"

"Well, at the other side, stupid! Come on, we need to get out of our clothes."

Sora reluctantly followed the blonde to the other platform and started to strip to his boxers. He only agreed with this because he was curious of what Riku had to show him and of course because he would never show to him that he was a chicken.

After he had removed his clothes, Riku stepped back into the water and ran a hand through his hair, the moonlight giving the contours of his body a heavenly glow. Sora could only gape in awe... He is so beautiful... and his body just makes me want to... I swear he's doing this on purpose... but I still don't understand why he's being so nice to me all of a sudden...

"Ok, stop staring at me and let's go." The blonde chuckled as he turned his head to him.

I don't know what made him change his mind all of a sudden... but I really don't mind... Sora followed his friend back to the waterfall. "So now we dive?"

"Yeah, it's really not that far. You have to swim about 5 meters under water and then you will be able to swim to the surface. I expect you to be able to do this."


"Don't 'hey'-me, first show me that you can do it. I'll see you at the other side." And with that he jumped into the waterfall and disappeared from sight, leaving Sora with a small pout on his face.

"Stupid Riku, always thinking he's so much better than me..."

"Sora!You're still over there?!"

"I'm coming already!" He yelled, annoyed. He then took a deep breath and jumped into the deep waters. Opening his eyes again, he immediately saw a light on the surface, about five meters ahead of him. He quickly swam to it and broke through the surface in a matter of seconds.

"Took you long enough."

Sora first wiped the water from his face and opened his eyes to see where his friend was standing, when he saw the beauty of the small cave they were in.

"Oh my god..."

It was as if he had landed in a dream... He now could see where the purple stones indeed came from. The entire cavity was made out of them. The stone walls were emitting a soft purple glow, illuminating the whole cave, making it look wonderful.

"When did you find this?" the younger one asked as he stepped onto the small shoreline, his eyes never leaving the many colours that were reflected onto the walls. "It's beautiful..."

"This morning... but that's not exactly why I wanted you to come here. I called you here to talk, Sora. About us." Riku whispered, rubbing himself dry with a towel. He handed Sora another one and they both sat on the soft sand. "I know what you did today, Sora... with Kairi... and I'm not talking about getting your living room painted." He immediately spoke once they were both dry. He heard him gasp and softly smiled, closing his eyes. He waited, listening to the sound of the waterfall in the distance, giving Sora the chance to defend himself.

"I needed to find out what I was feeling for her and..."

"That's a lie, Sora. And you know it."

Sora gasped again and wanted to reply, but couldn't find anything to say. Instead, he let his head hang.

Riku smiled again, "I realised it after you yelled at me last night."

The brunette slightly cringed when he heard him say 'yelling' and couldn't help but feel extremely guilty and sorry. "B-but Riku..."

"Shh... let me finish." He whispered, raising a finger and looking at the pool of water in front of them. "I'm not mad... I understand, but I can't say that it didn't hurt, Sora." He turned his head towards the brunette, who had his eyes to the floor and a remorseful look on his face. Riku brushed a strand of his friend's hair behind his ear, making him look at him.

"I'm so sorry, Riku... I hadn't been thinking... I didn't mean to hurt you, but I'm just afraid..."

"I know you are... and I'm sorry for not having been more understanding and for not having kept my promise towards you. I want to stay your friend or whatever you want me to be, Sora... I don't want us to end our relationship just because of little changes. I want us to be friends forever, no matter what."

Sora could feel his heart swell at these words and as he saw Riku tenderly smile at him he could feel a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. "No matter what?" He reached his right hand to his friend's pale cheek, softly caressing.

"No matter what... even if that means giving Kairi what she wants so badly..."

"Oh my god, you heard that too?"

Riku nodded, "She really surprised me... but in a good way, I guess... really didn't expect that one..."

"So you're in?"

"Yeah... especially if you're going to look that hot again... I was really this close to join you guys..."

Blue eyes glowed with masked pride and he grinned, "You know if we found a fourth person, we would be able to copy that scene from the porn movie..."

"Two days ago that would definitely have got surprised me hearing this from you, but now... it just turns me on..."

Sora's chuckle abruptly turned into a soft yelp as Riku threw himself at him, pinning him to the floor. "Riku... wait..."

"Hmm... No... I don't want to..." the blonde murmured, spilling his kisses all over the brunette's chest and throat. "I've had to see you fuck Kairi today... do you know what effect that had on me?"

"I... I can imagine... I really can, but baby..." Sora whispered, trying to free his hands from the blonde's grasp. "We really can't do this now..."

"Oh come on, Sora... why not? You're not being fair..." Riku whispered back, softly biting in the brunette's neck and eliciting a small moan from him.

Sora bit his lip as he felt the elder's erection poke against his thigh. "If I am, then it can only be your fault."

"My fault?!"

"Remember yesterday and your 'I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk straight for a week' and the 'You should know by now that I never bluff, baby'? Well, I found that out this morning..."

Riku groaned and got off of him. "Damn, I completely forgot... but what if I used extra lubrication?"

Sora laughed and turned himself on his side, his behind directed to his lover. "If you want this again baby," He whispered, sensually caressing on but cheek, "You'll have to take extra care of it in the future and be patient."

"What am I supposed to do in the mean time?" the blonde smirked, reaching out to touch him.

The brunette shrugged as if he really couldn't give a damn and then batted his hand away, "I don't know, jerk off?"

Riku then smiled, "Or you could..."

"I really love this cave... we should make it our new hang out spot..."


"Yes, Riku my love?"

The blonde made signals with his hands towards his obvious arousal.

"Oh, okay."

"Thank you." The blonde breathed out in relief. He arched his neck as the brunette lowered his head in his lap and took out his member then kissed the tip.

"There. That should be enough."

"Uhm... what?!"

Sora blinked a few times and smiled, "What did you expect? I'm beaten. After a whole day of working, you actually think I'd be up for this?" he yawned, "I got to go home, Riku. I'm really tired. Thanks for showing me the cave and for the talk." He then kissed the baffled blonde on his lips leisurely and then gave him a peck on the tip of his nose. "Love you. I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that he stood up and hastily dived into the water, leaving poor Riku on his own.

"He did not just go like that! Fuck!" he groaned, biting his lips. "Wait, did he say that he loved me...?"

"I'm so glad we talked things out, Riku! Good night, baby. Think about me!"

Oh, he would be thinking about him alright…

I'll be thinking of a way to make your sweet ass savour the pain and pleasure I'll give it... don't you even think about running away from me... Oh fuck, but first I need to ease the aching and fast... stupid smartass…  

Running back to his boat with his heart beating in his chest like crazy, Sora came to a halt at the small dock.

Did I really say it? Did he notice?

"I can't believe it... I really did...!"

He had fallen in love with his best friend... and that frightened him even more than anything.  

To be continued... -Blackdiamond Princess-