Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ Anywhere, anyway, anytime ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


EIGHT: Anywhere, anyway, anytime


What had started as a wonderful morning soon turned itself into a morning from hell.


“What took you so long?!”


He was greeted with a slap around his head and a push as he opened the door. “Sorry grandma… I forgot that you were coming today.” Sora softly whispered rubbing the back of his head.

“Well that is a comforting thought. My own grandson forgot about me!” She walked in further and went into the kitchen. “You know very well that I have sugar! Every time I have to walk all the way over here I have to eat something as soon as I arrive!”

Sora rolled his eyes and sighed inaudibly. Yeah right, it’s just an excuse for you to come over and empty our fridge…he then followed her into the kitchen.

“Did your mother leave you a note for me, Sora?” she asked as he entered, “I can’t believe that they preferred to leave you on your own in this house in stead of letting you stay with me.”

“No grandma.” He said, watching her take out all the Tupperware boxes his mum had put in the freezer, “Umm… those are my dinners for the week.”

She opened one of the boxes, “Well, there is plenty enough for me to have some of it.” She looked over at him, “It’s not like you’re going to eat them all on your own, right? You were never much of a big eater. Look how skinny you are.”

The brunette raised an eyebrow in irritation and turned himself around, “Riku is here too, grandma.” He said trying to change the subject and wondering why Riku had still not come downstairs.

“Oh he is? Where is he? I haven’t seen that boy in ages! Does he still have those beautiful eyes of his?” she squealed as she closed the microwave and pushed in the buttons to get it started. “I bet he has grown into a fine young man and that the girls are just throwing themselves at him…” she laughed and put her hands on her hips and turned herself around to look at her grandson. “Do you have a girlfriend, Sora?” she asked, sitting herself down at the kitchen table, “Oh I remember how you used to tell me about that girl you liked so much… what was her name again…”

“Eh… yeah…” the brunette said, not liking the subject of her monologue, “I think that Riku is in the shower, I’m going to see what is taking him so long.” He quickly walked out of the small room and up the stairs, cursing the fact that his parents always sent grandmother over to check up on him. Was he the only one to see that she was starting to get a little demented?

He opened the door of his room and walked over to his bathroom. “Riku, you in there?”

His ears only received the sound of running water and no answer from the blonde himself. Sora sighed and opened the door carefully. “Riku?” he whispered as he got greeted by a cloud of steam. He entered and looked around him, “Last time I checked this was a bathroom and not a sauna. What the hell are you doing?”

A pair of arms went around him and he stiffened.

“My grandma is downstairs in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, so?”

“She wants to see you.”

“And I want to see you…” One of the hands caressing his chest rode lower and disappeared in his shorts and began to make slow circling motions on his groin.

“Take your clothes off. You need a shower.” He whispered in a low tone next to his ear and dropping a soft kiss on the exposed skin of Sora’s throat.

“We can’t…” Sora moaned, letting his head fall on his friend’s shoulder. “She’s… she’s downstairs…” he argued, but moved his hips to the exquisite motions on his hardening member. “I hate you for this…” he then hissed before turning his head to meet Riku’s lips with his own.

“Then you’re going to hate me more…” He slowly grabbed Sora’s shaft in his palm and started to stroke him while grinding his own naked arousal against the younger teen’s still clothed buttocks.

“Do you want me?”

Sora nodded, trying his best to not scream it out and then feeling his shorts sliding down his legs. “But we… really…” he stepped out of his short, “…really can’t…Oh! Mmmh!”

Two fingers were caressing his entrance, slowly coaxing him to relax, “Don’t you want it?” Riku whispered, now in a sultry tone then nibbling on his lover’s shoulder. He inserted one finger. A small whimper came to him as answer and he added a second finger, licking his lips as he saw the small beads of sweat rolling down Sora’s tanned temple.

“Oww…” Sora breathed, moving his body to the motions of both of Riku’s hands.

“Then why fight it…?” The blonde huskily said, removing his fingers and pressing his rock hard shaft closer to Sora’s entrance. “Make it sexy, babe…”

“Oh…” the brunette moaned before his lips were captured into a searing lip/tongue-lock.

Riku smiled into the kiss as he felt his lover push back against him desperately, searching for his inner fill and mewling his name without control. “You’ll always make me want you… Just the thought of you makes me rock hard…” he hissed next to Sora’s ear as he teased him by running his tip in circles around his puckered entrance and increasing his strokes on the younger teen’s now throbbing member. “If I could, I’d fuck you all day, all the time, in all possible positions. Over…”

Sora was sobbing his name by now, feeling light headed due to the accumulation of unfulfilled want. “Uh… Riku…P-please…”

Riku chuckled and rubbed himself harder against him, “And over…”

Sora bit his lip and closed his eyes tightly as he felt his large tip entering him. He was so close already and he knew that he wouldn’t last out for long…

“Again…” Riku fully seated himself inside of his lover with a quick and hard thrust, earning him a scream from Sora’s part.

“Oh fuck!” Sora then whimpered, bending over and holding on to the sink in front of him while he felt Riku hit his pleasure spot over and over with his fast thrusts. “Oh God…oh… God…! Ah… hah…!”

“I know you like it when I do you like that…” Riku whispered, continuing to stroke Sora’s shaft rapidly and in time with his own thrusts. He bent over and kissed his spine, “So tight… so beautiful…”

Moaning with each stroke, loving the way he could satisfy his every desire and the way he could make him scream his name over and over, Sora moved a hand in between them to touch the place were they joined and slightly stroked Riku’s shaft with each thrust. “Harder… oh please… I’m going to…” he then breathed, resting his head on his one free arm on the edge of the sink, “Fuck me… just… fuck me… ah!”

Grabbing both of Sora’s hips now, Riku smirked as he violently pushed himself in and heard a pained moan coming from him. He knew that Sora was seconds away from his orgasm. “Like this, babe?”


A satisfied grin appeared on the elder’s face as he smelled the evidence of ejaculation in the small room. “Now will you agree to take that shower?” he whispered as he withdrew himself from Sora and grabbed him by his waist before he would collapse on the bathroom floor.

“I can’t believe we did this with my grandmother downstairs in the kitchen…” Sora whispered in Riku’s embrace. “You’re of a bad influence on me, you know that?”

Riku chuckled and looked down at him, “Trust me, you still got a lot to learn.”

“You think she heard us?” Sora then whispered pushing himself away from him, taking off his shirt and stepping into the shower where the water was still running.

“You mean if she heard you?” Riku chuckled, following him into the shower. “Why, now you’re worried?”

“I was worried before too!” the brunette protested as the elder teen tried to put his arms around him again. “You know very well how I feel about people knowing!”

“Hey, hey…” Riku held his arms up, “I know, but I wasn’t the one screaming just a while ago for more!” he said with an evil smirk.

Sora just looked at him for a moment and then stepped out of the shower. “Then I’ll wait for you to finish your shower before I take mine.” He said with a sarcastic smile.

“Oh no, you’re not!” Riku protested, reaching for Sora’s arm. “You do know that if you leave now, I’ll just come after you again and this time make sure that you don’t walk straight for a whole month!” He pulled the giggling brunette into the shower with him and closed the glass door. “Show me how that talented mouth of yours works on me.” He whispered, watching Sora lower himself slowly, their eyes locked together. “I promise I’ll make the minimum of noise.”  

“Well there you are! You sure did take a long time!”


Sora gave Riku a quick glare as they both entered the kitchen. No wonder… mister here can’t take his hands off of me… He smiled at the thought. It was an agreeable thought actually. Everything about being with Riku made him feel wanted and loved. He wanted their relationship to last for ever.


“Hey Mrs. Nagakawa! How are you?” He heard Riku say to his grandmother and sitting himself at the set kitchen table as she came to him with a plate full of toasts.

“Oh my, my, my! Riku!” She squealed, putting the plate in front of him and embracing him. She then stood up straight and put her hands on her hips again. “You look so handsome, dear boy! I hope you don’t break ladies’ hearts with those good looks of you! My, my, my…”

Riku laughed amenably and took a toast, “If I do, then it is only because my heart is already taken.” He said, not looking up from his toast.

Sora felt his pulse go faster in his chest and he knew he was starting to blush. As he reached for two mugs in the cupboard left from him, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Really?” she said and Sora could hear that she was slightly disappointed, “Do I know the lucky girl?”

Riku just chuckled, “The girl I like is standing right in front of me, serving me the best looking eggs I’ve seen a while.”

Sora’s grandmother smiled warmly and swatted Riku’s arm, “Such a seducer, at your age!” She turned herself to Sora, “If you don’t watch out, he’s going to snatch all the girls away from you!” She giggled and turned herself around again to look at the pieces of bacon frying in the pan.

Sora sat himself at the table and placed Riku’s cup next to his plate, “I don’t think I have to worry about that.” He whispered, glancing briefly at his lover. The top of their fingers touched as Riku took hold of his mug. Because he’s mine. All mine…

“I love you.” Riku mouthed towards him and smiled. Sora grinned and took his own toast as his grandmother placed the bacon on the table.

“I forgot to ask you earlier, Sora.” She then spoke after she had seated herself at the table, “Did your mother say anything to you about your upcoming birthday? Did she leave money or anything of that sort?”

The brunette raised an eyebrow and did as if he was thinking, “No… no I don’t think she mentioned anything of that sort. But…” He paused and he looked at Riku, who squinted from above his cup of tea. “A few of my friend were planning on throwing a pre-birthday party for me. Tomorrow. Mum said it was okay when I asked her over the phone.” He quickly said, hoping she would buy it. He didn’t dare looking at Riku, just in case he had blown their plans for the week.

"A party?"Mrs. Nagakawa echoed, frowning. "Where will it be held at?"

Ding-ding-ding; the million dollar question!

Sora could feel himself blush furiously; ""

"Here." Riku simply said, putting down his mug. "Sora's parents already know who's been invited. And they are okay with it. As long as we keep it in the backyard."

The frown on the elder lady's face didn't dissipate itself as she asked, "How many people are going to be here?"

"Oh not that many, just a small group of friends. Twenty at most." Riku spoke, looking at Sora for confirmation, "Right?"

"Eh, yeah. Twenty. Maybe even lesser than that." The brunette quickly answered, avoiding his grandmother's gaze.

"Well, when will it start?" she then asked.

"Around eight." The elder teen answered, taking a bite of his toast. "Don't worry, Mrs. Nagakawa, we won't be loud. You don't have to interrogate us like this. Don't you trust us? We're responsible enough."

"Mum and dad wouldn't have got left me on my own if they didn't trust me?" Sora agreed, looking at his grandma with an earnest expression.

"I'm not so sure about that." She said, giving him a suspicious look.

Sora made a shocked sound, "Why can't you trust me, grandma?"

"Because I know what kind of things boys your age do when there's no one around to supervise them." She answered, folding her arms over her chest and giving Sora a warning gaze.

The brunette wanted to answer her back, but got cut off by Riku.

"Mrs. Nagakawa, we won't be unsupervised because Kairi's brother, Cloud, will be looking after us. You know him, Mrs. And Mr. Masaki's son? He's been coming every day of this week now, just to check up on Sora."

The aged woman seemed to be thinking about it briefly, "Really? He's a respectable young man." She whispered, "Well in that case, I see no problem."

Sora smiled brightly, "Thank you gran!"

"It's alright. You seem to be in good hands." She said, smiling at him, "While you were upstairs, I took a look around the house and I could see that it was clean. And since when did your parents change their living room interior?"

Sora could feel himself grow red again, "Uhm... not so long before they… uh, left?"

"Ah. Well, could you ask them to give me the number of their architect? I need some renovations in my house too."

Riku started to laugh softly and Sora managed to suppress a huge grin, "Well it's Cloud who did it actually, I have his number around here somewhere." He said, standing up and walking towards the living room.

"He's an architect? I never knew that." Mrs. Nagakawa than said towards Riku, "He seems to be a fine young man."

"Yes he really is." Riku answered, giving her a smile while in fact he almost couldn't keep the laughter inside of him due to the irony of it all.

Just as Sora came back from the living room, the door bell ringed for the second time that morning.

"Hey Sora!"

A pair of wet lips landed on his and lingered for a moment.

"H-hey Kairi." He finally managed to reply as she let go of him. "What are you doing here?"

The little redhead stepped inside as he closed the door behind her and giggled, "I thought that we could go do some shopping for tomorrow’s party. Whaddaya say?"

"I don't know, my grandmother is here so..." Sora hesitantly started to explain. As she turned herself with her back to him, he quickly wiped off the remains of her kiss on his lips with the back of his right hand.


"Hi redhead."

Kairi smiled warmly at the blonde sitting at the far end of the kitchen table, right from an elder woman.

"You must be Kairi, right?" she asked, squinting her eyes slightly.

"Eh, yes." The girl answered, smiling timidly.

"Preparing for the big party of tomorrow?" Mrs. Nagakawa asked, still looking at her attentively.

"Yeah." Feeling slightly uneasy standing there, Kairi decided to take a seat at the table, "Um, I came to see if Sora wanted to go do some shopping with my brother..."

"Ah, the architect?" the elder woman greedily said, smiling.

"Yeah..."Kairi slid her eyes towards Riku and found him holding in a grin."You know him?"

"Not yet." She answered in a tone that left one doubting and still looking at her.

Kairi stared at her a little freaked out while Riku kept biting his lips to prevent himself from laughing.  

"Your grandma is creepy, Sora."


Kairi was sitting on Sora's bed and was looking around while she and Riku waited for the brunette to emerge from the bathroom. The blonde was leaning against the wall opposite to the bathroom door and had his eyes focused on the redhead.


"I know, I think she's starting to get a little demented. Thank god she went back home. But on the other hand, she's going to be your brother's next employer." Sora's voice sounded from his bathroom.

"She still is creepy." She answered back, shivering at the thought of her encounter with the old lady.

Riku smiled, "Hey Sora, how much longer do you need to fix that hair of yours? You know that it has no use anyways."

"Just go wait downstairs then, I'll be down in a minute." The brunette answered back.

"You still got time, Sora. Cloud said he'd be here at twelve and it's just 11.20." Kairi spoke, getting off the bed and walking to the door. "Just make sure you're ready in time."

"Move it, slowpoke!" Riku said, before following Kairi out of the room.


"Come with me, I want to show you something." The elder teen said as soon as he had closed the door to Sora's room.

"What?" Kairi asked, intrigued by the blonde as he took her hand and led her down the hall.

"Just follow me." Riku said, leading her into the room of Sora's parents. "I think you'll find this very interesting."

Kairi just frowned and followed him inside the room. She sat down on the king-size bed in front of the TV-set and watched Riku picking out a videotape from their movies collection.

"What, we're going to watch a movie?" she mockingly said as he inserted the tape into the player and pushed the forward button.

"Just to get you in the mood." Riku whispered as he sat next to her with the remote in his right hand, "Also you'll find it to be very educational."

He pushed the 'play' button and laid the remote next to him on the bed.


"Oh god... harder... yeah!Oh... oh... god!"

"Suck it bitch... take it all in... oh yeah..."

"She's got a tight ass, man... ah... great ass..."


"Just tell me when you want me to stop." Riku whispered, turning his head towards hers and watching her intently.

"Sora... Sora told you about...?" she whispered with difficulty as she tore here eyes away from the gangbang scene in front of them.

"Yeah, he did." He whispered very quietly, watching her lips as they parted so she could receive the suddenly lacking air.

"Do you...?" she asked, having difficulty to keep her eyes open. His presence, their closeness and the noises around them were all so intoxicating...

"I'll fuck you, if that's what you want." Riku bluntly said, making her open her amethyst eyes. "Not only because you so desperately want me to, but because I want to see you beg on your hands and knees like the little slut you are." He slid his right hand up her bare throat and into her hair, pulling her close and kissing her on her full lips. He let his tongue play with hers in an erotic dance for a brief moment, just enough to make her crave for more.

"Uhm..." she moaned as he released her. She was badly aroused now and needed further contact between them. "Riku..."

Riku smirked, "Good." And he stood up, walked to the TV-set, stopped the tape and put it back in place. "Make sure you don't wear panties tomorrow... you'll only end up making them wet like the ones you're wearing now." He said, still smirking and then exiting the room.


Kairi sat there still panting for a moment before she let herself fall back on the bed, biting her lip to prevent herself from crying out in frustration.


She now longed for tomorrow more than anything.  


To be continued… -Blackdiamond Princess-